Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 72 This is a necessary sacrifice

The attack power is 3300 points, does that mean I have to receive 3300 points of combat damage? Tragodia looked at the attacking [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] and said unwillingly, I won't be that easy. I’ll be defeated by you!”

Open the cover card, trap card [Explosion Armor]! This card can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, destroying the attacking monster!

Tragodia said proudly after pressing the button to activate Gakka, but found that the people in Amalda who were watching the duel showed a bored expression after seeing [Explosive Armor]. .

Amaluda: It actually exploded the armor?

Keihei: I'm kidding, could this card also kill people?

Kaiba: It's over.

Although it sounds like superstition, just like a duelist has a high probability of performing a magic draw when he is at the end of the rope is common sense, [Explosive Armor] will either be ineffective or destroyed, and it will not be effective anyway is also common sense. The curse that is commonly known among readers.

Tragodia also knew this common sense when he controlled the Pegasus during its night walk, but it didn't believe in that kind of thing at all. If it really believed in things like curse and fate, it must have been three thousand years ago. He would not have attempted to rebel against God's agent, Pharaoh, for the destruction of his village.

A ray of light flew out from the opened cover card and fell on the [Lava Burner] who had been deprived of all its power by [The Desire Poison Fusion Dragon], turning into a layer of solid armor and equipping it, and then [The Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] ] The attack that was more powerful than the breath of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] fell.

The armor on [Lava Burner] is like the reactive armor equipped on a tank to deal with anti-tank weapons. It directly detonates itself in response to the breath of [Virginous Poison Fusion Dragon], destroying the [Vicious Poison Fusion Dragon]'s In addition to counteracting the breath, Kaiba and others were surprised to see the [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] in the air, killing her on the spot!

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Ameruda looked like his faith had collapsed, [Explosive Armor] actually succeeded in destroying the monster!?

I must be dreaming, huh. Keppei also said with some surprise, The dangerous-looking monster that Hayato-nii recently summoned doesn't have any damage resistance or anything like that?

Although Kaiba didn't say anything, he looked at Hayato with doubts in his eyes.

Seeing the expression of surprise and astonishment that also appeared on Hayato's face, Tragodia enjoyed his shocked expression and said proudly: Hmm, hahahaha, everything has been like this since just now. I really want to see this look of being under your control, this look of astonishment that the situation is out of your control!

The [Venomous Fusion Dragon] you want to use as the decisive trump card has been destroyed, and then your only remaining [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] will also be destroyed in the next round. The next one is It’s you, Hayato Kobayashi!”

But after hearing Tragodia's words, Hayato scratched his head strangely: Why do you think it sounds like victory has been locked in? I'm just a little surprised that you would actually think of destroying [Desire Poison Fusion] Dragon], this is just a different way of death.

No, it would be better to say that we have entered a deeper hell. Hayato said, raising his hand and snapping his fingers, [The Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] is the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] in order to be stronger. As a posture that evolves based on its destructive power, there is no need to possess destructive resistance.”

But that doesn't mean that destroying [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] with combat or effects is a good choice. The moment [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] is destroyed by [Explosion Armor], its hidden effect will be activated. !”

Hidden effect? Tragodia was feeling proud when he heard Hayato say this and looked at the [Glorious Poison Fusion Dragon] that it thought had been killed and sent to the cemetery. I saw that at the position where the poisonous dragon was hit by [Explosive Armor], half of the body of the [Vigor Poison Fusion Dragon] was missing. It seemed that the power that filled the body was completely violent due to the serious injury and imbalance of body control. The remaining half of the body expanded.

The out-of-control magic power had nowhere to vent, and it flowed into the jade that stored magic power on the body of [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon]. The scarlet jade glowed with light, and along with Hayato's voice, cracks appeared on those ruby ​​jade.

Activated when [Gross Poison Fusion Dragon] is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, all monsters on both sides of the field will be destroyed, whether it is your [Lava Burner], [Dark Demon Lord-Diabolos], or mine [ Predatory Plant - Nepenthes Pterosaur]. Pointing to the monsters on Tragodia's field, Hayato waved his hand, Art is explosion! Let the world feel the pain, [Sexy Venom Fusion Dragon]!

Code name: 2887!

After receiving Hayato's instructions, the [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon], who took his last breath, completely released his power. All the gems in his body were shattered, and the magic power and poison contained in them turned into heavy rain and stings that filled the entire space. Wear through all the monsters on both sides of the field!

S-It actually has this effect! Even if you send cards like [Psychic Ectoplasm] to the graveyard, it still allows you to successfully self-destruct the monster! Watching the explosion sweep away all the monsters on both sides of the field. , the two monsters on his field were also pierced by the spikes made of poison shot by [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon], Tragodia said gloomily,

But, so what, even if all my monsters are destroyed, you won't have any monsters to use anymore, and next round [Supreme Sun] will destroy your remaining 3,000 points like a candle in the wind. The basic points will be cleared in one go!”

Hayato heard Tragodia's words and applauded: It's so scary. If [Supreme Sun] punched me, I might be killed, but it's a pity that I didn't allow that monster to attack me. I cause harm, and I only accept to be harmed by my own monster.”

The effect of [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] doesn't end here. Haven't you noticed anything wrong with the monsters on your field?

Hearing Hayato's words, Tragodia also subconsciously looked at the monsters on his field, and found that they were destroyed by the effect of [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] and were not sent to the graveyard, but still stayed there. On his own field, his scarlet eyes glared at him fiercely.

The monsters destroyed by [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] will inflict damage equal to their original attack power to the controllers of those monsters. The more monsters on the field, the stronger and more dangerous they become. I have attack power on the field. There is a 600-point [Pitcher Plant Pterosaur], so I will also suffer 600 points of damage.

Hayato looked at Tragodia with evil intentions, But compared to you, it's only a mere 600 points of damage.

Then [Lava Burner] and [Dark Lord Diavolos], for the sake of your respective masters, vent your anger on this ugly monster! This is a necessary sacrifice!

With another snap of his fingers, the three monsters affected by the [Desire Poison Fusion Dragon] detonated at the same time under Hayato's command!

Boom! Boom! Boom!


In the violent explosion, Tragodia's body was completely blown away. After all, the attack power of [Dark Demon Lord Diablos] is 3000 points, and the original attack power of [Lava Burner] is The total attack power of the two monsters is 2100 points, and the total attack power of the two monsters is as high as 5100 points. It is already the final blow to reach the realm of God!

[Tragodia: 1500LP→0]

Under this effect damage of up to 5100 points, Tragodia was defeated!

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