Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 69: You plotted against me, Hayato Kobayashi!


[Lava Judgment King] received Tianma Yexing's order and opened his arms, with flames burning and beating on his hands. One hand reaches back, and soft flames are released as support, while the other hand of [Lava Judgment King] is aimed at [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops], releasing a large number of strong flames to attack, like a volcano erupting generally!

Seeing that [Lava Judgment King] really attacked, Hayato said in panic: If [Lava Judgment King] attacks, victory will indeed be closer.

But, it’s towards me!

Huh? Tenma Yakou was stunned when he heard this. He didn't understand what Hayato meant, but saw that the panic on Hayato's face was fading away, and instead he showed a planned expression.

You thought you were standing on the fifth floor, but unfortunately I was standing on the atmosphere. How can you be sure that what you saw was real, Pegasus Night Walk? Hayato was talking about this duel on the surface, but there was something else. Pointed, but did not point out directly, On the contrary, I just want you to attack, which makes you think that I don't want you to attack!

Send [Summoner-Aleister] from my hand to the graveyard, and target a fusion monster on my field - [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceros] to activate the effect! Move the Aleister in my hand. Coming and going to the graveyard, Hayato waved his hand and said, The attack power and defense power of [Predatory Plant - Rhinoceros] will increase by 1000 points until the end of the round. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's round!

Nani!? The monster effect activated in the hand?! Seeing the [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceros] that was activated with the effect of [Summoner-Aleister] and covered with a layer of blue light, Pegasus Ye Xing looked shocked.

You plotted against me, Hayato Kobayashi!

Just increasing the attack power will not trigger the battle rewind. Don't run away, face the jeep...I mean [Rhinoceros], come here! Hayato looked at [Lava Judgment King] who had already attacked [Rhinoceros] , ordered [Rhinoceratops], Nano hormones have been injected, you have been strengthened, come on!

[Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] [atk2700→3700]

【Lava Judgment King】【atk2700】

[Tianma Night Walk: 2000lp]

Facing the flames that could have ignited the plants, [Rhinoceratops] opened its mouth and roared without fear, opened its purple wings, and released a storm that seemed to come from another dimension. Behind him, the transparent [Summoner-Aleister], who looked like a floating figure, weakly swung his staff and muttered a spell perfunctorily: Go away, go away, go away...

With the blessing of magic power provided by it, the seemingly powerful flames of [Lava Judgment King] were suppressed by the strong wind, but instead surged back to engulf [Lava Judgment King].

And seeing his monster being swallowed up by the flames, Pegasus' eyes were about to burst.

Obviously just now, I described Hayato Kobayashi's basic points as candles in the wind. After all, if [Predator Plant-Rhinoceratops] hadn't appeared, Hayato's basic points of 3,000 points would have led to [Lava Judgment King]. After the attack, there will only be a mere 300 basic points left.

But now, he has to use his remaining 2,000 basic points to receive the full 1,000 points of damage that will be returned. In that case, his basic points will only be 1,000 points!

In the next round, Kobayashi Hayato can completely ignore the resurrected [Supreme Sun] and seize the weak point of [Lava Burner] with an attack power of 2100 points to launch an attack. How can he resist it? ?

Pegasus Ye Xing is frightened and scared. What he is afraid of is not that if he loses in this dark game and his basic score reaches zero, his soul will be taken away by the dark game. What he is afraid of is that if he also dies, who will Can you come to avenge Mr. Bekas?

Don’t do that kind of thing! No, I don’t want to lose!

Tianma Yexing was furious in his heart, but he didn't see that a card in his hand was emitting thick black energy and shrouding him. At the same time, a voice sounded in his heart:

'I hear your desire. So, let’s make a deal’

trade? Tianma Yexing was stunned for a moment, then agreed without hesitation.

As long as you can win, no matter what, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice your own deck or even yourself, as long as you can avenge Mr. Bekas!

The voice of I will help you kill Hayato Kobayashi came to mind again in Tenma Yakou's mind. At the same time, as the black mist emitted from the card in his hand and soaked into every part of his body, Tenma Yakou felt himself drowsy and his body gradually stiffened. Can't move,' but in exchange, your soul belongs to me, and by the way, give me my body back too! ’


[Lava Judgment King] The flame that was pushed back detonated it, and the flames that were not blocked by it blew towards Tianma Yexing with the strong wind. The hot sparks fell on Tianma Yexing's ugly monster body, creaking. ring.

[Tianma Night Walk: 2000→1000lp]

And seeing Pegasus Yakou suffering the consequences for falling into Hayato's scheme, with only his last 1,000 basic points left, Keppei, who was watching, couldn't help but jump up excitedly: Ada thief! Hayato-san has the upper hand!

Hmph, the result of this duel is obvious, there is no need to make a fuss. Kaiba also said calmly, That Pegasus Yakou already lost at the beginning of the duel, and the next round will be the end of this duel. .”

Isn't that kind of thing obvious? Amaluda curled his lips and looked at the field, but felt a little strange, By the way, is the position where that guy is standing different?

Following Yameruda's line of sight, Kaiba also discovered that Pegasus Nightwalker seemed to be standing a little further forward than before.

When I receive battle damage, activate the effect of this card in my hand... Tianma Yexing said, sounding as if he was not greatly affected by the battle damage just now, but there was a slight change in his voice, as if It's like a different person.

Pulling out a card from his hand, Tenma Yakou raised it above his head, suddenly raised his head to look at Hayato, and showed a sinister smile, Special summon myself!

O prisoner who looks up at the starry sky, merge with the fool who is blinded by illusion, and become an evil beast that takes revenge on the world!


The monster roared angrily and stepped hard on the ground. As the ground trembled, the monster shouted its name to the world again.



【? \\/? 】

He actually summoned himself? Does that guy completely regard himself as a monster? Amaluda raised an eyebrow, Even that guy Dazi can't be this crazy.

Kaiba, on the other hand, thought about the way he had merged with Oliha Ganggod during the decisive battle with Datsu not long ago, and was noncommittal. Even though he took away the power of Oliha Gang God in order to destroy the world, despite his ugly appearance at that time, Dazi never gave up his former identity.

However, seeing Pegasus Night Walk shouting [Tragodia], Kaiba narrowed his eyes: It feels a little different. This guy is different from the 'Pegasus Night Walk' just now.

You said this guy isn't Pegasus Nocturnal? Americaruda didn't understand what Kaiba meant. He looked at Kaiba, who was a little unsure, and then looked at Hayato in the field and said, But he has been dueling with Kobayashi Hayato since just now. Isn’t it this guy?”

It's not that, it's the inside of that guy. If I guessed correctly, you should be [Tragodia]! Looking at the somewhat weird Pegasus Yakou, Hayato pointed at him, snapped.

And hearing what Hayato said, Pegasus Yakou smiled: You actually saw it, Hayato Kobayashi, your perception is too sensitive. No, it's not so much that you saw something wrong from my performance. You seem to have had doubts about the condition of Tianma Yexing from just now, right?

Let's not mention the stench on your body which is even more disgusting than the rat droppings in the toilet. I'm not an idiot. Anyone can see that there is something wrong with this guy Pegasus Yakou, right? Hayato curled his lips and said, Obviously. Cass is still alive, but he thought he was killed by me and Yugi together. Combined with what he said, [Tragodia] has the power to control people's hearts, it seems that it was you who controlled him in turn. Bar.

Hearing this, 'Pegasus Night Walk' said proudly: That's it. As expected of Hayato Kobayashi, he can't deceive you at all. Unlike this idiot, who under the influence of my power actually easily believed that with his power, he can really He controlled me and thought he could take the dominant position after becoming one with me.”

That's right, I am [Tragodia], a resentful spirit sealed by the priests of ancient Egypt three thousand years ago. In order to avenge the priests and the Pharaoh, I will destroy all [Millennium Artifacts] from the world!

'Pegasus Night Walk', or in other words, Tragodia's look at Hayato changed from teasing to resentment, and Hayato also realized that what he was looking at was not so much himself, but the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on his chest. The first thing to do is to eliminate all the holders of the [Millennium Artifact], starting with you and Hayato Kobayashi!

As the reincarnation of that pharaoh, you are quite high on my revenge list.

Let me explain in advance, I am who I am, don't associate me with Meliamon, that is, Ramses II. Hayato snorted coldly and said with some displeasure, Also, don't act like you can do what you say. You look like you're here, do you dare to disobey me who owns [Rhinoceratops]?

Then let's wait and see, Kobayashi Hayato. Tragodia opened his palm and said, My attack power and defense power will increase by the number of cards in my hand x 600 points, and I still have two cards in my hand. card, so the attack power and defense power increase by 1200 points.

[Pegasus Night Walk → Tragodia: 2000lp, 2 cards in hand]

【Tragodia】【? \\/? →1200\\/1200】

Although it is a special summons during the battle phase, I do not plan to attack personally. The battle phase ends here. Tragodia took out a card from his hand and sent it to the graveyard. Then in the main In the second stage, I send a monster card from my hand to the graveyard, target a face-up monster on the opponent's field that is the same level as that monster card, activate my own effect, and gain control of that monster. !”

The monster card I sent to the graveyard is this one, [Dark Demon Lord-Diabolos]. Its level is 8☆. The effect target I choose is naturally the same level 8☆ on your field. [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops]!”

As Tragodia sends a card from his hand to the graveyard, its attack power and defense values ​​are reduced, but it releases an invisible force towards the [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceros Dragon] on Hayato's field. 】attack.


That effect seems to be the source of [Tragodia]'s ability to control people's hearts, and unlike ntr cards such as [Heart Change] and [Brainwashing], the monsters taken away by it will not return their ownership at the end of the round. But take it permanently.

Seeing this, Hayato smiled contemptuously: I've always been the only one who can't control other people's monsters. No one else can take my monster away. [Rhinoceratops] is not just good-looking. Let me show you the power of Zhulei's lackey!

The effect of [Prey Plant - Rhinoceros] is chain activated. Once per turn, it targets a face-up monster on the opponent's field. Place a predation counter on that monster. Level 2☆ or above with the predation counter placed on it. The monster level becomes 1☆, and this effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn!

The second effect of [Prey Plant - Rhinoceros] is a sustainable effect. As long as this card exists in the monster area, the effects of monsters activated by the opponent with prey counters placed are invalidated!

The smile on Tragodia's face suddenly froze as his eyes were shining and he was trying to permanently hypnotize [Rhinoceratops] with his sight. Dozens of vines suddenly sprang out from the ground and wrapped tightly around his body. All the joints and limbs were When it couldn't move, even the thickest vine was wrapped around its neck, strangling it so hard that it couldn't breathe.

Once you try to use the effect to control [Rhinoceratops], the vines will shrink a little, and they will continue to plunder Tragodia's own energy.

No, don't! The power I saved with great effort! Seeing the vines wrapped around him taking away the power and taking it to Hayato, Tragodia was filled with anger but had nowhere to vent it.

For today, I first sent the only Planet card [Suppressing Pluto] in the hands of Tianma Yexing, tricked him into collecting the cards to release his seal, and then used his gradually recovering power to control his mind little by little. .

During this period, because of Pegasus Ye Xing's subconscious despair, he also attracted the God of Despair who also took a fancy to Pegasus Ye Xing's body. He finally defeated the seriously injured opponent and harvested the opponent's power. He also gained dominance by hypnotizing Pegasus Ye Xing and merging with him. I obtained a physical body that exists in reality, and finally waited until today, thinking about using this invincible power to kill Hayato Kobayashi who holds the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom].

Give me my power back!

Tragodia wailed, but was completely unable to resist the power of [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops]. She was completely drained by Hayato's crazy laughter like a villain, and knelt on the ground languidly.


You see, this is the fate of a duelist who goes out to play cards in person. You never know what torturous cards the opponent will have. At the end, Hayato calmly said to Keppei outside the court, with a look of pity on his face, If If possible, I would actually like to change my opponent to something like [Dark Magician Girl], and then use cards like [Torture Wheel] or [Nightmare Torture Chamber].

The main thing is that I really like playing cards.

Do you want to play cards? You are obviously greedy, you are despicable. Amaluda looked at Hayato with disdain and complained.

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