Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 68: The name has a dragon and looks like a dragon, but it’s not a dragon

Come, [Supreme Sun]!

The two monsters [Lava Bomber] and [Lava Archer] on Pegasus Night Walk were liberated and sent to the cemetery, but the fire field around Pegasus Night Walk did not become weaker because of this, but instead became more and more scorching.

The blazing flames rose into the sky and turned into the shape of a spherical sun. A dark-skinned demon wearing black and gold armor tore through the fireball and appeared in the sky.

You see, this is the [Supreme Sun], and this is the hatred of Mr. Bekas that I carry. Tianma Yexing looked at the [Supreme Sun] in the sky and said loudly, In the soul of Mr. Bekas, (Becas: Sneeze!) Under the watchful eyes, I will raise the banner of crusade here and annihilate Hayato Kobayashi!

Looking at the [Supreme Sun] with an attack power of one [Blue Eyes], Hayato shook his head contemptuously: It doesn't feel... as good as [La], what kind of sun is that? It's clearly just a demon.

Hmph, what qualifications do you have to evaluate this card?

Pegasus Yakou was a little disdainful when he heard Hayato's words, while Hayato made an accordion gesture: Just kidding, no one understands the sun better than me.

[Supreme Sun] [10☆/Dark]



As Hayato Kobayashi said, it's not more like the sun than [Ra's Winged Dragon], but it's still a monster with an attack power of 3,000 points, which is comparable to [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. He didn't notice the seahorse next to him. Looking at the dangerous look, Amaluda said to himself, Especially the two cover cards in Kobayashi Hayato's backcourt are basically open cards.

Among the three cards that Hayato put down in the last round, one was the already used [Darkness of Scapecution], and one of the other two cards was the known [Prey Generation], and the other card was not sure what it was. What it is, but what is certain is that it must be the [Fusion] card that was obtained through the previous [Predatory Plant-Snake Pitcher Cobra] search.

And because the [Black Hole] just wiped out all the monsters in Hayato's frontcourt, he will then face the attack of three monsters on the Pegasus Night Walk with only 3000 basic points. Hayato Kobayashi is in great danger!

【Supreme Sun】【ATK3000】

[Lava Judgment King] [ATK2700]

【Lava Burner】【ATK2100】

When you enter the battle stage, your death will come faster than you think, Hayato Kobayashi. Pegasus Ye Xing raised his hand and waved it towards Hayato, The direct attack of [Supreme Sun] will harvest and crush your sinful life. broken!

The sun without mercy!

[Supreme Sun] raised his hand, and the blazing flames gathered in his hand, turning into a small sun that he held in his hand. After taking aim, he pushed it out and shot towards Hayato. With Hayato's base score of 3000, he would definitely die if he took this blow!

Please, you are weak~ Hayato played a card from his hand, When the opponent's monster directly attacks, I activate the effect of [Predatory Plant-Sarrace Ant] in my hand to Special Summon it!

The [Predatory Plant] in Hayato's hand that was added to the hand last turn through the effect of [Predatory Plant - Glandular Grass Wasp] revealed its true form. It is based on the contradictory combination of an ant and the Sarracenia that preys on ants. A plant monster appeared and blocked Hayato's path.

[Prey Plant-Sarracen Ant] [1☆/Dark]

【Plant family/effect】


The combined attack and defense power is less than 1,000 points? Tenma Yakou looked at Hayato's newly summoned monster with disdain, You have been reduced to using this kind of trash monster to resist my invincibility. [Supreme Sun]? It’s useless, the blazing sun of [Supreme Sun] will burn that weed to death!”

Due to the rewind of the battle, I adjusted the attack of [Supreme Sun] to that fish monster, the merciless sun again!

Not stopping the attack when [Predatory Plant - Sarracenia Ant] appeared on Hayato's field, Pegasus Yakou ordered [Supreme Sun] to attack again. The fireball just thrown adjusted its flight trajectory towards [Predatory Plant - Sarracenia Ant] 】Boom away.

No matter how you look at it, if 3000 points of attack power are combined with 600 points of defense power, the result will only be that the [Predatory Plant - Sarracenia Ant] will be destroyed and burned to death without any resistance. Tianma Yexing also thinks so, but when [Supreme When the sun's attack fell, the seemingly weak and weak [predatory plant - Sarracenia ant] absorbed the sunlight and grew wildly, swallowing the fireball in one gulp!


Seeing that Pegasus Yakou didn't understand what happened just now, Hayato took out a card from his graveyard and explained: [Predation Generation], the second effect of this card besides placing a predation indicator is that [ When a Predatory Plant] monster is going to be destroyed by battle, you can use this card to remove it instead.

This is my struggle to win!

Seeing Hayato excluding the [Prey Generation] in the graveyard, Pegasus Yakou was relieved when he knew that the [Predatory Plant-Sarrace Ant] was not similar to the effect of cannot be destroyed by monsters with an attack power of more than 1900 points. Because by coincidence, none of the three monsters he currently has on the field has an attack power below 1900 points.

Hmph, that means you're still just hanging on for dear life. There's only one [Predatory Generation] in your graveyard. If you blocked one [Supreme Sun] attack, can you still block the second one?

It's true that it can't be blocked, but the question is, can your [Supreme Sun] be able to make a second attack? Hayato raised his hand, made a pistol gesture towards the [Supreme Sun] in the air, and said Said, [Sarrace Ant]'s own effect can only be activated after the damage calculation of the battle with the opponent's monster is completed.

Destroy the opponent's monster.

Looking at the [Supreme Sun], Hayato said contemptuously: That ugly sun is about to explode if I look at it one more time. Just disappear from my face!


As Hayato raised his finger and made a sound that imitated shooting, the [Predatory Plant-Sarracen Ant] on his field suddenly shot out a blazing ray from the mouth of the bottle that had absorbed the [Supreme Sun], and it was covered with lightning speed. The speed of the ear instantly hit the [Supreme Sun] in the air.

That attack similar to Sunlight Flame was exactly the attack launched by [Supreme Sun] just now, but now [Supreme Sun] was shot down from the air by his own attack!

My [Supreme Sun]!

Seeing the [Supreme Sun] being shot down, Pegasus Nightwalker was like Seira who saw the fall of Constantinople. He was furious and on the verge of tears. When he looked at Hayato, his eyes looked like he wanted to hang the Doge of Venice. Angry: You actually took the sun away from me again. It's unforgivable, Hayato Kobayashi!

(Becas, who suffered from motion sickness because of reading a book while driving: sneeze!)

While roaring, he seemed to vent some of his anger. After Tianma Yexing reluctantly sent the [Supreme Sun] card to the cemetery, he said: Just destroying the [Supreme Sun] is meaningless. In my next turn , the sun will still rise as usual. [Supreme Sun]'s own effect, this card will be specially summoned on my field in the next turn after it is sent to the graveyard.

Your life will be left to be harvested in the next round. After a pause, Tianma Yexing waved his hand again, But before that, I want to collect some interest from you!

First use the quick-attack magic card [Forbidden Cloth] to target [Lava Burner] on my field, reducing its attack power by 600 points, but at the same time, giving it will not become the target of the effect, nor will it be affected. The ability to effect destruction.”

Pulling out a card from his hand and activating it, Pegasus Night Walk waved his hand again, Then, the battle phase continues! [Lava Burner] attacks [Predatory Plant-Sarracen Ant]. This time I'll see how you can resist my everything-burning rage. ! For my sake, use Fire Fist on it!

The [Lava Burner], with its thick arms wrapped in flames, received the order and immediately attacked the [Predatory Plant-Sarrace Ant] on Hayato's field. Protected by the [Forbidden Holy Cloth], it was not afraid at all that it would It will be destroyed by the effect of [Sarrace Ant] after this attack, just like [Supreme Sun] just now.

【Lava Burner】【ATK2100→1500】

Although the attack power has decreased, it is still enough to defeat the only 600 points of defense power of [Predatory Plant-Sarrace Ant]. Anyway, attacking monsters in defense position cannot cause combat damage, and the attack power is the same whether it is high or low.

Without the protection of [Predation Generation], this time, [Sarrace Ant] was ignited and reduced to ashes under the attack of [Lava Burner]. The counterattack before being sent to the cemetery was also attacked by [Lava Burner]. The emerging [Forbidden Holy Cloth] turned invisible. Can

When [Prey Plant - Sarracenia Ant] is sent to the graveyard by an effect or destroyed by battle, I add a [Prey] card other than [Prey Plant - Sarracenia Ant] from the deck to my hand. Because. [Sarracen Ant] was destroyed in defense position. Hayato, who had not been harmed by the battle, calmly added a card to his hand.

Is this already the third effect? ​​What a disgusting card. He muttered unhappily. Seeing Hayato's frontcourt being cleared again, Tenma Yakou said proudly, In this way, it's [ [Lava Judgment King] directly attacks, your 3,000 basic points will soon be like a candle in the wind!

[Lava Judgment King]'s direct attack!

But after hearing Pegasus Yakou's declaration of attack, Hayato said quite calmly: I have never allowed your monsters to cross. They have no right to touch me.

Open the trap card, [Dead Soul Fusion]! Remove the inside of the monster from my graveyard as fusion material, and fusion summon a fusion monster from the fusion deck. The fusion monster fusion summoned by this effect cannot be used this turn. attack.

Taking out two cards from the graveyard, Hayato threw them directly into the air: The face-down display excludes the two monsters [Predatory Plant-Pineapple Insect-eating Corn Spirit Wandering Whale] and [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur]. , meeting the material requirements for fusion monsters + dark attribute monsters!”

The two enchanting flowers that lure insects with their fragrance have now become one, and a new threat will be born from the hell deep within the petals! Appear, the lackey of the Underworld's Tears!

Obviously the previous summons sounded very dangerous and domineering, but as he spoke, terms with unknown meanings emerged. Although he didn't understand what Hayato meant by the lackey who revealed the tears of the underworld, but the words raised from his graveyard The two cards that started have been fused together under the power of [Dead Soul Fusion].

Two ferocious monsters, [Pineapple Insect-eating Corn Spirit Wandering Whale] and [Pitcher Plant Pterosaur], turned into nutrients and merged into the earth. On the ground, there was a huge quince flower - commonly known as the five-pointed star flower - in full bloom. From the flower, a pair of purple dragon wings that seemed to encompass the universe suddenly opened up, and a giant dragon appeared!

At this time, Hayato slapped a card on the duel plate:

Fusion Summon! [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops]!

[Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] [8☆/Dark]

[Plant family/fusion/effect]


It's actually a dragon!? Pegasus Yakou, who thought that what Hayato said before about the strongest dragon after evolution was just to bluff, saw that Hayato's newly summoned [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] not only had the name Dragon, the queen who also looks like a dragon said with some surprise. However, after seeing the race of [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops], he was stunned again, Why is it still a plant race?

Distinguishing which monsters are dragons is an important part of the experience of dueling monsters, so you must try it.

Hayato spread his hands, looked at Pegasus Yakou and said: The attack power of [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] is 2700 points, which is equivalent to your [Lava Judgment King]. What do you think, do you want to try to attack?

As you can see, there are no more cards in my backfield. You can also guess that the unactivated cover card is the [Predation Generation] retrieved in the last round. If you attack now Even if I activate it right away, I won’t be able to send it to the graveyard in time to replace the [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] destroyed by the battle.”

Hearing Hayato's analysis, Pegasus Yakou couldn't help but feel a little moved, and glanced at the [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] with unknown effects. Although he didn't know what effect that monster had, his intuition told him that the monster probably didn't have any effects that could be used in battle. If he allowed [Lava Judgment King] to continue attacking, he could die with it.

However, Hayato Kobayashi proactively invited himself to launch an attack, which was definitely a scam!

I, Pegasus Ye Xing, am not an idiot, don’t try to deceive me! Can

Thinking like this, Tianma Yexing said: Hmph, why should I listen to you? Because the battle is rewinding, and [Lava Judgment King]'s attack will take away

While saying this, Tenma Yakou keenly noticed that Hayato Kobayashi on the opposite side had a rather vague expression of relief when he heard that he was about to cancel the attack, and he caught it in time.

The words he was about to say immediately changed: The attack is cancelled. Do you think I would say that, Hayato Kobayashi?

I wanted to destroy that monster on the first level; but you explained to me that your monster has no resistance, it was on the second level; I think you must be lying when you said this, it was on the third level; and you wanted to destroy that monster on the second level. If you want to use this reverse bewitchment method to protect your own monsters, you are on the fourth floor. But you never expected that I, who saw through your plan, am on the fifth floor!

N-Nani?! Hayato heard this, as if his carefully crafted plan had been seen through at a glance, showing an expression of surprise and disbelief, C-do you mean you want your monster to perish with my monster?

Hmph, Duel Monsters are just tools, what's there to pity? With a sneer, Pegasus Yakou waved his hand and ordered, [Lava Judgment King], dedicate your life to me, Burn it all with that weed pretending to be a dragon, your death will promote the arrival of victory!



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