Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 67 A Gathering of Heroes

I looked at my identity and said I am a sunny and cheerful boy ~ a sunny and cheerful boy ~

Hearing his cell phone ringing, Malik took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket and saw that the caller ID was brother-in-law and answered the call: Wai, brother-in-law?

Ah, Becas? He's next to me, wait a minute. Turning around and looking at the back row, while parking and waiting for the red light, Becas was holding a comic book and reading it with gusto. Malik said to him: Becas, my brother-in-law asked me to ask if you are dead.

Becas, who was originally immersed in the world of comics, was interrupted and the subconscious smile on his lips disappeared. He frowned and looked up at Malik: Who said I'm dead?

It's not me, it's someone from my brother-in-law's side who said that. Malik spread his hands and said it had nothing to do with him.

Tairiang, who was sitting aside, heard Malik mentioning Hayato. He looked up at the two people who were talking. After thinking that it seemed to have nothing to do with him, he lowered his head and continued to browse the romance magazine in his hand.

Fuck, I'm not dead at all, that's what you tell Boy Hayato. Being told that he was dead for no reason, Beccas didn't take it easy and said to Malik, and Malik nodded and said to the phone The head said, Brother-in-law, Becas said he is not dead at all.

Where's the fuck? Why didn't you say fuck?

He also said fuck.

Hearing Becas say dirty words, he did sound a little angry. Hayato nodded, and after saying a few words, he hung up the phone, looked at Tenma Yakou opposite and said, Becas asked me to tell you , Fuck fart, who said I’m dead.”

Although Becas's original sentence is not like this, the meaning is almost there.

However, upon hearing Hayato's words, Tenma Yakou showed a sarcastic smile: Huh? Do you think I'm an idiot? It's obviously Mr. Bekas you killed, but you told me that you just called him? I clearly only heard the voices of two people.

Hayato turned on the speakerphone when he called Malik just now, so the voices of Malik and Becas talking were also played out. Even Kaiba and the others could hear clearly, but... Pegasus' night walk seemed like he didn't hear Becas's voice on the phone.

This is very strange. He can't be selectively deaf.

Hayato looked at Tenma Yakou without saying a word, thinking about something, and Tenma Yakou was too lazy to talk to Hayato anymore, and put his finger on the top card of the deck: Kobayashi Hayato, you deserve to die! Look carefully, you turned into a monster. of me; watch carefully, your destruction!

My turn, draw a card!

[Tianma Night Walk: Hand Card 3→4]

During the opponent's preparation stage, due to the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower], I drew three cards to supplement the number of cards in my hand to four. Watching Pegasus Yexing draw cards, Hayato also drew cards from the deck, and both sides The number of cards in hand is even, but the situation on the field is obviously Hayato's advantage.

[Hayato Kobayashi: Hand Card 1→4]

Hmph, you can only draw cards with the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] you took from me, just like you used despicable means to take over the International Illusion Society. Looking at the card in his hand, Pegasus Yakou said viciously, Next turn you will discard the drawn number of cards due to its negative effects, just like I will take back the International Illusion Society from you!

Although Tenma Yakou also drew a card with [Nightmare Mirage Tower] in the last round, but because Hayato took [Nightmare Mirage Tower] from him, he avoided the negative effect of discarding the card.

Pulling out a card from his hand, Pegasus Yakou inserted it into the duel plate and looked at the four monsters on Hayato's field: No matter how many there are, in the end they are just a bunch of weed-like garbage. Look at me with the power of thunder. Get rid of them in one go!

Discard a card from my hand, and I activate the magic card [Lightning Vortex] to destroy all the face-up monsters on the opponent's field!

It is not [Lightning Strike] that can be used without cost. [Lightning Vortex], which can be activated after discarding a card from your hand, is worse than the former, but this cannot conceal the power of its effect, especially on Hayato's field. Although there are many monsters, none of them are resistant to damage.

When Hayato saw this, he immediately activated one of the cover cards in his backfield: Don't even think about it, I will activate the cover card [Darkness of Scapecution] in a chain to destroy the magic, traps, and monsters of the cards on the field. It can only be activated when the effect is activated, invalidate that activation, and then send a dark attribute monster below level 3☆ from my deck to the graveyard!

Not only can it counter a destructive effect, but it can also accurately stack a card in the graveyard. For the [Predatory Plant] card, being sent to the graveyard is just like going home. It can activate a variety of effects and become a powerful weapon for the monsters on the field. Nutrient, [Darkness of Scapecution] allows Hayato to win again and again, win twice. This is the so-called win-win.

After discarding the [Lava Gunner] that had become a mole before, the thunderstorm that Pegasus Yakou played only fell on a seemingly weak dark curtain. Hayato discarded the dark attribute card from the graveyard from the deck. The monster transformed into a barrier to catch the [Lightning Vortex] and protect the four monsters on Hayato's field from being destroyed.

Hayato didn't say clearly what the card that was sent to the cemetery was, but Pegasus Yakou saw another strange-looking plant in the picture of the card. Needless to say, it must be another monster that preys on plants, but it is impossible to guess what effect it has.

Hey, I was blocked by you once, so what should you do if it happens a second time? Tianma Yexing said, and he actually played another card from his hand, Magic card [Black Hole], I Let’s see what you do this time!”

Destroy all the monsters on both sides of the field!

Not caring that he still had the [War Eliminator] on the field who had saved his life before, Pegasus Yexing inserted the [Black Hole] into the magic trap area, and a dark singular point appeared on the field, distorting gravity.

There is actually a second table-turning card? Hayato couldn't help but glance at Tenma Yakou. Although there were four cards under his back cover, excluding the card he took from Tenma Yakou, the other three were among the cards. There is only one [Scapic Darkness] prepared to defend against cards like [Lightning Strike].

The other two cards, one is the open card [Predation Generation], and the other is a [Fusion] card with unknown meaning, have no effect at all on the [Lightning Vortex] activated at this moment.

As for the position of the card taken from Pegasus Yakou on the duel disk, the light did not light up to remind Hayato that there was a time when that card could be activated. This function is a temporarily modified test version after Hayato suggested it to Keppei. When the card can be activated or its effect is used, the lights in the corresponding area on the duel disk will light up, effectively reminding the duelist that there is a card available for use.

If a novice is using a duel board to duel, and the deck is still heavily pitted, the operation process can even be summarized as where it shines, where it shines.

However, although the mysterious cover card that Tenma Yakou brought from did not light up, the other two cards under Hayato's cover were all in a usable state. However, he did not activate them, but watched helplessly as Tenma Yakou activated them. The [black hole] gradually expanded and swallowed the entire place.

When the gravity-distorting black hole disappeared from the field, not only were the monsters [Tyrant Neptune] and [Predatory Plant - Snake Plant Cobra] on Hayato's field destroyed and sent to the cemetery, but also the [Eliminate War] on Pegasus' night marching field. The person] was also affected and destroyed by the [Black Hole] and sent to the cemetery.

What makes Hayato a little strange is that at this moment, the Pegasus Night Walk card on his duel plate that had not lighted up just now lit up.

One of the basic common sense in dueling monsters is not to use the cards given by others. This is something Yugi, or to be precise, Atum knows very well. Although Hayato knew this, the problem was that he really couldn't help his curiosity.

You cannot activate it when both you and your opponent have monsters on the field, but there is a time when both sides have no monsters to activate it. What exactly is this set card? Moreover, he took this card from Tianma Yexing on his own initiative, so it shouldn't be considered a card used by others, right?

Convincing himself with this idea, Hayato couldn't hold back his curiosity and pressed the button to activate the Gaika: Then at this moment, I activate this mysterious Gaika in the backcourt, let me know what is this Card? [Nishihe]?

Hayato had never seen this card before, so he felt it was a bit unpopular, but he vaguely remembered that the so-called Ni Shihe should have been heard in Kabuki performances, and it seemed to mean to take down each other's stage?

Seeing Hayato activate the card, Tenma Yakou was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: I thought that if you took this card away, it would probably be useless, but in the end you couldn't hold back your curiosity. It started, what a gaffe, Hayato Kobayashi! I want to thank you!

[Mushihe] is a card that can be activated when the cards of both parties are destroyed by battle and effects at the same time, just like its name. Its effect is to allow both parties to draw two cards from the deck.

Pegasus Yakou had already explained the effect before Hayato read the effect on the card, and drew two cards from his deck, Although it is not necessary to draw cards, I still want to thank you for the gift you gave me, these two cards The card will also be used by me in a duel to kill you!

How could anyone bring such a card? Hayato complained, watching Tenma Yakou take out the card and replenish his hand to three cards, but he was a little confused, What does it mean that it is not necessary? He didn't just have it in his hand before. Is there one card left?”

Tianma Yexing glanced at the cards in his hand, but he covered the two cards he had just drawn in the back field, and played the last card in his hand: You used [Nightmare Mirage Tower] to draw cards very quickly. Is it cool? But now you only have to watch me draw cards. Put two cards on the cover, I activate the magic card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], and both parties will replenish their hands to six cards!

Because my hand has 0 cards, I can draw six cards in one breath!

The card that Pegasus Night Walk drew with [Nightmare Mirage Tower] in the last round actually contained the strongest pass card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky]. If it was this card, it’s no wonder Pegasus Night Walk didn’t care much about it. The card was drawn due to the effect of [Nishihe].

Moreover, the timing of Tenma Yakou's activation of the card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] was really good. During the preparation phase of Pegasus Yakou's preparation, Hayato used the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower] to replenish his hand to four cards, and then And because two cards were drawn due to the effect of [Nishihe], the number of cards in my hand now is exactly six.

This also means that Hayato is just like what Tenma Yakou said, the [treasure card dropped from the sky] has the side effect of causing the opponent to replenish his hand of cards when he replenishes his hand, but Hayato can only watch helplessly. Tianma Yexing took a deep breath, and he could only stare!

Watching the opponent earn cards but not himself, this is even more uncomfortable for Hayato than having him lose cards!

After looking at the card he had drawn, Tenma Yakou nodded with satisfaction, looked at Hayato and sneered: Look at your field, Kobayashi Hayato, your monsters seem to be a gathering of heroes, but they can easily defeat them. They were all destroyed by me, how are you going to block my next attack?

Pay 2000 basic points, and I activate the magic card, [Dimensional Fusion]!

[Tianma Night Walk: 4000→2000LP]

Pegasus Yakou's face could not help but show a distorted expression due to the pain of losing basic time. After being combined with [Tragodia], his already ugly face looked even more ferocious, but the corners of his mouth were raised. Smiling: The effect of this card is that both duelists can special summon as many monsters as possible to their field. Do you know what this means, Hayato Kobayashi?

The four [Lava] monsters I eliminated in the first round with the effect of [Red Lotus Flame Wall] will return like lightning!

Boil, my anger will devour the enemy in front of you!

[Lava Bomber], [Lava Burner], [Lava Archer], and [Lava Judgment King]!

Just like when the [Red Lotus Flame Wall] unfolded before, the raging fire completely covered the venue where Pegasus Night Walk was conducted, but this time the flames were more intense than the fire field where only [Lava Derivatives] could be summoned. Four Monsters of different shapes appear on the Pegasus Night Walk.

Each one has its own merits, and each one has its own unique skills. Their fighting spirit and patience are even more astonishing, and their secret weapons are even more surprising!

【Lava Bomber】【ATK1200】

【Lava Burner】【ATK2100】

【Lava Archer】【ATK1000】

【Lava Judgment King】【ATK2700】

Pegasus Yakou looked at a card in his hand and felt that revenge was right in front of him. He looked at Hayato and said with a ferocious smile: When Mr. Bekas gave me the name, he took care of our feelings as children and used the name 'Pegasus Sun'. , he is the sun in my heart. I’ll give you the same words, Hayato Kobayashi, if I want to deal with you, it’s better to use this card!”

Free [Lava Bomber] and [Lava Archer] as sacrifices for the superior summons!

The greatness of covering the world with light, and all the surroundings are contained within it. With the hatred I bear, come here now!

[Supreme Sun]!

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