Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 66: Ending the War (Monster Card)

After inserting the card he received from Tenma Yakou into the duel plate, Hayato glanced at the card and looked away.

Drawing a card from his hand, Hayato played it: Activate the magic card [Predation Activity], special summon a [Prey Plant] monster from my hand, and then add a [Predation Activity] from the deck. ] [Prey] cards other than [Predation] cards are added to the hand.

Specially summon [Predatory Plant-Bee Orchid Scorpion] from my hand, and add another [Prey Generation] to my hand.

The Hayato Field is overgrown with weeds, but the plants’ strong vitality contains infinite killing potential. The insect-attracting plant Bee Orchid, which looks like a poisonous scorpion, appears on the Hayato Field, exuding a deadly fragrance.

[Predatory Plant-Bee Orchid Scorpion] [3☆/Dark]

【Plant family/effect】


In fact, there is a negative effect written on the [Predatory Activity] that Hayato just activated. After all, the effect of unconditional hand card special move and large-scale search of the deck is very strong at first glance, and powerful cards are often accompanied by huge The risk, and the negative effect of [Predatory Activity] is that after this card is activated, Hayato cannot be specially summoned from the extra deck unless he is Fusion Summoned during this round.

However, these days, the extra decks are still called fusion decks. This negative effect is as if it doesn't exist, so Hayato didn't mention it.

If [Predatory Plant - Bee Orchid Scorpion] is successfully summoned or special summoned, I can only activate it by sending a [Predatory Plant] in my hand - the [Predatory Plant - Glandular Grass Wasp] shown just now to the graveyard.

A card was sent to the graveyard, and Hayato drew another card from the deck, Special summon a [Predator Plant] other than [Bee Orchid Scorpion] from my deck. Come out, [Predator Plant-Snake Bottle Grass cobra]!”

In just one round, Hayato has made his fourth special summons. It is considered as the time when the superior summoned [Tyrant Neptune]. If this was in the competitive environment of Hayato's previous life, the [Snake Grass Cobra] on his field The next moment he appears, he will probably be liberated together with other monsters and become a strong and handsome meteorite.

However, Pegasus Yakou's hand did not have such advanced cards as [Primitive Life Form - Nibiru], so he could only watch as Hayato added another monster to his field.

[Predatory Plant-Ophiophora Cobra] [3☆/Dark]

【Plant family/effect】


It's not over yet! The effect can be activated when [Glandular Grass Wasp] is sent to the graveyard and when [Ophiophora Cobra] is specially summoned by the effect of [Predatory Plant], C1 [Glandular Grass Wasp] C2 [Ophiophora cobra].”

The effect of [Ophiospora Cobra] adds a [Fusion] magic card from my deck to my hand, and then the effect of [Glandular Grass Wasp] adds a [Glandular Grass Wasp] from my deck. [Predatory Plant] monsters other than Wasps are added to the hand.

Watching Hayato pull out two cards from the deck that were automatically retrieved from the Duel Disk, Amaluda subconsciously glanced at the cards in Hayato's hand: There are actually four cards in hand?! They have all been laid out on the field. He produced five monsters and cleared the opponent's field. Why are there still four cards in his hand? Didn't he lose any cards at all?

After all, it's Hayato-nii. In his words, 'It's okay for me to lose cards, but it's just because I've finished eating the rice, the dog has licked the noodles, and the candle has burned out the lock.' Although I don't quite understand what a strange metaphor that is. .”

Keppei helplessly spread his hands, looked at Hayato's back and said, But I do remember that Hayato-san mentioned that dueling monsters is actually the same as running a company. Let the other party not make any profit, and let yourself work hard to make it. This is The so-called ‘card gap’ concept.”

Amaluda mentally calculated the number of cards on Hayato's field, in his hand, and in his graveyard, and nodded: It's just like plants growing crazily. The [Predatory Plants] deck of Hayato Kobayashi's is not only ferocious, Devouring everything, still actively absorbing nutrients to maintain growth, it can still retain so many cards while frantically summoning monsters.

It's really scary. Fortunately, I'm no longer a duelist.

Hmph, that means your power is only to this extent, Amaluda. A true duellist will not be timid because of the strength of his opponent. The more powerful the opponent, the more valuable he is to conquer. Only when you win can you feel the intense joy and satisfaction.”

Kaiba glanced at Ameluda and said contemptuously, then looked at Hayato: No matter who the opponent is, [Blue Eyes] and I will continue to evolve to a new level to surpass them. One day I will use this evolution The strongest dragon clan in the future came to deal with Hayato Kobayashi, Yugi Muto and the others one after another and swung the whip of complete defeat!

Although Kaiba's momentum was strong, when Amaluda heard his words, he leaned into Keppei's ear and whispered: I felt like I had heard the lines that Hayato Kobayashi said before. It turned out to be Kaiba. This guy’s lines.”

Ameruda, when you challenged your brother to a duel before, you must have heard your brother's chuuni speech several times, right?

Hey, I've forgotten all about that kind of thing a long time ago, along with all those entanglements and hatreds.

On the duel field, watching Hayato replenish his hand with four cards, Tenma Yakou paid little attention to the card difference. What he paid most attention to was still the most simple and obvious basis for judging the strength of monsters - attack power.

【Tyrant Neptune】【ATK2600】

[Predatory Plants - Pineapple Insectivorous Grain Spirit Wandering Whale] [ATK1000]

[Predatory Plant-Nepenthes pterosaurs] [ATK300]

[Predatory Plant-Bee Orchid Scorpion] [ATK1200]

[Predatory Plant-Ophiophora Cobra] [ATK1000]

Although the attack power of a single one is not high, when the number increases, the attack power of the monsters on Hayato's field is already as high as 6100 points. Even after the inability to attack [Pineapple Insect-Eating Corn Spirit Wandering Whale] is removed, it is still as high as 5100 points. Points are enough to clear the base points of Pegasus Night Walk!

You know, he didn't have a single card on the field. He was either liberated by Hayato or taken away by Hayato. He couldn't stop Hayato's offensive at all!

Fortunately, although [Nightmare Mirage Tower] has been taken away by Hayato Ushio, Tenma Yakou has already obtained useful cards from that card draw.

And Hayato looked at Pegasus Night Walk. Even though his form after fusion with [Tragodia] was already very human, his confident mentality was unabashedly evident. His only support was to dig out the cemetery where there was obviously no grave pit. That is, the other three cards in the hand besides [Lava Gunner].

It's a pity that the effect of [Suppress Pluto] that Hayato mastered from Pegasus Yakou is not the real card version. There is no ability to confirm the opponent's hand after declaring the card name, and he cannot forcefully control other people's hands like Dolphin Brother. At the same time, the meaning of the card in Hayato's hand is unclear and does not have the ability to destroy the cards in his hand.

It seems that the only way to test it is with direct attacks.

Hayato thought this way and declared: When entering the combat stage, use [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] to attack directly. Fear can hit things that bombs cannot explode!

That's a line from a cartoon. Where did you get the robot dinosaur? Pegasus Yakou looked disdainfully at the [Nepenthes pterosaur] with only 300 attack points. It flew up under Hayato's command and jumped from high in the sky. It swooped towards itself, and at the same time its big mouth bulged as if it was about to spit something out.

It's such a weak monster that makes me sick, don't come close to me! Pulling out a card from his hand, Pegasus Ye Xing played it, It can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares a direct attack. Special Summon [War Elimination] from my hand. [laughter], after which the combat phase ends!”

Seeing that [Predatory Plant - Nepenthes Pterosaur] had spit out a mouthful of acid, and wanted to look at the face of Pegasus Ye Xing, who just said it was a fish monster, he saw a card in Pegasus Ye Xing's hand suddenly flying out. The pusher monster blocked all the attacks of [Nepenthes Pterosaur], and at the same time, its pendulum-like body made a noise.

【War Eliminator】【1☆/Dark】



Under the interference of the noise, the monsters on Hayato's field lost the ability to attack, and even Hayato's battle phase was forcibly ended.

As for why a bunch of plants are affected by noise?

Duel monsters, it’s amazing~

Hey, it's [War Eliminator]? Although you have always only focused on the monster's attack power, aren't you using a monster with 0 attack and 0 defense even yourself? Hayato glanced at the demons on the Pegasus Night Walk. The monster said with some regret, You saved your life, Pegasus Night Walk.

Pegasus Yakou was a little proud of himself for blocking Hayato's attack, but when he heard that he was also using the [War Eliminator] with 0 attack and 0 defense, he frowned and glanced at himself [War Eliminator] on the duel board.

In the deck, I should have put in monsters with high attack power as much as possible and eliminated monsters with low attack power. However, in order, the [War Eliminator] with 0 attack power is right. Shouldn't it be the first monster to be kicked out of the deck construction? Why is it still in the deck?

I do have the impression of putting this card into the deck, and even in my memory, I still add this card to the deck with a smile. The one who was communicating with me about how to build a deck was Pegasus Yue Xing, and Mr. Bekas was also there?

But when was that? Why am I not that impressed?

Tianma Yexing paused for a moment and shook his head to get rid of the inexplicable picture that appeared in his mind.

No, it's just an illusion. When did I get along well with that guy Tianma Yuexing? I don't remember having any feelings for him. Besides, I never like monsters with low attack power, and Mr. Bekas obviously It has already been...

Thinking of this, Tenma Yakou's eyes looked at Hayato, filled with hatred.

Hayato didn't know what Pegasus Yakou was thinking. After being blocked by [War Eliminator], he looked at the cards in his hand and covered three of them on the back field: In the main stage two, I will cover three cards. Release, the round is over.”

[Hayato: 3000LP, 1 card in hand]

【Tyrant Neptune】【ATK2600】

[Predatory Plants - Pineapple Insectivorous Grain Spirit Wandering Whale] [ATK1000]

[Predatory Plant-Nepenthes pterosaurs] [ATK300]

[Predatory Plant-Bee Orchid Scorpion] [ATK1200]

[Predatory Plant-Ophiophora Cobra] [ATK1000]

[Nightmare Mirage Tower] [Gaika] X4

The front and backcourts are all full, what is a top luxury lineup (tactical back-up)

Although the next moment the round ended, due to the side effects of [Simple Fusion], [Pineapple Insect-Eating Grain Spirit Wandering Whale] self-destructed and disappeared from Hayato's field, there were still four monsters on Hayato's field.

Holding a [Predatory Plant] monster card in his hand, Hayato said before Pegasus Yakou started his turn: It's funny to say that I'm obviously going to kill you, but until now, I still don't know Why do you always hate me and the game so much?

Oh, do you want me to count your sins in detail, Hayato Kobayashi? Are you still able to count them all now? Tenma Yexing raised the corners of his mouth and said contemptuously, Your greatest sin is that you treat yourself There was no self-awareness of the crime committed!”

Is it to that extent? I feel like besides liking NTR and other monsters, I'm quite sunny, right? Hayato touched his nose, but he still couldn't think of anything that offended Pegasus Yakou and made him hate him so much.

From the card box on Hayato's waist, [Disturbing Huang] poked his head out and said, Of course, Ani, don't you always say that we are your beloved relatives, friends, brothers, and brothers, and treat them mercilessly? Let’s take it to the cemetery, this is such a sin that is too numerous to describe—Uh-huh!”

Halfway through the words, [Disturbing Yellow] was pushed back into the box by a golden claw. Hayato's firm dog-leg [Pull] couldn't hear anyone saying bad things about Hayato, and he took action on his own without Hayato's signal.

You have investigated me before, so you should know why my name is Pegasus. Not in a hurry to start the round, Pegasus's monster's face showed an expression of recalling something, Pegasus Pegasus , that is, 'Becas', I and Tianma Yuexing, who did not have their own names, were adopted by Mr. Becas, and received his name as their surname as a gift from Mr. Becas.

The names Moonwalk and Nightwalk were also given to us by Mr. Bekas. Have you heard of Crazy Orlando? In the story, everything lost on the earth can be found on the moon, including Orlando's sanity, so the knight As Tolfo traveled to the moon to find reason.

That guy Tianma Yuexing is actually a pretty smart guy. He has outstanding talents in every aspect. He is called by Bekas because he can decisively weigh the pros and cons and make the most correct answer through trade-offs. A perfect duelist. However, this talent has long been erased by me using the power of [Tragodia].

With a cold smile, Tianma Yuexing continued, Compared with him, my talent is always a little bit behind him. If I lose a little here and lose a little there, I don't mind, because I am younger than Tianma Yuexing. It is possible to catch up with him. But among Duel Monsters, I cannot be as rational as him, and I lose to him time and time again due to emotion.

He is the moon of reason, I am the night of madness.

It is also because of the difference in Duel Monsters' talents that gradually, he stood in front of the stage and became Mr. Bekas's assistant and the commander of the company, while I hid behind the scenes and embedded my talents as a gear in the International Illusion Society. It’s like when people look up, their first glance is often at the moon instead of the dark night sky.”

But I still felt it didn't matter, because I didn't care about those things, but soon, the only thing I cared about - Mr. Becas, who adopted me, and the things I wanted to devote my life to, were taken away. I finally My belongings were also taken away!”

Staring at Hayato angrily, Tenma Yakou's eyes were full of madness: Kobayashi Hayato, you and Muto Yugi killed Mr. Bekas and took away the International Illusion Society!

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