Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 65: The performance of the dueling monsters is not the key factor in determining the outcome

Ignoring Keppei's complaints, Hayato placed a card with a purple border on the duel plate.

In his front yard, vines broke through the ground and grew upward, intertwining to form a huge plant.

Although it belongs to the plant family, and there is indeed a carnivorous corn grass on its back that is blooming in the wind, the body of the plant is actually a ferocious beast with sharp teeth and powerful crawling limbs. It looks very similar to the long-extinct wandering whale.

[Predatory Plant-Pineapple Insect-Eating Millenia Wandering Whale] [5☆/Dark]

[Plant family/fusion/effect]


Seeing the full picture of the monster summoned by Hayato, Ameluda outside the field couldn't help but sigh: [Predatory Plant]... is really an appropriate name. Not only is the name very vicious and the image is terrifying, but the name is also too Is it longer?

Compared with their names, isn't it that pineapple and pineapple have more flaws? Although the plants of the two families are indeed similar in appearance, they are fundamentally different. Although the insectivorous pineapple does generally grow with the insectivorous pineapple, there is also this back The shape of the plant growing on it looks too much like a Myo O seed. Keipei, a professional commentator, still performed stably.

Hayato said without looking back: You don't have to be too clear about duel monsters.

Looking at the [Predatory Plant - Bromeliad Insect-Eating Corn Spirit Wandering Whale], although Tianma Yexing was wary for a moment, after seeing its attack and defense values ​​clearly, he relaxed again and said contemptuously: Huh? I thought it was something, but it turns out it’s just a fish monster with only 1,000 attack points.”

It will even destroy itself at the end of this round. Did you spend 1,000 basic points just to summon such garbage, Hayato Kobayashi?

Haven't you ever heard that the more pink you wear, the harder you hit someone? The same principle applies to duel monsters. Sometimes, the weaker the attack power, the more dangerous it is. Spreading his hands, Hayato said, Although it is not as good as some attack and defense. 0 monster, but any monster summoned with cup noodles needs to be vigilant.

Pegasus Yakou was stunned for a moment, not understanding what cup noodles meant, but when he saw Hayato sending the [Simple Fusion] card to the graveyard, he understood. There was a cup of noodles with the [Fusion] pattern on the card. Cup Noodles’ [Simple Fusion] is what Hayato refers to as “Cup Noodles”, and I have to say it’s quite vivid.

[Simple Fusion] summons [Predatory Plant-Tineapple Insect-Eating Grain Spirit Wandering Whale] as a fusion summon, and in the event that [Predatory Plant-Tineapple Insect-Eating Grain Spirit Wandering Whale] is successfully fusion summoned, I can use it from my Add a [Plant Predator] monster or a [Predator] magic trap card to your hand in your deck or graveyard.

The card I want to add to my hand is [Predatory Plant-Bee Orchid Scorpion].

After searching the card and adding it to his hand, although there was one more fusion monster on the field, Hayato still had six cards in his hand. He drew a magic card and played it: Then there is this quick-attack magic card [Predation Generation]. Show any number of [Prey] cards in my hand to the opponent, and target the number of face-up monsters on the opponent's field to activate.

I reveal the [Predator Plant - Bee Orchid Scorpion] and [Predator Plant - Glandular Grass Vespa] in my hand, and target [Suppression Pluto] and [Despair Uranus] on your field, and give those two monsters their respective Place a predator indicator.

Two vines suddenly emerged from the card activated by Hayato, and spread to Pegasus Yakou's field in an instant, entangled his two monsters. Just when Pegasus Yakou was nervous, he found his two monsters. It doesn't seem to be much affected.

The effect has not been negated, destroyed or excluded, the attack power and defense have not been reduced, and even the race has not changed.

So, what is the purpose of that predator indicator? Just as Pegasus was walking through the night to find out where his monster had changed, he heard Hayato continue:

Plants are very greedy, constantly hungry for nutrients, and the vicious [predatory plants] will regard everything in front of them as nutrients to plunder and devour, allowing themselves to evolve.

Looking at the two monsters on the Pegasus Night Parade with evil intentions, Hayato pointed at the [Predatory Plant - Pineapple Insect-eating Grain Spirit Wandering Whale] on his field, [Predatory Plant - Pineapple Insect-eating Grain Spirit Wandering Whale] The second effect is activated, targeting a monster on your field, releasing that monster, and special summoning a [Plant Predator] monster from the deck.

Pegasus Yakou glanced at Hayato's field: Are you going to liberate your monster with a long name? Haha, the monster you got in exchange for 1,000 basic points has been squandered, you might as well keep more of it. Basically, let me torture you for a little longer.

I'm really sorry, my basic points are mine, and it has nothing to do with you how I use them. Hayato looked at Pegasus Yakou, who seemed to be showing an arrogant expression, and showed an unexpected expression, Oh, I almost forgot, In addition to the monsters on my field, I can actually liberate the monsters on the opponent's field that have prey counters on them~

Nani!? When Tenma Yakou heard Hayato's words, he didn't think that he had really forgotten the effect of his monster. This guy definitely deliberately added the effect in one breath later to mess with his own mentality. , Is that the predator indicator actually used like this?

Which one should I choose? Which one should I choose? Humming a strange tune in his mouth, Hayato pointed at [Despair Uranus], The decision is yours. That [Despair Uranus], what's your level and level? [Pull] Is it also in the shape of a sphere?

Release [Despair Uranus], and then I special summon [Predator Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] from the deck!

Next to the [Predatory Plant - Pineapple Insect-Eating Corn Spirit Wandering Whale], another plant grew quickly. Like the [Predatory Plant - Bromeliad Insectivore Whale Whale], although it bears the name of plant family, the shape of [Predatory Plant - Nepenthes Pterosaur] is similar to the ancient pterosaur, and it also conforms to the The shape of the pitcher plant, which is almost the most famous predatory plant.

[Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] [3☆/Dark]

【Plant family/effect】


The purpose of liberating my [Despair Uranus] was just to summon that kind of fish monster with an attack power of less than 300 points? Pegasus Yakou was very angry, not only because Hayato brought out monsters of that level, but also because [Desperate Uranus], who looked down on himself, especially because he was so powerful and invincible, was just replaced by a trash fish.

When hearing that the other party was still only looking at the monster's attack power and not other abilities, Hayato said helplessly: You are really incompetent. I mean the performance of the duel monster is not the key factor in determining the outcome. , what matters is not the attack power but the effect.

The second effect of [Predatory Plant - Nepenthes Winged Dragon] is activated once per turn, targeting a monster on the opponent's field that is lower than the level of this card. Control of that monster is gained until the end of the turn. .”

Following Hayato's words, the [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] on his field opened its huge mouth, and the mere movement of inhaling created a storm.

But Tenma Yakou laughed when he heard Hayato's words, and said contemptuously: Idiot, can't you even remember the effects of your own monsters? The level of the monster with an effect similar to [Change of Heart] is only 3 ☆That’s it, but the [Suppress Pluto] on my field has a high level, right!?”

Inadvertently glancing at the only [Suppressing Pluto] left on his field, Pegasus Ye Xing suddenly discovered that the level of his [Suppressing Pluto] had suddenly become 1☆ for some reason! ?

Hmph, predator counters are not just good-looking. The level of monsters above 2☆ with predator counters placed on them will be forcibly changed to 1☆ and become food for the [predator plants]. Hayato waved his hand and said, You The monster is very good, but the next second it will be mine, come on, [Predatory Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur]!

Although [Suppress Pluto] was very resistant, under the influence of the predator indicators wrapped around its body, it was unable to resist the airflow released by [Predator Plant-Nepenthes Pterosaur] and was forcibly dragged to Hayato's field. , causing the Tianma Night Parade to be empty in an instant!

Being NTRed by Hayato in front of his own monster, Tenma Yakou was extremely angry, but at the next moment Hayato said very skillfully: Then I will activate the effect of [Suppress Pluto] and declare a card name in one turn. If there is a declared card in the opponent's hand, I can gain control of a card on the opponent's field.

Wait, wait a minute! Pegasus Yakou looked at Hayato with his eyes widened, Why can you use the effect of my monster so easily? Why are you so skilled!

I am the master of [Suppress Pluto], right? It is obviously the first time for me to use this monster in a duel. Why is it that the person who uses its effect for the first time is not me but Hayato Kobayashi on the other side! Why does he look so familiar with [Suppressing Pluto]!

Hayato didn't know what Pegasus Yakou was thinking about. He picked out his ears and said, Why are you shouting so loudly? Does this card clearly state its effects? You didn't do anything like that on your card. Weird restrictions on how people who know certain words can use effects.”

Besides, who said this is your monster? This is obviously my monster, right?

Looking at Xiaolin, the Minotaur lover, Hayato, Tenma Yakou felt that his fists were hardened. What was even more annoying was that Hayato continued: Although the ability to successfully use the effect only by guessing the hand card, it sounds very useless. , but what I can’t stand is that someone just used [Bitter Choice] to let me personally choose a card to add to your hand, and you haven’t played it in the last round.”

The card name I declare is, [Lava Gunner].

There is no need to confirm. This card is almost an open card in Tenma Yakou's hand, allowing the effect of [Suppress Pluto] to pass smoothly. Hayato can freely choose a card on Tenma Yakou's field as his own. This effect not only gains control of monster cards, but also activates or sets up magic and trap cards.

Therefore, Hayato decisively chose the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] that was already activated on the Pegasus Night Walk: Next round, you must really not want to discard the cards you finally drew, right? I am kind-hearted and can't see it. Others suffer, so I will take away your [Nightmare Mirage Tower]. Go [Suppress Pluto], Dark Water!

Seeing his monster [Suppress Pluto] help Hayato give NTR another card of his own under the name of Hayato's move with unclear meaning, Tenma Yakou's expression was twisted, and he gritted his teeth and said: Honore Kobayashi Hayato !”

But his curse couldn't change anything. The [Nightmare Mirage Tower] was transferred to Hayato's field under the power of [Suppressing Pluto], and Tenma Yakou only had a solitary cover card left on his own field.

Even Hayato Kobayashi first liberated my monster and then took away two cards. This should be his limit, right?

Just as Pegasus Yakou was thinking this, Hayato took out another card and said, I haven't done a normal summon this round, right? Release [Suppress Pluto] on my field to perform an advanced summon.

Neptune, who has infinite potential but whose future has been blocked by birds, will crush Pluto under his feet and declare who is the strongest planet card!

[Tyrant Neptune]!

The vines on the dark Pluto's body were loosened, but [Suppressing Pluto] no longer had the energy to return to its original owner's field. It was stepped on by a heavy foot and could not even turn over, so it was trapped by the only thing on its body. Monsters like nightmares and tyrants slay with a scythe.

A monster with flames burning in its eyes appears.

【Tyrant Neptune】【10☆/Water】


【? /? →2600/2000】

[Tyrant Neptune]? You actually brought that card in the deck? Pegasus Yakou glanced at Hayato, recalling what Hayato said before the duel began, the so-called evolved strongest dragon. Sure enough, that was just a bluff. That’s all.

To deal with you, it's better to use this card, but I'm not sure if you know the effect of this card, so I'll reiterate it first. Hayato glanced at the one he got from Hiroyuki Kobayashi. [Tyrant Neptune]. Now that Tenma Yakou has taken action against Kobayashi Hiroyuki, he still has to use Kobayashi Hiroyuki's card to take revenge.

Although it is level 10☆, [Tyrant Neptune] can use only one monster to be released for a higher level summon, and its attack power and defense power will be increased by the total of the original attack power and defense power of the monsters released during the upper level summoning. value. In addition, when the superior level is successful, you can also get everything from a sacrifice, whether it is the card name or the effect.

Under Pegasus Ye Xing's gaze, the card name of [Tyrant Neptune] changed and turned into [Suppression of Pluto].

The effect of [Suppression of Pluto] is not limited to the card name once per turn, so [Tyrant Neptune], which has obtained its card name and effect, activates the effect. Declare a card name, and when the opponent has the declared card in their hand, get the opponent's card name Control of a card on the field. I declare [Lava Gunner] again.

Bring me your cover card!

Hearing that Hayato actually used the [Suppress Pluto] effect again, not only was it not his the first time, but it was also not his the second time, Pegasus Yakou was filled with grief and anger. For some reason, he felt that his emerald green hair was becoming more vivid.

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