Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 64 Wooden Buckle Screws

Duel! X2 Group

As we all know, playing cards is the best way to resolve most disputes. Even if it cannot solve the problem, it can still solve the problem of the person who asked it. Therefore, as expected, in front of the collapsed central building of the Egyptian branch of the Kaiba Group, Hayato and the Avatar

[Hayato Kobayashi: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Pegasus Night Walk·Tragodia: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Almost at the moment when the two of them drew five cards from their hands at the same time, the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on Hayato's chest and Tenma Yakou's body released powerful power at the same time, and the magic power of one gold and one black collided at the same time.

Huh? Do you actually want to start a dark game? Tenma Yakou glanced at Hayato with some surprise, and a ferocious smile appeared on his ugly face, It's like I want to devour you with a dark game. Just like that shining soul, do you seem to be eager to kill me?

When Hayato heard this, he sneered: Although I do want to screw you, there is no need to use the dark game. It is just some precautionary measures to prevent you from cheating.

After all, Pegasus Ye Xing's deck did not appear normally, but grew out of his body like the fruit of a plant. He was born from his mother. Hayato was confident of winning, but it would be disgusting if Pegasus cheated at night and played tricks by manually arranging the card sequence, such as three Pots of Desire in a row. group

However, there are no such concerns in the dark game. Under the rigid and stubborn rules of the dark game, no one can cheat.

Oh, who would want to cheat! Tianma Ye said this in lingo, but the tone of his words was inexplicably a little guilty.

He had actually thought about cheating just now. After all, his opponent was Hayato Kobayashi, the maniac, self-destruction expert, and NTR enthusiast. No matter how confident the duelist was in his deck, he You will also become less confident in front of you. After all, you never know what cards Hayato Kobayashi will pull out in the next round from his complex deck.

However, the Dark Game has also unfolded. Although I cannot freely control the order of cards in the deck under the restrictions of its rules, I do have many powerful cards in my deck. The advantage is mine!

I get the first attack. It's my turn to draw a card! After Hayato deliberately gave up the opportunity to take the first move, Tenma Yakou won the first round, drew a card from the deck, and saw himself clearly. When he drew the first card, Tianma Yexing couldn't help but grin, feeling that his luck was really good.

Activating the magic card [Bitter Choice], I choose five cards from the deck, and then the opponent chooses one to add to my hand, and the remaining four cards are sent to the graveyard. Five cards popped up automatically from the duel disk, He was caught by Pegasus Yakou and showed it to Hayato.

Hayato took a closer look:

[Lava Bomber] [Lava Burner] [Lava Archer] [Lava Gunner] [Lava Judgment King]

[Lava] deck? Hayato, who recognized the deck used by Pegasus Yakou, frowned and recalled the characteristics of the [Lava] deck. It is a card from the DT worldview that mainly has fire attributes, piles a large number of graves, and then bursts out of the graveyard in one breath. group, and also has the ability to synchronize...

Isn't that the [Hellfire Machine]?

To be honest, Hayato simply remembers the existence of such a deck. Although he has seen the unique skill brother use [Lava] to perform acrobatics such as three-speed sky in one round, but when it comes to playing cards, he has never encountered even one, so He looked at the five cards and chose the one that seemed to be the weakest.

I choose [Lava Gunner].

After a cursory look at the other monsters, I can see that they can either use special moves from the hand or rely on the [Lava] monsters in the graveyard to exert their effects. Most of them are cards that can be used, and the only one that can special summon the excluded monsters is [Lava Gunner]. There are no cards that can be used for the time being.

Then, I will add [Lava Gunner] to my hand and send the remaining four cards to the graveyard. After sending a few cards to the graveyard, Pegasus Yexing said arrogantly, Actually, these cards are not stronger at all. It is necessary to be weak, because from the beginning, they were sent to the cemetery and had only the value of being sacrifices summoned by my superiors. Tuan

Quick attack magic card [Red Lotus Wall of Flame]! Activate any number of [Lava] monsters in the excluded graveyard, and special summon the corresponding number of [Lava Tokens] on my field!

I want to banish all four [Lava] monsters in the graveyard and Special Summon four [Lava Tokens] in defense position on my field!

As Tianma Yexing activated the magic card, a wall of flames suddenly rose in front of him, and several small flame elves walked out of it.

【Lava derivatives】【1☆/Fire】



It does look very impressive, but in the final analysis, isn't this something that can be solved with just a [scapegoat]? Keppei said in confusion as he looked at the flames all over the field of Pegasus Night Parade. group

Kaiba on the side explained: No, [Scapegoat] has the restriction that it cannot be summoned, special summoned or reverse summoned during the turn after use. It can either be used as a sacrifice to be released when a specific monster attacks like a mediocre person, or it can be Use it as a shield to block attacks from the opponent's monsters.

Otherwise, just like that guy Hayato, use [DNA transformation surgery] to quickly gather the fusion materials for monsters of a specific race.

I recall that the [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] I fused from the cards in my hand was often overpowered by the [Super Fusion] without even making a single attack, and became a scapegoat together with the Scapegoats who were turned into dragons or magicians. [Five Array Magicians] or [Five Divine Dragons], Kaiba did not say the last usage that made him most uncomfortable.

Although four derivatives were also summoned through a more complicated process, [Red Lotus Flame Wall] is different from [Scapegoat] in that it does not have the negative effect of self-suppression. In other words, these derivatives can be immediately Being fused, ritualized, or summoned by a superior, Yameruda said.

And Pegasus Ye Xing was playing a card from his hand just as he said.

I haven't done a normal summon this turn, so I freed two [Lava Tokens] as sacrifices for the upper level summon, and summoned this monster from my hand in attack position.

Signs of destruction have appeared from now on, use absolute invincible despair!

[Despair Uranus]!

The two [Lava Derivatives] were released and dispersed, and the sparks rose into the air and gathered into a ball-shaped monster. The golden relief on it formed a human face in front, overlooking Hayato.

【Despair Uranus】【8☆/Light】

【Rock family/effect】


With the appearance of [Despair Uranus], Tianma Yexing said: There are no magic or trap cards on my field. [Despair Uranus] can only be activated when the superior summon is successful. The opponent declares that the type of card is a continuous magic card or It is a permanent trap card, and I set a card of the declaration type from the deck in the magic trap area.

Choose, a permanent magic card or a permanent trap card?

After thinking about it for a moment, Hayato said: I choose the Continuous Magic Card.

Although if the continuous magic card is retrieved and set, Pegasus Night Walk can directly activate the card in the turn it is set, but it is better than the continuous trap card, just in case Pegasus Night Walk brings some disgusting stickers such as skills in the deck. Drawing, giving orders, etc. would be troublesome.

As for the sustainable magic card, this is it. I will put this continuous magic card on my backfield and activate it. As expected, Tianma Yexing immediately retrieved the continuous magic card. was activated, but the card he used surprised Hayato a little, Continuous magic card, [Nightmare Mirage Tower], you should know the effect of this card best, Hayato Kobayashi.

Draw up to four cards during the preparation phase of my turn, and then discard the number of cards drawn during my own preparation phase. Of course Hayato is familiar with the effect of this card, after all, he has used [Nightmare Mirage Tower] many times. 】and【Very Food】bo.

In addition to the ability of the sustainable magic card itself, [Despair Uranus] can also draw power from it. Every face-up magic and trap card on my field can increase its attack power by 300 points. Not only that, [Despair] Uranus] can also in turn protect the face-up magic and trap cards on my backfield from being destroyed by effects.”

As Tianma Yexing's words fell, the golden lines on [Despair Uranus]'s body lit up slightly, absorbing the power of [Nightmare Mirage Tower].

【Desperate Uranus】【ATK2900→3200】group

The attack power surpasses the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!?

Hearing Hayato's exaggerated words on the field, Kaiba's fist hardened: Even you, stop talking nonsense. Is this the first time you have seen a monster with this level of attack power?

Well, after all, the guy opposite seems to be very proud of this monster. No matter what I say, I have to cooperate to express my surprise.

Hayato spread his hands towards Kaiba with an innocent face, looked at Pegasus Yakou again and said, Although it sounds like you are very powerful, but at this level, you are not even qualified to be the final boss, no matter what. It’s a barrier that whoever uses it loses, a scumbag monster with infinite attack power, and the like.”

What is that? Who would have that kind of thing? Tenma Yakou couldn't understand what Hayato was talking about, so he played two more cards from his hand, Isn't this enough for you to be considered your opponent? In that case, what about adding this card?”

Magic card [Double Summon], this round I can perform the second normal summon, and then I will release the remaining two [Lava Creatures] on the field as sacrifices for the superior summon. After this round. The second superior summons, Tianma Yexing seems to be very confident in his second card, On the way to destruction, all hopes will be suppressed, the ultimate depression and darkness!

Come out! [Suppress Pluto]!

With the remaining two [Lava Derivatives] being liberated, the wall of flames on the Pegasus Night Walk burned out and dispersed. Instead, dark power rose up, entangled and gathered into a monster with a hideous appearance. It is covered with a sharp carapace, and its arms have sharp claws. Each tentacle connected to its back has a pincer-like launcher at the end, floating like a wire-controlled cannon in a science fiction work.

【Suppress Pluto】【8☆/Dark】



Without saying what effect the [Suppressing Pluto] on his field had, Tenma Yakou smiled arrogantly: Just summon powerful monsters on your field, Hayato Kobayashi, and then my [Suppressing Pluto] will It will bring you endless fear and take away the hope in your hands.

Put a card in my hand and my turn ends.

[Tianma Night Walk: 4000LP, 1 card in hand] Group

【Desperate Uranus】【ATK3200】

【Suppression of Pluto】【ATK2600】

[Nightmare Mirage] [Gai Ka]

Relying on the fact that his body is no longer human but [Tragodia], after declaring the end of his turn, Pegasus Yakou couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and took a deep breath to calm down.

Although he said it so arrogantly, [Suppress Pluto] actually has no ability to be used automatically during the opponent's turn. What he just said was actually just to scare Hayato because he couldn't know the effect of this card. It's just a bluff.

Tianma Yexing is still very confident in the confidentiality of the effect of [Suppressing Pluto]. When he collected the Planet series cards to remove the seal, [Suppressing Pluto] was the first card he collected and had not been circulated outside. He had just played the card. When he was doing it, he also deliberately covered it with his hand to prevent Hayato from seeing clearly the effect written on the card from a distance.

My acting skills are so good, I can definitely fool him! group

That's what Tenma Yakou thought, and he actually saw Hayato opposite with his brows furrowed. But what he didn't know was that Hayato was trying to recall the effect of [Suppressing Pluto] in his memory.

Whether it is the comic version that is weaker due to the premature period, or the real card version that is strengthened out of mercy, [Suppression of Pluto], [Despair of Uranus], or even the strength of most Planet series cards It's extremely salty. Apart from that, only [E·Hero Earthman] with the blessing of the [E·Hero] field can still stand it.

[Tyrant Neptune] What do you say? [Tyrant Neptune] has already entered the small dark room. He never expected that it was Pluto that was kicked out of the solar system, but it was Neptune that was locked up by the banned card list.

Although [Suppression of Pluto] and [Despair of Uranus] cannot be said to be useless, they really don't have any overly strong effects. So, this guy is bluffing, right?

Hayato, who knew the effect of the card that Pegasus Yakou thought he had done a good job of keeping secret, drew a card from the deck: My turn, draw a card.

Then during your preparation stage, due to the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower], I drew three cards from the deck to make the number of cards in my hand four. Seeing Hayato pull out the card, Tenma Yakou also pulled out the card from the deck. Got three cards.

Hayato watched him pull out the card, shrugged indifferently, pulled out a card and played: Pay 1000 basic points, I activate the magic card [Simple Fusion], and use a fusion monster below level 5☆ as a fusion summon. The fusion deck is specially summoned. The monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack and are destroyed at the end of the phase.

[Hayato: 4000→3000LP]

Just when the people present thought that Hayato was going to summon the so-called strongest evolved dragon clan, Hayato raised his palms, clenched them violently, and shouted loudly: Bite through the blocking barriers, hills, and planets, and open up the front. The road swallows everything!”

Fusion Summon! [Predatory Plant - Bromeliad Insect-Eating Corn Spirit Wandering Whale]!

The name doesn't sound like a dragon at all, you liar!

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