Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 63: Kobayashi Hayato, I will kill you a thousand times!

The next moment the explosion occurred, Hayato rushed in the direction of Tenma Yakou, grabbed a chair next to him and threw it at Tenma Yakou. However, Tianma Yexing's reaction was quite fast, and he dodged the flying chair in time without being hit.

However, Hayato took advantage of the opportunity he had escaped to come to [Disturbing Black], punched the jar containing it, and took it back. He thought he was unconscious, but in fact he was heartless. [Disturbing·Black] who fell asleep.

Is the target actually your own elf? Although there are rumors that you are a ruthless guy who will sacrifice your own elf at will, but obviously the truth is not like that, Hayato Kobayashi! After a pause, Tenma Yakou continued, But what the hell is going on?!”

Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully. After bringing back [Disturbing Black], Hayato retreated and distanced himself from Tenma Yakou, pointed at Keppei and said, In your In your eyes, whether it’s me, Kaiba, or Amaluda, the three of us have certain combat capabilities, so you think we need to stay attentive and vigilant, right?”

But you have never paid attention to Keppei from the beginning to the end, not only because he is young, but also because he does not have much strength in the field of dueling monsters. And the result is that you did not expect that he actually held the Kaiba's equipment was connected to the Kaiba Group's network, and the improvised self-destruction program was loaded into the Ark reactor.

Your next sentence is, were you delaying time before, Hayato Kobayashi!

As Hayato finished speaking, Tenma Yakou also spoke: Did you delay time before - Nani!?

While Pegasus was walking at night in a daze, Amaluda had already placed a bomb on the iron gate blocking the road behind him, and shouted to Kaiba and the others: Stay away, it's going to explode——


The bomb exploded before Yameruda could finish his words. The directional blasting explosives blew open the solid metal door, allowing several people to evacuate from here.

Speak more promptly next time! Keppei said, And why do you carry a bomb with you? Aren't you a chef?

Is there any problem? Occasionally I meet some annoying diners who are deliberately picky. Americaruda said casually and shouted to Hayato, Stop talking nonsense to that guy, I'll take you back. If you hear the elves, leave immediately, this place is going to explode!

Although the self-destruction program that Keppei loaded into the Ark reactor was temporarily written using the AR glasses he was wearing, it was not just a detonation program, but also had two explosion stages.

The first stage was the explosion just now. Since Tianma Yexing's equipment could not be detected by conventional inspection, Na Guiping simply overloaded the Ark reactor and then used an explosion to destroy all the equipment connected to it, which directly led to At this moment, the card of [Tragodia] is stuck in the device and cannot be taken out.

The second stage of the explosion was set by Keppei two minutes after the first explosion. When the countdown reaches zero, the Ark reactor will be completely destroyed from the inside out, and the power of the explosion will be concentrated after precise calculations. In both directions, up and down, while not causing damage to a wider area as much as possible, the underground space where Tianma Night Walk is located can be destroyed with certainty.

And before the countdown reaches zero, all Hayato and the others have to say is to leave here as quickly as possible, if they don't want to be destroyed by the high heat and high pressure at the moment the Ark reactor explodes.

Hearing what Ameluda said, Tenma Yakou immediately glared at Hayato: Wait a minute, are you trying to escape, Hayato Kobayashi! Aren't you the king of duels? Give me something to fight with the enemy to the end. Come on, have the courage not to give up!”

Huh? Where did you come from, idiot? The devil wants to die with you. I'm going to run away now. Just drown yourself with your dreams. Mimicking the lines of a passing archer, Hayato did not hesitate. He turned around and climbed up the steps, running towards the maintenance channel that was now clear again. Amaluda had already picked up Keppei and ran away, while Kaiba was still waiting for Hayato at the entrance.

You guy! Tenma Yakou wanted to chase Hayato, but just as he took a step in the direction Hayato left, he glanced at the [Tragodia] card that was stuck on the device next to him.

Logically speaking, there is a trade-off between chasing Hayato and saving one's life and a card. There is no doubt that the latter is not as important as the former, but Tenma Yakou gritted his teeth and did not hesitate. He hesitated and chose to stay and forcefully dismantle the stuck device and try to take out the card.

Hayato, who had already arrived at the entrance, glanced at Pegasus Yakou, who seemed to have given up his escape plan. Standing on a high place, he couldn't help but said loudly: Remember this day, Pegasus Yakou, because today, you I almost caught the great Hayato Kobayashi!”

Which avatar's line is that? Kaiba raised his eyebrows and said impatiently, Hurry up, we only have one minute left.

Okay, here we go.

Hayato and Kaiba walked into the passage, moved quickly along the passage, and after arriving at the exit of the passage, they immediately rushed towards the entrance of the lobby on the first floor of the Central Building, while Pegasus Night Travel was still stuck with the power outage. device struggles.

There was a strange black air wrapped around the hands that were hanging on the movable mechanism of the device. Tianma Yexing watched the strong metal being broken open little by little with brute force. He was somewhat annoyed that he had been stealing the products of the Haima Group. When you rubbed this device, why did you worry about the safety of the cards inside and steal the metal that was too high quality?

Although the quality of food packaging does need to be higher, when the packaging needs to be opened, the quality is too high and the delay in opening it is annoying.

Just when Hayato, Kaiba, and Amalda with Keppei had successfully escaped to a location dozens of meters away from the Central Building, the last part accompanying the [Tragodia] card was torn off. , Tianma Yexing showed a joyful smile: Yada☆thief!


The next moment Pegasus Yakou, who held the [Tragodia] card tightly in his hand, was engulfed by the blue energy impact blasting down from above his head.

The countdown to self-destruction of the Ark reactor reached zero, and a blue energy pillar was erected at its location, shooting straight into the sky. Even the building made of solid materials was penetrated for more than ten floors, and it failed to destroy the entire building. The energy of the complete breakthrough had nowhere to vent, and began to be released laterally. The strong wind completely messed up the hair of Hayato and others who had not completely left the central building. Keppei relied on Kaiba to hold him tightly to prevent him from being blown out.

On the commercial street a few kilometers away, the ground suddenly shook and trembled slightly. Kyoko, who had obviously practiced dancing and had a good balance, seemed a little unsteady. She happened to fall into Yugi's arms and was helped by him. live.

He looked worriedly towards the direction where the earthquake was coming from. Hayato and Kaiba had told him about their destination before setting off. Did something happen to the Kaiba Group?

Fortunately, President Kaiba, who has always been peace-loving, friendly, and caring about the world, also cares about the environment. When building the Ark reactor, he did not choose the old nuclear generators that had mature technology but would cause radiation pollution. Instead, he After overcoming the technology of cold nuclear fusion to create this clean energy device, Hayato and his friends faced the hot wind blown by the explosion without encountering the test of nuclear radiation.

The explosion came and went quickly. Keppei, who was sitting on the ground, raised his head and looked at the building in front of him. Although the explosion did not completely destroy this reliable building, the big explosion from the inside also destroyed its supporting structure. It was completely destroyed. Even if it is still standing in front of a few people, it is estimated that no one will be willing to work in this building with a big hole in the center. It will definitely not last long.

Although it was quite fun to detonate the Ark reactor, seeing his property ruined like this, Keppei couldn't help but start planning again. He said with regret and pain: The explosion is indeed very exciting, but this This building can basically be said to be scrapped, and the direct losses are at least one billion yen. If this continues, the Kaiba Group will go bankrupt in another thousand years.

If the old thing doesn't go away, the new one won't come in, Manji. Hayato said casually, Besides, it's not broken yet, Xiu Yixiu might still be able to use it.


The moment Hayato finished speaking, a dark figure suddenly flew out from among the ruins and rubble that had been blasted away by the previous explosion and piled up in the completely ruined first-floor hall. It flew upwards for tens of meters and passed through several floors before being shattered. The cracked outer wall of the building flew out from the inside and bombarded where Hayato and the others were.

Hayato and the others quickly retreated to avoid the attack of the unknown object. The dark figure fell on the ground, creating a large crater. The smoke and dust were all over it, making it impossible to see clearly what it was, but Kei However, Ping could see that the building behind him, which had been hit hard again, failed to survive this time and was collapsing from top to bottom.

What it was like when the International Illusion Society's headquarters in America was demolished by Hayato, this is what the Central Building looks like now. As the building collapsed completely, Keppei fell into silence.

Kobayashi Hayato! Just when Hayato was about to sprinkle salt on Keppei's wounds to comfort him, a vicious voice came from the hole made by the thing that almost hit them just now. It sounded like Pegasus Yakou The voice said, Once again, you ruined everything for me!

What I want to say is that life is unsatisfactory. Hayato was unprepared on the surface, but in fact he had already pulled out a few cards in the hand behind his back, ready to go, and looked at the pit where the smoke gradually dissipated. But halfway through his words, even Hayato couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the thing that appeared in the pit.

What emerged from the pit was more like crawling out than walking out of it. It was a black monster with a lobster-like shape. The voice exactly like Pegasus Yakou came from its mouth: Kobayashi Hayato! I'm going to kill you. A thousand times is not enough!

No, who are you? Do we know each other?

Hayato could recognize that the monster in front of him was [Tragodia]. After all, in the Yu-Gi-Oh environment long ago in his previous life, he was dragged into the Zombie Hell for a period of time due to the strength of the Undead Synchronicity. At the same time, the [Great Cold Wave] was rampant. At that time, [Tragodia] was a Counterattack cards were once popular, and were even regarded as noble restricted cards.

But what's going on with this [Tragodia] in front of me, and why does it have so much hatred for me? Could it be that the elf of [Tragodia] in his previous life, which he always summoned to block swords and sold, also traveled through time?

Oh, I owe this appearance to you, Hayato Kobayashi! [Tragodia] said through gritted teeth, I originally wanted to do this after I fully analyze and assimilate the power of this card. One step, but because of you, a cunning guy, I had to fuse with the card in advance!

Although the power I received has not changed, it has been turned into this ugly appearance. It doesn't matter if you don't recognize me, I will let you know who I am, using the invincible power I received!

[Tragodia] As he spoke, he raised an arm and opened his five-fingered palm towards Hayato and the others. In an instant, the dark power gathered in his hand and formed a sphere that flew out and hit Hayato. On the card that was suddenly thrown out!

Curry! He made an uppercut gesture, and [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] blocked the attack of this energy ball. Although he was quickly eliminated and returned to the card to cultivate, it also protected Hayato and others. Injuried.

Hayato, who was always paying attention to [Tragodia], caught an afterimage that vaguely appeared next to its head at the moment it launched the attack, but it was the appearance of a Pegasus walking at night. Hayato somehow thought of Mahad and [Magic of Fantasy], a conjecture came to his mind, and he blurted it out immediately.

Are you Pegasus Yakou!? You actually turned into a card elf?!

What? That's impossible! Amaluda looked at Hayato in shock and said, What on earth do you think, Hayato Kobayashi, how can a human become an elf?

But Kaiba said, having also experienced the battle of King's Memory and knowing Mahad's experience, he could understand Hayato's words: No, that guy is indeed Pegasus Yakou, and he actually turned himself into a duel monster?

This is the third time I've seen this happen, but I have to say, this is the most disgusting time I've ever seen. Looking at [Tragodia], or in other words, completely abandoning his human identity Pegasus walks at night, Hayato said with a look of disgust.

Huh, stupid, you don't even know what the beauty of power is. Now I have a power that you can't imagine. Looking down at Hayato, Tenma Yakou sneered, I changed my mind. It would be too much to kill you like this. Let you relax, I will use this body to play a dark game and completely devour your souls!

On his outstretched arm, a duel disk appeared out of nowhere, which was consistent with the style he wore before. At the same time, Tianma Yexing also took out three cards that he wanted to use before but were interrupted by the explosion, and put them in The deck of cards you printed out was automatically shuffled and cut.

You were the one who refused to duel before, and you are the one who wants to duel now. But, I don't care. Hayato glanced at the cards shuffled into the deck by Pegasus Yakou, thought for a while, and modified the deck he wanted to use before. Insert the card into the duel plate again, In that case, I will use the strongest dragon after evolution to hit you with the whip of complete defeat!

The seahorse behind him: ?


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