Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 57 The Death of Cynoros

[Golden Madness-Eldridge], attack [The Demon Statue of Silver City]!

Not only that, at the moment when the attack was declared, the mysterious man also drew a card from his hand: It's not over yet, I have to activate this quick attack magic card from my hand, [Colossal Shadow of Vainglory]!

When a monster declares an attack, it can be activated by targeting a face-up monster on the field, increasing that monster's attack power by 1000 points until the end of the battle phase!

[Golden Madness-Eldridge][ATK3800→4800]

When the attack power is still 3800 points, although the attack of [Golden Madness-Eldridge] is equally dangerous, Hayato can still retain 200 basic points like a candle in the wind and will not directly lose to zero, but combined with [Vanity Giant] After the effect of [Shadow], the attack of [Golden Madness-Eldridge] was enough to basically clear it out.

In this dark game, it is best not to lower the base score if possible, let alone return it to zero. At this moment, [Golden Madness-Eldridge] with an attack power of up to 4800 points is coming, and it is bound to Hayato defeated him in one go!


At this moment, I want to activate the effect of this monster in the graveyard. Hayato suddenly pulled out a card from his graveyard, During the battle phase of both sides, this [Dark Knight - Gaia Origin] will be added to the graveyard. Except, activate it against a monster on the field with an attack power different from its original attack power, and the attack power of that monster will return to its original value!

Regain your glory, [Demon Statue of Silver City]!

Seeing the card in Hayato's hand, the mysterious man was a little surprised: Is that card also the card [Hellfire Machine Tiera] sent to the cemetery?

Hmph, you're not the only one who can pile cards into the graveyard to use them. It's better to say that what Hayato Kobayashi is best at is sending his own cards to the graveyard for use. Kaiba raised the corner of his mouth, arrogantly He said, but his fingers moved away from the button that activated the card without leaving a trace.

Although he and Hayato looked like they were about to quarrel just now, seeing that Hayato was almost in danger, Kaiba did not hesitate to use the cover card in his back field. However, Hayato's movements were faster than his, and the card in his backfield was not activated.

The phantom state of [Gaia] emerged from the card that Hayato had just taken out from the graveyard. The lance in his hand struck out and hit the body of the [Demon Statue of Silver City] whose body was covered in gold. It was previously protected by [Guardian of the Golden Land]. 】The golden shell applied to the statue suddenly cracked, and the 【Demon Statue of Silver City】 suddenly regained its freedom!

【Demon Statue of Silver City】【ATK0→2000】

However, although the attack power of [Silver City's Demonic Statue] increased by 2000 points in one breath, it was still no match for [Golden Madness-Eldridge]. The Demonic Statue had just raised its giant sword to face the incoming attack. The Golden Lich's punch, which gathered huge magic power, had already broken the weapon in his hand, and even the statue was shattered.

[Hayato: 4000→1200LP]

Because it was in a dark game, Hayato also showed a painful expression as his base points dropped. It seemed that he had suffered a lot of damage from this attack. After all, his base points had been deducted by a full amount. It's 2800 o'clock.

Seeing that Hayato managed to withstand the attack without being directly eliminated, Kaiba breathed a sigh of relief, but on the surface he remained calm and even said coldly and arrogantly: Humph, it's really embarrassing. Hayato Kobayashi was almost killed. He was defeated in one go. If you had lost to someone else so casually before I defeated you, I would have been quite angry.

Oh, don't worry Seth, I won't lose. It's just a fatal injury. For a duelist, as long as the basic score does not return to zero, there is no limit. While wiping the tears on his forehead caused by pain Cold sweat, Hayato said with a weak look.

When the mysterious man saw that the combo he originally planned to kill Hayato was blocked by Hayato, he decisively changed the target of the attack and said: Because of the existence of [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], I can't finish your remaining 1200 for the time being. A little basic points, and you saved a life, Hayato.

In that case, I will use [Messenger of Hades - Kaiin] to attack [Blue Eyes White Dragon] next.

Hmph, you can't defeat Hayato Kobayashi, so you're targeting me? You actually treat me as a target that's not as easy to deal with as Hayato Kobayashi. It's really disappointing. Kaiba frowned and said, Monsters with the same attack power. If we fight each other, we will both perish, so we can’t lose in terms of momentum, [Blue Eyes]!”

The female warrior, who was all turned into undead by the effect of [Undead World], and the dragon started fighting under the watchful eyes of the duelists on both sides. The sharp blade of [Cain, the Messenger of Hades] pierced into the body of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and [ The Blue-Eyed White Dragon also swallowed it up with a breath of dragon's breath, which seemed to be the fate of both of them.

Seeing that [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Messenger of Hades - Kaiin] seemed to have died together, with their bodies both lying in the [Undead World] where corpses were everywhere, Kaiba also used the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] card on his field. Reluctantly sent to the cemetery.

However, just as he sent the card in his hand to the cemetery, he saw that [Messenger of Hades - Kaiin] who was supposed to die together with [Blue Eyes White Dragon] actually climbed up from the pile of bones, although he was covered in [Blue Eyes White Dragon] ] was burned by the dragon's breath, but he was still on the field! ?

If the undead monster on my field is destroyed by battle or effect, I can remove [Giant Ghoul-Magera] from my hand or graveyard instead.

From his own graveyard, the mysterious man took out a card, which turned out to be the [Giant Ghoul-Magera] that had just been sent to the graveyard as the fusion material of [Golden Madness-Eldridge], And in [Giant Ghoul-Magera] Activates when the card is removed from the hand or the graveyard. This card is Special Summoned in defense position and its level is reduced by 1☆

The shape is an undead version of the classic dragon-suited monster [Gera's Warrior]. The huge [Giant Ghoul-Magera] climbed up from the ground next to [The Messenger of Hades-Kain] and appeared on the mysterious man's field. The defense position appeared. It seemed to have protected [Kairin, Messenger of Hades] from being destroyed by [Blue Eyes White Dragon] just now.

[Giant Ghoul-Magera][8☆→7☆][DEF2300]

My attack is not over yet, next is [Golden Lord-Eldridge], attacking the [White Spirit Dragon] on Seto Kaiba's field!

Following [Messenger of the Underworld - Kain], [Golden Lord - Eldridge] also started to attack. The lich with gold blessed by magic ignored the [White Spirit Dragon] spitting out the words that could have perished with him. Dragon Breath, Qi stepped forward to get close to the white dragon, and punched it to pieces.

[Haima: 4000→3000LP]

[White Spirit Dragon]! Hmm. After taking the excess 1,000 points of battle damage, Kaiba frowned subconsciously, but suddenly felt a little strange.

As for the feeling of pain, it is indeed there, but he has experienced so many dark games, and he knows how much damage will cause how much pain, but the pain he feels at this moment is not like that at all. It's the kind of pain that 1,000 points of damage should cause. To say it's 100 points is a bit of a stretch.

Although I don't understand, if something strange happens, it's right to contact Kobayashi Hayato first. Even if it's not his fault, it's at least related to him. Even if it doesn't work, he definitely knows something.

Noticing Kaiba's gaze, Hayato, who had just pretended to say I can't help it, 2800 points of damage is so painful, I'm going to die was also helpless: Really, you are too embarrassed, Kaiba, you were actually hurt. I want to play you for a little longer.

So, you did it right, right? What happened? Kaiba asked with a frown.

The way you understand it is that the way our opponents launch the dark game is the secondary authority delegated to them by other people who have the ability to open the dark game. They cannot do anything except launch the default dark game, but With the [Millennium Artifact] in my possession, I have administrator rights and can modify the rules of this dark game.

Hayato raised his hand and snapped his fingers, In addition to changing the true damage to 10% of the original value, there is also this.

With the snap of Hayato's fingers, the dark game barrier that was originally pitch black suddenly disappeared, and Kaiba also saw Keppei and Amelda, who had been watching the duel.

Kuihei? And that guy Ameruda?

Didn't I tell you that I came here with them? Now I have. Hayato spread his hands, Although you and Keppei can see each other now, the barrier of the dark game still exists. , you still have to wait until the duel is over before you can go out.

At this moment, the mysterious man on the opposite side also said: I was still looking around during the duel. You two guys didn't take me seriously at all, Seto Kaiba and Hayato Kobayashi!

Cover a card and my turn ends!

【? :1000LP, 0 cards in hand】

【Golden Lord-Eldridge】【ATK3500】

[Golden Madness-Eldridge][ATK4800→3800]

【Messenger of Hades-Kain】【ATK3000】

[Giant Ghoul-Magera] [DEF2300]

【Gate Card】X4

Venue: [Undead World]

Hearing the mysterious man's words, Kaiba sneered: Hmph, is there something wrong? You just turned a large number of monsters into attack modes to attack, trying to defeat one of me and Hayato Kobayashi, but you failed. The cost is that you have a lot of attack-positioned monsters on the field.

This duel is over. You have no monster that can compete with Kobayashi Hayato's [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]. The remaining 1,000 basic points are like a candle in the wind.

When Hayato heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Kaiba: What kind of hatred do we have? You want to curse me like this to set up a Flag?

Putting his finger on the top card of the deck, Hayato looked at the mysterious man and said: Now that things have come to an end, the duel should be over. It's my turn to draw cards.

[Hayato: 1200LP, hand card 5→6]

During the preparation phase of the opponent's turn, because there are cards in the field area, I special summon [Dead Soul King-Evil Eye] from the graveyard in defense position. Watching Hayato draw the card, the mysterious man immediately took it out from the graveyard and prepared it. The good monster is left on the field, and [Dead King-Evil Eye], which has the effect of invalidating undead monsters, reappears, filling the last vacancy on the field in front of it.

[King of the Dead-Evil Eye][DEF2000]

Although [Undead King-Evil Eye] combined with [Undead World] can counteract the effects of many monsters, to defeat that mysterious man, Hayato doesn't even need to activate the monster effects. He only needs to use [Armor Emperor Dragon-Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]. Just attack any monster in attack position on the field of the mysterious man.

Although the effect of [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] can only be regarded as pseudo-full resistance, it can only resist activated effects and has no resistance to sustainable effects at all, but it is still resistance. With its high attack power, it only needs One strike can bring victory to Hayato.

Regardless of being on the safe side, Hayato still used the effect of [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon].

Activate the effect of [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], and select one monster from both sides' graveyards once per round as its equipment card. [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] can be equipped up to a maximum number of times in one battle phase. s attack.

I choose [Golden Lord-Eldridge] in the opponent's graveyard.

When Hayato heard that Hayato was going to use the effect of [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], the mysterious man also activated the effect of [Dead Soul King - Evil Eye] that had just appeared in a chain: Then use [Dead Soul King - Evil Eye] The effect is activated when an undead monster activates its effect. I choose to remove a monster card from both sides of the field and the graveyard. The target is [Golden Lord-Eldridge].

Instead of being used as an equipment card by Hayato's [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], I might as well remove him myself. Perhaps with this idea, [Golden Lord - Eldridge] was taken one step ahead. except.

Hayato did not feel regretful. The reason why he chose [Golden Lord-Eldridge] was because he wanted to force the opponent to use the exclusion effect of [Dead Soul King-Evil Eye], and his development had just begun. start.

Activate the magic card [Pot of Desire], and I draw two from the deck...

First, he played the super cool [Pot of Desire] card to check, but as soon as Hayato put down the card, the mysterious man immediately opened the cover card and said: Chain [Pot of Desire], open the cover card [Eternal Shining... Golden Land], there is an [Eldridge] monster on my field, and when the monster's effect, magic, or trap card is activated, release an undead monster on my field, negate its activation, and destroy it.

The golden lich sitting on the throne raised his hand and casually snapped his fingers, and the [Pot of Desire] in front of Hayato who was about to spit out two cards was shattered into pieces.

No! Chronos! You died so miserably! He shouted at the invalidated [Pot of Desire], Hayato glanced at the two cover cards on the back field of the mysterious man, and frowned. It's too abominable that you won't let me earn cards. In that case...

The magic card [Harpy's Feather Sweep], using Feather Sweep to deal with El Dorado is a classic step. It destroyed my backcourt!


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