Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 58 Xiaolin’s Dragon Maid

The magic card [Harpy's Feather Sweep] destroyed my backcourt!

I didn't expect it. The [Pot of Desire] that seems to be used for checking cards is actually a good use I used to deceive you!

This is a lie. Hayato actually didn't expect that there was Kang in the card that the opponent put down. Just now he really just wanted to draw cards to earn cards, but this did not affect his expression at this moment: Everything is under my calculation. middle expression.

The powerful backcourt-destroying card [Harpy's Feather Sweep] obtained from Jonouchi's best friend was activated, whipping up a hurricane and sweeping towards the mysterious man's court. Not only was it intended to destroy the remaining three cover cards in his backcourt, but also In order to solve the [Undead World].

Although he is not a mysophobia like Kaiba, and others changing his Blue Eyes species can make him extremely angry, Hayato actually doesn't like others to do anything to his monsters. He is a pure party lover.

Of course, if he was the one who touched other people's monsters, then there would be no problem.

However, the mysterious man naturally would not let Hayato destroy the cards in his backfield just like this. The two cover cards were all opened at once: Then the chain activation of [King of Conqueror of Gold] and [Guardian of Golden Land] will be activated.

Seeing this, Kaiba said: Although [Guardian of the Golden Land] will become a normal monster on your field after activation, it is still regarded as a trap card and will still be destroyed by [Harpy's Feather Sweep]. of.

It doesn't matter if it is destroyed, as long as its effect can be used. The mysterious man placed the [Guardian of the Golden Land] in the frontcourt that would be destroyed soon, [The Guardian of the Golden Land] The effect of , if there is an [Eldridge] monster on my field after this card is Special Summoned, the attack power of one monster will be reduced to 0.

I choose [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on your field, Seto Kaiba.

One of the only two [Blue Eyes] left on the Kaiba Field was selected by the effect of [Guardian of the Golden Land]. A layer of gold rose from the feet of the white dragon and spread to his body, just like Hayato's [Silver City's] before. Like the Demon God Statue, it was completely covered in gold and fell to the ground unable to move. At the same time, its attack was reduced to 0.

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000→0】

Because Hiroshi Misawa has been eliminated, after Hayato's turn, it's the mysterious man's turn again, and now he uses the effect of [Guardian of the Golden Land] to reduce the attack power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] dropped to 0.

This means that if Hayato cannot defeat him this round, he can use [Golden Lord-Eldridge], [Golden Madness-Eldridge] or any attack power above 3000 points in the next round. The monsters will clear Kaiba's basic points through battle.

In addition to [Guardian of the Golden Land], his other activated card is also taking effect.

I saw the mysterious man take out three cards from his pocket and said: [Golden Conqueror] is a card that can only take effect if there is an [Eldridge] monster on my field. Since I was excluded from [ [Golden Land] Select one of three types of magic and trap cards and return it to the deck, changing the opponent's base points to half the value, and restoring my base points to the value of the opponent's base points!

My target is still you, Seto Kaiba!

The mysterious person on the field [Golden Maniac - Eldridge] raised his palm and pointed it at Kaiba from a distance, and tightened it suddenly. Under the influence of invisible magic power, Kaiba's basic score suddenly dropped by half, making him raise his eyebrows. .

[Seto Kaiba: 3000→1500LP]

Although Hayato has reduced the real impact of the damage in the dark game, the 1500 points of damage is only 150 points in physical sense. It is not painful at all, but it is a little itchy, just like the violent-looking [Golden Mania-Eldrie] on the opposite side. Qi] It was really like tickling him.

As Haima's basic score dropped, Mysterious Man's basic score, which was originally the lowest in the game, began to rise.

【? :1000→2500LP]

Seeing that the opponent's basic points had increased, Hayato didn't say anything, but Kaiba frowned: It actually restored the basic points? Huh, that is to say, even if the attack of [Armor Emperor Dragon-Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] is based on attack power, Isn’t it possible to clear it even with the lowest [Messenger of Hades-Kain] as the target?”

Furthermore, [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] only has one [Horse-headed Ghost] as an equipment card, and cannot carry out more attacks. After talking to himself, Kaiba looked at Hayato and said, It seems that one monster alone is not enough to defeat the opponent, Kobayashi Hayato, you may have to summon another stronger monster.

Hearing Kaiba's words, Hayato couldn't help but glance at the only monster card in his hand: This one.

The elf on the card noticed that Hayato was looking at him, with his hands on his hips arrogantly, expecting Hayato to use him.

[Harpy's Feather Sweep] swept through, clearing all the magic trap cards on the mysterious man's field. [Guardian of the Golden Land] came on the scene and reduced [Blue Eyes White Dragon]'s attack power to 0 before being destroyed again. I went to the graveyard and waited for it to work again in the next turn. Also destroyed was a trap card [Red and Blood-stained Golden Kingdom Immortality Elixir] that could not be activated because the mysterious man's field was full.

Although the opponent successfully activated two cards before the cover card was destroyed, the most critical thing was that the field magic card [Undead World] was successfully destroyed. The skeletons are gradually turning into nothingness, and the [Armor Emperor Dragon-Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] that was transformed into the undead and the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on the seahorse field are also changing back to their original appearance.

Kaiba looked at the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] who was about to transform back, but before he could smile, he saw the mysterious man actually took out a card from the graveyard and said: The second card in my graveyard [Corpse World Class West]'s effect, remove it from the graveyard, and activate the second [Undead World] from the deck!


In both Kaiba and Hayato's somewhat surprised eyes, another [Undead World] was activated, and the purple mist and corpses recovered before they dissipated. [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark End] Dragon] was also turned into an undead monster again.

Kobayashi Hayato! You did a good job with that [Hellfire Machine Tiera]! You did a good job!

After picking his ears and ignoring Kaiba's strange annoyance, Hayato really couldn't say anything in reply. Previously, when I used [Hellfire Machine Tiera] to sharpen my hand, I asked each duelist to pile the three cards at the top of the deck into the graveyard, but the card that this mysterious man piled into the grave was one. Wait for the sharpness.

[Bone Pig Throw], [Bansi of the Corpse World] and [Dead King-Evil Eye], three blind piles of three cards that take effect in the graveyard, are very suitable for using Little Blue, and the deck must be filled with three Little Blues . However, it is hard to say whether the tomb can still be piled up like now when using Xiaolan, or whether it will be blindly stacked with three [Pot of Desire].

The basic score is 2,500 points. This number really couldn't be more suitable. It's so suitable for me to use this powerful monster.

Drawing the only monster card from the remaining four cards in his hand, Hayato shouted loudly: The ultimate dragon, named the 'Future Dragon King', is also the ultimate barrier to protect the family. You trustworthy and reliable girl, answer me!

I will directly summon Xiao Lan! Come out, [Half-Dragon Maid·Washing Dragon Lady]!

Wearing a pure white maid outfit, with the blue skirt rising up as she twirled when she appeared on the stage, [Half-Dragon Maid·Laundry Dragon Girl], the invincible Xiaolan, appeared on Hayato's field with a proud look on her face, her hands on her hips. He was about to stand still and strike a pose, but he tripped over his long fluffy tail and accidentally fell. His clean clothes were stained by stains on the ground.

There were tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, and Xiaolan looked like she was about to cry.

[Half-Dragon Maid·Laundry Lady] [2☆/Water]



Seeing Xiaolan's poor performance and weak attack power when he appeared on the stage, even Kaiba couldn't help but touch his forehead: What a weak dragon.

No, Xiao Lan is an undead now! Hearing Kaiba's words, Xiao Lan raised his hand and spoke, and ran to the opposite [Dead Soul King-Evil Eye] and took a piece of paper from his hand that said Immortal A sticky note with the word ethnic was placed on his forehead.

[Half-Dragon Maid·Laundry Dragon Maid] is activated when the summon and special summon are successful. Send three cards from the top of my deck to the graveyard. Hayato said casually, not expecting Xiaolan to pile up anything good. , and it’s hard to say whether this effect can be activated.

In that case, I activate the effect of [Dead King - Evil Eye], and when the effect of the undead monster is activated, that effect will be negated.

As expected by Hayato, although no one knew what kind of weird cards Xiao Lan could pile into the cemetery, the mysterious man opposite did not give Hayato a chance to gamble at all, using [Dead Soul King-Evil] Eye】Kang gives Xiao Lan's effect to Kang once a round.

You can actually get the same effect as Xiaolan!? It's so inhumane!

Xiao Lan, who was on Hayato's field, heard the mysterious man's words and protested, while Hayato looked at Xiao Lan helplessly: Idiot, there are undead on the other side. They are not human in the first place.

Don't you have any other monsters to choose from, Hayato Kobayashi? You actually use such a bastard monster?

Kaiba looked disdainfully at Xiaolan on Hayato's field, and then at the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on his own field. He compared the two and felt secretly proud. Hum hum, your dragon monster is not as beautiful as my [Blue Eyes].

Don't say that, Seth, even though Xiaolan's attack power is only 500 points, 500 points of attack power is enough. Hayato comforted Xiaolan, who was glaring at Kaiba, while drawing a card from his hand. He said, The puzzle leading to victory has been completed. I activate the magic card [Hidden Pathway to Treasure].

Choose Xiao Lan who has an attack power of less than 1000 points on my field as the target. This round, Xiao Lan can directly attack the opponent's duelist!


In the surprised eyes of the mysterious man, Xiaolan on Hayato's field raised his hand proudly, revealing a dusty key in his hand. It seemed that he had just picked it up when he fell on the ground, and See how after she inserted the key directly into the air, she walked in and disappeared as if she had opened a hidden map in the game?

Enter the battle stage, I use [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] to attack [Messenger of Hades - Kain]! Roar of the Thunder Dragon!

Although the name of the move Hayato shouted was obviously not the name of the attack move of [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon], he still cooperated and released a bolt of lightning and controlled it into a dragon shape, aiming at the mysterious man with the lowest attack power [ The messenger of Hades - Kain] hit him in the direction.

Previously, when the mysterious man used [Kaiin, Messenger of Hades] and [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to die together, he made a bad move by using the effect of [Giant Ghoul-Magera], although he did retain a rare and powerful one. Monster, but in contrast, the [Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine] was destroyed without a chance to use it because the field was full. At this moment, because of the lowest attack power, it became a breakthrough point for Hayato's attack.

Although the attack power of up to 3000 points, which is enough for one [Blue Eye], is considered quite powerful, it is still not enough compared to the 5000 attack power of [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon]. He raised his sword and tried to The female swordsman who resisted was instantly destroyed, and because she was essentially a derivative, she was not sent to the graveyard, so she was relieved.

As a result, the mysterious man suffered an overflow of 2,000 points of combat damage.


【? :2500→500LP]

Before he could take a breath, a door quietly opened in the air behind him. Xiao Lan sneakily poked his head out and saw the mysterious figure in front of him with his back to him without realizing it. The man had an arrogant smile on his face.

The mysterious man also heard the movement behind him. When he turned around and saw Xiaolan, Hayato's voice also came simultaneously: Then comes the final attack, because of the effect of [Hidden Path to Treasure], [Half-Dragon Maid· Laundry Lady] can directly attack the opponent's duelist. Although you have quite a few powerful monsters on the field, they are of no use when you face a direct attack!

Next, it's my stage, Xiaolan! She picked up a rotten wooden stick from somewhere and used it as a weapon. With a shout, Xiaolan rushed towards the mysterious man.

With no cards in his hand and no activating effects in the graveyard, the mysterious man looked at Xiao Lan rushing towards him and said with some excitement: Don't come close to me!!!

This is the last one, [Half-Dragon Maid and Laundromat Lady]'s direct attack on the opponent's duelist. Hayato watched Xiaolan's wooden stick hit the opponent's duelist's face, and said easily, It's insignificant. You care, accept it~

Wowga Oyaji (father) yo~

【? →Hiroyuki Kobayashi: 500LP→0】


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