Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 56 Why do you want to reward him?

Activate [Undead World]!

As the mysterious man placed the card on the playing field, a purple mist was violently released from under his feet, spreading to all directions.

In the originally dark dueling field, as the purple mist spread, countless corpses and carrion emerged from the ground, and an aura of corruption filled everywhere.

Under the influence of the aura of the [Undead World], Kaiba noticed changes in the body of the mysterious [Messenger of Hades-Kain] on the field. The original armor of the angelic race [Kain] was rotten and dilapidated, and the white Moss was also clinging to his face, and while his appearance became terrifying, his race also turned into an undead.

Not only the mysterious man's own [Messenger of Hades - Kain], but also the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [White Spirit Dragon] on Kaiba Field, and the [Demon Statue of Silver City] on Hayato Field also had the same changes. , everything was rotten, rotten, rotten to the naked eye. Even [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] could only contend with this power for an instant, and the metal finger body was covered with a layer of rust.

You bastard, what did you do to my [Blue Eyes]?!

As if he saw the woman he loved being bullied in front of him, Kaiba was angry!

The effect of the field magic card [Undead World] turns all monsters on the field and graveyard of both sides into undead, and prohibits the superior summoning of non-dead monsters on both sides. The mysterious man said calmly, However, it is just a matter of race. It’s just a change, nothing—”

There's nothing worth caring about? Humph, you don't understand the bond between me and [Blue Eyes] at all.

My turn is to draw a card. Putting his finger on top of the deck and drawing out the card, the mysterious man was not moved by Kaiba's words, A bond? Whatever you say, if you can, just try it and let me see it. Let’s see how your ‘bond’ responds to you.”

But during the preparation phase of my turn, because there was a card in the field area, I used its own effect to special summon this monster in defense position from the graveyard. Come out, [Dead King-Evil Eye]!

During the preparation stage of the mysterious man, he specially summoned an undead monster from his graveyard that had never appeared before. Kaiba did not ask when that card entered the graveyard, so he could do it without even thinking about it. Guessing that is also thanks to Hayato's [Hellfire Machine Tiera].

[King of the Dead-Evil Eye][8☆/Dark]



After looking at the five cards in the opponent's hand, as well as the [Messenger of Hades - Kain] with an attack power of 3000 points on the field, and the [King of the Dead - Evil Eye] that just appeared, for a moment, Kaiba couldn't help but frown. He frowned: The magic and trap cards in the graveyard have the ability to continuously mobilize more magic and trap cards from the deck, as well as monsters that can constantly resurrect. If they cannot be taken down in one go, they will only usher in more intense counterattacks.

Hayato glanced in the direction of Kaiba: It was actually possible to withstand it, but who do you think helped the opponent send the cards to the graveyard and replenished his hand?

Is it possible that you want to say that I am a burden, Hayato Kobayashi? Kaiba also glared at Hayato, Weren't you the one who helped the other party send the cards to the cemetery in the first place? If it weren't for your [Hellfire Machine] ·Tiera], where did that guy get so many usable cards in his graveyard?”

The duel with the mysterious man was clearly not over yet, but Kaiba and Hayato were staring at each other, as if they were about to quarrel.

The mysterious man glanced at the two of them and took out a card from the graveyard: Activate the effect of [Guardian of the Golden Land] in my graveyard, banish it, and then remove a card from my deck. The magic trap card of [Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine] is set.

As well as the effects of the three cards [Conqueror of the Golden Land], [Red-blooded Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine], [Blackened Awakening Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine], I will add a [Golden Kingdom Eternal Life Medicine] from my deck. [Elixir of National Immortality] and two magic trap cards from [Golden Land] are set.

Then, I will activate the effect of [Golden Lord-Eldridge] in the graveyard, send a set magic or trap card on my field to the graveyard, and recycle it from the graveyard into my hand.

He glanced at the mysterious man who was unfolding while he was talking to Kaiba. Although he had completely confirmed the true identity of the other person, this did not prevent Hayato from continuing to pretend not to recognize the other person in this duel: Hoho, Do you want to resurrect from the graveyard? In the last round, Seth's [Blue Eyes] defeated that monster as easily as picking off the leaves from the trees on the roadside, and he still wants to resurrect from the graveyard and continue to attack us. attack?

As much as I want to say that you can come closer, but I don't allow you to summon more monsters.

Hayato took out a card from his hand, turned it over and showed it to the mysterious man. He gently tapped the side of the card to wake up the timid girl in the card. To deal with you, it would be better to use this card from the undead. Bar.

Discard [Yashikido] from my hand to activate her effect, and the effect of adding the card to your hand from the graveyard is invalid!

The card that the mysterious man had just placed in the backfield was sent to the graveyard. [Golden Lord-Eldridge], who had just been killed by [Blue Eyes White Dragon], tried to dig up the ground and poke his head out of the graveyard. But just as he raised his face out of the ground, a silver-haired girl in Gothic clothing stepped on his head and pushed him back into the cemetery.

Damn it, you actually have such a card? Damn it, why do you want to reward him?

For a moment, the mysterious man and Hayato looked at [Yashiki Boy] and were about to suppress [Golden Lord Eldridge] back to the cemetery. They spoke at the same time in the same tone, causing Kaiba to turn his head and look deeply. Hayato glanced at you and said after a moment: Although I have always thought you have no limits, I didn't expect you to be so limitless.

Huh? Does a person who secretly holds a card and calls his wife every day in the dead of night have the right to say such things to me?

Stop slandering me over there, you guy!

Ignoring Kaiba, who seemed to be a little excited after Hayato told the truth, the mysterious man looked at his [Golden Lord-Eldridge] who was about to be trampled on his face and sent back to the cemetery. After thinking for a moment, he gave the order. : I was actually forced to use this effect from the beginning, but it doesn't change anything. I'll chain your [Yashiki Boy] and activate the effect of [Dead Soul King-Evil Eye]!

It can only be activated when the effect of an undead monster other than [Undead King-Evil Eye] is activated. Choose one of the two effects of 'Invalidate that effect' and 'Choose to remove a monster on both sides of the field or in the graveyard' to use. One During the round, [Dead Soul King-Evil Eye] cannot have the same effect applied. I chose to invalidate the effect of [Yashikido]!

It's a waste of time. Your efforts to stop [Golden Lord-Eldridge] are all a failure!

[Yashiki Boy], who was stepping on [Golden Lord-Eldridge], felt his body suddenly lighten up, and when he saw it, he realized that it was actually [Dead Soul King-Evil Eye] next to him, grabbing his own with the snake tail at the end of his body. He lifted himself up by the collar, took out a piece of paper with Effect Invalidation written on it from somewhere and pasted it on his forehead, then flicked his tail and threw himself back to Hayato's field.

The [Yashiki boy] who was sitting on the ground got up from the ground, straightened his wrinkled clothes, looked back at Hayato, spread his hands with a helpless expression, and disappeared from his face, and the mysterious man appeared [Golden Lord-Eldridge] also had a regretful expression on his face, and successfully crawled out of the graveyard into his hand.

It cannot be repeated. In other words, can another effect be used again? In conjunction with [Undead World], all monsters on both sides' fields and graveyards will be twisted into undead monsters. Kaiba frowned, Ugh, that's really disgusting. Ability.

As a follow-up to the effect of [Golden Lord-Eldridge], after it returns to my hand, I can special summon an undead monster from my hand, and that undead monster will remain until the opponent's next turn. At the end, the attack power and defense power will increase by 1000 points, and will not be destroyed by effects.

The [Golden Lord-Eldridge] card that had just returned to his hand was played by the mysterious man again. The golden lich reappeared on his field, and this time when he appeared on the field, he was surrounded by a layer of flowing light. The gems shine like RGB that can improve performance, letting people know that it is very powerful at a glance.

【Golden Lord-Eldridge】【2500/2800→3500/3800】

Hmph, I finally summoned a monster with higher attack power than the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], but there's only one, so who can I defeat? Kaiba crossed his arms across his chest and said coldly and arrogantly, No matter it is Hayato Kobayashi's [Armor Emperor Dragon - Electronic Dark Terminator Dragon] or the three [Blue Eyes White Dragon] I have on the field. If you can only take out one monster, you have no chance of winning.

Is that all you can do?

Hearing Kaiba's words, the mysterious man didn't say anything. In response, he played a magic card from his hand: Magic card [Fusion], combine the other card in my hand [Golden Lord-El Derich] and the level 8☆ undead monster [Giant Ghoul-Magera] as fusion materials.”

The material requirements are [Eldridge] monsters plus undead monsters of level 5☆ or above. Feel free to unleash your madness on the enemy under the cursed gold!

Fusion Summon! [Golden Madness-Eldridge]!

On the field of the mysterious man, as the power of [Fusion] appeared, the feet wearing golden boots crushed a skeleton on the ground, and a majestic and burly body walked out of the whirlpool of [Fusion].

The original purple cloak behind [Golden Minister-Eldridge] became tattered, as if he had gone through countless battles. The golden armor on his body was replaced with a thicker style that could resist magic and combat. The horn-like horns on his head were The devil's horn became longer, sharper and more ferocious.

【Golden Madness-Eldridge】【10☆/Light】



Numerically, the offensive and defensive values ​​of [Golden Madness-Eldridge] are exactly opposite to those of [Golden Lord-Eldridge] who has received the resuscitation boost, and even if you don’t look at the numerical value and just look at its appearance, you can see that it is better than Defense, he needs to be better at offense.

Hayato couldn't help but glance at Kaiba beside him: Do you have to say more?


After summoning [Golden Lord-Eldridge], the mysterious man still had two cards left in his hand. Looking at the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] on the seahorse field, he declared: [Golden Madness-Eldridge] [Odd]'s effect, I will liberate [Death King - Evil Eye] and activate the effect targeting the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] on your field, Seto Kaiba. I will gain control of that monster!

Nani!? Hearing the other party's unabashed NTR declaration, Kaiba raised his eyebrows, You actually want to take [Blue Eyes] away from me? Don't even think about it!

Open the set card and counterattack the trap [Direct Disconnect]! Only when there is a monster's effect, magic, or trap card in the same column as this card is activated, the set card can be activated, invalidating that activation and destroying it!

After saying that, Kaiba looked at the mysterious man on the field [Golden Maniac-Eldridge] and said, You spent your hand to summon a monster, and you actually want to get your hands on my [Blue Eyes], so destroy it!

The chain blasting that had been laid long ago was started with the opening of the cover card, and the [Golden Madness-Eldridge], which was started with the departure of [Death King-Evil Eye], had not yet been released, and a ball of gold was released. Before the lustful energy could be released, it was interrupted by a sudden explosion at his feet. This explosion even engulfed [Golden Madness-Eldridge] together.

However, there has been the so-called law of smoke without injury since ancient times. Before the sneer at the corner of Kaiba's mouth spread, he saw that [Golden Madness-Eldridge] was still standing unscathed in the smoke and dust. superior.

It's a pity that the effect of [Direct Disconnection] is to invalidate and destroy the activation, but [Golden Madness-Eldridge] has resistance that will not be destroyed by combat and effects. If it is a card with 'effect is invalidated and destroyed' Okay. Hayato said with regret, However, even though the activation is invalid, the effect of [Golden Madness-Eldridge] can only be used once per round, so you don't have to worry about the opponent using it again. The effect will blow your [Blue Eyes] away.

Hearing Hayato's words, Kaiba looked at him with some doubts, frowned and said, Have you seen this monster before? How do you understand its effects so well?

Well, it's too complicated to say. Hayato spread his hands and looked at the mysterious man who was changing the [Messenger of Hades - Kaiin] on his field from defense position to attack position. Compared to that, the opponent seems to be The attack is coming.

Change [Messenger of Hades - Kain] to attack position, and then enter the battle phase. I want to use [Golden Madness - Eldridge] to attack [Demon Statue of Silver City]. There was no choice to be defeated by four powerful dragons The defending Kaiba was the target of attack, and the mysterious man locked onto Hayato's [Demon Statue of Silver City] whose attack power was still 0. This punch, 3800 points of damage, can you bear it, Hayato Kobayashi!

Accumulated Corpse Qi Underworld Wave!

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