Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 42 If you get any closer, you will be melted.

Who are you!? Did you do everything just now?!

Seeing the sudden appearance of the mysterious person in front of him, Kaiba, who was suddenly transferred to this strange place, did not relax his vigilance. At this moment, while questioning the other person, he also raised the duel disk that he always wore on his wrist and was ready to play cards. .

However, looking at Kaiba who was so wary of him, the mysterious man calmly stepped forward and walked out of the light spots, stood in the light illuminated by the flames, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: It's been a long, long time. See you there, Seth.

No, I remembered it wrong. You are not Seth. After all, three thousand years have passed. Neither you nor I are what we were before.

There was some nostalgia in the mysterious man's voice, and Kaiba once again felt that he had definitely heard his voice somewhere. However, there was no need for Kaiba to use his brain to guess, because the mysterious man had already taken the initiative to lift the hood on his head, revealing a face that left a deep impression on Kaiba.


Huh? You can still recognize me, Seth. Could it be that reincarnation is different from what I know, and that the memory of the previous life can be retained? The bangs are at the same level as the eyebrows, and the hair on both sides is even with the earlobes. The middle-aged man has a golden ring as a headband with his hair combed inwards. Who could he be if he wasn't Karim, the priest from three thousand years ago?

No, after all, you later became a pharaoh. Maybe the reincarnation of the pharaoh has some privileges.

Unlike the arrogant and mean aristocrat in Kaiba's memory, the Karim who appeared in front of him was not as unsmiling and overly reserved as in the memory world, and he could even joke.

This made Kaiba become suspicious: Are you really Karim? Why are you here, who should have died three thousand years ago?

Because of his superstition in science, Kaiba still firmly believes that the things that happened in the world of King's Memory are just pictures of the past he saw when he was accidentally in a quantum entangled state, and it is impossible for humans to survive. More than three thousand years ago, the Karim in front of me is definitely someone in disguise!

ghost? That kind of thing was simply beyond the scope of President Kaiba's genius mind.

Karim glanced at Kaiba, who looked suspicious, and frowned: What's that expression on your face? Of course I am Karim. It's rare that I see someone I recognize before my remnant soul is about to dissipate, and I want to have a good chat. Two sentences, do you have to ask me to say something ugly to believe my identity?

Hearing the expression on Kalim's face when he spoke, Kaiba nodded. This tone was just right. He looked at Kalim and said: No, now I am sure, you should be Kalim or not. Wrong, but let me tell you in advance, don’t associate me with Set. I have nothing to do with that person. My name is Seto Kaiba.

It's up to you. Seth and Seto still have the same pronunciation. Karim shrugged and said indifferently.

Taking his eyes away from Kalim, Set looked around again. When he looked up, he saw that the top of his head was painted dark blue. This made him more and more certain that this was a tomb somewhere, because in Memory of the King In the world, he heard Hayato accidentally mention that the ancient Egyptians painted the tops of tombs blue to represent the starry sky, to symbolize the goddess Nut, the goddess of the sky and the mother of the stars.

Where is this place? Did you bring me here just now, Kalim? Kaiba asked Kalim, who was confused, Why did you appear now and bring me here three thousand years ago? What is the purpose of coming here, how did you do what you did before, and what do you mean by 'the remnant soul that is about to dissipate' just now?

Hearing Kaiba's series of questions, Karim frowned again: When you ask questions, you have to ask them one by one. I remember that Priest Akhnadi taught you this etiquette. Your question is so Maybe you want me to answer first, S-No, Seto Kaiba.

Although he said this, Karim saw that Kaiba's expression had not changed at all, and he was still looking at him steadily, as if waiting for an answer. He also sighed helplessly and said: It's said that he was reincarnated, but he still has the same stubborn and annoying character. Forget it, I'll start with the easy-to-explain answer.

As he spoke, Karim waved to Kaiba to follow him, turned around and walked into the darkness in the distance. Kaiba followed without hesitation without worrying about whether there would be any traps ahead.

As the two of them stepped into the darkness one after another, the brazier behind them extinguished itself as if it had burned out, and the light spots that appeared when Kaiba recited the Holy Script on the wall found themselves in the darkness. The lit braziers floated past. Each brazier was lit up one by one as Kaiba and Kalim moved forward, and then extinguished one by one as the two moved away. As a result, the two were always in the light, but could only see the distance. of darkness.

Your first question, where is this place. Kalim always looked ahead, as if the darkness that Kaiba couldn't see through didn't exist for him, and said calmly, It seems that although you can recognize But it seems that it was not by relying on the memory retained during reincarnation, but by some other means, otherwise you should be able to recognize this place.

This is the same stone temple as the ones around the royal city. It is used to place the stone slabs that seal the monsters, but it is also a tomb, a tomb of stone slabs. The [Millennium Artifact] held by our priests can put the souls in people's hearts. The monsters peeled off the seals, and although most of the stone slabs with the monsters sealed can be used by us, there are still quite a few who were too evil and had to discard the seals, and this is how this tomb was created.

Although Kalim said this, Kaiba had already used his card-playing brain to translate Kalim's words to a certain extent: In other words, after you priests made duel monster cards, you found that you didn't need them. It’s a good card, but it’s a pity to lose it, so why don’t you just prepare a storage room like this to store the cards?”

Karim turned his head and took a deep look at Kaiba, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence: You can barely say that.

Besides, there is a mechanism where you place your foot.

The foot that Kaiba had just raised to step down suddenly stopped. Looking down, he realized that because his attention was mainly on Kalim and the walls on both sides, he didn't notice at all what time he was stepping on it. A stone slab with reliefs appeared, depicting a monster with the head of a crocodile, the upper body of a lion, and the lower body of a hippopotamus.

Amit, the mythical beast that represents truth, justice and order, is also the assistant of Anubis, the god of death, who devours the guilty and prevents them from resting in peace. I should have said that this is a tomb, so of course there will be preparations for tomb robbers. agency.

Kalim watched Kaiba cautiously walk around the conspicuous slate floor tile, with a slight smile in his voice as if he was enjoying watching Kaiba, Be careful, if you get any closer you will be melted, that acid liquid Just because Guan is very powerful, if it hasn't failed yet.

Kaiba glared at Karim. If he didn't have several questions waiting for the other party to answer, he would have cursed him right now.

You bastard, you just want to see my joke on purpose, right?

Well, he has already cursed.

Ahem, then comes your second question, why do I appear here? This question can be explained together with the reason why I brought you here. However, rather than talking about it, I think using 'see' Maybe it would be more appropriate.”

As he spoke, Karim stretched out his palm towards the darkness ahead, and the light spots around the two of them obeyed his command and flew forward, illuminating a stone slab standing in the darkness in the distance. However, thinking it was a slate, Kaiba found that it was slightly different from the slate he had seen before in the world of Memory of the King.

It doesn't mean the size or material, but the stone slab doesn't have any carved patterns like other stone slabs that seal the elves. It's quite strangely flat. What is even more strange and puzzling is that there is even an irregular hole in the center of the stone slab, as if it was dug out intentionally.

As those light spots approached the stone slab, Kaiba's eyes widened because he saw several figures vaguely emerging around the stone slab.

Seth holding the [Millennium Scepter], Karim balancing the [Millennium Scale], and Aknadi wearing the [Millennium Eye] with a majestic expression, Kaiba actually saw the priest who was loyal to the Pharaoh three thousand years ago. They appeared before their eyes again.

Looking at Karim beside him, Kaiba said: Karim, why are there two of you?

No, you see clearly, Seto Kaiba, even though it is me, it is not me. Karim shook his head and answered Kaiba with ambiguous words. Although Kaiba didn't understand what he meant, he still looked at the priests again, only to find that Set, Karim and Akhnadi all looked down with serious expressions on their faces. looking at another figure in front of them.

The figure was wearing a simple white robe, but from the useh wide collar on his neck, it could be seen that he was also a member of the elite class and not a commoner. However, such a being was kneeling in front of the three priests with his head lowered and his hands tied behind his back, like a prisoner undergoing trial.

Because his back was facing this way, Kaiba couldn't see clearly what the kneeling person looked like.

Tragodia, as the Pharaoh's astrologer, why did you sneak into this stone temple where the monster is sealed! Akhnadi had a serious expression on his face and spoke righteously, making it difficult to imagine what he would do later. He actually became the dark priest who rebelled against the Pharaoh.

Reason? Oh, priests, shouldn't you know this kind of thing best? Aren't you holding the answer in your hands that can't calm the anger in my heart. Hearing Akhnadi's inquiry, the astrologer Tragodia also said without any concealment, his voice full of sarcasm.

Set frowned when he heard this: We are holding the answer in our hands? Humph, are we spying on the powerful [Millennium Artifact]? You idiot, you dare to break into the forbidden temple because of your greed for power. , you are a third-rate mediocre person with fourth-rate ambitions.

Peeping? I thought he was the same person who climbed from the bottom to the top. Priest Set, you can understand my anger, the anger of my village being destroyed. After hearing the words of Set, Tragodia But he laughed, and ominous black energy began to emerge from his body, My hometown, my village, and my family were destroyed by the kingdom just for those [Millennium Artifacts] in your hands!

This is the power of a sealed monster!? Sensing the strangeness on Tragodia, Akhnadi was a little surprised, It's unbelievable, even our priests who clearly have the [Millennium Artifact] can't Drive these buried tablets.”

No, it's not driving, this is assimilation! He has become one with the elves in the stone slab! But Karim saw the true situation in Tragodia at a glance, It's unbelievable, I and the The forbidden technique that Priest Mahad is still studying is actually used by such an astrologer!

He is no longer a human, but a monster [Tragodia]!

Tragodia, who was originally kneeling on the ground, ignored Karim's exclamation. Under the erosion of the dark power around him, his body quickly transformed into an alien shape, and his voice also changed: Don't use the so-called 'justice'. Guardian and righteousness are trying to convince me. What you can easily give up is all we little people have, and you big shots above don't understand anything at all!

Look, this is the anger from the thieves village Clay Erna who was destroyed by you——

Just as his body was about to completely mutate into the huge ferocious monster [Tragodia], its voice suddenly stopped, and Sett suddenly pulled out the hidden treasure from the [Millennium Scepter] in his hand. The sharp blade stabbed directly into the chest of [Tragodia].

The human body that could not be completely transformed into an elf was directly dead due to the piercing of the heart, and the power of the elf that had not yet been developed was forcibly extracted by the power of the [Millennium Scepter].

Although Karim and Akhnadi seemed quite surprised when they spoke just now, their expressions didn't change much from the beginning, and they were not surprised that Set turned the person in front of him so easily. Tragodia] is under control.

As an astrologer, Tragodia had no talent and was just an ordinary person. The monster that merged with him was also a monster that had been sealed by the priests. Adding the two together, he was still defeated easily. It would be a magical thing if something unexpected could really make Set, the second most powerful priest under Mahad, find it difficult.

The two priests used the power of their respective [Millennium Artifacts] to transfer the power of the monster stolen by Tragodia from his body to the stone slab, and transformed it into the monster sealed in the stone slab [Tragodi Ya], and Set pulled out the sharp blade, and with a flick, part of the power of [Tragodia] that was stripped off was taken off and fell into his hand.

Looking at the fallen [Tragodia], Set said with disdain: There's quite a lot of nonsense, all the bells and whistles, isn't it still just a trash fish?


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