Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 43: Bored, I want to see rivers of blood

As Karim and Akhnadi sealed [Tragodia] into the stone slab, it seemed that part of the power was taken away by Set with the [Millennium Scepter], The relief of [Tragodia] on the stone slab appeared for only a moment and then disappeared again, and a hole also appeared in the center of the stone slab.

The phantoms dissipated one by one, and the figures of Akhnadi and the others disappeared. Only the image of the stone slab remained, which happened to coincide with the stone slab illuminated by the light spot that Kaiba had seen before.

That was...? Kaiba cast a confused look at Karim beside him, seeking an explanation.

That was a scene engraved three thousand years ago. It was what happened before the soul of King Aknamkanon returned to the underworld and the pharaoh we were loyal to ascended the throne. What is the purpose of the astrologer Tragodia? Committing a crime was not important to us at the time, and we thought that just sealing the monster [Tragodia] would solve everything.

Kaiba nodded, because he heard the name of the Thief Village from Tragodia's mouth, and even if Kalim was embarrassed to talk about it, he could probably guess what it was about.

It's just that people didn't expect that in the village of thieves chosen by Akhnadi in order to make the [Millennium Artifact], in addition to Bakula, the self-proclaimed king of thieves, a survivor who had experienced the massacre, there were also other people who had gone out and never returned. People who escaped from the village.

Moreover, Tragodia was obviously an astrologer who came from a notorious village of thieves and could become a pharaoh. Tragodia obviously had good abilities.

Kalim paused and continued, At least in the first few decades, there was nothing wrong with that.

However, after a long, long time, the three priests who sealed [Tragodia] - Akhnadi, who betrayed the Pharaoh and became the 'Dark Priest', met with the great evil god Zoke Nei I, Karim, who died in the battle of Lofa, and you, Seth, who became the pharaoh, no, your past life, Seto Kaiba.

The last order of Pharaoh Set I during his reign was to disperse and seal the [Millennium Artifact], which had supernatural power and that humans were not yet ready to receive. However, it was after the priests gave up on their ancestors that At the same time as the [Millennium Artifact] passed down, the sealed [Tragodia] quietly awakened.

Hearing this, Kaiba was a little strange: Wait a minute, you said before that [Tragodia] is not very powerful, even if Seth can suppress it with the strength of that guy alone. But why? The priest has become so useless that even if there is no such thing as the [Millennium Artifact], he cannot suppress [Tragodia]?

Is it possible that [Tragodia] is still growing in the so-called stone slab that seals the elves?

Karim shook his head and denied Kaiba's whimsical thoughts: No, although Aknadi later betrayed him, the knowledge he used is undoubtedly true. Although the monsters sealed in the stone slab can still sense To the outside world, all they can do is pure 'resentment' and 'incompetent rage'. Their power will not change at all, but will only wear away all that intelligence over the long years.

However, the fact that the internal power has not changed does not mean that [Tragodia] cannot become stronger. There is something that humans cannot do to speed up or slow down. , and that is what the astrologer Tragodia is most familiar with.”

As he spoke, Karim pointed at the top of his head.

Kaiba raised his head and saw the dark blue top of the tomb again. Of course, Karim was not referring to the tomb itself, but to the starry sky above his head.

That [Tragodia] can actually use the power of the 'stars'?

Although he doesn't believe those nonsense, as a duelist, Kaiba can easily accept the Electronic Dragon that is said to use the electron flow from the light of Draco and the descent of Draco itself. [Long Huiqiao] was born, and now he seems to have encountered the third duel monster related to stars?

Human astrology? No; the star power of the duel monster card, yes!

Kalim nodded and affirmed: The so-called astrology is the ability to deduce the future based on known horoscopes. It seems hazy, but in fact it is a quite profound knowledge. This power was developed three thousand years ago because of The appearance of an extremely rare horoscope has made it extremely powerful. That is, the 'Line of Stars', also known as the 'Nine Stars in a Row' or the like.

Do you believe in gravity, Seto Kaiba? Gravity exists between all things. Everything has gravity, and the stars surrounding the supreme sun have been pulling each other with gravity. When the signs of 'star alignment' appeared, At this time, the gravitational force between the stars will be in a perfect superposition state, and at this time, astrology, which was originally limited in power, will burst out with powerful power.

It can even provide power to [Tragodia], who was once the best astrologer under the Pharaoh, but later became a monster sealed in a stone slab, so that its power can even break through the stone slab originally prepared for ordinary monsters. restrictions and extend to the outside world.”

Mind control, this is the power of the monster fused into one by Tragodia. The original strength is quite weak. It is probably just the ability to make a person suddenly want to go to the toilet. Even It won’t do anything for someone who has just used the toilet.”

But with the power of astrology, [Tragodia], who has completely fallen into madness as a result of decades of sealing and has completely transformed into a monster's mind, is so powerful that it can possess [Thousands of Years of Hardship] The priests of Artifact] are slightly effective!”

Although Karim said that the effect on the priests was only slightly, Kaiba still noticed the important point: The premise is that the [Millennium Artifact] is still in the hands of the priests, right? But as you said before, that guy Seth, as the pharaoh The last order during his reign was to separate and seal the [Millennium Artifact]?

Now we're in trouble. That's what it sounds like, right? The monsters are invading the darkness and the kingdom is in crisis. I would like to think of some similar plot, which can not only tell the story with ups and downs, gripping, but also highlight the My level of storytelling is not good, because in fact, the impact of [Tragodia] ended abruptly before it had time to expand.

[Tragodia] has certainly benefited from the influence of astrology on the 'Star Line' that can enhance the 'power of the stars' to the greatest extent, but in the final analysis the astrology he uses is just the ability to use the afterglow of the stars. . Kalim spread his hands and said, How can a mere starlight compete with the burning sun?

Even if it were replaced by other pharaohs from other eras, [Tragodia] might have been able to make quite a stir, but only the pharaoh who succeeded Seth had thousands of people throughout Egypt. Years of history, it can also be called the most powerful. Ramses II, far superior to other pharaohs, the pharaoh who dared to claim to be a god during his lifetime, the only person on earth who cannot be disobeyed, he is the incarnation of the sun.

According to Karim’s narration, the process of Ramesses II’s solution to [Tragodia] was probably————

[Tragodia] used power to control people's hearts and successfully controlled the temple guardian;

[Tragodia] set up an ambush and successfully induced Ramesses II to take the initiative to come to its home court, the sealed stone temple;

[Tragodia] felt that it had a great advantage, and [Tragodia] A went up;

[Tragodia], sent.

The ability of [Tragodia] was easily destroyed without any effort. Not only that, when Ramses II knew about [Tragodia]'s Planet Series, he actually used part of the sun's power to destroy it. When it was included, the pharaoh directly asked people to re-expand the hole in the broken stone slab of [Tragodia], and the power of the stars that would make it stronger was also forcibly separated, so as not to use it later. It then causes trouble for others.

Kaiba, who originally thought he could hear some good stories, ended up hearing only Karim's boast about Ramses II. He couldn't help but said: It's boring, I want to see a river of blood.

Since that [Tragodia] has been solved by that Ramesses II, you haven't answered my question yet. What is the purpose of bringing me here?

Hearing what Kaiba said, Kalim shook his head: Problem solved? I thought so a few years ago, but the problem is that before you, other people actually broke into this place accidentally. The boy who fell here was attracted by the gravity emitted from the stone slab of [Tragodia], and spontaneously approached and touched him.

Although he has a darker personality, he can still be considered a kind-hearted child. However, perfect people do not exist in the world. He still has flaws in his heart, and these flaws and omissions were revealed by [Trago] Dia] used and turned that boy into its puppet.

In the years that followed, the boy came back several times, and each time he brought some cards here. I recognized those cards. They were clearly the cards that Pharaoh Rameses II came from [Tragodia]. The power of the stars separated from the body.

Three thousand years have passed, and the 'Planet of Puzzles' will appear again unknowingly. By then, the power of [Tragodia] will have grown to its most powerful level, and there is no Ramses II in this era. The pharaoh exists.

Kalim looked at Kaiba and said solemnly, That boy has not appeared again for a year or two, but I think [Tragodia] must still be controlling him somewhere and trying to resurrect himself. Please defeat that boy. The trouble we left for future generations due to our carelessness, Seto Kaiba, this is my request to bring you here!

As he spoke, Karim lowered his proud head in Kaiba's disbelieving eyes and asked sincerely.

Kaiba was not in a hurry to agree to him, but frowned and said: Before that, you forgot one thing, Karim. You still have one question that you haven't answered me, and that is why you, who was supposed to be dead, appeared. Here? And you know so much, why are you just watching here instead of taking action to stop [Tragodia] yourself?

After hearing what Kaiba said, Karim sighed: It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't. Let me show you something...

As he spoke, Karim raised his hand, and a ray of golden light suddenly appeared in his hand, which turned out to be the [Millennium Scale]! ?

Three thousand years ago, in order to fight against the evil god of darkness summoned by the great dark priest, our priests tried their best to protect the Pharaoh. I sacrificed my life at that time. Looking at the slightly transparent [Millennium Scale] in my hand ], Karim had some feelings, I thought that my fate would be to fall into the underworld and wait for the judgment of death, but what I didn't expect was that the [Millennium Scale] actually has a very special hidden power.

The most famous legend of Anubis, the god of death, is that he weighs the heart and feathers to determine the fate of the deceased. Perhaps that is why the [Millennium Scale] has the power related to death. I actually carried a part of the [Millennium Scale] with me after my death. The power of Scale] turned into a dead soul and wandered around the world.

Glancing at the [Millennium Scale] in his hand, even Kalim said with a little embarrassment, Unfortunately, the real [Millennium Scale] seems to have been affected to a certain extent by this, and has lost part of its power, and has changed slightly. Weak.

Nowadays, Kaiba has become adept at forgetting supernatural topics that he is not interested in. He has no memory of what Kalim was talking about. However, if Hayato were here, he would probably forget what Kalim said. I can figure out why Xia Di is so weak when using [Millennium Scale].

Stretching out his hand and seeing his palm pass through Karim's body without any hindrance, without any feeling of touching anything, Kaiba instantly figured it out.

I see, it must be because the so-called [Millennium Artifact] made of gold has a special internal structure due to the backward forging level of ancient people, which can retain a specific magnetic field for a long time, and the essence of human thinking is electrical signals. Transmission, a section of electrical signal within a special magnetic field remains active for a long time without being consumed. This is the real reason why Kalim can 'exist' for thousands of years.

It's great, I'm starting to understand everything.

Looking at Kaiba who suddenly became excited and seemed to have some inspiration, and unlike Becas who was in the late stages of procrastination, he was very mobile and wanted to go back and take action immediately. Kalim said again: I got back my 'power of the stars' , [Tragodia] is hidden in the darkness waiting for the 'Planet Series'...

The fate of mankind and the future of the world rest with you, Seto Kaiba.

As if the signal was poor, Karim's figure in front of Kaiba suddenly became blurry, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed like a portrait fading. Just in the blink of an eye, Kaiba found himself leaving the tomb and back on the street?


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