Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 41 As long as you don’t stop, the road will continue to extend

Time went back dozens of minutes, and Kaiba parked the Blue Eyes Jet at the airport.

Although the Blue Eyes Jet is equipped with the Haima Group's black technology, it actually still has a lot of oil inside, but considering that there are only a few airports in Egypt that can park jets, it is impossible for Hayato and the others that Haima is looking for to happen to be at the airport. Next, Kaiba needs to stop here at the airport first.

He had already planned it. The Blue Eyes Jet was equipped with an autopilot system that could be remotely taken over by a computer. He planned to jump out of the Blue Eyes Jet and scare Hayato and his friends who didn't know he was in Egypt, and then Let the Blue Eyes Jet, which is full of fuel, fly back to Doshino City by itself.

Um? That kind of action is too dangerous and impossible for humans to do? What a stupid thing to say. The word can't do it doesn't exist in my dictionary, Seto Kaiba. I have [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and I can even jump off the plane!

After arranging the employees of the Egyptian branch of Haima Entertainment Group to fill up the fuel and perform basic maintenance on his beloved Blue Eyes Jet, Haima noticed that Keppei, who had arrived in Egypt with him on the jet, was looking at a tablet in his hand. page.

The dazzling numbers on the tablet are data transmitted from the headquarters of Haima Entertainment Group in Tongshino City, about Haima's previous failed experimental product Dragon Wheel, which is also the copycat version of D Wheel.

These dense and complicated numbers would probably make even an adult with relevant professional knowledge dizzy, as if they were reading an incomprehensible bible, but Keppei easily understood these data, and He manually marked some of the data that had been verified as incorrect through previous experiments, and he also corrected and modified some of the data that was within his capabilities.

When the keywords Kaiba Group and Genius Boy are mentioned, most people will probably only think of Seto Kaiba at the first time. After all, his resume is so dazzling.

He inherited the Kaiba Arms Group when he was still underage and led the transformed Kaiba Entertainment Group to become the pinnacle in the field of dueling monsters through win-win cooperation with the International Illusion Society. He invented the virtual projection system and developed black technology products such as dueling tables and dueling disks. etc.

However, both Kaiba and others who know Keipei know very well that the talents of this teenager, who is only in his teens, are not inferior to his elder brother who always shines and attracts attention in front of others. In the fields of electronic information and other fields, His talent is even much higher than that of Kaiba.

The small orphanage that adopted the two Kaiba brothers actually had two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks. Gozaburo Kaiba, who adopted the two brothers, really found a treasure, but it was a pity that his good cards were beaten to pieces.

Seeing Keppei immersed in processing data that even adults would find difficult, Kaiba didn't know what was happening to him, so he said on a whim: Take a rest, Keppei, I'll go for a walk on the street with you.

Boss. Huh, it's all your fault, the numbers were calculated wrong. Without raising his head, Keipei said subconsciously, and then suddenly realized that this was not a staff member in the company reporting various matters to him. The person who said this to him was his brother Kaiba.

Raising his head suddenly, Keppei looked at Seto Kaiba who was standing in front of him with a critical eye: You can actually say such words instead of just thinking about yourself and causing me a lot of trouble like before. Come on, are you really Nissan?

Rarely, Kaiba forced the corners of his stiff mouth to raise and gave his brother a forced and ugly smile. After hearing Keipei's words, Kaiba immediately returned to his usual cold face and snorted arrogantly. He said: Humph, what kind of strange look do I have in your heart, Keiping? If you don't want to go, then forget it.

No, of course I'm going. Keipei put down the tablet with a smile, closed it, and followed the pace of Kaiba, who had his back turned to him.

I left the airport in a special car and went to the nearby streets. Although it was the first day of the new year, the streets were not deserted. After all, this New Year is only the New Year on the Gregorian calendar. For those who use the *** calendar For Egyptians, March 15th this year is the New Year on their calendar.

However, after all, it is a rare legal holiday, and it is not the annoying disgusting holiday that seemed to be a holiday more than ten or twenty years later, but a real holiday. Many local Egyptians still take advantage of the holiday to accompany them. People come to the streets with their families to hang out, and the people who go home for the holidays and those who go out for the holidays offset each other, so that the people on the streets have not changed much compared to the past.

The streets are really lively, but I don't see many Duel Monsters-related shops. Looking around, Keppei said casually, holding the pita bread he just bought from the street, this kind of hollow pocket bread, in his hand. It was stuffed with Keupei's favorite chocolate-flavored cream, turning it from a staple food similar to a sandwich to a dessert. While walking, Keupei also took a bite of pita bread.

Although Keppei has grown up and is no longer as naughty as he was when he was a child, and has become very polite and etiquette. However, there are many people enjoying snacks while walking on this street. It is better to say that the greatest pleasure of this kind of street food is Just because he ate while walking, Keppei rarely enjoyed the food in his hands like a child.

Probably because compared to Europe, Asia and America, the average consumption level here is not high enough. Most of the expenses are spent on food and clothing. Even the duel monsters that have become popular around the world are here. There will also be certain difficulties when it is popularized across the land. Kaiba said casually, glancing at Keppei beside him.

You really like the taste of chocolate, Keppei. However, it's nice to be like a normal kid once in a while. It would be better if you weren't picky about your food.

No, everything except the celery is negotiable.

The two Kaiba brothers were walking on the street, talking to each other easily like a pair of normal brothers. If anyone familiar with Seto Kaiba appeared here, they would probably be attracted by the scene in front of them, especially Kaiba. The corner of his mouth was filled with surprise, and he even wondered if he slept too late to watch the New Year's Eve fireworks show last night and didn't wake up now.

The experience in the dream-like world of Memory of the King not only allowed Atum to successfully recover his name and eliminate the great evil god Zoke Nerofa, but also made Seto Kaiba change. After witnessing what happened in the world of memory, he, who had always only cast his gaze towards the distant future, also rarely learned to keep his gaze at his side for a moment.

In addition, he also had some inexplicable insights, but Kaiba was not in a hurry to understand that mysterious thing, because he knew that the simplest and most effective way to encounter this kind of situation was to find someone. In a duel, any problem can be easily solved as long as the duel is used.

This is also one of the reasons why Kaiba came to see Hayato and play games with them. After all, he once tried to collect duelist data from many duelists in order to get addicted to poker, but the final result was a complete failure, and he even tried to The duel robots that were used for recycling and processing entertainment items in Kaiba Paradise were also destroyed by Hayato in a direct duel because they went berserk.

Although he has always scornfully called Jonouchi a second-rate duelist with a third-rate deck, Kaiba has to admit that even a second-rate duelist like Jonouchi is not that easy to find, and the people who can play cards with him are really not casual. It only takes one person, there are only a few people who can go back and forth, and there are even fewer people who can accompany him to have fun.

Of course, having fun is one thing, but using the disgusting Hayato in the underworld deck is another thing. When playing cards with the underworld Hayato, Kaiba feels that he might as well go directly to the children's group of Kaiba Paradise to torture food. At least he can still It’s great to summon the invincible [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] normally.

Thinking about it more carefully, Muto Yugi is not a good choice. In terms of the appearance rate of trap cards in the deck when playing cards, he is not much better than Kobayashi Hayato. There is also the mediocre Jonouchi, although he can face the [Blue Eyes] It's true that his courage is commendable, but his stubbornness like that of a weakling who can't be defeated no matter how hard he fights is really annoying.

Sure enough, there is only one other game that is my destined opponent!

Kaiba thought so and nodded to himself. But Keppei didn't know that his brother next to him was thinking about playing cards again after mentioning the duel monsters. After taking another bite of pita bread, he looked around and said, But it doesn't matter if there is resistance. Brother, you I remember your wish, and I have to work harder to help you realize your wish and build a seahorse paradise all over the world.

After hearing Keihei's words, Kaiba also smiled.

Yes, the things we have accumulated over a long period of time are all meaningful.

Although Egypt is not developed enough now, with the help of the Haima Group, a Haima Paradise that will make children laugh will one day be built on this land. It’s not just Egypt, there are many more places, and as long as we don’t stop, the path forward will continue to stretch.


Keppei, who was walking on the road, seemed to stumble slightly on the uneven road. The pita bread that he had not finished eating in his hand also fell out of his hand due to his body's imbalance and flew forward. However, compared with going Kaiba, who caught the insignificant pita bread and seemed careless but was actually looking after his younger brother, immediately reached out his hand to help Keppei.

But he just stretched out his hand halfway, but he was stunned.

Because he actually saw that the piece of pita bread that Keppei took out of his hand stopped strangely in mid-air and did not continue to fly out. And Keppei, who was about to fall down, kept shaking his hands and trying to regain his balance. Living.

The noisy voices surrounding the area suddenly became silent in an instant. Kaiba raised his head and looked around, only to find that the people around him were also keeping the same motion as Keppei.

It was as if at that moment, the forward flow of time in the entire world was stopped by something, but only Kaiba's own time was still flowing forward. In other words, time stopped. ?

Kaiba did not immediately explore what happened, but frowned and knelt down to check on Keppei's condition.

After helping Keppei to stand upright, Kaiba found that while he was adjusting Keppei's body, he couldn't react to any of his actions. But other than that, he looked normal. Kaiba picked it up and stopped it in the air. The pita bread was placed in Keppei's hand.

Unable to relieve Keihei's state, Kaiba looked around helplessly, his eyes wandering among the forbidden crowd, and said: You hidden rat, I don't know what's going on, but you are watching Follow me, Seto Kaiba! No matter what your purpose is, stand up to me openly, otherwise when I find you, you will definitely meet my wrath!

Although he spoke like this, Kaiba actually didn't think that the person who caused everything in front of him would really take the initiative to stand up because of his words, but the reality was much simpler than he thought. Just as Kaiba finished his words, a voice that seemed familiar to Kaiba for some reason sounded behind him.

Behind you.

Turning around abruptly, Kaiba waved his fist decisively without even looking at what was behind him. Judging from the sudden sound just now, Kaiba felt that the person who made the sound was standing not far behind him.

But when he suddenly turned around, Kaiba discovered that the surrounding environment had changed in just an instant, and even with his excellent dynamic vision, he could not discover how it had changed. He should have been standing on the street. On top of him, a wall suddenly appeared behind him.

There was only a slight chance that Kaiba's full punch would hit the wall behind him. Even Kaiba knew that if he used his mortal body to hit the wall head-on, the pain would definitely not be caused by the wall. Thanks to him, he was there. When I was in Hawaii, I learned some techniques from a coach named Kihara Suta. My fist stopped just before it hit the wall.

Putting his hands down and turning around, Kaiba found himself inexplicably in a place that seemed to be an ancient Egyptian tomb. Oil basins filled with oil and flames were placed on the surrounding walls in an orderly manner, making Kaiba understand clearly. I saw many ancient Egyptian holy scripts carved on the surrounding stone walls.

Even Kaiba, who doesn't know much about ancient history, has some experience in the memory world. The so-called Holy Script is one of the oldest texts in the world, and is generally only inscribed in temples and various places. There are even what are called god's words on these monumental buildings. In the memory world, Atum's name, which was originally engraved in his tomb, was written in hieroglyphics.

However, in this suspected tomb, there are a large number of restricted hieroglyphics. This is really wrong. What's even more strange is that, just like he was able to understand the ancient Egyptian priest's writings inexplicably, Kaiba found that he was also able to understand the hieroglyphic writings in front of him.





rasses-ryaun (Rameses Meliamon)

As Kaiba read out one word after another, the names he read lit up one after another, emitting little bits of light and drifting into the distance. Kaiba saw a person in front of him, wearing a black robe, standing in the little light!

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