Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 30: If his true identity is revealed, Tanrito’s dueling career will be over.

I, lost... Seeing his basic points return to zero, although he already knew the final result of the duel from the moment [Super Fusion] appeared, Marufuji still lowered his head in despair.

No matter how powerful Ryo Marufuji is in the future, it has nothing to do with Ryo Marufuji now. After all, he is still just a twelve-year-old child.

It doesn't matter if he loses in the duel. After all, Marufuji Ryo also lost when he was studying in the Electronic Flow dojo. He has always thought that he is not a person who only pursues victory or defeat, but in this duel, Marufuji Ryo But he couldn't even exert his full strength.

Since the beginning of the duel, he has been restricted by [The Final Warrior of Alien], let alone summoning the symbol of his graduation from Electronic Flow and the trump card of his deck - [Electronic Terminator Dragon], even if it is [Electronic Terminator] The Two-Headed Dragon was summoned at the last moment, and even became the opponent's fusion material in the end.

This is not in line with Ryo Marufuji's requirement of respecting the duel. He did not use the full power of the deck in the duel. What a gaffe.

Hayato also put away the duel plate and came to Ryo Marufuji: Humph, the famous 'Electronic Flow' is nothing more than that. It is no match for me who has the talent of a god. What else is there to say about 'respect duel' , poor, weak, poor and weak!”

But looking at Tanli Du who came to him, Ryo Marufuji, who looked like he was thinking about it, was silent for a while, and said calmly: I did lose this duel, but even if I didn't lose the duel, , I no longer have the need to recover the [Electronic Dragon] from you.

Huh? Hayato was also stunned when he heard this.

Although I don't know what method you used, there are too many flaws exposed, especially the last [Super Fusion] card. I once saw it during the duel between you and Ms. Yin Xisi in Duel City. I've been there. Ryo Marufuji's voice was lowered so that no one could hear it. It's not surprising that you have the [Electronic Dragon] card in your hand, Mr. Tanarito, no, Mr. Hayato Kobayashi.

Tsk, how could I forget this?

Hayato then remembered that although he had tried his best to hide his identity by using cards that he usually did not use in public, even though the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] was already in his hand, He didn't use her, but was his identity exposed by [Super Fusion]?

After what Ryo Marufuji said, Hayato reluctantly removed part of his disguise, looked at him and said: A kid who is too smart will not be liked by others.

Although he had already guessed Hayato's identity, seeing Hayato reveal his true face after releasing the power of the [Millennium Scepter], Ryo Marufuji couldn't help but show a surprised expression: It's really you, Mr. Hayato!

Shh~ keep your voice down so that others don't hear it. Hayato said as he looked around at the audience who were attracted by the previous duel. As the duel ended, most of the passers-by applauded and then left.

After all, in their eyes, this duel was just a duel between two unknown duelists who were not familiar with each other. It was not a duel between big shots, and it was not exciting to a certain extent. It was okay to watch it.

However, the passers-by dispersed at different speeds, and there were still many people staying nearby. If Ryo Marufuji's voice was too loud to let them know that he was here, it would be worse than Baron being mistaken for being in the castle. The situation is much more troublesome.

Glancing at Jonouchi and Yugi who were standing together, Hayato pointed over there and said to Ryo Marufuji: If you have anything to say, let's talk over there.

After leaving the duel venue and arriving at the unnoticed location where Yugi and the others were, Ryo Marufuji, who was following Hayato, hesitated a few times and asked Hayato: Mr. Hayato, although it's a bit presumptuous, I think. Let me ask you, what do you think of the duel just now?

That duel just now? Hayato heard Marufuji Ryo's words, but he just smiled and did not answer him directly, No one else can give you an answer to that kind of thing. Instead of asking me, it's better to try it yourself. Let’s find out.”

Of course Hayato knew about the problems that occurred in Ryo Marufuji's duel just now. Not to mention that at the beginning of the duel, he clearly noticed the strange behavior when Hayato was about to take the initiative but still allowed Hayato to take the initiative. The cards in his hand clearly showed There is a card that can break [Alien's Final Warrior] but not using it because of the so-called respect for the opponent and respect for the duel is a big problem.

Of course, he is not talking about [Forbidden Drop], Hayato is talking about the [Fusion Release] that was sent to the cemetery by Ryo Marufuji as the cost of [Forbidden Drop]. You must know that the objects that can be used by that card can never be used. It is not limited to your own monsters, but can also be used on your opponent's fusion monsters.

Ryo Marufuji drew [Forbidden Drop] in his second round. From this, we can know that the six cards in his hand after the first round were [Original Electronic Dragon], [Electronic Dragon] Dragon], [Power Combination], [Wall of Power], [Fusion Release] and the useless [Explosion Armor].

With this configuration, it is clear that in the first round, [Fusion Release] can be used to break the [Final Warrior of Alien], which has a strong blocking effect but no resistance at all, and then summons [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] to destroy the defense display on the inside. The scumbag Alai ([Aleister]: Hello!), and directly attacked Hayato to win.

However, for the sake of the so-called respect for the opponent, Ryo Marufuji did not even think about using [Fusion Release] on the opponent's monster.

Everyone has their own persistence in the duel, such as John and Rafilu who regard monsters as family members, Kaiba who will definitely summon her regardless of whether she draws [Blue Eyes], and a After the duel, Hayato himself felt uncomfortable even if he didn't free a monster once...

Oh, that last one doesn't count, is that liberating the monsters? That's a necessary sacrifice.

However, if these persistence only add a little trouble to the duel, it is nothing, but if the duel is lost because of this persistence, then this persistence will become extremely fatal. After all, in the final analysis, the essence of dueling is a derivative of the ancient ritual of dueling. It is something that cannot survive without victory.

Not only in the present, but in the future that Hayato knows, Ryo Marufuji has always had the mentality of respecting the duel, respecting the opponent and respecting the deck for a long time. This persistence is even greater than the desire for victory.

However, if you don’t choose to pursue victory, what reason would there be for victory to approach you?

Marufuji didn't realize this until he entered the society after graduation and suffered several blows until he fell into a hell-like situation. He also realized this during a life-threatening underground duel, which made him understand that he had always had a desire for victory in his heart. The desire to transform into a duelist truly worthy of the name Caesar - Hell Caesar.

For this reason, Hayato did not expect that this duel would make Ryo Marufuji realize this. The reason why he provoked this duel was just to give Ryo Marufuji a vaccination in advance.

After all, the price for Ryo Marufuji's growth from the academic Caesar to the Hell Caesar was that he excessively used the impact amplification device of the artificial dark game in the underground duel. Suffering from heart disease has posed hidden dangers, and the talented duelist Ryo Marufuji had to put down his dueling game before he was an adult. Hayato regretted this very much.

After all, he is kind-hearted, and there is no duelist more caring than him in the world. It would be great if Marufuji Ryo could realize this before entering the underground dueling arena.

Should I find the answer myself? Ryo Marufuji heard Hayato's answer. Although his intuition told him that Hayato definitely knew how to improve, he didn't want to say that he couldn't ask him, so he could only nod to show that he knew. . However, he was not aware of what Hayato wanted him to realize.

Not to mention that Ryo Marufuji is only 12 years old at the moment, and it has only been three years since he graduated from Electronics. The concept of respectful duel he learned is deeply rooted, but Hayato's duel cannot shake it at all. .

After all, after realizing Hayato's identity, Ryo Marufuji could no longer associate this duel with ideas and the like. Who calls his opponent the duel king? Even if his opponent doesn't use all his strength, he is not Hayato's. The opponent had the same result when he was replaced by his own teacher. Marufuji Ryo also knew about Hayato getting the secret card from Koujima.

This was one of the reasons why Hayato had to hide his identity at the beginning, but he didn't expect that Ryo Marufuji would take the initiative to find out halfway through.

But Ryo Marufuji didn't think for too long, because when he was led by Hayato to the corner of the cafeteria that was not easily noticed, he suddenly noticed something - Hayato Kobayashi is the duel king who stands at the top of duel monsters. , of course the connections around him will not be much worse.

'The father of duel monsters' Mr. Becas J. Crofter, the legendary duelist Mr. Yugi Muto, and Mr. Katsuya Jonouchi who Mr. Baron often talks about! Ryo Marufuji's face was full of shock. I was almost shocked, I actually saw someone alive!

Why do you say it as if we are already dead, and why is it so weird when I am the only one who comes, making it seem like Baron has some shady relationship with me. Jonouchi complained.

Ryo Marufuji's description is not as good as that of the kid named John before. Even if he skips it, it is better than the gay and gay description.

I heard someone witnessed Mr. Jonouchi and Mr. Becas appearing here before. I thought it was false news, but it turned out to be true?

Ryo Marufuji still had an expression of disbelief, and Jonouchi scratched his head when he heard his words: That is indeed fake news, don't pay attention to that kind of thing.

No, you don't care, I care! Malik said excitedly, looking at Hayato beside him and said, Brother-in-law, you were definitely the one who plotted against me just now, right! What did you say on the phone, 'Today's wind is very noisy' You deceived me by saying there was a discount on potato chips downstairs, and then I was surrounded as soon as I got out of the elevator. You were definitely plotting against me!

Why did you just watch when I was being pestered by those disobedient guys! Aren't we companions!

Ah, that. Hayato looked into the distance, It sounds a little embarrassing, it's all the mistakes I made when I was young.

Huh? What are you talking about?

While Malik was persistently trying to borrow money from Hayato to buy a new motorcycle, Barong returned belatedly after the duel, holding a large bowl of peanuts and melon seeds in his hand.

As he walked, he asked Jonouchi doubtfully, I mean, Jonouchi, are you sure this thing can make me get my money back? I haven't gone to school, so don't lie to me.

Don't ask, Barong. If I ask you again, your image will completely turn into a joke. Although I did tell you to eat more shelled ones, you might as well drink more than ten kilograms of soda. Jonouchi Feeling a little ashamed, he changed the subject and said, By the way, did you say before that this child was a disciple of Uncle Jiaojima's dojo? What a pity, the result of the duel was Hayato's victory.

Baron also shrugged: Well, it's not unexpected at all, and I guess the process of the duel is either Hayato liberating his own monsters to restore basic points, or forcibly using other people's monsters, or liberating his own monsters to give the final blow. Bar.

Well, except for the last point, the other two points are indeed fulfilled. Jonouchi scratched his head and looked at Barong strangely, But is that just it? Don't you worry about what will happen to this kid after he loses the duel? Any thoughts?

Why should I care about his feelings? Barong was also a little surprised by Jonouchi's question and asked.

Jonouchi looked at Barong and then at Ryo Marufuji, and said: Although the appearance of the two of you is indeed very different, and the personalities are not very similar, your voices sound exactly the same. Aren't you two separated for many years? A relationship like brothers?

Really, Hayato?

Jonouchi turned around to ask Hayato, but saw Hayato raising an unknown sign with Kao Ge written on it at some point in response to him.

Ah, speaking of brothers, Marufuji, you'd better go back quickly. Barong said casually, I observed the group of children we brought when I went to get the meal just now. It seems that because of the two of us, Because no one is here, many people started making noises, so we have to go over quickly and take care of them.

Especially your brother, he has been telling others that 'Electronic Flow' is engaging in fraud and abducting children. If it weren't for your sake, I would have to discipline him, even if I just joined 'Electronic Flow' Soon I couldn’t bear to see that boy say such things.”

Hearing this, Ryo Marufuji also put away the pen and paper he had taken out at some point to get someone to sign, and said seriously: Xiang? You don't need to worry about me, just discipline me directly, and since you have noticed it, Why don’t you go there?”

Barong looked at a cheap electronic watch in his hand, and whispered guiltily: There is still more than half an hour left in the meal time, and we can't waste it - I understand, let's go there together!

Under Ryo Marufuji's stern eyes that seemed to be able to kill, Barong quickly changed his words.

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