Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 31 Is it intentional or accidental?

Because of the news brought by Baron, Marufuji Ryo didn't even bother to ask Hayato, Becas and others for autographs, so he had to leave the cafeteria with Baron and walk out of the hotel.

In line with the principle of beating the child on a rainy day - idle time is idle, plus the fact that a few people are traveling freely without the restrictions of a tour group with fixed departure time and destination, the game and others are also following with great interest Went up to join in the fun.

Jonouchi also took this opportunity to ask Barong his doubts.

Why did I choose to join the 'Electronic Flow'? What you said is true. The problem is that I can't do anything else except Duel Monsters.

Because he could no longer continue eating at the buffet, Balong still took a cup of extremely small ice cream in his hand before leaving the restaurant. Although it was winter, but considering that he had not eaten anything in this meal, Balong drank it while Shivering, he swallowed the ice cream into his stomach and answered Jonouchi with a slightly unclear speech.

...If you continue to eat, your stomach will definitely hurt to death. Even Jonouchi, who was also born in a poor family, was speechless to Baron and said helplessly, That's not what I meant. I wanted to say that you can use your duel skills. There are so many industries with abilities, and the United States, as the first place where 'Duel Monsters' became popular, also has many dueling schools, why did you choose 'Electronic Flow'?

Baron could tell from Jonouchi's eyes that he seemed to be very interested in the answer to this question, and not only Jonouchi, but Honda and Kyoko on the side also came closer with gossip, and even some were concerned about the electronic flow What is the current situation of the disciples, and Marufuji Ryo, who has been walking in the front, seems to have slowed down a few steps after hearing Jonouchi's problem.

Ahem, needless to say, you should know me. In the city, I have always pursued a life as peaceful as a plant, so the most suitable job for me is the kind of job that can be stable for a long time. Stable and hassle-free work.”

After coughing twice, Baron looked serious and spoke righteously, Although there are many dueling schools in the United States for me to choose to join, among them, the most powerful and promising one is undoubtedly the one. It’s the ‘electron flow’. And there’s an old saying in the East, West and West matter Wei Junjie——”

It's 'He who knows the current affairs is a hero.' Jonouchi corrected.

That's not important. What's important is that I'm very optimistic about 'Electronic Flow'. I feel that in the distant future, 'Electronic Flow' will definitely surpass other dueling schools of the same era and become the most perfect and invincible existence. Barong said He looked quite excited and said, This is a professional judgment I made based on my own dueling skills.

After the words fell, Barong also breathed a sigh of relief after noticing that Ryo Marufuji's footsteps returned to their original speed, but judging from Jonouchi's expression, he seemed to take Barong's words seriously.

Hayato came close to Barong and said softly: Even if you want to flatter me, you can't do it without leaving any trace, right? It's only because Ryo Marufuji is a child that he didn't hear it. I'd like to ask you what you just said if it were someone else. Do you believe it?

No one believes it, and I don't believe it either. Barong lowered his voice and spread his hands helplessly, If it were you, you should understand. Although I really want to be an ordinary office worker, if I can I don’t really want to kowtow to those guys who are obviously inferior to me, or even bow humbly when I call them to ask for leave.”

Even if I want to join the duel school, I don't want to join those weak schools. No matter how high the salary offered in such a place, there will definitely be a lot of troubles and they may be banned and annexed one day.

When Hayato heard this, he glanced at Barong: Listening to what you said, it seems that you have considered other schools before joining the 'Electronic Flow', and it seems that you have had a duel with Koujima? What was the result?

Hearing Hayato mention the duel with Kyoshima, Barong rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: That guy said it was 'electron flow', but it was completely different from the 'electron flow' I know. Use some [ [Electronic Summon Exploder], [Deduction of the Undead] and other cards. Then, you know the result.

[Electronic Summon Exploder], which deals 300 points of effect damage to the opponent's duelist every time the machine type is specially summoned. This card appeared in the deck of Kaoshima, where Hayato had dueled with Hayato during Duel Kingdom. It was given to Hayato. It caused a lot of trouble;

[The Temptation of the Dead], also known as the Temptation of Ultra Father, is a card dropped by Hayato after his duel with Kashima. The effect is that every card sent to the graveyard will cause the holder to lose 300 points. ’s basic points, it seems that it is also used in Jiaodao’s deck.

On the surface, the damage that these two cards can cause at a time is not high, but the problem is that both cards are permanent traps and will continue to exist on the field. If Hayato hadn't brought them in the duel in the Duel Kingdom, [Material Dragon] also almost overturned and was defeated by being stripped alive.

And Baron's situation is even worse. After all, Hayato also knows that the deck he uses is an [Armor] deck composed entirely of mechanical monsters, and it also focuses on fake cards, which he special summons from the deck in batches. , as well as the tactic of sending a large number of cards to the graveyard and then resurrecting them in batches. Not only do they have many special moves, but they also send a large number of cards to the graveyard.

When Jiaojima uses two stickers (magic and trap cards that are constantly on the field), if Barong activates an [Armor Gravity] to expand but fails to destroy Jiaojima in one turn, he will have to Being cut off as much as 1800 basic points, not to mention the 4000lp rule, even the damage like the 8000lp rule is very painful.

What made Baron even more angry was the conversation when he asked about the other party after the duel——

Didn't you say you are a pure [Cyber ​​Dragon] deck? Where is [Cyber ​​Dragon]?! I haven't seen it at all! Are you Hayato Kobayashi!

Oh, that's it. I removed most of the [Electronic Dragon] from the deck, but I also kept some of them.

Are these the cards you intend to keep? Balong asked, pointing to the series of red trap cards in the deck spread out by Jiao Dao. They were as thick and red as New Year's red envelopes. He felt as if his vision was about to go dark. .

Well, after all, I think that only by keeping this part, can you know that I am using the [Cyber ​​Dragon] deck.

Is it intentional or accidental?

On purpose~


Kashima, he is really the same as before. Hayato said bitterly, looking at Barong who was gritting his teeth because of the painful and torturous memories.

While they were talking, several people had already arrived at the open space outside the hotel. As soon as they went out, they saw a large group of children in uniforms gathered in the parking lot not far away. The ages were not uniform. Some were in their teens or 20s, some were only six or seven years old, and the most eye-catching one was undoubtedly a child with rare short blue hair.

Before he even got close, Hayato heard the kid speaking to the others with certainty: Let me tell you, 'electronic flow' is no different from other genres. They all focus on making money. Come to Egypt to experience it. The long history of dueling monsters can improve the level of dueling. Who would believe it? There are not many legendary duelists from Egypt.

Let me tell you something. Everyone knows about this matter. If you don't understand it, you won't understand it even if you tell me. It's better not to tell me. Don't ask me what's wrong. The interests are too involved. It won't do you any good if I tell you. , just pretend you don’t know. For the rest, I can only say that the water here is very deep and involves many big names. It is difficult for you to find detailed information on your own. Most of them have been deleted from the Internet, so I can only say that I understand. Everyone understands, and those who don’t understand can’t help it.”

Next to that kid were two slightly older boys, about fifteen or sixteen years old. After hearing his words, they said with some disdain: What do you know, you kid? 'Electronic Flow' is different from other genres. I I have joined the 'Psychic Flow' gym before, and they also charge money, but unlike the 'Electronic Flow', they also issue cards to apprentices like us.

When the green-haired kid heard this, he snorted arrogantly and said, I don't understand? Have I ever told you my name? My name is Marufuji Sho, Marufuji's Marufuji.

I'm a very low-key person, don't spread this to the outside world. He told his peers around him, but the kid named Sho Marufuji said loudly, Don't tell anyone, Ryo Marufuji. It’s my brother!”

As he spoke, there was a proud smile on his face, and he seemed to be very satisfied with the eyes of other people he was enjoying at the moment, the kind of eyes full of envy and reverence.

Marufuji? Are you saying that Marufuji Ryo is your brother? The young man was stunned when he heard this, looked at his companions and whispered, Is he telling the truth? That one is said to have been released by the 'Electronic Flow' in recent years. The biggest genius in the world, Ryo Marufuji? He graduated and got the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] at the age of nine, or is he Ryo Marufuji who is one of the leaders of our team this time?”

Even Ryo Marufuji's brother said so. Is there something behind the 'Electronic Flow' that we don't know about?

I can't tell, I don't believe that guy, but his brother is that Marufuji Ryo. One person seemed to have joined Marufuji when he was still in the Electronic Flow dojo, knowing that at that time Marufuji Ryo's performance, Since he is Ryo Marufuji's younger brother, he should know the inside story, right?

So, is there really an inside story behind this practice trip? After hearing what his companions said, several older teenagers also said angrily, I realize that the traces left by the years can become clearer and clearer. Touching on the brilliance of 'electronic flow', I felt that something was wrong before. It was indeed a gimmick to defraud money.

That's right, it's just deceiving our feelings. I'm so disappointed!

rnm, refund the money!

Is that your brother? Jonouchi pointed at Marufuji Sho, whose hair color was incompatible with the others' black and blond hair, and said to Marufuji Ryo, You don't look old, seven years old?

No, Xiang is already ten years old this year, but he seems to have grown a little late, and now he looks a little short. Ryo Marufuji said calmly, looking at Xiang Marufuji who was surrounded by a group of peers in the distance, and frowned. He frowned, But why would he say that to other people? There's no such thing as an inside story.

He actually spread the rumor about 'electronic flow', but didn't he beg his parents to say that he wanted to join the duel school like me and learn to duel monsters?

He clearly heard Marufuji Xiang's gossip, but Marufuji Ryo couldn't understand the purpose of what he did, and a sincerely angry expression appeared on his face.

Some people are like this. When they see the excellence of others, they don't try to catch up. They are just jealous of the other person's strength and want to drag them down. When they have something that others don't have, even if they don't have it, You must also take the initiative to create unnecessary conditions to show others. Hayato looked at Marufuji Xiang who had not noticed the arrival of the group here, and said casually.

Ah, didn't you hear? I couldn't stand my brother's words and deeds anymore and passed away.

Sho Marufuji stood in the crowd, watching the group of Electronic Flow disciples around him being easily fanned by him with just a few words. He smiled to himself quite proudly, but he suddenly noticed the gazes of these people. Suddenly he concentrated on one place and looked at the position behind him.

And just when they were about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded from behind them: If you have any questions, just go to Mr. Barong. He is the person in charge. It's useless for you to tell me.

This familiar voice made Sho Marufuji faint for a moment, and he turned around stiffly. When he saw that the person behind him was indeed his brother - Ryo Marufuji, he hesitated: Brother, brother?!

Well, I——

I don't know what your reasons are, Xiang, but don't say any more. Looking at Marufuji Xiang, Marufuji's eyes were very complicated, but eventually turned into cold and calm, Since you also want to become a If you are a duelist and actively request to join the 'Electronic Flow', then answer me with a duel.

Take out your duel disk and card deck, and then tell me the reason why you are using my name to stir up trouble and incite others!


Shouting something with great momentum, Ryo Marufuji pulled out the card and prepared for a duel without waiting for Sho Marufuji's reaction.

Ryo Marufuji suddenly appeared and suddenly launched a duel against Sho Marufuji, who seemed to be his younger brother. This change also made the originally noisy crowd quiet down instantly. More than a dozen Electronic Flow disciples present saw this. Looking at Ryo Marufuji with a cold expression, he didn't know what was going on.

And looking at his angry brother who seemed to have heard what he said before, Sho Marufuji still had the arrogant and proud expression he had just before in front of others. With trembling hands, he took out his deck of cards and inserted it on the duel plate, and competed with Ryo Marufuji. The duel disks are connected, and the basic points light up at the same time.

D-dule. In fear, Sho Marufuji couldn't even pronounce his words correctly.

[Ryo Marufuji: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

[Marufuji Sho: 4000lp, 5 cards in hand]

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