Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 29 Powerful cards often come with huge risks

Activate the magic card [Power Combination], and use the two monsters [Cyber ​​Dragon] in my hand and the [Original Cyber ​​Dragon] with the card name on the field as [Cyber ​​Dragon] as fusion materials!

Ryo Marufuji shouted, The fusion material is two parts of [Cyber ​​Dragon]. Fusion summon this monster from the fusion deck! Look, this is the evolution of [Cyber ​​Dragon]!

Fusion Summon! [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon]!

The power of fusion appeared, involving the monsters Marufuji revealed on the field and in his hand. When the light dissipated, two monsters were revealed.

【Electronic Two-Headed Dragon】【8☆\\/Light】

[Mechanical family\\/fusion\\/effect]


Although it is called [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon], there is a very conspicuous vacancy where its two heads diverge. This is obviously for the middle head of the truly perfect evolutionary form - [Electronic Terminator Dragon] A reserved position, but although it does not have the powerful defensive penetration ability of [Electronic Terminator Dragon], [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] also has its own unique ability.

During a battle phase, [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] can attack twice, annihilating two monsters on your field respectively, and because of the effect of [Power Combination], although it can only be used to fuse and summon mechanical monsters , but the attack power of the summoned fusion monster will be doubled.

In other words, the attack power of [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] is not 2800 points, but doubled to 5600 points!

【Electronic two-headed dragon】【atk2800→5600】

Hearing this, Hayato smiled and said, But -

Powerful cards often come with huge risks. x2

When Hayato's voice sounded, he heard Marufuji Ryo actually speaking in unison with him, which made him startled.

The negative effect of [Power Combination] is that at the end of the turn this card is activated, when the [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] summoned by this card's fusion is on the field, I will receive damage equal to its original attack power of 2800 points. .”

First talking about the risk of [power combination], Ryo Marufuji paused, looked at Hayato and said, I have had a feeling since the beginning of the duel, that you seem to understand me very well, not just my cards. The team, and even my own perseverance in the duel.”

Although you have been trying to guide me during the duel, making me think that it was my persistence at the beginning that caused me to be restricted and restrained in the subsequent rounds, and even used [The Final Warrior of Alien]. The means are useless, your clear dueling spirit cannot be hidden at all.

Your methods are despicable, but your will is quite clear. Who are you? I have been thinking about this question just now, and after you said those words, I feel like I have the answer. Ryo Marufuji As he spoke, he pointed at Hayato, That sentence is the catchphrase of Duel King Kobayashi Hayato, because I once witnessed him defeat the former teacher of our 'Electron Flow' with these words. It left a deep impression on me!

No matter how slim the possibility is, after excluding all other answers, there is only one truth!

In Hayato's stunned and surprised eyes, Ryo Marufuji said with certainty: You must be a fan of Duel King Kobayashi Hayato!

Pfft! Cough cough cough cough... Jonouchi, who was sitting not far away watching the duel, squirted out all the orange juice in his mouth, almost choked, and looked at Marufuji Ryo, who looked confident. He said to himself, How on earth did he come up with such an answer? It seems to be right, but it is completely wrong!

Looking at Hayato, who was also unable to understand how the other party came up with such an answer, Ryo Marufuji waved his hand and said, Is your answer silent, Tanorito? It doesn't matter, I won this duel. In [Electronic] Defeat me in front of the two-headed dragon!

Enter the battle phase, and then I use [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] to attack [Alien's Final Warrior] in attack position on your field, double evolution flame!

【Electronic Two-Headed Dragon】【atk5600】

【The Final Warrior of Alien】【atk1175】

While having a powerful ability to summon and blockade, it goes without saying that [The Final Warrior of Alien] does not have very strong statistics. After all, the fusion material he uses is just an average-grade fish monster, not to mention that he is currently being used by The [Forbidden Drop] that Ryo Marufuji drew and used before had its attack power reduced to half of its original value.

This means that what awaits Hayato will be up to 4425 points of combat damage. Even if his current basic score is the full 4000 points, it will be cleared instantly!

Watching the two heads of the [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] open their mouths and reveal laser transmitters, Hayato also waved his hand and said: In this case, I have to take out the secret weapon, for my god's talent And tremble!”

Declaration of chain attack, I open the cover in the backcourt!

Hearing Hayato's words, [The Final Warrior of Alien] and Ryo Marufuji, who were selected as targets of attack, also looked towards Hayato's backcourt, wanting to see what kind of card the secret weapon under Hayato's backcourt was. However, when they saw the opened quick-attack magic card, Marufuji Ryo and [The Final Warrior of Alien]'s expressions froze.

You also said that you are not a fan of Kobayashi Hayato?

Ryo Marufuji had the urge to point at the opened [mysterious Chinese pot] and question Tanli Dou.

As we all know, after each duelist becomes famous, they will leave an impression based on their own dueling style. For example, Yugi Muto is good at using well-coordinated monsters and compatible magic cards. Others in the deck can do without [Blue Eyes] 】The must-have Seto Kaiba, Jonouchi who always carries dice and coins, etc.

But when it comes to Duel King Kobayashi Hayato, compared to the invincible [Three Illusion Gods] and changeable decks he drives, when others mention it, they only think of [Psychic Ectoplasm] and [Mysterious Chinese Pot]. 】These cards, and now the guy named Tan Rito is using the Mysterious Chinese Pot that can almost be regarded as Kobayashi Hayato's signature!

Anyway, [The Last Warrior of Alien] has been invalidated by you and its attack power has not been halved. It has turned into a fish monster with less than 1500 points. Rather than letting you destroy it in vain, I might as well destroy it. Fry it and eat it. Hayato said, waving his hand and saying, According to the effect of [Mysterious Chinese Pot], I will liberate the [Final Warrior of Alien] on my field, and the basic points will be restored to the value of its defense power.

Go and stay in the cemetery, [the final warrior of the alien planet], this is a necessary sacrifice!

‘It’s not necessary at all. Don’t you have [Summoner-Aleister] in your hand that can increase the attack power of the fusion monster? Save me, why are you just watching! ’

If [The Final Warrior of Alien] had awakened the elves, he might have said this, but he didn't. Therefore, before the attack of [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] fell, an iron spoon fell from the sky and scooped up [The Final Warrior of Alien] and sent it to a sudden iron pot for frying. Then Hayato's base score increased.

[Tanli Dou: 4000 → 6300lp]

Although [Alien's Final Warrior] is a monster with higher attack power than defense, the basic points restored by [Mysterious Chinese Pot] are determined when it is on the field. After the effect of [Forbidden Drop], [Alien's The attack power of Final Warrior became half of its original value, which was less than the unchanged defense power, so Hayato chose his defense power value to restore.

And watching Tanli Dou send his monster to the cemetery, Marufuji Ryo also frowned: In order to win, you actually took the initiative to send your monster to the cemetery. Is victory more important to you than the duel itself? Is it important?

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, used by all old bookworms.]

However, because the disappearance of the attack target triggers a battle rollback, I can re-designate the attack target of [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon], and I select the [Summoned Beast-Caligula] on your field as the attack target. Maru Fujiliang waved his hand again and ordered, Let's do it again, [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon], double evolutionary flame!

[Electronic Two-Headed Dragon], which was already ready to attack, quickly released its attack without much energy this time. Two laser beams instantly hit [Summoned Beast-Caligula], but because It was due to the defensive position that when it was annihilated by the attack, it caused a lot of airflow, but it was not able to cause any damage to Tan Rito.

It's not over yet. The effect of [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] is that it can attack twice in one round. This effect is not limited to monsters, which means that when [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] destroys Tanli Dou on your field, After the last monster, you can make another attack on you as the duelist.

Double Evolution Flame Duo!

The second burst of light fell directly on Hayato, but the direct attack that should have been fatal with the [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] with an attack power of 5600 points was successful because Hayato used the [Mysterious Chinese Pot] to absorb 2300 points in the storm in advance. Take it.

[Tan Li Dou: 6300 → 700lp]

Wow, you played well. My basic score is like a candle in the wind. Even though the basic score was only three digits, Ryo Marufuji still couldn't see even a trace of panic on the face of the man in front of him. In his eyes, Marufuji, who had exhausted all his means, declared helplessly, My turn is over.

Then, due to the effect of [Power Combination], my base points were damaged by 2800 points.

[Ryo Marufuji: 4000→1200lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Electronic Two-Headed Dragon】【atk5600】

Four rounds had passed since the duel. Jonouchi noticed that some people who were interested in dueling monsters were unknowingly attracted by the duel here and came to watch nearby. He even saw them who seemed to have finished their breakfast. . With a wave, he stepped forward and informed Yugi of their current situation.

My brother-in-law has been really busy since he came to Egypt. Getting rid of the fans who mistook him for Bekas, Malik looked at Hayato in the duel and said with a smile, I also watched almost half of it. It’s a duel, that brat has some talent, but not much, but he also has a strange kind of persistence, there is no way he can defeat his brother-in-law.

That's not what you said, Malik boy~ Becas looked at Marufuji Ryo with great interest, After all, he is just a child. He still has a lot of room for growth in the future. Maybe one day he can Become an excellent duelist.

After a pause, he glanced at Hayato: But it's still too early to challenge Hayato's boy.

After Hayato's turn came, he calmly drew a card: My turn, draw a card.

Without looking down to see what card he had drawn, he looked at Marufuji Ryo: The duel with you is really a good game, but it's a pity that it's time to clear this game. In the name of God Order you to stand down!

Normally summon [Summoner-Aleister], effect search [Summoning Magic].

Listening to the relaxed and freehand, even joyful steps of Tanli Dou, Ryo Marufuji tensed up his nerves:

'Is it coming again? [Summoning Magic] that can be fused with monsters in the graveyard. I remember he emphasized before that the fusion material requirement for [Summoned Beast-Caligula] is [Summoner-Aleister] and It is a dark attribute monster, so can we guess that different [summoned beasts] can be summoned with different attributes? ’

‘There are three monsters in the opponent’s graveyard: the dark attribute [Summoned Beast-Caligula], the earth attribute [Final Warrior of Alien], and the water attribute [Magic Absorption Sphere]. No, I remember Dan Rito said just now that the opponent's graveyard can also be used by [Summoning Magic], which means that my light attribute [Cyber ​​Dragon] will most likely be selected as a fusion material monster by the opponent. . ’

‘The four attributes of darkness, water, light and earth correspond to four possibilities, so what kind of monster will appear? However, I have [Electronic Two-headed Dragon] with an attack power of 5600 points on the field, so no matter what kind of monster it is, it should be able to survive. ’

However, after witnessing Tan Rito retrieve [Summoning Magic] from the deck into his hand, Marufuji Ryo saw that the opponent did not play this card, but instead discarded it and sent it to the graveyard, and activated his hand. Another card in the card: Discard the [Summoning Magic] in your hand as cost. Let you see the existence at the end of fusion. I activate this ultimate fusion, [Super Fusion]!

Send the fusion materials required for the fusion monster from both sides of the field to the graveyard, and fusion summon that fusion monster from the fusion deck!

Hearing this, Ryo Marufuji couldn't help but widen his eyes: Use the monsters on my field as fusion materials? No, [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon]!

But his cry was too weak in front of the power of [Super Fusion]. Not to mention that he had no countermeasures to protect his monsters. Even if he had it, it would be of no avail in front of the pseudo-four-speed [Super Fusion] that cannot chain-activate cards. .

The fusion material is [Summoner-Aleister] and the fusion monster [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] on the opponent's field. Mystic user named after the big beast, let's go berserk under the forbidden summoning magic! Hayato played A card, Fusion Summon! [Summoned Beast-Light Body]!

Then enter the battle phase and directly attack the opponent's duelist who is empty on the field!

Ryo Marufuji didn't even have time to see the specific values ​​​​of the monster Hayato summoned. He only saw his [Electronic Two-Headed Dragon] being stuffed into the body of [Summoner-Aleister] by the power of [Super Fusion], with a human figure. The latter's body suddenly mutated and swelled to a huge size. He floated into the air like a god and launched an attack towards himself.

His basic points were also wiped out in an instant under this attack.

[Ryo Marufuji: 1200lp→0]

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