Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 13 An unexpected reunion

What is it that worries a creator? No inspiration.

What about the pain above that? You have so much inspiration, and you can’t use them all and you have to choose between them.

What about further up? You don’t even know which of the two choices you have to make will have a better outcome.

Becas was caught in such a situation. After accidentally receiving seven ancient gems, he had the opportunity to create a unique and special card. At the same time, he had already received enough inspiration from Egypt, the first stop of this trip. Make a brand new card, two happy things added together should be double the happiness. But how could this happen...

And when he heard Bekas talk about his troubles, Hayato could only take back his words, Children only make choices, of course adults want them all.

Due to the limit on the number of gems, there can only be one set of cards that can be completed in the end. If you have to get them all, it will only divide the power of the original complete set of seven gems, making it impossible to complete the final set. Neither set of cards will be in perfect condition. This result is unacceptable to Becas, and the same goes for Hayato.

He prefers second-rate comedy to first-rate tragedy. Similarly, Hayato prefers a complete card series that exists in a complete set to powerful cards that exist independently of the whole. There is an opportunity to produce a complete set of cards, but Choosing to make it into a castrated version, Hayato didn't want to do such a thing.

As a result, the problem has returned to the original point. Should we choose [Jade Beast] or [Jewel Knight] as the design direction? Not only Bekas, but also other people are now troubled by helping him think about the decision. Now, it’s no wonder that Becas said that his design progress has stalled instead of increasing.

If we want to talk about strength, in fact, neither [Jade Beast] nor [Gem Knight] are super mainstream first-line decks. Of course, they can also play some excellent BO with reasonable configuration. For example, [Gem Knight] can play ftk. , [Jade Beast] can always be mixed with strange cards, but overall it is definitely not as good as [Longhui Qiao], [Shadow] or even the wheelchair-bound [Cyber ​​Dragon].

But if I have to compare it, [Gem Knight] is somewhat stronger, but [Gem Beast] really only has the word soul and is struggling in the entertainment deck world.

But there is a saying, The important thing is not strength, but love. This sentence can also be applied to Duel Monsters. For example, Hayato has several strong decks in his hand, but the one he trusts the most is [Gaia] and [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] and the others.

Hayato couldn't give any advice on Becas's problem, but he did think of one person, that is, [Kamishai Yi-Kamiko Akira] was not considered in the original timeline to develop new ideas and be honest. Becas, who had finally completed [Jade Beast], entrusted this rare card to the user of the [Jade Beast] deck, which has only one rare card in the world. He is also one of the most trusted friends of the ten generations of Yujo in the future, and even The unique John Anderson.

Others cannot make a decision, and the designer Becas himself cannot make a decision, but if it is John Anderson, the future user of [Jademon], Hayato feels that he is qualified to make a decision.

But the problem is that John Anderson is the same age as Judai Yujo, and he is not just a student of the Duel Academy Headquarters, which is currently not yet established, but an exchange student representative from the Arctic Circle Branch, Hayato I only remember that it seems to come from Northern Europe, but other than that, there is no other information at all.

Also, the reason why Becas entrusted him with the card of Jade Beast was because when he was invited to be the presenter of the world-class youth duel competition, he happened to witness John Anderson becoming the champion and felt his passion for dueling. The monster was given to the [Jade Beast] deck out of its heartfelt love and its rare ability to see spirits.

Because he has a good relationship with Kaiba and Becas, Hayato can also learn about the plans for various events that will be held in the future from the two of them, but the problem is that the current Duel Monsters are still in the stage of being promoted globally, and it is not yet At the stage where it has covered the world and has fans of all ages, at least Becas and Haima have stated that there will be no plans for a duel competition for age groups in the next two years, and there is no possibility of finding John Anderson.

He couldn't just suddenly run up to him and the others, and he didn't have the ability to make his wishes come true.

Hayato was complaining in his heart, but he heard the voices of several people talking behind him, but the language used was not Arabic or English, but Japanese, which is not the mainstream language in Egypt. The voice of one of them sounded inexplicably familiar. .

Are you sure this is the direction, teacher? Although everyone in [Guardian] did say that they felt a familiar atmosphere, would anyone really buy the extremely expensive tickets outside? It always feels a little weird. It's reliable. A somewhat childish voice said, and then another voice that was quite familiar to Hayato answered him.

This is the first lesson I want to teach you, Johnny, lesson 1 - don't have any strange expectations of me. The familiar voice came from the corner, I have a lot of burdens on my body. Those who have countless sins are not good people. You must have a skeptical heart towards other people and don’t trust others so easily.”

However, that childish voice seemed not to have listened to what Hayato's familiar voice said at all: Ah~ but I don't think you are a bad person, sensei. You are obviously full of passionate emotions for everyone in [Guardians], Everyone at [Guardian] also loves you deeply, teacher. How can someone who loves dueling monsters and elves be a bad person?

Johnny Hayato's familiar voice said helplessly.

The two people talking had not yet walked out of the corner, and heard his voice before seeing him, but not only Hayato, but even the game seemed to be familiar with the voice of the more mature person called teacher, but for a moment I can't remember where I heard it.

After listening to the conversation between the two and catching the key word [Guardian], Hayato raised his eyebrows and muttered: Although the [Guardian] card is not as unique as [Blue Eyes]. If you have money, you can still buy it and use it in a deck, but if it’s an elf or something, it can’t be that guy, right?”

Just as Hayato was thinking this, the two people who were talking in Japanese also walked out from the corner and revealed their true appearance in front of the group of people. They were a duo, one big and one small.

The younger one looked to be only about ten years old, with slightly rare short dark green hair. He was wearing a white knitted hat with many blue five-pointed stars, and looked at the tall man next to him with lake green eyes. man.

When he saw the man, Hayato also showed an expression of sudden realization: I asked why it sounds so familiar. It turns out to be you. Speaking of which, we can be considered ex-colleagues.

The blond man also noticed Hayato, and his calm and even somewhat stiff face couldn't help but reveal an unexpected expression: The ones who give me and the [Guardians] an unusual sense of familiarity are actually you, Hayato Kobayashi, and the nameless one. Pharaoh.”

Blue Hair Earrings.

Don't give me weird nicknames without permission. My name is Rafi! Rafiru raised his eyebrows and glared at Hayato, Although I do wear earrings, how did you know that I have blue hair? of?

The blond man who appeared in front of a group of people was apparently the Dorma who once belonged to Dazi, and even served as the [Guardian] deck user of the Three Knights of Doma with a very high position in Doma. La Philoo!

Since the four of Jonouchi, Kaiba, Yugi, and Hayato defeated Datsu and eliminated the Oliha Gang God and released the souls of countless people who had been devoured by it for tens of thousands of years, they were plotted by Datsu before. Rafiru, whose soul had been sealed, was naturally resurrected at that time, including Baron. However, this was the first time Yugi and the others met Rafiru since then.

Although Rafiru's temperament is very recognizable, the image of Rafiru that appears in front of a few people today has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to when he was the Three Knights of Doma. His short yellow hair has been grown to a shawl. length, and also put on a cowboy hat to block the scorching Egyptian sun. The original dark blue long windbreaker was replaced by a combination of purple short sleeves and a brown cape.

To be honest, at first glance, even though Yugi and Atum had had spiritual communication with each other through duels, it was a little difficult to be sure that the Rafiu in front of them was the Rafiu they knew.

Ah hahahaha, it's pretty good. This joke is very funny and awesome.

Next to Rafilu, the child who appeared with him seemed to have caught the laughter in the brief conversation between Hayato and Rafilu, and spoke cheerfully, but compared to his genuine smile, when he spoke, His tone was a little dull, giving people a feeling that he was just trying to cheer for someone with a fake smile, or even that he was eccentric.

This is not a joke, Johnny, don't imitate that guy Hayato Kobayashi. Looking at the young man beside him, Lafilu pushed up the brim of his hat helplessly.

Long time no see, Rafiru. The golden light flashed on the [Millennium Building Block], and Atum came to the outside world and greeted Rafiru, How are you doing lately?

Unknown Pharaoh, long time no see. Although I say that, less than a month has passed since Dazi's defeat. There is no need to use such words as if it took more than ten years to meet me again. It’s the look of a reunion.” Rafilu looked at Atum’s eyes and said, “As for my current situation, I think I’m lucky.”

When I was in Doma, for the 'New World' described by Dazi, I dealt with a lot of dirty things as a sharp blade in his hands. I should have accepted the judge for carrying this crime, but it has been a long time since I I couldn't wait for the punishment I deserved, and then I realized - compared to salvaging Doma's legacy to prevent other competitors from benefiting, killing me, who is protected by supernatural elf power, seems to be a loss that outweighs the gain in the eyes of those countries. thing.

It's just like the so-called relatives and friends I saw fighting for my family's property when I returned to human society from the isolated island.

Saying that, Rafilu shook his head helplessly, sighed, and turned to look at the boy beside him: Although I feel guilty, I don't have any self-destructive tendencies, so I just want to do something as much as possible, and then I unexpectedly met this child in the United States and became his guardian.

After hearing Rafilu's words, Atum also looked at the boy named Johnny beside him, and Jonouchi behind Atum also came up and said: Ah, I heard it just now, yes Called 'Johnny', right, this kid?

No, 'Johnny' is obviously just a nickname, Idiot City. Huh? Why are you so proud of your Honda, whose foreign language scores are about the same as mine?

Seeing Atum looking at him, Johnny also greeted him politely and introduced himself: Hello, Mr. 'Unknown Pharaoh', I'm sorry to call you that. Teacher, he told me that he didn't know either. This is how you can be called by your name. 'Johnny' is indeed the teacher's nickname for me. My name is John.

Hello, John. Looking at the cheerful John, Atum also said hello, but he noticed that after John said hello to himself, he also waved to the left and right of him.

However, there was no one standing on either side of him. It was just the [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl] who appeared spontaneously from the card and stayed beside him to coexist with him in a state that ordinary people could not see.

Can this child actually see?

Well, Johnny seems to be born with the rare ability to see elves. I think he will have great potential in dueling monsters, so I am teaching him as a teacher. Rafiru nodded and confirmed. Ask Yugi, How are you compared to me, nameless Pharaoh?

Atum also smiled when he heard Rafiru's words: The answer to my situation is that you no longer need to call me the name 'Unknown Pharaoh', but call me by my name 'Atum'.

Have you found your name? That's really good news, Wu, Atum. Rafilu seemed to be happy with the news that Atum had found his name.

John next to Rafiu seemed to have seen something quite interesting. He walked away from Rafiu and came to Hayato, who was looking at him with a frown: Hello, are you Mr. Hayato Kobayashi?

John's name is too common. It must be a coincidence. No, it's nothing. Hayato, muttering to himself in a low voice, looked at John in front of him, It's me, what's wrong?

Well, in fact, my teacher recently taught me that duelists' decks often have 'soul' cards as the core. If you build a deck around a few soul cards, you can fully express the duelist's own strength. Show it off. John paused, then continued, The teacher also gave examples that his own soul cards are [Guardian-Aitos], Mr. Seto Kaiba's soul cards are [Blue Eyes White Dragon], Muto Yugi The soul cards with Mr. Nameless Pharaoh are [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl].”

I just saw the [Dark Magician] and [Dark Magician Girl] elves next to Mr. Nameless Pharaoh, but when I asked the teacher before, he refused to tell me about Xiaolin, who is the Duel King. Mr. Hayato, what is your soul card?

After finally telling his purpose, John breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Hayato with an expectant expression: So Mr. Hayato, who is your soul card?

When Hayato heard John's words, he opened his arms quite proudly: Didn't you see the elves around me?

John scratched the hat on his head with some distress: I did see it, but Mr. Hayato, shouldn't there be only two or three soul cards?

Idiot, how can Tamashi be such an inconvenience? Hayato pointed at himself with a thumbs up, Of course all my elves are my Tamashi. It's not that I'm a scumbag, it's just that my heart is for the elves. They have been broken into countless pieces.

Hearing Hayato's words, John didn't react at all, but [Disturbing Huang], who hadn't been seen for a long time, suddenly ran out of the deck on his waist with snot and tears in his eyes: It's so touching, Ani. !”

[Disturbing Black], [Disturbing Green], and the other monsters of the [Disturbing] family actually ran out: You finally said that we are also your Tamashi! Finally, we have waited for this day! I'm so touched!

Oh, I forgot to add that the [disturbing] miscellaneous fish does not count.

Don't ruin our dreams!

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