Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 14 No matter how good-looking the two-dimensional paper figures are, they are still fake.

Because of the appearance of John and Rafilu, Becas also put away his manuscript and looked at Rafilu.

This is not the first time Becas has met Rafiru. In fact, they have dealt with him before. When Hayato joined Doma, in order to prevent Becas, the father of duel monsters, from getting With the help of the elves, he made some cards that would get in the way. Datsu asked the three knights of Doma to kill Becas, and Hayato also went with them.

At that time, Amaluda had not let go of his resentment towards Kaiba, and Barong had no idea of ​​​​taking action against Becas because of the existence of Peacock Dance. Therefore, the people responsible for killing Becas in the end became Rafiru and Hayato, and because Rafiru did not fully trust Hayato at that time, Bekas became Hayato's letter of surrender and his soul was sealed by Hayato. Afterwards, Hayato fought against Jonouchi and Yugi on the top floor of the International Illusion Society.

Although the duel with Hayato alone made Becas too tired to deal with other things at the time, Rafilu, who was just beside him, left a certain impression on Becas. Now that he meets him again, it also makes him Becas remembered that he had met such a person before.

Also because of the change in identity and position, Rafiru who now appears in front of Becas is no longer an enemy. This also allows Becas to observe and appreciate Rafiru more objectively. Becas's left eye was obviously just a pure gold imitation, and a prosthetic eye similar in style to the [Millennium Eye] lit up with a faint light.

Before coming to Egypt, Bekas inexplicably lost the magic power left in his body by the [Millennium Eye]. However, Hayato and Atum restored the soul of Dark Tapiryo and the Dark Lord in the stone tablet of King's Memory. After the evil god Zouk Nelofa was defeated, the lost remaining power actually returned to Bekas. At this moment, he was observing Rafiru with the power of the [Millennium Eye].

This was also a small habit Bekas had when he still had the [Millennium Eye]. He felt that the human mind was more reliable, more trustworthy, and more intuitive than the words he heard and the surface he saw with the naked eye. save trouble.

Rafiru's heart opened to Becas very smoothly, and Becas seeed Rafiru clearly from the inside out. But at the same time that Becas was looking at Rafiru, Rafiru who was talking to Atum also seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head to look at Bekas, whose eyes gave him a strange feeling. Sri Lanka.

And [Guardian Aitos] also immediately broke away from the card and came to Rafilu's side, staring at Becas unkindly.

You have really keen senses, Rafilu, and your eyes are so sharp. Becas also didn't expect that Rafilu would notice his movements that should not be discovered so quickly, and he also tried to deal with it with a fake smile. It's obvious that you have the talents of a very good duelist and a very good DuelMonster.

[Aitos] is my family. Rafiru corrected somewhat seriously, Also, don't look at me like that again, Becas J. Crofodo.

Hehe, you deserve it, Becas. Who told you to always use the power of [eyes] to see others? Beside Becas, Malik also laughed at him immediately, My brother-in-law warned you several times before. Yeah, if you look at someone with that look again, you will be easily beaten. Look, you will be discovered immediately.

The [Millennium Eye] has been away from you for such a long time. Although the power is still there, no one knows how long it will last. You should try to get used to losing this power, Becas. Tumu looked at Becas with a unhappy expression and said with a smile.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of what Xia Di said before.

Hayato stopped communicating with John, glanced at Becas and said, Since you've seen everything, why don't you tell me what you saw in front of the owner? As he said that, Hayato also said He glanced at Rafilu.

Seeing that John next to Hayato also had an expectant expression, Rafiru frowned, thinking to himself that he must tell John carefully when he goes back. No matter what he heard from Kobayashi Hayato today, he must not remember it. You must forget everything and don’t follow his bad example. At the same time, he also said to Bekas on the side: Is it the so-called soul analysis? If you are some people with ghosts in your heart, you may be very resistant.

But, I don't care.

Rafiru has always been indifferent to these things, and when Becas heard what Rafiru said, he also said: Actually, when I saw you Rafiru for the first time, what I saw was The deepest relief and ease in your soul.”

Although I don't know what kind of burden and pressure you once carried, Rafiru, but now you seem to have looked away, crossed that hurdle, and ushered in a new state of mind like a new life. Bekas said on the side He said, nodding his head, In this state of mind, you can also exert 1000% of your original strength in DuelMonster.

Besides that, I also saw your reflection on your past actions and your hopes for the boy over there. But the one that attracted my attention the most, as the father of Duel Monster, was Lafite. Lu, you love DuelMonster from the bottom of your heart.

More than Hayato Boy and Yugi Boy, they are not so much partners as they are family members who must be protected with their lives. What a touching love!

After hearing what Bekas said, Rafilu didn't say anything. He noticed the gaze cast by Atum next to him, nodded and said: Well, what he said is basically right. Before, Atum, you were defeating Da. Zi and his 'Oliha Gang God' At that time, I was freed from the soul in his body and met my parents who had passed away many years ago, as well as Julia and Sonia. I had a good farewell to them. Perhaps it has escaped the fog of the past that has lingered for many years.”

However, even though I have lost that part of my obsession that forced me to move forward, it does not mean that I have become weaker, and I still believe in my family today - [Aitos] and the others as before. A smile appeared on Rafilu's face, So don't think that I am not the same person as before. If I have another duel with you, maybe I will win.

Atum heard this and smiled back: I dare to say it, Rafilu, although your relationship with the [Guardians] is admirable, the combination of Aibo and I is invincible, so we will not lose. for you.

Atum and Rafilu's eyes met, full of fighting spirit, but Jonouchi noticed that Becas's expression was obviously hesitant, as if he didn't know whether to continue talking.

What's wrong, Becas?

Well, actually I don't know if I saw it wrong, but there is something I have thought about and I think I should tell you about it, Rafilu. Becca paused and looked at Rafilu. It's a little weird, Although the [Guardian Aitos] beside you, Rafael, is indeed a humanoid DuelMonster with a very divine and gorgeous appearance, but she is a DuelMonster after all.

When Rafilu heard this, his eyelids twitched and he looked at Becas.

Although the two-dimensional paper figures are very cute, you still need to look at the three-dimensional more and don't indulge in the illusory world. Although you say that you treat each other as family, Rafiru, what do you think about [Guardian Aitos] 】’s feelings seem to have deteriorated a bit in my opinion, you can’t——”

Shut up, I'm not who you said! It was obvious that Rafilu was a little panicked. When he felt that the eyes of several people around him were looking at him strangely, he said to Becas eagerly, You This guy must have seen it wrong! How on earth could he see such an outrageous result!

If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will definitely correct you!

Ha, he's anxious. Well, he's anxious, he's completely anxious. Malik and Hayato, who were standing together, didn't think it was a big deal at all. They talked to each other and looked forward to Rafiru. Fight with Becas.

When Bekas saw that Rafilu's reaction was so intense, he quickly smiled and comforted him: Well, I really saw it wrong. If I look at it again, Rafiru, what do you think about [Guardian Aitos in your heart? 】It’s really pure family affection.”

This is a lie. Becas did not use the remaining power of the [Millennium Eye] at all. He was just perfunctory with Rafiru verbally. And Rafiru heard Becas said this to restore his innocent reputation. (Doubtful), he didn’t say anything more and became quiet.

In his own mind, Becas also checked his judgment just now, making sure that it was definitely true. Looking at Rafiru who looked unhappy, Bekas added: Although I saw a small part of Rafiru's mind 'wrongly', in general I can make a positive judgment. , that means you are an excellent duelist, Rafilu.

Then I have also decided that this deck of cards is still in the process of being produced. Although I don't know when it will be completed, I plan to give this deck of cards to you, Rafilu, as an apology.

What cards are you making now? Mr. Becas, are you making any other cards now? Hearing this, Tapirang looked at Becas strangely and asked, but saw Becas shake his head. , Tapirang, who instantly understood the meaning, covered his mouth with his hands in surprise, Is it [Baoyu]'s card? Mr. Bekas, are you going to give [Baoyu]'s card to Mr. Raffaello?

Hearing Tapirang's words, Rafilu also immediately noticed that he had a low sense of presence and narrowed his eyes. Did you see it wrong? I always feel like I have seen each other before. This boy looks like the guy with the bunny ears hair style that I worked with when I was the Three Knights of Doma, but the difference in temperament is too big. It must be an illusion, right? ?

Huh? But isn't the [Baoyu] card a super rare card that you put a lot of effort into, Becas, and requires the use of gems that are said to be cultural relics? Jonouchi also looked at Becas in confusion and said, I thought you would keep it for yourself.

What kind of image does Me have in your eyes, Jonouchi boy? Bekas sighed.

A cunning card printer. A cheater who prints powerful cards for himself. A white-haired man who knows how to cheat. Peeping Tom. A person who designs a despicable list of banned and restricted cards.

Whether it was Yugi, Hayato, Kyoko or Honda, they all expressed their impressions of Becas.

The rest of me will accept it, but didn't you propose the restricted card list to me and Kaiba boy, Hayato? Bekas complained, and then said seriously, Although me can't deny that occasionally there are people who print cards for myself. The act of creating a powerful card that is unique in the world, but I am more of a card designer than a duelist.

[Cartoon] is the youthful years that I experienced with Cyndia. [Najima] is the darkness and despair in my heart after losing Cyndia. But this is enough. I am not Hayato boy. Game boys, you are the pioneers who are stepping into the future. Just by doing this, I have exhausted my talents as a duelist, and more cards will only gather dust even if they are left in my hands.

Spreading his hands, Bekas continued, Just like a craftsman who forges magic swords and weapons, he will never be willing to let the magic swords he creates just gather dust and rust on the weapon rack, allowing more and more interesting cards to appear. In the hands of the right person, it will shine to the fullest. That is the future of cards and the future of Duel Monsters that I want to see.

Interesting card, huh? Okay, Isis already has an earth angel, don’t let me see you printing your tears.

Cursing Becas's words, Hayato said: Then the question is, why did you have the idea to send the card after seeing Rafiru, Becas? Obviously I, Jonouchi and Yugi were all with you before. On.

Bekas glanced at Hayato and spread his hands: Not everyone has the same dueling style as you, Hayato boy. Although the design direction of the card has not been confirmed until now, I can also feel the style that the card is suitable for. Yes, that is definitely not a type suitable for game boys and city boys. What is needed is that the user has a heart that will never give up on monsters and regard them as guardians.

Listening to what you said, wouldn't that be more suitable for me? After all, I am the most kind-hearted person. There is no duelist more caring than me. Hayato patted his chest and said confidently. But not only Becas, Jonouchi, Yugi, and even Malik and Rafiru all cast helpless glances at Hayato.

Who would believe what you say? If you protect monsters or something like that, I'd be thankful if they weren't liberated by you.

However, as the recipient of the card, Rafilu didn't think about it at all and said bluntly: No, I don't need your card. This is not to question the power of the card you sent, Becas, the father of Duel Monsters. Weak, just because I only need [Guardian], and I don’t need other cards.”

However, I think Johnny is better suited to accept that deck of cards.

As Rafilu stretched out his hand to point to himself and saw everyone else turning their gazes towards him, John couldn't help but blinked his clear eyes: Huh?

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