Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 12 I forgot to take the title of the previous chapter, but I can’t change it after publishin

Because Isildar's identity was unexpectedly useful, people who evaded fares and ran into the controlled area of ​​the scenic spot were not chased away after being discovered by two staff members. Instead, they were given enthusiastic guidance and told them that the scenic spot was the most worth visiting. Which places are you looking at?

If it were three thousand years ago, then both Hayato and Atum would be more familiar with this area than the staff. However, after three thousand years, it is these professionals who are more familiar with what has disappeared and what remains. Be clearer.

After rejecting the two security guards who had a sudden change of attitude and volunteered to serve as tour guides, the group walked along the passage in the scenic area to the recommended attractions.

I'm talking about Becas, are you still doing card design or something like that recently? Hayato asked Becas on the way, It's been a few days since I came to Egypt, but I haven't seen you. I took out the design drafts and the like and used them.”

After hearing Hayato's words, Becas, who was still a little excited and looking forward to the next journey, had a smile on his face that froze, and his steps paused slightly.

He laughed dryly and said: Oh ho ho ho, the production of My card went very smoothly. Because of Hayato Boy and Game Boy, my inspiration came to me like a god possessing me. Compared to the production progress before going to Egypt, it can be said that the production progress has improved by leaps and bounds. 1000%.

Tairiang also knew from Hayato before that the purpose of Bekas organizing this tour group was to find inspiration for making new duel monster cards. Hearing this, he said innocently: That's really great, Bekas. Sir, in that case you will be able to complete the production of new cards soon, right?

However, this time, Becas couldn't even maintain the fake smile, and the expression on his face fell down.

Huh? Did I say something wrong? Tairiang was stunned and hurriedly asked Hayato next to him, worried that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

But there was no need for Hayato to speak. Jonouchi on the side said confidently: Hey, hey, at this time, it's time for the great detective Jonouchi to take action. As for the expression on Becas's face, no one is more familiar with it than me. .”

Hayato, Yugi, and Tairiang, you used to have good grades in the class and were good students who completed your homework in time, but I am different. I know better than you the look on Becas's face because of playing video games the night before. I was so happy that I didn’t remember the homework I had assigned until the next morning.”

No, to be more precise, it's the look on your face when you didn't finish your homework and found out that other people's homework had been completed and handed in. You didn't even have a chance to find someone to copy the homework! Honda next to Jonouchi was also confident. Said fully.

There is only one truth, Bekas. Before you came to Egypt, the card production progress was 0%. Even if it is 1000%, it is ten times the original rate and it is still 0! X2

Jonouchi and Honda, who were back to back, said in unison as they all stretched out their fingers to point at Becas.

The corner of Malik's mouth twitched: Where should I start complaining? Is this guy Becas able to blatantly fish for so long, or is it a case that you two use to compare?

What do you know? Can the work of creators be called fishing? Bekas argued forcefully in front of everyone's eyes, saying something like Only by drawing on a wide range of materials can we decide which plan to use and Carefully crafted Words like cards have soul.

But didn't you say before that half of the card design is basically completed? Hayato looked at Becas helplessly and said, Don't tell me that the other half means that the new folder has been completed.

Becas also sighed and said helplessly: Even me won't do such unappetizing things. In fact, this still has something to do with you, Hayato boy.

As he spoke, Becas took out a notebook from the backpack behind him, with a tangled expression and hesitant movements. But in the end he made up his mind and opened the notebook: Because it's a game. Boy, Hayato boy, so I think I can show you my manuscript, but please don’t spread the content on it.

Several people were also a little curious by Becas's rare and solemn tone, so they came over to look at the contents of the note. On the page of notes that Becas spread out, the most conspicuous position is seven colorful gems of different shapes, and everyone knows what they are.

Because of the abnormal global ocean currents caused by Dazi, the International Illusion Society found the national treasure of an ancient country - seven gems that are said to have magical powers. This is the appearance of the gems that Becas copied. The core purpose is that Becas wants to design new duel monster cards based on several gems.

But next to the seven clean gems, there are many images related to gems and crystals. They had learned about this from Becas before, knowing that he could never find someone who could The most suitable design for your heart.

But what does this have to do with Hayato?

Bekas also noticed the doubts of several people. He pointed to the farthest position and said, Actually, after coming to Egypt, with the help of your luck and some cards from Boy Hayato, I came up with this. This monster is one of the duel monsters that vaguely contains ancient gems.

At the position pointed by Becas's finger, he drew another copy of the blue jade, one of the seven jade, and drew a flying Pegasus next to the jade.

Pegasus, do you think this is private goods? These are the words of another me. The game quoted Atum's words in [Millennium Building Blocks]. It seems that he is also very interested in the new duel monster cards, even if he has just I was affected by Xia Di's words, However, I also feel that this look is very suitable.

Bekas glanced at Yugi, nodded approvingly and said, Compared to the powerful Pharaoh's Soul on Duel Monsters, Yugi boy, you may have more talent in card design.

“Many people think that to design a card, you only need to simply draw the image of the card and design an effect to create a New Card. But in fact, this is not the case. If you want to create a new card, the most important thing besides inspiration is actually the feeling. The subconscious feeling that resonates with the spirit of the Duel Monsters and helps them come to the card.”

If this card is produced, I would like to name it [Sapphire Pegasus], with the prefix entry being [Jade Beast], and design seven different creatures around the seven gems. As for the shape of the Pegasus, , it’s just a coincidence.”

Regarding the design of [Pegasus, Jade Beast and Jade Pegasus], which happened to coincide with his own name, Pegasus, Pegasus helplessly spread his hands, then pointed at [Pegasus, Jade Beast and Jade Pegasus] seriously and said: Don't you think it's cool? As a card designer, I think this is too cool. It fits my imagination of 'Baoyu' and is full of natural charm and fantasy.

However, compared to the game, other people's talents in card design are not very obvious, and one cannot feel the sense of this card should look like this that the game and Bekas said. I don’t feel that there is anything cool about [Jade Beast and Jade Pegasus] which is just a pencil sketch.

More than that, they still felt that Becas was still stuffing private goods into the card production. After all, it was not like he had no precedent for doing this before. This time he was very restrained by just stuffing his own name into it.

But even so, what does he have to do with Hayato-kun? Tapiro asked curiously.

Bekas looked at Tapirang, who was also approaching, and still felt a little uncomfortable. Even though a long time had passed, and he knew that An Tapirang had disappeared from his body, at the time, An Tapiryo approached him in a harmless manner like the current Tapirang. Then he ruthlessly gouged out his [Millennium Eye] and almost killed himself.

To this day, Bekas still feels a faint phantom pain in his left eye when he sees Tapirang. After getting half a step away from Tapirang without any trace, he pointed to the other side of the note next to [Jade Beast·Jade Pegasus]. The sub-picture said: If there are no accidents, the next journey I should only use [Jade Pegasus] as the starting point, complete the other [Jade Beasts], and add some magic and trap cards before announcing the production of new cards. finished.

But the problem is, just now, I saw this unforgettable Monster from Hayato boy.

The position pointed by Bekas's finger was a sketch of a monster that everyone had seen before - during the duel with Axel who was handed over to the staff, Hayato used [Shadow Yi - Nephilim] ] and the sketch of [Shenying Yi-Shenzi Crystal] fused and summoned by [Volcano Blade].

I asked you what you were doing when you were scribbling in a notebook. It turned out that you were sketching your brother-in-law's monster. Malik was a little puzzled, But I still can't understand the monster of [Shadow] Aren’t they all monsters like threads and shadows, how can this be related to a few pieces of jade?”

Malik said casually, but Bekas really nodded: This is my idea. Although it is fun to create new monsters from scratch, it is also fun to add new elements to existing monsters. It’s also fun to open up another possibility, like a cute [cartoon] monster.”

After a pause, Bekas also looked at the sketch of [Shen Ying Yi - Shen Zi Jing] with a slightly confused expression, In addition, maybe my inspiration has deviated. There is always something better than [ Shaddoll] and the 'gem' itself is more important to this monster, and the gems on [Shaddoll-Shenzi Crystal] are separated and designed using the image of the knight of [Shaddoll-Shenzi Crystal], it feels like A name like [Gem Knight] would sound better.

You really have your style of speech, Becas. Jonouchi complained, How about one day you can make those non-human monsters, such as dragon monsters, into armor and other equipment and wear them on humanoid monsters, so that they can transform into humanoid monsters. A new deck series is out.”

Isn't this just plagiarizing someone else's Monster O Hunter? Because Jonouchi and Jonouchi often play online games together, Honda was naturally the first to hear which game Jonouchi said was inspired by, and complained.

But I think the feasibility is very good.

You two really dare to speak and the other dares to listen...

Hayato, on the other hand, felt a little bit in his heart. Although Bekas was a bit scornful, and he was a player of the Minotaur deck that Hayato, who purely loves the God of War, disdained the most, but his talent as a duel monster card designer had to be admitted. powerful.

The [Shadowdoll] deck is not a naturally existing population in the background story, but countless monsters between life and death intercepted by an evil will that interferes with the normal cycle of life and death system for the purpose of resurrecting itself. A group formed by manipulating them as puppets.

This is why most [Shadowdoll] monsters have the element of thread, and most of the lower-level monsters are magicians.

Because their origin is the cycle of life and death system, [Shadowdoll] monsters can actually be regarded as the products of certain originally existing monsters transformed into [Shadowdoll] after death, which means that their origin is the same as that of Hayato's deck. The composition is equally complex and can cover almost every species that can be involved.

For example, [Shadowl Falcon] was originally [Xunfeng Falcon] of the [Xunfeng] deck, and [Shadowdoll Beast] was originally a [Natural Beast] of the [Nature] deck, and [Shadowdoll-Nephilim] ] and [Shenyingyi-Shenzijing]’s prototypes are exactly [Gem Knight-Xiao Liu] and [Gem Knight-White Crystal] from the [Gem Knight] deck.

He accidentally guessed the name of [Gem Knight] just by blind guessing based on intuition, so Hayato was amazed by Bekas' talent.

But, if you can't make a choice, why not just produce both series? Hayato asked curiously, For you, Becas, it shouldn't be possible to produce one type and then do the other. One possibility is that you are not interested, or have no money or energy to make a second set of cards, right?

Although [Gem Knight] cards are also available for purchase in the system store, and apart from those easy-to-use but really expensive terminals, the lower level ones are also relatively cheap, but Hayato is not someone who just wants to collect them all when he sees a set of cards. , If that's the case, there are tens of thousands of cards in the system store. The ghost knows when Hayato can collect them all.

Rather than buying cards, Hayato still wanted to watch Becas make the [Gem Knight] card so that it would not only exist in an official fan animation work. No one will object to the fact that A5 is a fan work, right?

However, Becas shook his head: For that kind of thing, if m can do it, I will definitely want to make as many cards as possible. But it's not that I don't want to make both kinds of cards, it's that I can't.

There are only seven gems with strange powers. Naturally, there are only seven basic gem cards that can be completed. I can even imagine that after I complete the production of the basic cards, it will be difficult to create reinforcements. The future of cards.”


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