Kaiba opened his eyes and found himself lying on his back on the cold ground.

Brother, are you okay! Hearing the call, Kaiba saw not far away, Keipei was rushing towards him with a team of medical personnel who had been in place.

Helping Kaiba to stand up from sitting on the ground, Keppei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Kaiba could get up on his own without passing out, and said helplessly: Brother, you are serious, didn't I say that before? It's too dangerous for you to test it yourself. It turns out that something really happened, and luckily you weren't injured.

Before Kaiba could react for a moment, he turned around and looked at the surrounding environment. He immediately saw the motorcycle-type experimental device placed in the center of the huge test venue. Memories from a few days ago could not help but emerge in his mind.

By the way, I was testing this D wheel a few days ago, no, I should say just now, but something went wrong during the experiment and I was knocked off the D wheel. No wonder I lie on the floor.

In other words, the ancient Egypt three thousand years ago, the pharaoh who looks like the game, the priest who looks like me, the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] incarnated as a girl, the powerful evil god Zuoke and the [Creator God of Light], etc., are all Dream or hallucination? It feels a bit strange. I can actually see such a long hallucination in such a short time.

Seeing some logistics personnel rushing toward the somewhat damaged test version D wheel with fire extinguishers, Kaiba raised his hand and touched his chest with some uncertainty. It should be an illusion. Traveling through time and space is too unbelievable, but to say it is just an illusion would be too real. It feels like the wind that is warmed by the sun and smells of sand has just left. It's like vomiting out of one's own nasal cavity.

Looking at the silent Kaiba, Keppei also showed a worried expression.

Oops, oops, looking at my brother like this, he must have lost his mind due to a fall, right? Although my brother is already quite stupid and only thinks about playing cards every day, and he is always teased by Hayato-nii, I feel like he is even more stupid now after he fell. Yes.

I mean, why was he touching his chest? Could it be that he was bleeding internally?

Don't just stand there stupidly, and quickly give your brother a comprehensive examination! Thinking of this, Keipei quickly ordered the medical staff, Although my brother usually has some inhuman behaviors, he doesn't seem to have suffered anything now. Injury, maybe you just got a concussion from the bombing, check it carefully for me, you must be worthy of three times the industry standard salary offered by Haima Group!

What else could the medical staff say? Although based on their experience, President Seto Kaiba was obviously not injured. He might be able to perform an unprotected high-altitude jump in the next second that could be studied as a subject. Aircraft, but Haima Group gave too much, so just check it.

When Kaiba saw several people wanting to check his body, he was somewhat resistant. After all, like the medical staff, he felt that his body was fine at all, but Keppei on the side had a serious expression on his face. Facing his younger brother, even Kaiba would occasionally show helplessness, and had no choice but to let the medical staff use portable examination instruments to check the condition of his internal organs, bones, etc.

The result was naturally not beyond Kaiba's expectations. He was in good health and there was nothing wrong with him. The medical staff returned to the waiting area with equipment, while Keppei stared at Kaiba and warned him sternly not to do anything next. Don't risk yourself again.

Not to mention that the D round is only an experimental model, and now that the only trial model is damaged, it cannot be tested until a new version is produced. In fact, even Keppei didn't say so, and Kaiba actually didn't do it for the time being. He had no intention of doing experiments, and his previous experience in ancient Egypt was always lingering in his mind and unforgettable.

After thinking for a moment, Kaiba looked at Keppei and asked, Where did Kobayashi Hayato and the others go before?

Hey, Hayato-nii? When we were discussing the situation on the island before, didn't Hayato-nii say that he was traveling around the world with Yugi and that guy Becas in search of inspiration?

The first stop was in Egypt, I remember.

Keppei thought for a moment and replied to Kaiba, then looked at Kaiba who was looking thoughtful with some confusion.

Although the instrument couldn't detect it, he had clearly forgotten what happened not long ago. Damn it, brother, he really had a concussion and had amnesia. Brother, if he is stupid, won't he even be able to find a girlfriend in the future? No, I have to quickly find Brother Hayato to help find a woman with no vision to force him out!

Then, I want to go to Egypt. Brother, I want to go to Egypt.

Kaiba and Keihei said in unison. The two brothers were stunned because they had the same destination at the same time and looked at each other.

Although they didn’t know why the other party suddenly wanted to go to Egypt, it probably wouldn’t have any impact on what they wanted to do. Soon, the two brothers arrived at the runway on the roof of the Haima Group and sat on Haima’s favorite seat. There is a Blue Eyes jet, and the logistics staff have prepared enough fuel for it to fly back and forth to Egypt.

Under Kaiba's skillful operation, the jet accelerated along the runway and took off. After climbing to a certain altitude, the autopilot program written by Keppei took over the control of the jet, and Kaiba was able to let go of his hands and no longer have to hold the joystick all the time.

Seeing that Kaiba relaxed, Keihei, who was sitting in the back seat of Kaiba, took the initiative to find a topic for Kaiba and said: Ah, by the way, brother, do you remember that the International Illusion Society released a new set of cards not long ago? Do you want to form a series? All the information has been made public in the past two days, but brother, you have been working on the 'D wheel' before, so you may not know it yet.

Speaking of which, brother, you have used this series of cards before. It's the [Thunder Dragon]. Although it's handsome when it's alone, it's ugly when it's fused into the [Double-Headed Thunder Dragon]. But this one It seems that the card designers of International Illusion Society listened to the opinions of duelists and modified the new [Thunder Dragon] in the deck series to be much more handsome.

Hearing Keppei's words, Kaiba was stunned. He couldn't help but think of the man named Karim who he met in ancient Egypt with a very annoying personality but an admirable consciousness. After being silent for a while, he replied Keppei said: Is that so, [Thunder Dragon], do you want to try using a deck like that, Keppei?

Huh? That's really surprising, brother. Didn't you always think that only dragon monsters are the most powerful? Keppei said with a smile.

And Kaiba looked at the clouds outside the cockpit glass and said casually: That kind of statement is probably a mistake I made when I was young, and just like Hayato said, since [Thunder Dragon] has 'dragon' in its name, it also It can be regarded as a dragon clan.

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