Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 1 Haima: I will remember this grudge

Oh oh oh, you actually undertook such a magnificent adventure? Beka held her chin, listening to Jonouchi's description of their adventure in the memory world, Exg! I didn't participate in such an epic story. It's such a pity, It's a pity~

Honda raised his eyebrows: I hear you are really yearning for it, Becas. You even use more English words, and you look more like an American.

But, am I originally an American?

Malik complained: Put it down, every time I hear your English that is worse than a translator, I want to kick your ass with my boot, I swear. Compared to that, I would even rather eat Muto The game recommends my burger.”

Huh? Don't the burgers from 'Burger World' suit your taste, Mr. Malik? I really like the burgers from that place.

Hearing the words of Malik among the three people sitting in the row behind him, Yugi couldn't help but turn around and said. Malik also spread his hands helplessly, I'm sorry, but it's a pity that the diet of the Tomb Keepers has always been mainly vegetarian. Come on, it’s not just me, my sister doesn’t like meat very much either. Although she can eat meat, it’s always hard to get used to it.”

So that's it. Yugi nodded, having learned another little piece of useless knowledge. The [Millennium Brick] on his chest swayed slightly with his movements, and the iron chain made a crisp sound when it collided. He lowered his head to look. Taking a look at the [Millennium Building Blocks], Yugi couldn't help but smile.

With the end of the dark game, everyone who defeated Anbailiang and Zuo Ke successfully came out of the memory world in the stone slab and returned to the real world.

The more miraculous thing is that in the dark game that Atum and Hayato were dragged into the memory world by Yami Tapiryo before, compared to the game that they entered later, several people appeared in it due to the difference in entry time. At a later point in time.

But when they woke up and asked Becas and Malik how much time had passed, they said that they woke up not long after they lay down. At first, they almost thought they were there. I haven't entered the world of memory yet, so I started doing sit-ups because I missed something.

Jonouchi was still a little worried about whether their lives would be in danger if their bodies in the real world really lay down for several days and turned into vegetative corpses like Muto Sugoroku whose soul was sealed by Bekas. As a result, the few people who woke up were not hungry at all. Jonouchi could even feel the smell of the chewing gum he had eaten before in his mouth.

The time difference during this period is very strange. Several days have passed in the memory world, but only a moment has passed in the real world. If Kaiba appears here with him, I am afraid that guy will talk nonsense again. However, neither Yugi nor Hayato cares too much about these small details.

The nameless pharaoh who lives in the [Millennium Brick] has found his name - Atum across three thousand years of time. As his friends, Hayato and others are naturally happy for him, and in this dark game He also took the opportunity to deal with An Tapirang, a guy who had caused trouble countless times, and saved the world by the way. The double joy made everyone even happier.

So there is nothing to worry about and nothing to do, just celebrate, and just now in the castle, he was relaying the memory of the king to Malik and Bekas, who did not enter the memory world with everyone because of insufficient bonds things happening in the world.

Of course, as a rule, Jounouchi's character naturally retains only the most important overall story line without destroying the authenticity, but he adds a lot of embellishments to it and adds many dramas to himself.

Wow, I summoned the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] to delay the dark evil god named Zuoke from harming others, and at the last moment, together with Yugi and my brother-in-law, I took the lead in summoning the powerful [Creator God of Light - Harakti]. Malik's face showed a look of seeing through everything, Are you sure you didn't change Seto Kaiba's role to be your own fault, Jonouchi-san?

That's not the case. Look at the Kaiba guy among the people we entered into the slate world. Jonouchi coaxed Malik without blushing, and despite the teasing look from Honda beside him, he was sure Nodding, Obviously, every word I said is true.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years, change the source app! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here

He, Seto Kaiba, could use his money and power to target me in various ways all day long, so I had no problem if I, Jonouchi, deleted that arrogant bastard's part in the story and replaced it with myself.

Malik shrugged, spread his hands and said, I will listen seriously.

Compared to Malik, Becas on the side didn't care much about who the specific characters were in the story described by Jonouchi. The story itself was already very interesting to him. If they weren't sitting right now In the car heading to the next destination, I'm afraid he can't wait to start using the recorded inspiration to make cards.

Listening to Jonouchi sitting behind the vehicle continue to talk about the magically modified version of the story, Hayato also smiled, looked ahead and picked up a bottle of water from his hand, and handed it to the person sitting in the passenger seat next to him. He walked over and said, Drink some water.

Ah, thank you. The reserved white-haired boy stretched out his hand to take the water bottle, looked at Hayato who was driving the vehicle attentively, and said thank you.

It's obviously still the blue and white striped sea soul shirt, and the face is the same, but just the change in hairstyle makes the white-haired boy look different from the previous guy who always brought a lot of trouble to Hayato and Yugi. Are not the same. The person sitting in the passenger seat, who is it if it’s not Tapirang?

In the world of memory, after the evil will of An Tapiliang, Zuo Ke, resurrected Zuo Ke, he felt that he had won the victory and could not lose, and he and Zuo Ke merged into one and fully recovered.

Because of that ultimate dark game, once Zouk killed Atum and led his country to destruction, she was able to complete the resurrection in the real world with complete victory, but as we all know, powerful Cards often come with huge risks, and actions that are of such great benefit to Zuo Ke naturally come with a price, that is, once Zuo Ke is eliminated in the memory world, Zuo Ke's will will also die in reality.

Then she was killed by the invincible Guangshuang, and Tapirang, who had been controlled by Zuo Ke in the real world, also successfully woke up.

It's just that the current Tapira is no longer the dark Tapira who was controlled by Zuoke's evil will, but the real Hayato and their former classmate, Tapira, who has a personality similar to the game, weak and introverted young man.

After Hayato and the others woke up from the underground cave where the King's Memory Tablet was placed, Tapiryo, who was staying with them, also woke up from his coma. Unlike Hayato and the others, who came to Egypt through formal channels with complete procedures, that guy An Tapiryo was not honest enough to go to the customs for inspection. He entered Egypt illegally by his own means, which also caused Tapir Liang was basically a gangster in Egypt.

It's just that he has no identity. What's more terrible is that unlike Zuo Ke, Tapirang has only learned the English taught in foreign language classes. Although the main languages ​​in Egypt today are English in addition to Arabic and French, when the Egyptian-flavored English meets the well-known Japanese English, whoever can understand the meaning of the other person is simply lucky.

Although An Tapirang has done many things that make people angry and unhappy, those have nothing to do with Tapirang himself. Even Tapirang is also a victim of An Tapirang. There is no way to deal with Tapir, who is not familiar with Egypt. The few people left behind by Liang asked him to join the team and act together after obtaining the consent of the tour group's initiator, Becas.

Holding the water bottle in his hand, Tairiang kept looking at Hayato's side profile. After some hesitation, he said, Well, um, Hayato-kun, thank you very much.

Huh? This is just a bottle of water, right? Hayato took the time to glance at the bottle in Tairang's hand. It was indeed an ordinary bottle of water. Is it necessary to express my gratitude so solemnly?

No, no, no, it's not about the water. Seeing that Hayato had some misunderstandings, Tairiang quickly waved his hands and explained, It's about the person who controlled me. Thank you very much, Hayato-kun, for everything you have done.

After a pause, an embarrassed expression appeared on Tairian Liang's face: Although I have always been controlled by that person, I did not fall into a deep sleep. I have an impression of what that person controlled my body to do. After regaining my freedom, I was really happy, but when I thought about the irreparable things I had done before, I felt that I was not qualified to be happy.

Anyway, anyway, I'm very sorry and thank you very much, Hayato-kun!

After the words fell, Tairiang lowered his head and closed his eyes. After speaking out the repressed thoughts in his heart, he finally felt relaxed, and although there was some impulsiveness in it, since he had mentioned this matter, he was already prepared to be attacked by Hayato and others. People are ready to scold and resent.

Injuring innocent people and killing innocent lives, even if all this is not done by one's own will, is indeed done by that person through his own body. This is an indisputable fact.

However, Tapirang didn't wait to curse. Instead, a hand reached out from the back seat, put it on his shoulder and patted him gently.

Opening his eyes and looking over, Muto Yugi, who had a slightly different temperament, was looking at him with a smile: You don't have to blame yourself for everything Zuo Ke used you to do, Tairiang, you are also a victim who was used by Zuo Ke. .”

This is not just my idea, Aibo thinks so too.

No, this tone does not give the impression of Muto Yugi, but Yami Yugi in [Millennium Blocks], right? Tapirang, who didn't know Atum's name yet, thought so.

Not only Muto Yugi but also Atum, Kyoko, who was sitting next to Yugi, also said to the apologetic Kazuo: It's okay, Kazuo-chan, it was the Zaku who was wrong, she has already done it for herself I paid a heavy price for what I did.”

Yes, yes, at that time [Creator of Light - Harakti] raised his hand and said 'Zi-Peng!' and killed that Zuoke in one fell swoop, so there is nothing to be afraid of anymore, Tapirang . Jonouchi also extended a thumbs up to encourage him.

It's not that you're afraid that Zuo Ke will come back again. You idiot, you just didn't listen at all, so stop talking nonsense. Honda on the side held his forehead and looked helpless, but then looked at Tapi Liang and said seriously, Although Zuo Ke has done a lot of bad things with your appearance, Tapirang, even now just looking at your appearance, I am actually a little angry and resentful, but that is not directed at you, Tapirang, you don't have to take these things seriously. Keep your own guilt in mind.”

With one leg draped over his knee, Becas, who was still sitting quite elegantly even in the car, nodded: That's it.

Malik, who had his arms folded behind his head and rested on his arms, also said with a smile: That's right, that's right.

Please shut up, you two former villains. Hayato complained, I don't think there's anything wrong with you two until you open your mouth. There are actually three villains gathered in a small passenger car.

But haven't I changed my ways? Me too, brother-in-law. Becas and Malik said with playful smiles.

Although it sounded like a joke, Hayato also knew that what the two of them said was really not a lie, and he didn't pay attention to them. Instead, he drove the car seriously and said to Tapi Liang next to him: This time I In the memory world, there is actually someone just like you. It’s not about appearance, but about the experience. That guy also did many irreparable things due to the distortion of external forces.

I can understand that you feel guilty about this. After all, life without futility does not exist at all. No matter what age human beings are, they will make irreparable mistakes. They are just trapped in guilt. It won't change anything at all, so turn that regret into the power to cultivate your own spirit and grow from it, Tairiang.

Looking at Hayato's side face illuminated by the warm sunshine, Tairiang was stunned for a long time, and nodded with a slightly red cheek: Well, although I'm not sure, but since Hayato-kun and everyone else have said so, I will try my best.

If you can't find a direction to work on, I can give you some advice. You don't have to think about Duel King or anything like that, but there is still a good chance of becoming Master Bao O Meng. It will take you twenty years to become one. You will definitely be able to succeed when you are a ten-year-old boy with fighting experience.”

No, even I can tell that that kind of thing is impossible. Don't make fun of me, Hayato-kun.

Facing the sun, the vehicle carrying everyone drove to the next destination—Luxor, Upper Egypt.

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