Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 159 Classic Three Belts and Four

That god has disappeared... Watching [The God of Creation of Light - Harakti] disappear, Jonouchi scratched his head, But, Atum, is this the real name of another game?

I'm used to calling it 'game', so it's really hard to change it for a while. Kyoko said with a smile as she looked at Atum who turned around to look at everyone.

Yugi also tilted his head and smiled: You can't call me 'another me' anymore.

No, it doesn't matter, you can continue to call me 'Game' like before. Looking at his companions, Atum showed a gentle smile: Even if all the memories and names are recovered, it doesn't mean that what we experienced before All ties formed with it are negated.”

However, it feels really amazing. Aibo and I shared the name 'Game' before, and now we finally have our own name. This feeling is as comfortable as wearing brand new underwear to welcome the morning of the first day of the new year, haha Ha ha.

Having said this, Atum couldn't help but reveal an unprecedented hearty and relieved smile, and laughed easily.

Looking at Atum, Yugi on the side was also very happy that he had found his real name.

'That's it, I am me and the other me, no, Atum, you are not anyone else but yourself. Although it's true that it's still a little lonely, but that's good. ’

Atum, it sounds like a very disrespectful name. So is this the name of the Pharaoh? On the side, Maliku crossed his arms across his chest and said indifferently.

Your flirtatious tone is actually more 'disrespectful', Maliku. Honda glanced at Maliku and complained. Seeing that several people in the city did not understand what Maliku was talking about, Honda explained, Just like the names Yinsis, Geb and Set, the name Atum is also the name of the god in ancient Egyptian mythology. The ancient Egyptians really liked to give themselves the names of gods. Name your child.”

And just when he mentioned Sett, someone with the same name as the god Seth happened to be walking from a distance with Kaiba at this moment, and came not far away from a few people, and Hayato noticed it immediately. The other person's proximity.

Sett! Hayato suddenly turned his head and stared at Seth with a wary expression on his face. He has not forgotten Seth's previous betrayal. That poor and excessive behavior caused great harm to his fragile soul. He is extremely vindictive and eager to take revenge.

Kobayashi Hayato, you are really alive and kicking. Looking at Hayato, Seth saw the extremely active counterpart when he and everyone turned into light before, but this was the first time he met him after Hayato woke up, silently After a moment, he suddenly said, I'm sorry for what I did before.

Huh? Hayato was stunned when he heard Sett's words, How dare you actually apologize!? No, it would be better to say that it is incredible that a conceited guy like you would think that he has made a mistake.

Kaiba on the side listened to Hayato's words and frowned: Hey, don't always look at me when you are talking, Hayato, are you trying to hint at me by criticizing me?

No, I didn't mean that. Although Hayato was denying it, the expression on his face clearly meant that.

Set looked at Atum who was standing next to Yugi and noticed that the other person was also looking at him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm down. He opened his eyes again and looked at the other person with a firm expression on his face: Before. I may have been mentally influenced by that guy Zuo Ke's power, but one thing is real, and that is my ambition and desire.

I long for more power, and I also covet the position of Pharaoh, and now that I have taken the first step towards climbing to the position of Pharaoh, even if it is not of my own will, I will not go back. , but will continue to move forward. This is the path to the future that I Seth recognizes.

Although Seth's words were a little unclear, everyone present understood what he meant. He wanted to continue to challenge Atum's position as pharaoh and take away the pharaoh's position from Atum's hands. .

You guy, you have just defeated Zuo Ke together, are you going to betray Atum again! Sure enough, you are just as annoying as Kaiba! He didn't notice the death gaze that Kaiba cast, as if Jonouchi said with his eyes, We have to find a way to use power for personal gain against this mediocre person again. Jonouchi glared at Seth.

Seth stared back without flinching: This is not betrayal, idiot. Although Pharaoh is God's agent on earth, there is no reason why God would refuse to replace a better agent. Even this You don’t even know, you’re just a three-legged cat. No, it’s better to say that you’re basically an idiot with a third-rate brain and a fourth-rate thinking ability.”

Hey! Sure enough, he's calling Jonouchi using words like Kaiba!

Ignoring Honda's complaints, Jonouchi sarcastically said, Are you trying to say that you are better than Atum?

Isn't that natural? I have that confidence. Seth crossed his arms across his chest and nodded.

Xia Da, who was still unclear about the situation, frowned and interjected: Wait a moment, suddenly the amount of information is too big, I can't figure out the situation. Isn't Seth a civilian? How could he be there? What are the qualifications for becoming a pharaoh?”

Mana heard Shada's words and spread her hands helplessly: We were a little surprised when we found out. The situation was a bit complicated, but to put it simply, Akhnadi was the younger brother of the prince's father, and Set was his The son is here.

It's not that simple at all. It still makes people feel very complicated when they hear it. Shada's frown did not relax, but seeing that several others did not deny Mana's statement, he understood what she said. It is true, which means that Set is really a member of the royal family and has the qualifications to become a pharaoh. It can even be said that this qualification is quite advanced.

Even if that's the case, I don't recognize that you have the ability to become a pharaoh, Set. Looking at Set, Shada had a serious expression on his face. Perhaps in the past, there was a bond between Shada and Set that could be called friends, but because of all the actions Set had done before under the distortion of Zuo Ke's dark power, the relationship between Shada and Set had become even more tense. The friendship no longer exists.

My mind was distorted by the power of darkness. I believe you are not lying. This is the pride in your bones, Seth. But what is undeniable is that even if it is distorted, what you did before still comes from you. The true thoughts deep inside cannot deviate too far.”

For the sake of strength, you regard human life as a weight in the scale, ignore the wishes of the people and make your own decisions, even if you don't mention the people you hurt in the process of betrayal, where do you get the face? Facing your people who are suffering under your tyrannical rule, Seth!

Facing Seth, the suppressed emotions in Shada's heart burst out, and she yelled at him.

Looking at the angry Shada, Seth took a deep breath and said expressionlessly: I will not deny that many people have died because of me, but that is a necessary sacrifice, and I don't care about what the people will do. What’s wrong with me?”

Hearing this, Shada laughed angrily: Oh, really, what about the death of the woman named Qisara?

Seth, who had been expressionless before, instantly broke his guard after hearing the name Kisara, and said irritably: You guy, why did you mention Qisara's name!

Seeing Seth and Shada facing each other tit for tat, Akhnadi couldn't stand still and wanted to step forward and say something: Set——

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However, Maliku on the side stretched out his hand and put it on Aknadi's shoulder, holding him down: Wait a minute, old guy, don't disturb this rare show by talking nonsense.

It is indeed a rare good show. Hayato clasped his hands behind his head with an expression of watching a show. Looking at Set confronting Shada, he thought of what he felt when he turned into light before. .

In order to defeat Zuo Ke, everyone turned into light and called out the [Creator of Light - Harakti]. In the process, everyone's hearts were connected to each other relying on the light of hope, and Hayato was also at that time Sensing Seth's thoughts. At this moment, Atum looked at Seth silently. I am afraid that he had sensed Seth's decision just like him before.

'Since the previous events have left a bad reputation among the people, it would be better to simply go all the way and become a tyrant pharaoh, take the initiative to shoulder the responsibilities and do things that the previous pharaoh was unable to do. Things that are burdensome but someone has to do them. ’

'Complete the religious reform, liberate the people from the current situation of being oppressed by faith, release the power tightly held by the nobles, and achieve grandeur that is only good for the illusory thing like the reputation of the Pharaoh, but not for the people. The construction work was outlawed. This was something that only Seth, who had climbed from a civilian position to a high place but was qualified to inherit the position of Pharaoh, could do it. ’

'Perhaps during Seth's reign, dissatisfaction and resentment against him will gradually accumulate among the common people, but in this way the next successor can ascend the throne without dissatisfaction and resentment being completely taken away by Seth. Pharaoh's position, starting with the best conditions, and creating unprecedented great achievements. ’

‘I have felt the guilt of killing countless civilians from Set’s heart before in the light. What Set called ‘necessary sacrifice’ did not refer to other people, but to himself. ’

That's enough, Shada, Set. The one who interrupted Set and Shada was Atum, who had been thinking for a long time. He looked at Set and made a decision, In fact, even if If you don’t say that, I have the same idea as you. Now that everything is over, you will be the Pharaoh from now on, Seth.”

Atum!? Pharaoh!?

Hearing Atum's words, both Shada and Set, as well as Maliku and Aknadi beside them, all showed surprised expressions.

Huh? This guy can also be a pharaoh? Stop joking. Although I was actually watching a show just now, but that doesn't mean that things like the throne can be used casually as a joke, pharaoh. Maliku looked at Ah Tumu said, Although I don't know why you have such thoughts, change your mind quickly, Pharaoh, I still like your character who seems to be easy to deceive and can make me lazy easily.

Although there are some strange things revealed in Maliku Yinshudar's words just now, my thoughts are the same as his. Pharaoh, please take back that decision. Shada looked at Atum seriously, Only you You are the pharaoh that I, Shadar Xin, recognize, and only with your strength can we defeat that Zuoke.

Atum looked at Shada, but shook his head and said: You are wrong, Shada. The reason why we were able to defeat Zuo Ke was that [Creator of Light - Harakti] made it very clear just now that I was relying on him. It’s better to rely on everyone’s strength. In fact, light always exists in everyone’s heart. As long as they are still moving forward for the future, darkness will never surpass the light.”

With a smile on his face, Atum raised his hand to show Shada: Besides, I can no longer continue to be a pharaoh.

In Atum's raised hand, spots of light rose up and floated into the clear sky, and Atum's palm gradually became transparent. Not only Atum, but Yugi, Jonouchi, Honda, Kyoko, Kaiba and Hayato also had the same situation as Atum.

Jonouchi suddenly remembered something, clenched his fist and tapped his palm: Ah, by the way, now we have ended the dark game with that guy Tapirang, right?

Atum has also found his name, and the dark game has also decided the winner. Honda glanced at his transparent palms, It seems that we no longer use and can no longer stay in this world. .”

What the hell, this is obviously the quantum entanglement state in us is repairing itself due to gravity. No matter what time it is, Haima can always use his understanding ability that is obviously different from ordinary people to be incompatible with other people.

Kyoko looked at Atum's back: In other words, we are leaving soon? And Atum is also...

The other, Atum... Yugi subconsciously almost forgot to correct his name for Atum.

Hayato also sighed: There is nothing we can do about it. After all, in the final analysis, we are only in the memory world inside the stone slab. Although we have changed the ending three thousand years ago, we cannot change the inner world of memory. The established result is that the Pharaoh disappears from the world after his defeat.”

That is to say, I will no longer exist in this world. Atum continued Hayato's words, facing everyone in the memory world with a helpless expression, Although I worked hard to move the battlefield before, But some attacks still fell in the city. Although I still want to go back and see the situation in the city, it seems that I have no time.

King, Prince! Mana stepped forward with tears in her eyes, wanting to hug Atum, but her outstretched hand passed through his body and failed.

Be strong, Mana. You are already a very powerful magician. Although I am no longer here, you still have to keep working hard. Atum smiled and put his hand just above Mana's head and touched it. After a few strokes, he took off the [Millennium Awl] from his neck and said, Consider this as a souvenir, accept it.

Before Atum could place the [Millennium Cone] in Mana's hand, his and other people's bodies completely turned into light points and rose into the air and disappeared. But when the [Millennium Cone] touched Mana's palm, it suddenly disintegrated and scattered on the ground, turning into [Millennium Building Blocks].


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