Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 153 Let him see it, [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

Looking at the soldiers who were attacking in vain from a distance, Zuo Ke ignored those weak attacks, raised his hand and said contemptuously: You little human beings, I, Zuo Ke, am here to destroy you!

The magenta energy gathered in Zuo Ke's hands, and was pushed out by her, turning into an energy pillar and blasting towards the city wall: Be burned by my hellfire, 'Zo Ke's Flame'!

As far as naming standards are concerned, Zaku is just like Jonouchi. He only adds a suffix of flame, slash, etc. after his name. However, although the attack moves sound rubbish, they are just a casual attack from Zaku. , making Isis under the city wall feel like a powerful enemy.

The attack is coming! Mages, put up your defense!

Under the command of Isis, the palace mages united and tried their best to release the strongest protective barrier they could, and directly collided with Zuo Ke's attack.

Boom! Kacha!

A mediocre blow carried huge power. Although the barrier held up by the mages successfully protected the city wall and the soldiers on it from harm, it was only such a blow that completely shattered the barrier. The mages were all He vomited blood and fell to the ground. It seemed that he could not hold up the barrier a second time.

However, Zuo Ke raised his hand again. That was just an ordinary attack from her, and she wouldn't be tired even if an attack of that level took a whole day. Under the city wall, Shada hurriedly asked the [Anka Chestnut Ball] to provide treatment for the mages, but he couldn't catch up with the defense for the second attack, so he had to order the soldiers to avoid it.

At this moment, Kaiba's voice came:

[Blue Eyes], attack that guy! Destruction's Burst Stream!

Transforming into a white dragon, it soared in the sky, carrying seahorses, and came before the attack of the great evil god Zuoke. [Blue-eyed White Dragon] spit out a dazzling jet of white light. The holy and pure torrent of light showed at this moment almost the power of a god. Strength, success and Zuo Ke's attack were at a stalemate. A few seconds later, Zuo Ke's attack was deflected to the side and exploded.

Hmph, it's really embarrassing, Isis, Shada. The seahorse standing on top of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] looked down at the ground. His windbreaker was blown back by the strong wind caused by the explosion. It seems that we still have to rely on strong strength. It doesn’t matter, I will take action.”

Looking up at Kaiba, even Shada couldn't help but smile helplessly: Instead of saying cool words... the next one is coming again, Seto Kaiba!

You don't need to tell me! Looking at the great evil god Zuo Ke who was still approaching the royal city, Kaiba, who was standing on the head of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] without protection, squatted down slightly and touched the scales on the white spirit dragon's head. Let them see how powerful you are, [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

In response to Kaiba, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] flapped its wings and charged towards the Great Evil God Zuo Ke.

The incoming energy cannon passed by, and those who couldn't avoid it used their own attacks to neutralize it. In just a few seconds, the short distance of one kilometer was crossed by the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and arrived at the Great Evil God. Zuo Ke's front.

Seto Kaiba, and [Blue Eyes White Dragon]? Zuo Ke naturally noticed the conspicuous white spirit dragon. When he saw the opponent coming closer, he stopped attacking with both hands, and instead moved towards [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Bailong] grabbed it directly and planned to capture it just like that.

However, the moment Zuo Ke's finger touched [Blue Eyes White Dragon], [Blue Eyes White Dragon] disappeared! ?

I saw [Blue Eyes White Dragon] using the reaction force of its breath to accelerate instantly, avoid the hands of the great evil god Zuo Ke and hide in the blind spot of his sight, then accelerated and adjusted its position again, arriving at the neutral position in front of Zuo Ke's chest. gauman

What? This speed is like three times the original speed! Zuo Ke showed a surprised expression as he watched the white, hornless, triple-speed [Blue Eyes White Dragon] approach him.

Holding tightly onto the scales of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], resisting the G-force almost equivalent to that of a supersonic fighter, Kaiba gritted his teeth and raised his head to look at Zuo Ke: At this distance, there will be almost no attenuation. . Great Evil God, kneel down to me!

[Blue Eyes], do it again! Destroyer's Burst Stream!


The torrent of light spit out, and the attack of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] from zero range hit the great evil god Zuo Ke. Seeing this, the corner of Kaiba's mouth couldn't help but curl up, but in the next second, Zuo Ke, who was hit by the attack of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], poked his head out from the attack, laughed and said: I lied to you. idiot!

Immediately afterwards, the dragon head under Zuo Ke spit out dark dragon breath and hit the unsuspecting [Blue Eyes White Dragon] from bottom to top!

In order to protect the seahorse on its back, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] was unable to make any evasive movements. The dark dragon's breath hit its relatively soft abdomen, and was knocked away together with the seahorse!

Seto Kaiba! Shada shouted after watching Kaiba being beaten away and finishing treating the mages. He watched helplessly as Kaiba and [Blue Eyes White Dragon] fell not far outside the city gate, and hurriedly rushed there. Rush to support.

And Zuo Ke took another step forward, dusted off the dust on his chest, revealing his unscathed body. Even the attack of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] seemed effective, but in fact it couldn't hurt her at all.

Unstoppable and irresistible, I am the Cataclysm! Repeating what he said before, Zuo Ke saw that the mage group actually held up the barrier again, and he was not in a hurry to use his strength to completely defeat them, but Another slow burst of flames shattered the barrier.

Just like a cat that does not rush to kill its prey after catching it, but plays with it until the prey loses all will to resist, Zuo Ke said while advancing towards the royal city, Human power breeds darkness, and Darkness is the source of my strength, Zok Nelofar.

As long as humans exist, I will be immortal; as long as the darkness is not dispelled, no attack can harm me!

Humans, tremble, your fears will become my best food!

Isis, who commanded the mage group, showed a shocked expression when he heard this: How could it be!?

Although she had learned from Akhnadi that the Great Evil God of Darkness was powerful, she had never heard that Zuo Ke had such a disgusting and even shameless setting. How can we defeat such an opponent?

No, let’s not talk about the defeat. Just the opponent’s attack alone has already made this team panic. Seto Kaiba and [Blue Eyes White Dragon] were shot down and the mage group who received Shada’s simple treatment survived the second time. The attack was knocked down again, but in contrast, the great evil god Zuo Ke was not harmed at all.

Even the other party is still advancing towards the royal city, and the distance has been shortened to half a kilometer, and has already touched the residential area outside the city!

In the city, the citizens who lived in the residential area before saw the huge demon approaching the royal city from a distance. It was not even an attack, but just marched and destroyed their homes. They couldn't help but close their eyes in pain. .

It was somewhat foresighted. When Shada and Isis were coordinating the army's deployment of defense fortifications, they did not forget to evacuate the residents. This allowed the residents outside the city to save their lives and escape death, but they were saddened by the destruction of their homes. And anger is inevitable.

At the same time, watching the great evil god Zuoke approaching the royal city, the powerful priests were unable to do anything against him. In addition to sadness and anger, people could not help but feel fear and despair in their hearts.

How could such a monster win... Looking at Zuo Ke's fall, someone murmured to himself, It's all over.

Is our country going to perish? There is no such thing as future and hope!

Desperation began to spread among the crowd, and people whispered and shared their fears.

At a certain point, someone said: I have to run away quickly, I can't stay here!

Amidst such sounds, one person broke away from the crowd and ran away deeper into the city. Someone took the lead, and everyone else turned around and ran away. In just a moment, fear enveloped the hearts of almost everyone in the city.

They had spent a sad day hiding in XZ under Seth's reign of terror. They finally waited until someone defeated Seth and regained their freedom, but they met the arrival of Zuo Ke. At the beginning, as ordinary people with no power, they had full confidence in the priests such as Shada, Isis, and Simon who had power and were stronger than them. However, this confidence was gradually swallowed up by darkness after the arrival of Zuo Ke.

However, this process was too fast, as if someone pressed the accelerator button in the spread of fear between them.

Oops, is this feeling the influence of Zuo Ke's power? Simon, who stayed in the city, led the soldiers to evacuate the crowd. He also noticed the fear spreading rapidly among the people. He looked up and looked at the city wall that could be seen directly from inside the city. The huge figure of Zuo Ke was seen, Darkness is the source...could it be said!

Seth, who stayed next to Simon, glanced at the ordinary-looking old man and said, Have you noticed it, Simon? That's right, it's Zuo Ke who is spreading fear. Just being close to this city makes the citizens in the city feel scared. Endless fear will arise, and this negative emotion will continue to be amplified.”

The closer Zuo Ke comes, the more people will be afraid of him, and this fear will feed back Zuo Ke's dark power, making it stronger and more terrifying. He glanced at Zuo Ke. Zuo Ke, Seth took a deep breath and made a judgment, There is no way to fight Zuo Ke now.

Seth was sure that Simon heard what he said, but it was clear from his own mouth that their efforts were meaningless, but Simon only paused for a moment and continued to command the soldiers:

Third shift, the catapult's ammunition is about to run out, please send it over quickly!

The second group of mages can start rotating, before Zuo Ke launches his next attack!

You two teams put aside the tasks at hand and go evacuate the crowd!

Although his presence is not very high at ordinary times, now that he is the highest commander in the city, Simon has shown quite excellent commanding abilities, commanding the soldiers to complete many tasks in an orderly manner, without giving up at all. .

Seth frowned, looked at Simon and said: Simon, didn't you hear what I said? You have no way to fight against Zuo Ke. If you continue to work hard now, it will undoubtedly be a useless effort.

You think my methods to empower the people are too cruel, but now that you are facing this situation, don't you feel uncomfortable with that powerlessness?


Sett, before today, I actually felt that you and Akhnadi are really similar. Before Seth continued, Simon, who had arranged the mission for the last pair of soldiers, interrupted him. If I want to continue, That guy had a similar personality when he was young.

I was still thinking that your child might have been too much influenced by Aknadi, but it turned out to be his child.

Simon mentioned this for no reason, which made Seth frown and puzzled: Why are you talking about this? Does it have anything to do with fighting Zuo Ke?

Simon shook his head: Of course not, this is just an old man's boring complaint. Didn't you notice that I have sent out all the soldiers, and you are the only one left with me, just talking to you.

After hearing this, Seth looked around and found that just as Simon himself said, the soldiers were sent everywhere by him, leaving only himself tied up next to him. Seth seemed to have thought of something, and smiled coldly: I understand, you want to make the decision to kill me on behalf of the Pharaoh before he comes back, right? After all, the Pharaoh is too cowardly, and you may not be able to say anything if you leave me behind. Heaven will continue to pose a threat to him, so you, the faithful one, want to kill me on behalf of Pharaoh?”

Simon was stunned when he heard Seth's words, and then shook his head: That's not true. On the contrary, I want to ask you to lend me your power, Seth.

In front of the city gate, Shada brought Kaiba back, healed him and the [Blue-Eyed Girl], and joined Isis behind the city wall.

The rotating mage group is about to be unable to hold on, but the previous batch of magicians haven't recovered yet. Summoned Shada and Kaiba back to the barrier, looking at the great evil god Zuo who was already approaching only a few hundred meters away. Ke, Isis’ brows were full of sorrow.

Catapult troops and crossbow troops are constantly attacking, but it seems to have little effect on Zuo Ke, almost ineffective, but this is their only remaining means of struggle.

There will always be a way. After hearing what Isis said, Kaiba held his hands on the ground and tried to stand up, In the worst case, [Blue Eyes] and I will go...

Don't be brave, at least get some treatment first. Shada sternly held down Kaiba and didn't let him get up, because the power of using [Anka Chestnut Ball] one after another made his breathing a little heavy, but he still tried his best to restore Kaiba and [ Blue Eyes] The state of this pair of powerful combatants.

However, even if they recover, how can they stop Zuo Ke?

When sorrow and despair almost enveloped Xia Da's heart, he glanced at the city wall and found that Priest Simon, who was supposed to stay in the city, had unexpectedly arrived on the city wall.

Lord Simon? What are you doing here!

It's okay, Shada, I'm here to help. Simon held the city wall with both hands, one hand wrapped with ominous black energy, and looked at the approaching Zuo Ke, We must defend this city before the Pharaoh comes back. .”

Zuoke is 500 meters away from the Royal City.

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