Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 154 The invincible Exodia stood up, the invincible Exodia fell

Do you want to get involved in the power of darkness like me? You should know what kind of burden using this power will bring to your body, Simon.

But I won't stop you. Just use it if you want. But I have to remind you that it's not that I don't give you enough power. Your body is like a deformed barrel that has been in disrepair. Even if you try your best If you install it on the ground, it will only keep leaking.”

The time limit is about three minutes. This is the limit you can reach with all your strength. After that, even I can't imagine what kind of tragic end you will end up with.

The words Seth had just said when he lent him the power he got from the slab of the underworld echoed in his heart, but Simon's heart was extremely calm and unruffled.

Three minutes? It's enough. If it's used to bring out the last light of my old bones...

Simon thought to himself as he looked up at the approaching evil god Zuoke.

Shada was stunned when he heard Simon's answer: Help or something, Lord Simon, you can still help us even if you don't come to such a dangerous place.

To put it more bluntly, you are just a burden here and can't be of any help.

Kaiba, who was sitting on the ground, glanced at Simon on the wall and said casually. Shada quickly denied it: I didn't mean that!

It's okay, Shada, I understand you are worried about me. Simon shook his head and said with a smile, But there is no reason to let young people like you take the lead. If young people like you lose their lives, the world Is there still hope for salvation? It’s not the old people who create a new era!”

As he spoke, Simon raised his right hand and pointed his palm forward. Following Simon's movements, updrafts were generated out of thin air around him, and Simon's robes and hair were blown by the wind.

After so many years, lend me your power again, the demon sleeping in the temple...

Unlock the five sacred bodies sealed in the stone slab and grant me the power of protection!

In front of the advancing evil god Zuo Ke, a huge red magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground, from which a huge stone slab tens of meters high rose out of thin air, blocking her way.

What is this? It's in the way! Zuo Ke, who didn't take it seriously, flicked the faucet on his crotch and planned to smash the stone slab in front of her. But what she didn't expect was that the seemingly ordinary stone slab was actually It has a certain strength, but it didn't break into pieces under his random attack.

Not only this stone slab, Zuo Ke also noticed that in the distance between the royal city and himself, four other red magic arrays that were identical to the one in front of him appeared one after another around the vast space, rising one by one from them. There are five similar huge stone slabs in total.

There was nothing special about a single stone slab, and Zuo Ke didn't feel any strong power from it. But after all five stone slabs were raised, even Zuo Ke subconsciously widened his eyes: This, it's difficult. It can’t be——”

Why do those stone slabs with unknown meanings give me such an unpleasant feeling? Looking from the city wall, Kaiba and the others could only see the back of the huge rising stone slabs, and could not see what was drawn on the front of the stone slabs. lines, but Kaiba subconsciously had a bad feeling.

Shada, who looked shocked on the side, recognized what these stone slabs were, and replied to Kaiba: That is the power sealed by Lord Simon, because the power of that elf is beyond the scope of what mortals can understand. Only Lord Simon, who is also the most powerful among the previous priests, can use her.

But even Lord Simon, who held the [Millennium Key] at that time, had to use his own soul as support when using the elf. Over the years, Lord Simon aged prematurely and even became shorter due to the loss of vitality. For Lord Simon had to seal the elf after peace came.

When Kaiba complained, Isn't that old man so short?, Shada, who looked serious, continued, I didn't expect that Lord Simon would summon that elf again today.

Come out, my ancient elf! Simon shouted the elf's true name toward the front, [Ikzodia]!

Five scattered magic arrays are connected to each other, drawing a larger five-pointed star magic array. The power of the stone slabs resonates with each other, and along with the fluctuations spreading in the center of the array, a beam of light rises!

In the bright red energy, the earth cracked, and a majestic figure came here from the other side of the dimension, slowly walked out of the magic circle, revealing its limbs bound by chains.

Taking a deep breath, the giant god in golden armor exerted force to break free from the chain that was originally a self-restraint, and roared at the great evil god Zuo Ke in front of him: Roar!!

It's actually [Exodia]!?

The broken chain, blessed by the magic power of [Exodia], hit the great evil god Zouk head-on. Even she was a little sincerely surprised when she saw the appearance of [Exodia]. , raised his hand to make a defensive movement to block the broken chain.

Obviously she had not paid attention to the crossbow and catapult attacks before, and even directly received the zero-distance attack of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] without frowning. This was the first time that Zuo Ke had not even considered an attack. The aftermath of the incident led to defensive actions.

Putting down his arms and looking at [Ikzodia] standing on the ground, Zuo Ke showed his fangs and said with a smile: But such a strong resistance is interesting!

[Exodia] is actually that old man's elf! Hey, I should have thought of it a long time ago.

Seeing the appearance of [Exodia], Kaiba felt that his PTSD was a bit on the rise, and he couldn't help but think of the disastrous defeat he had experienced for the first time. The guy in the game at the beginning was [Exodia], and he gave me a wave of seconds with the powerful [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Speaking of which, it seemed to be the card of the old man Sugoroku Muto.

That is the powerful elf, [Exodia], who once defeated tens of thousands of enemy troops by Lord Simon with one man's power. Even as Simon's successor, Shada was the first to speak not in writing, but in I saw [Exodia] in reality. Although he was excited, he was also a little worried, But, how did Lord Simon summon [Exodia]?

In the past, even with the power of the [Millennium Artifact], Lord Simon had to use his own 'soul' to maintain the use of [Exodia], so now, Lord Simon, he is——

Peng! Xia Da's thinking was interrupted by a loud noise.

[Exodia], who raised his arms, and the great evil god Zuo Ke, who made the same move simultaneously, took a step forward and collided with each other. Their hands collided with each other, and the two demon gods' huge Power and huge magic power burst out and were exerted on the earth!


Just like an earthquake coming, the battle between [Ikzodia] and the great evil god Zuoke only caused a natural disaster after the initial collision. Shada under the city wall held the wall with one hand and judged: The situation of the battle is not favorable. Our warriors are so disadvantaged that there must be an energy field.”

I am activating the emergency shield. Isis responded. She had asked the mages to work hard, but manpower has its limits after all, and there is no way to fight against such a terrible disaster. Rather, it would be better to say that Priest Simon, who was able to exert such a powerful force in the battle with the great evil god Zuoke, was slightly abnormal.

At this moment, Simon's forehead on the city wall was covered with sweat, gritting his teeth and persisting in the battle to control [Exodia]. At the same time, the black magic power that was only wrapped around his wrist had spread to his elbow. As time goes by, this evil power will eat away at Simon's body more and more, until Simon's life comes to an end.

Fight with me again, [Exodia]!

Facing Simon's [Ikzodia], which was almost driven by burning life, even the great evil god Zuoke was somewhat suppressed after a stalemate for a while, and couldn't help but take a step back, and the strength in his hands slackened.

[Ikzodiya] seized this opportunity and blocked the left hand of the Great Evil God Zuo Ke with an elbow. He held on to his right hand and turned his palm into a knife and swung it fiercely, cutting the right hand of the Great Evil God Zuo Ke. The arm was chopped off at shoulder level!

Amazing! Even though one of his hands had been cut off, and if he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been beheaded directly, the great evil god Zuo Ke arrogantly praised the performance of [Ikzodia], with his empty right arm A black energy surged out from the position, But I said, as long as the darkness is not eliminated, I will be immortal!

The arm of the great evil god Zuo Ke, who was caught by [Ikzodia], turned into sand and fell back into the desert, but Zuo Ke's lost right arm recovered in the blink of an eye, facing [Ikzodia] ] Punch out.

Because he was surprised by Zuoke's excessive self-healing ability, Simon's response to [Ikzodia]'s control was a beat slow, and the great evil god Zuoke seized the opportunity. As if intending to replicate the injury he had just suffered, without any more or less damage, Zuo Ke also cut off [Ekzodia]'s left arm with his knife!

Hmm!! In order to maximize the power of [Exodia], Simon kept in sync with [Exodia] at the moment, and naturally felt the phantom pain of losing his arm, At the same time, the erosion of the dark power further intensified, causing Simon to hold his left arm tightly. The dark magic had eroded into his shoulders.

Gritting his teeth, Simon forced himself to stand up again: If you were immortal... the same would be true for [Exodia]!

Grabbing the severed arm as a weapon, he smashed it against the city wall in the distance at will. The great evil god Zok watched [Ixodia] turn his arm into sand and stone before he smashed it into the city wall and repaired his left arm. He smiled coldly: But there are limits to human power. Are you burning your soul to support the existence of this elf?

One minute, two minutes? The limit of human beings is only three minutes. Now one minute has passed. Let's see how long you can last!

Boom! Boom!

The huge demon gods were close together again, and there was no room for other fancy abilities to mix in. [Ikzodia] and the great evil god Zuoke just instilled powerful magic in their arms, and then beat each other.

Looking at [Ikzodia] and the great evil god Zuok fighting together, Kaiba stood up: Even [Ikzodia] doesn't seem to be that guy's opponent. If it loses, it will Too bad, we must concentrate our efforts now.

But Seto Kaiba, as you saw just now, even your [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is no match for that guy. Shada said and looked around. Because of the shaking on the ground, a lot of catapults and crossbows were destroyed. He had to ask the soldiers who controlled them to take refuge. And we don't have enough manpower to organize a sufficient offensive at all. We have to regroup our troops. !”

Then go ahead and do it, I can't wait that long! Kaiba said impatiently, [Blue Eyes], let's go!

Without giving Shada a chance to stop Kaiba, the [blue-eyed girl] who had completed the treatment transformed into a white dragon again, carried Kaiba up into the sky and approached the two warring demon gods.

Did I say I wouldn't go? Xia Da put down his hand and looked behind him.

Priest Isis, can you still hold on?

Don't underestimate me, Priest Shada, I can still hold on. Isis stood up holding on to the city wall. Although she did not have the ability to read minds like the [Millennium Eye], she could see what Shada was thinking. , I will command the troops and do what you want to do, Priest Shada.

After being stunned, Shada looked at Isis and nodded: Thank you very much, Priest Isis.

Turning his head, he looked at the retreating seahorse and immediately rode over.

Even Shada occasionally has the courage to fight passionately. Although he only has the power of [Anka Chestnut Ball], this power can still provide support to Kaiba and Priest Simon who are fighting in front. It was also thanks to the existence of Isis who could command the troops on his behalf that he was able to fight like this.

The seahorse in the sky naturally noticed Xia Da who followed him away from the city wall. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He did not look at Xia Da, but kept to himself and shouted to the front: Follow me, Xia Da, don't fall behind. Got it!

[Blue Eyes], which flew extremely fast, crossed the five hundred meters distance in a very short time and came to the rear of [Exodia]. Because of [Ikzodia]'s obstruction, the great evil god Zuoke, who had been approaching the royal city before, had been pushed back by about two hundred meters, and the distance from the royal city was slightly further away.

Using the cover of [Ikzodia]'s body, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] climbed upwards to the height of the head of the great evil god Zuoke, and stored up a full-power attack in his mouth. And Simon also noticed Kaiba's plan, and cooperated with [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] to control [Ekzodia] to fight for damage and get a heavy punch to knock back the great evil god Zuoke for another hundred meters, leaving his hands free. Pinch it tightly at your sides to create a certain Qigong wave shape.

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Use the karmic fire of your soul to burn out the great evil god of darkness, [Ikzodia]! Feeling the dark magic power that was about to invade his heart, Simon gritted his teeth and let [Ikzodia] let out the strongest sound. Hit, Exodia Flame!

Although he also had no talent for naming, and he even taught this talent to a certain disciple with particularly good gambling luck a thousand years later, the power of the attacks launched by [Ikzodia] under Simon's control was quite powerful. It was quite astonishing, creating a gap in the chest where the great evil god Zuo Ke was hit.

Not even close! O fire of anger, just use my soul as food to burn the other party! Standing on the city wall, Simon shouted into the distance.

This level of flames can't light up the darkness! Although they were still fighting in close combat before, the opponent suddenly started to fight waves from a distance without any martial ethics. This made Zuo Ke, who has a somewhat simple personality, very angry, like an old comrade. Also angry because of being attacked.

Raising her hand to support the flame attack of [Exodia], Zoko planned to use her other hand to release Zoko's Flame in response, but as soon as she raised her hand, another attack interrupted her. .

And my attack, [Blue Eyes White Dragon], the decisive moment has come, Destruction's Burst Stream!

Kaiba also seized this opportunity and ordered [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to assist [Ekzodia] to launch an attack. The unexpected attack caused the attack in Zuo Ke's hand to explode before being released. Not only did it fail to form any effective He resisted, but let the attacks of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Exodia] merge together and hit his chest together.

The torrent of light and the flame of destruction merged together, converging into a huge ball of energy in Zuo Ke's chest. After the power was compressed to the extreme, it exploded, as if the sun had set on the earth, illuminating the dark world. !


After being temporarily blinded, Isis once again cast his sight in the direction of Zuo Ke: Did it succeed?

Not only her, but also Kaiba, Simon, Shada and many retreating soldiers were paying attention to Zuo Ke's situation. They expected that an attack with all their strength could kill Zuo Ke just like that.

However, they were disappointed.

Zuo Ke, who was still alive and kicking with the surging dark energy all over his body, suddenly rushed out and punched out his fists. One punch knocked the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] flying in the air, retaliating for the opponent's interruption of his attack; the other punch directly It penetrated the chest of [Exodia], severely injuring this most troublesome guy.

Seeing [Blue Eyes White Dragon] being smashed into the desert, he took his palm out of [Ikzodia]'s chest, which was gradually turning into sand, kicked him to the ground, and said proudly: I told you, I am immortal!

Seto Kaiba! Simon-sama!

Shada, who was following Kaiba, came to Kaiba and the [Blue-Eyed Girl] who had re-turned into human form in time and asked [Anka Chestnut Ball] to provide them with treatment. Isis also noticed Simon who was crumbling on the city wall in time. Catch the opponent who falls from the city wall in time.

The strongest combatants have withdrawn one after another, but what they got in exchange for their hard work was just a broken piece of Zuo Ke's chest that was rapidly healing itself and fully restored in the blink of an eye.

I am the invincible darkness! Zuo Ke looked down at the earth and said contemptuously, It is impossible for you humans to defeat me. I am the incarnation of darkness, and the fate of you humans should be to be dominated by darkness and live in fear. Being swallowed by darkness. Human beings are powerless in the face of darkness!

No, it's not like that! After being supported by Isis and lying down, Simon struggled to get up, Humanity...the world...I can never let you destroy these before the Pharaoh comes back! [Ike Zodiya]!”

The knocked down [Ikzodia] tried to get up, but the enraged evil god Zuoke had lost interest in it and no longer wanted to entangle with it. The dragon head under his crotch opened its mouth and used its sharp teeth to directly attack it. He bit [Ikzodia]'s neck with force, and actually bit [Ikzodia]'s head to pieces and exploded into a piece of sand, and [Ikzodia]'s whole body collapsed.

Simon, who felt the same way, couldn't hold on any longer, and his head fell to the ground.

Lord Simon!

After dealing with [Ikzodia], Zuo Ke stepped towards the royal city again. In just a few steps, he surpassed the distance that [Ikzodia] had managed to repel, and came back to the five hundred meters away from the royal city. position and continue to move closer.

At the same time, Zuo Ke also raised her hand and clenched it tightly, and the dark power gathered into a sphere under her control. As long as she wanted to, she could launch it at the next moment and defeat the wall of the royal city.

Look, I just said that humans are powerless in the face of darkness. Your struggle ends here. I'm tired of it. Aiming at the nearby city wall, Zuo Ke pushed out the energy ball in his hand. , Be afraid and despair, this is the end of your hard work as humans, nothing has changed!

go to hell!

The energy ball arrived at the location of the city wall in an instant. The shield that could barely be maintained before was broken for less than a second under Zuo Ke's serious attack. The next moment, destructive power would explode.

And just when Zuoke wanted to listen to the moans of humans that made her feel happy and the fear of tasting delicious food, a sound replaced the explosion and reached her ears——

No, their efforts are not meaningless...

Bang—— Boom!

First there was a sound as if something was kicked away, and then there was the sound of an energy ball exploding. However, the sound of the explosion didn't sound right at the distance, which made Zuo Ke look at the bottom of the city wall strangely. When he saw a human figure, Zuo Ketong, who was integrated with Tapirang and had the same memory and consciousness, shrank.

You, you guy!

Isis had already closed her eyes and used her body to block the fallen Simon, intending to block the impact for him. However, after a long time, she didn't feel any pain. She couldn't help but open her eyes and saw a familiar sound. The figure stood near.

Well, I really slept for a long time. Fortunately, I was not late for too long. The black-haired young man moved his shoulders twice, walked past Isis in the direction of Zuo Ke, and blocked Zuo Ke's attack. The flying [Gaia] returned to his side and followed behind.

The giant mechanical creation [VWXYZ-Dragon Battery Cannon] was quickly assembled and spliced ​​to the huge dragon [Armed Dragon LV7], strengthening it into the state of [Armed Dragon Battery Cannon]; beside it, [Summoner- Under the guidance of Aleister, several magicians concentrated their power and transformed into the form of [Five Array Magicians].

The starlight of Draco breaks through the blockade of darkness and descends, transforming into a mechanical dragon; beside the two [Dragon Yiqiao], the three-body [Electronic Dragon] combines into a stable and powerful [Electronic Terminator Dragon]; even if it is [ The Disturbers ran out unwillingly and stood on top of the silent [Mingjie] monsters like a fox or a tiger.

At the front of the marching elves, Hayato glanced at the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] beside him, smiled, and pushed his hanging hair upward: Next, it's my stage!

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