Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 152: Unstoppable and irresistible, I am the Cataclysm

The countdown of the hourglass came to an end, and as the last grain of sand fell, the slab of underworld that sank into the ground of the Thief Village finally cracked completely.

A light rises from the ground and rushes into the sky, bathed in magenta evil light. The destroyer of this memory world crawls out from the underworld.

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The body of the player Tapirang who was sitting in front of the chessboard was gradually reduced to ashes amidst his laughter.

Hahahaha, it's coming, it's coming, my body is finally resurrected. The winner of this ultimate dark game has been decided, the nameless Pharaoh, and Hayato!

As long as this memory world is completely destroyed, not only my body in this game, but also in reality will be completely resurrected...

The dust from Tapirang's body was transferred to the world of memory and merged with the huge existence crawling out of the underworld. The huge evil god with a ferocious face opened its eyes, opened its mouth full of fangs, and breathed in the long-lost breath of the real world. I am the night, I am revenge, I am the evil god of darkness——Zo Ke Nerofa!

The Great Evil God Zuo Ke looked up to the sky and roared his filial piety, and she raised her arms after remerging with a part of herself that was separated three thousand years ago. In her open palms, she held the remains of the cracked underworld slate and seven [Millennium Artifacts] that had been used to lift the seal.

However, with the resurrection of Zuo Ke, these [Millennium Artifacts] have all turned gray and dull, as if they have lost their original power because they no longer have Zuo Ke's power to power them.

Hmph, hey, the props made by stealing my power are the keys to my release. I am almost tempted to collect them as souvenirs. Zuo Ke said, throwing his hand casually , [Millennium Artifact] and stones were thrown away casually like garbage, But forget it, I don't think Kennedy would collect a sniper rifle if he had the chance.

With his free hands on the ground, the ground in front of him was torn open to reveal a larger space. Zuoke Nelofa raised his legs, pulled out his lower body from the ground, and stood on the ground.

The jet-black body has no luster at all, swallowing up all the light it touches like a black hole. Fine dragon scales wrap around the whole body, whether it is the thick limbs or the pair of huge bat wings extending from the back that cover the sky and the sun. However, Compared with the devil's head with a pair of reversed horns, the most eye-catching thing is the thick dragon head below Zuok Nelofa's abdomen and between his legs.

It was not something that had to be described in a subtle way because it was colored, but a real, jet-black head of a magic dragon. Not only could it turn up and down, left and right, the head could even blink and breathe.

Although both the dragon head itself and Zuo Ke's appearance give people an extremely ferocious and terrifying feeling, the position where the dragon head grows when the two are combined is too sensitive, which makes people doubt the designer's design. What kind of thoughts did you have when creating such an existence? Press the tap here.

However, such a sensitive design was only a little funny at best when Zuok Nerofa was still of average size. But as the great evil god Zuok came to the ground, she began to absorb abundant energy from all over the world. Magic power and body shape increased sharply. Five meters, ten meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters... In just a few breaths, the body of the Great Evil God Zuo Ke has grown to an extremely exaggerated level.

When the great evil god Zuo Ke could almost touch the low dark clouds in the sky, her transformation finally stopped, but at this time her height had reached over a thousand meters, and the crotch dragon head that was originally a bit funny, At this moment, it also turned into a terrifying ferocious beast for people on the ground.

I remember, it should be this direction. The great evil god Zuo Ke turned to look in the direction of the royal city, took steps, and began her journey of annihilation amidst the tremors of the ground.

Even though the royal city was thousands of miles away, because Zuo Ke's body was too huge, the guards on the city wall still saw Zuo Ke's figure heading towards the royal city, and immediately sent an alarm to the city, making everyone in the square aware of it. Got this news.

The huge black monster is walking towards this city. Could it be that it is the evil will resurrected from under the stone slab of the underworld? Isis said with a frown, and beside her, Simon and Shada were a little confused. Because the two of them were left in the city before and did not catch up with Aknadi's explanation, the information they knew was at least two or three versions worse than the others.

However, after being rescued from prison by Isis, the two of them had updated their information to some extent. At least they already knew the situation of Emperor Akna and Seth's rebellion, but Isis had not yet had time to follow up on the news about Zuo Ke. They explain.

Kaiba glanced at Set, who was being tied up by Shada without saying a word after being subdued by Simon, and said, Are you satisfied now? Although I don't believe in reincarnation, but based on my own character, Tapirang What exactly did he give you in exchange for you to help him 'resurrect' the man named Zuo Ke?

Seth did not look at Kaiba and said: Power, of course it is power. I have already said it.

For the sake of strength, you betrayed the Pharaoh and handed the [Thousand-Year Jewelry] to that Tapirian?

Isis didn't understand, and Seth glanced at her with disdain: Idiot, you don't know how pitiful it is to have no power. Only power can open up the future.

In order to gain power, I would even give up almost everything, but... Seth's voice lowered and he looked at Kaiba, You guy, you took Keshara away from me! It's all because of you. This guy, otherwise Qisha would be like this!

Hmph, have you lost your mind and gone crazy? It was obviously you who killed Qisara yourself. Do you have the right to say that as the person who killed Qisara? Kaiba stared back not to be outdone. .

Seeing Seth and Haima, whose conversation was completely centered around the name of an unknown woman like Kisara, Shada had a headache. She looked at Isis and said, So many things happened in one moment, it's really frustrating. The number of people is huge. It is clear that the enemy named 'Zo Ke' is approaching the royal city, but they are still arguing. Speaking of which, Priest Isis, where has the Pharaoh gone?

Previously, Aknadi revealed to us after being captured that when he communicated with the great evil god Zuoke and made the [Millennium Artifact], he had specially prepared countermeasures for this purpose. The Pharaoh's words were under his leadership. Go down and use that method. Isis had a frown on his face, Although I don't know how long it will take for the Pharaoh to come back, but before that, we must protect the city on behalf of the Pharaoh.

When Simon and Shada heard this, the master and apprentice looked at each other and nodded towards Isis.

In order to resist the great evil god Zuoke coming towards the royal city, as the few remaining priests, Isis, Shada and Simon immediately integrated Sett's troops in the royal city and the troops brought back by Isis and began to prepare for defense project.

Because of the system of ancient Egypt, the power of the entire royal city is now concentrated in the hands of the priests before the Pharaoh returns. This made it so easy for Seth to take power into his own hands after clearing Simon and Shada. , completed the usurpation of the throne, and also made it possible for the three priests to easily mobilize the city defense troops and the material reserves in the treasury.

In almost a very short period of time, catapults one after another were mobilized outside the city gate towards the Thieves Village. One after another, huge rocks were constructed by the court mages with magic and placed on the catapults. On the arms, a large number of crossbows and horses were also transported out of the city.

However, Kaiba has deep doubts as to how useful these conventional tools in human warfare can be in dealing with the great evil god Zuoke, because as Zuoke gets closer, his terrifying size has been retained to a large extent. In the eyes of most people, can anyone really confront that huge existence?


The sound unique to the monsters of the [Chestnut Ball] series reached Kaiba's ears. He turned around in confusion, only to find that the sound came from Shada, and there was also a [Chestnut Ball] beside him. It exists, but it's not Hayato's [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] or Yugi's [Kuribo Ball] that he knows, but Shada's own awakened spirit [Anka Chestnut Ball].

The depressed [Anka Chestnut Ball] huddled in Shada's arms, shivering and looking depressed: Curry...

After being rescued from prison by Isis, when Simon and Isis took people to transport city defense equipment, Shada went to perform the task of integrating the troops. Because of Seth's previous brutal methods, many innocent victims were imprisoned in the dungeon, so the healing ability of Shada's [Anka Chestnut Ball] came in handy.

However, although [Anka Chestnut Ball] has put a lot of effort into healing other people and allowing them to be converted into combat power, after all, it is healing ordinary people, and it takes less effort than healing the slate elves used in combat. There are too many, and it will not make [Anka Chestnut Ball] become what it is now.

Rather than saying that healing consumes energy, it is better to say that [Anka Chestnut Ball] is aware of the approach of dark power and is fearful about it.

[Anka Chestnut Ball]... Holding the other person in his arms, Shada comforted the little elf and looked at the dark sky in the distance, with a bit of confusion in his tone, Priest Akhnadi and Seth Betrayed, Priests Mahad and Karim died, leaving only Priest Isis and me among the pharaoh’s priests...

Can we defeat the great evil god Zuo Ke?

Among the six priests when An Yuxi took office, Xia Da can be said to be the most inconspicuous one. His character determines that he is a person who likes stability and calmness and will not fight for it. The lack of desire also represents In fact, he is not firm enough in his heart and is easily influenced by others.

When Bakura attacked Yami Yugi for the second time, he could desperately squeeze out the power of [Anka Chestnut Ball] to support and protect Yami Yugi, but that didn't mean that he didn't have the fear of death. Now that the evil god Zuo Ke is approaching, Shada is full of pressure and has no confidence that his side can defeat Zuo Ke.

If there is no one to rely on and guide him in the direction, it is very easy for a character like Xia Da to give up in confusion. Fortunately, he still has a teacher.

Don't say such depressing words, Xia Da. A hand patted Xia Da's shoulder. Simon, who was standing on a high platform nearby, used the height difference under his feet to barely reach the same height as Xia Da. Knowing the character of his chosen disciple very well, he also saw the confusion in Xia Da's heart and said, You have been like this since before. Although you are good at learning from others, you are also easily influenced by others.

Sometimes, there are things that people must do alone. Even if they know the outcome, they still have to put all their efforts into it.

Sir Simon... After hearing the words of Simon who taught him to become a priest, Shada turned to look at him and nodded, I understand, no matter whether I can defeat the great evil god Zuo Ke, as a pharaoh, Priests and protecting the royal city for the Pharaoh are the responsibilities we here must fulfill.

Simon nodded and smiled with satisfaction: That's right. We priests are still the leaders of our soldiers. We must show enough courage in front of them to take the lead.

Hearing this, Shada glanced at the soldiers in front of him who were lining up behind the defensive equipment. They were also looking here to observe the reactions of a few of them. Sir Simon is right. As army commanders, we priests must set an example.

Kaiba looked at Shada who had regained his courage and tilted his head strangely. I don't know if it was an illusion. Although he did hear the [Anka Chestnut Ball] in Xia Da's arms making the sound of Curry and Curry, he should have heard Curry and Curry twice. Curry was called.

Compared to the cry of [Anka Chestnut Ball], the other voice sounded unusually familiar to Kaiba, as if he had heard it countless times, but he could not find the source of that voice.

Apart from Shada, are there any elves from the [Chestnut Ball] series?

What's wrong, Seto, are you thinking about something? [The blue-eyed girl] looked at Kaiba and said with some confusion. Kaiba also shook his head: No, it's nothing.

On the wall of the royal city, Kaiba and the [Blue-Eyed Girl] stood hand in hand, surrounded by city defense troops manipulating large crossbows;

Under the city walls, large catapults were ready, their commander was Sharda;

Behind the city wall, Isis led the palace mage group to urgently apply various magic enhancements to various parts of the city wall, and would also go to various places as support to fill the vacancies in the manpower in the future;

Further back, the elderly Priest Simon sat as the commander-in-chief, with Set beside him who was tied up and had a magic isolation spell cast on him.

The great evil god Zuo Ke is still one kilometer away from the royal city.

Everyone, start attacking!

The moment the great evil god Zuoke stepped into the one-kilometer range, Simon gave the order for all ministries to start attacking. The attacks of various instruments that had been strengthened by magic and alchemy and whose range had been doubled seemed to be launched out and hit the huge Zuo Ke. gram. Seeing the rain of attacks coming, Zuo Ke smiled ferociously and did not even try to hide. He allowed the attacks to touch his body, only to be swallowed up by the darkness.

What!? The attack didn't work? It didn't work!

On the ground, the soldiers were surprised that their attacks failed to work, while Zuo Ke opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and said arrogantly: Unstoppable and irresistible.

I am the Cataclysm!

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