Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 151: Losing my love forever, looking up to ruin

Well, you've changed back, Chisara? Looking at Chisara who had recovered from the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] state, Seth tilted his head and was a little confused, but he didn't think too much.

Seto Kaiba has now been subdued and defeated by him. Although Kisara absorbed the power of his [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] faster than he expected, Kisara did not have any more power to continue to maintain the power of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]. 】 state of necessity.

The movements of his hands paused slightly, and he was not in a hurry to kill Kaiba. Set looked at Kisara who was slowly walking towards him and Kaiba, and took a step back.

Kaiba's previous question and the teasing do you like her were interrupted by Seth's strong rejection, but he didn't answer verbally, but he already had Mohu's answer in his heart. Even if his desires were distorted by the power of Tapirang, and even if he was blinded by his pursuit of power, in fact, a large part of Seth's heart is still firmly occupied by Qisha.

There is no doubt that Set himself is quite aware of his love for Keesara.

In order to obtain the power of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] from Kesara, Seth could tell Kesara that he liked her without hesitation, but that was not a false lie, and even twisted desires would not change it. The essence of Seth, and what he said at that time actually came entirely from the true emotions in Seth's own heart.

However, even Seth himself did not want to face this emotion. Although he expressed it, he only deceived himself and others on the grounds that I was perfunctory with Chisara. It is impossible to know when this emotion was born, but he felt that maybe after he calmed everything down, gained enough power, and expelled all the people who were in the way, it might be time for him to face the emotion in his heart. It's time.

But before that, Seth looked at Kisara in silence, but chose to see what Kisara was going to do to Seto Kaiba.

Kisara looked at Set holding weapons and Kaiba kneeling on the ground, and walked straight to Kaiba. Until Kisara came in front of her, her heart was filled with silence as she lost the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] Kaiba, overwhelmed by uncontrollable sadness, never raised his head.

Squatting down, Kisara looked at Kaiba, who had his head lowered, and opened his mouth, but what he said surprised Seth beside him: I'm sorry...

Feel sorry? Why did Keesara apologize to Seto Kaiba? Seth raised his eyebrows and then thought, Oh, by the way, Keesara just accepted the power of Kaiba's [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Is she apologizing for this? Humph, I didn’t expect you to know better than me when it comes to killing people and punishing the heart, Chisara, I completely understand.

Feel sorry...

I finally get to meet you in such a posture, and it makes you worried, Seto.

Hearing this, Kaiba felt something was wrong and suddenly raised his head to look at the white-haired girl Kisara in front of him.

I have been by your side for a long, long time, watching you and keeping you waiting.

If the sorry just said was just weird, the next few words Kisara said made both Kaiba and Seth realize that something was wrong.

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Come and try it quickly. 】

Although they look exactly the same, they both have the appearance of a girl with long white hair and unique cyan eyes, but Chisara is not Chisara!

Looking at the white-haired girl in front of him, Kaiba's eyes widened slightly. He hesitated and asked, ...[Blue Eyes]?

Kisara, who was called Blue Eyes, nodded slowly and showed a faint smile. Looking at [Blue Eyes]'s hand stretched out to him, Kaiba hesitated slightly, but still stretched out his hand to touch everything, intertwined his fingers, and was helped by Kisara to get up from the ground.

From the perspective of the two people's clasped hands, Seth's face on the side was full of astonishment.

His mind was in a mess, both Seto and [Blue Eyes], and he couldn't understand the situation in front of him at all.

What is going on with Kisara? From what she said, she is not my Kisara, but the [Blue Eyes] next to Seto Kaiba! ? So where did Chisara go? !

No, it's impossible! Seth, who was slightly unsteady on his feet, took two steps back and exhaled heavily in an attempt to blow away the illusion in front of him. However, Kisara and Kaiba, who were still standing together holding hands, kept telling Seth All of this is real and not an illusion.

Seth, who looked shocked, stared at the side face of Kisara, his open lips trembled because he wanted to refuse the suspicion in his heart to become reality, and his eyes widened: That won't work, you——

Because of Seth's voice, Kisara turned her head, revealing blue eyes that were exactly the same as those of Qisara. However, there was something missing from those eyes that Seth should be very familiar with.

Yes, everything else is exactly the same, but the most important thing is missing, that is the emotion when Qisara looks at him. The Qisara in front of him does not have Qisha when he looks at him. The girl had that special look when she looked at Seto Kaiba.

She is not her own Chisara.

Looking at Seth, Kisara slowly said: It is not in this memory world, but in the real history. Qisara, who died for Seth, was reincarnated as an elf and came to Seth's reincarnation. By Seto Kaiba's side.

However, Seto Kaiba is not Set, and the blue-eyed girl next to Seto Kaiba is also not Keesara.

I am, [Blue-Eyed Girl].

Seth's childish eyes shrank: [Blue Eyes]——?!

Taking in a breath of cold air, Set couldn't help but recall the moment when the two [Blue Eyes White Dragon] crossed paths during the battle.

Yes, it was that time——

Taking another two steps back, Seth's body swayed a little. He raised his trembling hand to his forehead and muttered through gritted teeth. His steps were also unsteady due to his extremely excited psychological state, At that time you two—— !”

After realizing exactly when the communication and exchange between [the blue-eyed girl] and Kesara were completed, Seth gasped and his voice trembled a little: Then, what's over there is——!

Turning back in horror, Set looked towards the Kaiba's [Blue Eyes White Dragon] who had just been restrained by his dark power and squeezed out its power.

Although Seth shook his head desperately and wanted to deny the inevitable result of the existence there, the moment he turned his head, his hands were already unable to hang down because of the answer he saw. He staggered two steps and tried to close the distance to the place to see The situation was different, but Seth's body still stopped while he was swaying step by step.

Surrounded by the dark power that had not completely dissipated, Keesara, whose white hair was exposed, was wearing Set's familiar clothes and fell there.

The boy's hole was trembling, his brain was trembling, Seth's hands had nowhere to rest, and a low roar came from his throat.

Unable to accept what he saw, his body arched and tensed, and finally he yelled to the sky: Uhhhhhh! Uhhhhh! Uhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhhh!

Why, why is this happening! Why are you doing this, Keesara!

For you, I even slowed down my pursuit of power, Keesara!


Seth, who was looking like a madman, was yelling at Qisara's position as if he was making trouble, but he couldn't get the slightest response. When the [blue-eyed girl] saw this, he couldn't help but said: Set. Special, you who have received the power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] should be able to feel that Keesara, she is no longer there...

Hearing the words of [Blue-Eyed Girl], Set suddenly turned his head and looked at her. Kaiba quickly stepped forward to block her behind him.

[The girl with blue eyes] glanced at the seahorse protecting her. Although she did not feel scared, she still hid behind the seahorse, took a deep breath, and continued: As an elf, I have never been able to appear because of my lack of strength. By Seto's side, until just now, it was Keesara's strength that complemented me.

Now that I am a [blue-eyed girl], I have also inherited Kesara's thoughts. Standing here, I must convey her thoughts to you.

You have strayed too far in your quest for power, Set.

After Seth heard this, the excited expression on his face calmed down a bit, and he murmured: Lost...?

Hmph, there are many things that can be sacrificed in order to pursue power. Even I cannot veto or approve such a choice. Looking at Set, who looked similar to himself, Kaiba said, But, there are some things that cannot be given up. You have been affected too much by that darkness and have lost yourself!

After hearing Kaiba's words, Seth lowered his head: Lost myself...

Just when Kaiba thought he was about to accept reality, Seth laughed again.

Hehehehe, hehehehahaha! Raising his head abruptly, Seth's eyes met Haima's, and the determination in those identical blue eyes, which were like looking into a mirror, was unwavering, The longing in my heart has never been Change! It’s power, pursue more power!”

Since there is no more Keesara, from now on, I can continue to pursue power at full speed!

Raising his hand and pointing at Kaiba and the [blue-eyed girl] behind Kaiba, Set's expression was ferocious: If Chisara disappears, I will create another world with Chisara, and I will use the power I pursue. , take that Keesara away from you!”

Seto Kaiba, my reincarnation, I will destroy you and take back Keesara!

From Seth's body, black magic power visible to the naked eye continued to emerge like a fountain, and Kaiba had to revise the judgment he had just made in his heart. The look in Seth's eyes is not determination at all, this guy has gone crazy!

You stubborn guy, if I can defeat you once, I will defeat you a second time. Kaiba took a step forward without looking back, I'm going to do it, [Blue Eyes]!

[The girl with blue eyes] knew that Kaiba was calling her, so she followed Kaiba with a tacit hmm.

Looking at the girl next to him without any trace, Kaiba said casually: Are you scared?

The girl shook her head: If I'm with you, Seto, I have nothing to fear.

During the conversation between the two, white light fell on the seahorse, and the [Seahorseman] costume corresponding to the black magic power on Set's body was about to materialize again.

Just as the fight was about to start again, suddenly, a sound of Curry~ came from nowhere, causing both Kaiba and Seth to look around, but saw nothing.

Looking around but unable to find the source of the sound, Seth suddenly noticed that countless complex lines appeared under him at some point, extending and linking together on the ground around him. When he discovered it, the lines on the ground A huge magic circle had been formed, and it suddenly took effect and suppressed him to the ground!


This, what kind of throwing tiles is this! How could I, Seth, I, Seth, be defeated like this!

Throwing himself to the ground, Seth tried to break away from the shackles of the magic circle on the ground, but firstly, he failed to summon the slate monster, and secondly, without the protection of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] elf power, Seth was just an ordinary person with good physical fitness, completely unable to lift himself. Lift even one finger, and the person who released this technique will appear at the right time.

The secret techniques taught by the previous pharaohs, I thought there would be no chance to use them after the king told me about them, but I didn't expect them to come in handy today. Holding one hand on his waist, Priest Simon appeared with Shada's support. It's just that I didn't expect it to be used against you, who is also a priest, Seth.

Simon, and Shada!? Seth was stunned, Didn't you get subdued by me and put into prison? In order to prevent you from escaping, I even selected a prison that was used to house powerful monsters. How did you escape from this prison?

The woman who appeared next to Simon and Shada gave Seth's answer.


Seeing Isis appearing next to Simon and Shada, Set turned his head with difficulty and discovered that Isis' figure at the front of the army at the square had long since disappeared. Did he take the opportunity to save Simon and Shada after he was restrained in the battle with Seto Kaiba just now?

Your days of misbehavior are over, Seth. Looking at Seth, who was subdued by Simon's technique and with a seahorse on guard at his side, Isis said loudly, You have been arrested. When the Pharaoh comes back, prepare. Welcome your judgment.

Seth, who was being suppressed, sighed when he heard the words, You won. My power is still not strong enough, and I was actually calculated to such an extent. I am speechless.

But you just defeated me. Looking at Kaiba and the [blue-eyed girl] behind Kaiba, Set showed an ugly expression, The time that guy asked for seems to be enough.

Without warning, in an instant, the light in the square dimmed, as if something blocked the sunlight. But soon everyone realized that something was wrong. Not only was the sunlight in the square blocked, it was also spreading to the palace, the royal city, and even into the desert outside, and then to the entire Egypt.

Just now, as a stone slab beneath the Thieves Village completely cracked, a huge black energy column shot straight into the sky, and darkness enveloped the world!

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