Death's Burst Stream! X2

Self-taught, Seth and Kaiba shouted out the same attack moves.

Behind the two of them, two identical [Blue Eyes White Dragons] looked at each other and spat out attacks.

The torrent of light struck together, evenly matched. At the same time, Kesara, who transformed into the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], also received a response from the other [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], and they had a brief spiritual resonance. And profound communication.

'Is that so? This is such a world, and the real me has...'

‘I see, I probably already understand your situation. ’

‘It’s just that Seth’s situation makes me unable to feel at ease. ’

'No, I also know that Seth is very abnormal now. He has completely changed under the influence of that dark power, but even so, I still...'

‘At least, I can’t just look at Seth and make another mistake. ’

Only the communication that could be heard by [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] was interrupted. Just like the fight between Kaiba and Set just now, [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] could exert their full power. Their strength is also at a comparable level, so it is difficult to determine who is superior.

The opposing breath of light was suddenly interrupted, and then a violent explosion came from the intersection of energy. [Blue-eyed White Dragon] and Keesara each protected Set and Kaiba and retreated a certain distance to avoid being swallowed up by the explosion. Seeing this, both Kaiba and Seth were a little annoyed that they couldn't win against the other party.

Humph, just a little bit closer. X2

Hey, don't imitate me! X2

After saying two sentences in unison, they realized that they had a subtle tacit understanding with the annoying guy opposite. Set and Kaiba decisively shut up and stopped talking at the same time.

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books is the source app.

Install the latest version. 】

Kaiba: ‘Even if it’s the invincible [Blue Eyes White Dragon],’

Seth: 'Because the opponent is also [Blue Eyes White Dragon],'

Kaiba: ‘So we can only be evenly matched? ’

Seth: 'The bottom line then,'

Kaiba: ‘The key to victory or defeat now falls back on the user,’

Seth: 'At this point——'

‘I won’t lose! ’X2

[Blue Eyes White Dragon], attack the opponent directly! X2

The same decision was made in an unusually synchronized manner. Set and Kaiba were both stunned, and then immediately ran away to avoid the opponent's [Blue Eyes White Dragon]'s attack after receiving the order.

You guys are so despicable, you actually attacked me directly!

Hearing Seth's words, Kaiba snorted coldly: What qualifications do you have to say that I am the same despicable guy? I am just learning the style of that guy Kobayashi Hayato. In comparison, you are a rotten person without someone to imitate. !”

You are a third-rate commoner with a fourth-rate level of using elves!

While scolding each other, Kaiba and Seth, although they did not have the power of the elves to directly support themselves, still exerted their respective physical limits to make their own dodge movements, getting out of the way of the two [Blue Eyes White Dragon] that seemed to be closely connected, but actually let go. A lot of water attacks quickly came together, and it looked like they were about to struggle together again.

Seeing Seth getting closer and closer to him, he seemed to think that he was a little older than him, so he would have an advantage over him without the blessing of elf power. Kaiba showed a proud expression.

On the surface it seems that way, but who wants to play a fair duel with you? Facing such evil heretics, even I, Seto Kaiba, don't need to talk about moral principles! [Seahorse Man], come out! The elf power turns a million horses, watch me blast you away!

As the distance got closer, the [Seahorseman] costume appeared on Kaiba's body again. With his strength strengthened, he suddenly increased his speed and kicked Seth, who did not have any elf power, with a flying kick!

Oops, too bad, I just didn't have time for Keesara to replenish my strength! Sett said with a panicked expression, I can't escape from this distance! If I get kicked, I will die!

I'm at my wits' end... What a fool!

Looking at the oncoming Kaiba, Set suddenly raised his hand: Times have changed, Kaiba Seto! This is the ultimate power I got from the underworld stone slab!


Following Seth's movements, an invisible wave suddenly spread out from his hand. Along with a sound like a pendulum clock, Kaiba kept flying and kicking, but actually stopped in the air?


The two [Blue Eyes White Dragon] who had been cheating on the match since just now stopped their hands immediately when they saw this, and looked at Kaiba and Set. The [Blue Eyes White Dragon] transformed by 'Kisara' even roared eagerly.

Haha, hahahahaha! Looking at the seahorse stopped in front of him, Seth laughed triumphantly, In the end, it was still my victory. So power is everything. People without power can't do anything. Nothing can be done.

While smiling, Seth walked around behind Kaiba. Although Kaiba's consciousness was extremely clear, his body could not move: What on earth is-

The power I gained from the stone slab of the underworld was exchanged for the [Millennium Jewelry]. Seth, who walked behind the seahorse, said casually, In addition to awakening the elves in other people's hearts, it can also be used in this way. Judging from the effect, it is really impressive. I'm satisfied. In comparison, losing the [Millennium Jewelry] is a price not worth mentioning.

You guys, don't you care what that Tapirang wants to do by collecting the [Millennium Artifact]!?

Hearing Kaiba's words, Seth raised his eyebrows: Huh, I told you, the price is not worth mentioning. What is important to me is power. Only power is enough. For this, it doesn't matter what the price is. I would give up everything for power.”

Kaiba tried to struggle a few times, but found that he had no chance of breaking free under Set's control. He was a little annoyed and casually glanced at the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on Set's side, and then glanced at himself. The [Blue Eyes White Dragon] beside him was stunned for a moment.

Although [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] look exactly the same in appearance, Kaiba doesn't know if it is his fault. At this moment, the dragon scales on [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] behind him seem to be a little brighter. However, the scales of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] incarnated by 'Kisara' seem to have many signs of wear and tear, and such features should have been reversed.

The difference that others may only be able to distinguish with a microscope is not a difficult thing for Kaiba. No one understands [Blue Eyes White Dragon] better than him.

Unable to understand what was going on with the two [Blue Eyes White Dragons] for the moment, Kaiba said to Seth: You said you gave up everything for power? Ha, at least you didn't give up on the woman named Chisara, right?

Seth was also stunned when he heard Kaiba's words.

For the sake of strength, Seth had already made up his mind to abandon everything. For this reason, he made a treacherous act to sneak attack Hayato, make deals with Tapirang, and take care of people's lives and harm the people to gain strength. At the beginning, before he returned to the royal city , he even thought about killing Chisara and taking away her power when he came back. It would be more once and for all than having to let Chisara replenish her power from time to time now.

But at what point did you give up this idea? It seems that before returning to the palace to find Simon, he asked Chisara to stay at his residence and not leave before leaving the palace. After receiving the news of his return, Chisara, who had been thinking about him, threw herself into his arms. Although he didn’t know the reason, it seemed that he was inexplicably reluctant to kill Keesara at that time.

No, that’s not right, I want to be the strongest being, women are in the way!

No, Keesara is an exception!

Power is everything, kill Keesara to gain invincible power!

Gaining strength by killing Keesara is meaningless!

Strength should be used to protect this country and open up the future!

A future without Keesara is not the future I want!

For a moment, Seth's mind was a complete mess. The desire for power modified by Tapirang should have suppressed all other desires, turning Seth into a man whose mind was only about power. However, The existence of Kisara could not disappear from Seth's mind, making him confused and suffering from headaches.

Just like a single who provides emotional advice to estranged couples, although he is a straight man, it does not prevent Kaiba from spotting the fact that Seth, who is very similar to himself, is hiding deep in his heart, and even Seth himself is not aware of it. He also won’t admit his feelings for Keesara.

Oh, I understand, you like Keesara.

It's so noisy!

After clearing away all the messy thoughts in his mind, Set looked at Kaiba in front of him, shouted angrily and kicked him away. While venting his anger, the [Seahorseman] costume on Kaiba also followed. disappeared, but Kaiba was still unable to move.

Are you teaching me how to do things, Seto Kaiba? He walked slowly to Kaiba's side. Seth's unhappiness had no place to vent, and he could just vent it on Kaiba. By the way, I thought of a wonderful sideshow.

Kisara still has a lot of uses for me, but you are different, Seto Kaiba. I will not regret killing you at all, but before that, I have decided that I will completely kill the elf [Blue Eyes] in you first. White Dragon]!

Placing one foot on Kaiba's chest, Seth's face showed an expression that Kaiba felt familiar for some reason, as if he was smiling like that when he tore off Muto Sugoroku's [Blue Eyes White Dragon], As long as I have the power of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], it’s enough. Your extra [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] will be out of print!”

As he spoke, Seth waved his hand without looking back, and the invisible wave spread again, suddenly locking on the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] behind Kaiba, and a dark force appeared out of thin air and wrapped around the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] body of.


There was a gasp from the mouth of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], but Set didn't pay attention, but looked at the seahorse at his feet: In the face of my power, your [Blue Eyes White Dragon] will dissolve and disappear little by little. How do you feel when you see your own elves being wiped out bit by bit?

I'm going to destroy your spirit, Seto Kaiba!

Although he still felt that something was wrong, Kaiba became anxious and angry because of Seth's words: You guy! Ugh!

Kaiba, whose body was still unable to move, was kicked again by Set. Seeing that Kaiba still fell to the ground and could not get up, Set raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: It's ridiculous. Now your strength is even stronger than that of ordinary soldiers. No matter how hard you try, you can't stop me.

Following Seth's words, Kaiba indeed saw that the body of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] captured by Seth's dark power was gradually becoming transparent! ?

[Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

Hearing Kaiba's roar, the [Blue-Eyed White Dragon] incarnated by 'Kisara' groaned and was about to move, but still stopped and did not move forward. The [Blue-Eyed White Dragon] being decomposed by Set glanced at Kaiba, with meaning in his eyes. unknown.


The huge white dragon's body fell to the ground feebly, wrapped in dark magic and gradually became transparent, and Set's hand pulled back, bringing back a beam of light power. Although he said that he longed for power, after acquiring the power in [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], Set did not smile on his face, nor did he integrate it into his body. Instead, he threw it towards the one transformed into 'Kisara' 【Blue Eyes White Dragon】.

The light merged into the white dragon's body, and Set moved his feet, looked at the fallen seahorse, and said expressionlessly: Hey, you said before what kind of duelist you were, right? Your elf [Blue Eyes White Dragon] has already If it dies, as its owner, why don’t you give it away? Isn’t it your elf?”

Seto Kaiba?

You bastard!

Seth's answer was a straight punch from Kaiba after he was extremely angry. It seemed that he used his own anger to forcefully break through Seth's control. Kaiba punched Seth, but Seth, who had expected it, avoided it in time. , and hit Kaiba with his backhand, causing Kaiba to kneel on the ground again.

Are you angry? But what's the use? Like a villain who gets carried away after gaining the upper hand, taunting and inciting hatred with his face, Set looked at Kaiba and said, People without power can't stop me at all. This is not Nothing was accomplished.”

Kaiba lay on the ground, grabbing the sand on the ground, and subconsciously repeated Set's words: I can't do anything...

Looking at Kaiba who seemed to be in despair, Set walked to the side leisurely and pulled up a flagpole that was broken due to the previous battle. He pointed the sharp fracture at the unsuspecting Kaiba: Everything that gets in my way is mine. Enemy, you are useless after testing the limits of my power, Seto Kaiba. Then, let me chop off your head with this.

As if he was going to behead a criminal on death row, Set stood back next to Kaiba. He first put the flagpole in his hand around Kaiba's neck, and then slowly raised it, ready to chop it down at any time.

But at this moment, the body of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], which had received the power thrown by Set before, suddenly burst into light, attracting Set's attention. After the light dissipated, 'Kisara' transformed from [Blue Eyes White Dragon] back to human form.

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