Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 149 They are the same type of elves

Previously in the Thieves Village, Kaiba asked Mariku to hold the [Millennium Jewelry], trying to use the power of the [Millennium Artifact] to awaken the spirit in his heart in the way Hayato said.

The final result can be said to be a success or a failure, because in Kaiba's own expectation, there is only one spirit that he can awaken, and that is the invincible [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and there is absolutely no other spirit. Other possibilities, I can't awaken the mediocre [True Red Eyes Black Dragon], right?

However, when the power of [Millennium Jewelry] fell on Kaiba, the form of Seahorse was born, which was like a superhero's transformation.

If you were to ask Kaiba's first reaction at that time, he would naturally be quite incomprehensible. He thought that Kaiba Seto had always used powerful and handsome dragon-type monsters, so why did he awaken a monster that looked like a warrior type and was equipped with the same equipment? The spirit within yourself?

It’s as ridiculous as if the Dragon King’s team is all flying types!

However, considering that the helmet in the form of Kaiba Man is very similar to the Blue Eyes White Dragon, Kaiba finally half-heartedly accepted the reality that his elf had such an image, and finally gave it a name - [ Partners of Justice - Seahorses].

Of course, it is one thing for Kaiba to accept it himself, but it is another matter whether he is willing to show this gesture to others. Although he has repeatedly appeared as Kaiba in front of Hayato and An Yugi, he still He had no intention of revealing his true identity to them.

As for the game, will they guess that Seto Kaiba is Seto Kaiba? Oh, it's impossible, absolutely impossible.

Kaiba actually didn't want to reveal his identity in front of Isis unless necessary. Hum, even though she didn't look back, she must have been very shocked.


What is that? Looking at Seth, Kaiba took a deep breath, It's exactly the same?

Because of the rebels who disobeyed my orders, my gladiatorial disk was destroyed. Although it is possible to take away the gladiatorial disks that Shada and Simon who were imprisoned were not wearing, but there is no need for that.

The power of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon], which is as powerful as the gods, is now inhabiting my body and transformed into this costume, bringing me the powerful power I dream of. Set looked at the seahorse and said calmly, Whether it's speed, precision, destructive power or sustainability, I am now beyond the level of ordinary people!

As he spoke, Seth rushed forward and attacked Kaiba. Kaiba immediately punched him back. The fists of both parties separated after only one second. No one could do anything to the other. It seemed that It's evenly matched.

Subsequently, several punches of equal strength were thrown out by Kaiba and Set, and they collided together. The punches trailing the afterimages made people have some illusions. Both sides had multiple arms, and the recoil force of the continuous blows was not affected. The two of them didn't make a single move, but the ground beneath their feet was shattered into pieces.

After four or five seconds, Kaiba, although he never behaved like a student, still had much less fighting experience than Set, who had been commanding the army for many years. Set caught a flaw and kicked him in the leg. Shang flew out again, and Sett took the advantage.

However, Set did not pursue the victory, but stood there with great interest and said arrogantly: It's too slow, too slow. [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is the strongest existence, even if it is not using its own power, it is just This posture, the power and speed it can exert are also superior to yours!

Hmph, it looks like it's the same type of elf as my [Seahorse Man]. Although its range of movement is not large, its movements are powerful and precise.

Seeing Kaiba standing up from the ground, seemingly uninjured even though he had just been hit by him, Set said nonchalantly: I have tested it on those who assassinated me before, but there is no difference in strength at all. It’s impossible to express how powerful the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is, although I would like to compare how much stronger it is compared to your elf.”

Well, you don't know the result even if you don't try.

Kaiba looked at Set and took a deep breath.

I don't believe in the heresies of reincarnation and souls, but the Seth guy in front of me is similar in other aspects. Even the elf power he uses at this moment is actually the same as his [Seahorse Man]. .

What worries me even more is, does the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] actually exist in this era? Damn it, why is [Blue Eyes White Dragon] not mine!

Obviously, when Seth had not rebelled before, he had never seen this posture in him before. Where did he get the power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] during this period. Excluding the possibility that it was the underworld slate in the Thief Village, could it be that he got the power of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in the royal city?

In this royal city, there is only one person that Kaiba cares about the most, and that is the white-haired woman whom he had caught a glimpse of when he first came to the royal city. At that time, he felt the aura of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] As he approached the dungeon near the palace, he happened to see Set carrying the white-haired woman away.

Although some people can't understand the association between the gorgeous, graceful, powerful and elegant [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and a woman, but the more impossible things are, sometimes the more likely they are, and that woman might...

With thought, Seth and Kaiba mingled together. Although the two people with the power of elves were only mortals, they vented their power to each other as if the powerful elves themselves had come.

The fight between the two people who collided again destroyed a large area of ​​the square to pieces. How many minutes? No, it was just a few breaths away. It was as if two storms had met, and it seemed as if there were really two giant dragons fighting in the square.

On the terrace of the palace, the white-haired girl Qisara weakly held on to the railing and looked worriedly at Kaiba and Set below.

Another Set? she muttered to herself in confusion, and Qisara shook her head to reject her conjecture, No, it feels a little different. But the power in that person is indeed something that 'I' don't have. wrong.

But, Seth's situation... Looking at the two people who were still entangled on the ground, Qisara mustered up the courage to climb up to the terrace and jumped forward.

Below, Set and Kaiba's continuous fighting continues, and the intensity of the amplification obtained by them is almost exactly the same, making the speed, destructive power and precision that the two can exert are exactly the same. After taking advantage once, Kaiba also learned his lesson, which resulted in a complete stalemate between the two people with almost identical abilities, with no one gaining the upper hand.

However, as it continued for a long time, Set finally found a flaw. After he accelerated his fist with one hand to block Kaiba's attack, he used his free hand to strike decisively, and he was about to hit Kaiba's face directly. Door. Kaiba naturally noticed the blow and immediately reached out to block it.

idiot! How can you resist my powerful blow?

With a proud smile, Seth saw that the moment his fist touched Kaiba's arm, his glove began to dissipate.

Oops, oops, my strength has reached its limit! ?

Unlike Kaiba, who is directly supplied by himself, Set's power comes from the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] incarnated by Keshara. Although it can exert exactly the same intensity in most situations, but In terms of sustainability, it is far inferior.

Of course, it doesn't matter to ordinary enemies. It only takes a moment to destroy them with such a powerful force. But Kaiba is obviously different. He has pushed Seth's power to the limit. At this moment, he can hardly maintain this situation with [Kaiba]. People] are in the same state!

Not only the gauntlets, but even the windbreaker on Set began to change back into its original robe, and the helmet gradually became transparent, revealing the unexpected expression on Set's face.

And Kaiba obviously would not miss such a good opportunity. He easily blocked Seth's relatively weak punch without the bonus, and hit back with a serious punch with all his strength.


Bang! Boom!

Just when Set was about to be hit by the seahorse, a huge figure swooped down from high in the sky, knocking the seahorse away. It also added a breath to temporarily suppress it, making the seahorse unable to immediately Chasing Seth.

After two consecutive strikes knocked Kaiba back a certain distance, the huge figure flew back to Set's side, as if he was concerned about whether he was okay. The disgraced Kaiba stood up with difficulty and saw the true form of the huge figure.

White dragon scales, a slender and powerful body, graceful wings, a beautiful face and a pair of impressive blue eyes that combine temperament and courage. Kaiba has to drink a cup of hot milk every day before going to bed and then look at the other person for twenty minutes to get a baby-like sleep. He immediately recognized that it was the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon]... Looking at the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] falling next to Set, Kaiba clenched his fists. It is obvious that I have a certain advantage this time, so why do I have the illusion that I am the loser?

And after Keesara transformed into [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and forced Kaiba back, Set faced the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] who came to him with an angry expression: Damn it, the power is not enough at the critical moment. Hey. [Blue Eyes White Dragon], give me more power!

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No, wait a minute. Glancing at Kaiba, Seth thought for a while and then changed his mind, No need to give me power, I'll let you go this time, [Blue Eyes White Dragon], kill that guy for me.

'Sett...' After hearing Seth's words, Keesara, who transformed into [Blue Eyes White Dragon], was also stunned for a moment.

And Seth seemed to notice that Qisara was hesitant at this moment, and frowned and said: [Blue Eyes White Dragon], what are you waiting for? That person is my enemy, do you want to watch me helplessly? Killed?

Hearing that Seth seemed to be ordering [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] to attack him, although he didn't know why [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] didn't attack immediately, he had to prepare a response quickly. With this thought, Kaiba stood up. Come.

But as Kaiba stood up, the helmet on his head seemed to have failed to hold up under the impact just now, and cracked several gaps. Then it shattered with a kacha sound, revealing the gap.

The power Set had just received from Keshara was indeed about time, but if he could hold on for even a few more seconds, the situation would change. Everything that Kaiba transformed into [Seahorse Man] came from Kaiba himself. Whether it was the physical strength or magic power consumed, after repeated fights, he seemed to be approaching his limit.

However, we can't lose yet, at least not now, at least not to that Set.

Glancing behind him, Kaiba took a deep breath, stood up again, and faced Set and the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] beside Set.

Even though Seth could get the power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], there was never a reason why he could get the power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and I couldn't get [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. And I don’t believe that my power is limited to this. There must be power sleeping deeper, waiting for me to awaken.

Kaiba raised his hand and waved forward: Answer my call, my glory! My Tamashi!



On Kaiba, the rest of the changes when he transformed into [Seahorseman] faded away one by one. The white cloak on his body returned to a tattered appearance, the arm armor disappeared, and the helmet was completely broken. Other than that, there seems to be no other changes.

Hearing Kaiba suddenly shouting the name of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], Set raised his eyebrows and snorted: Huh, idiot, do you think you can get a response from the elf with your voice loud enough? What's more, you are still shouting [Blue Eyes White Dragon] Bailong] is simply stupid——

In the middle of Seth's words, the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on the side suddenly became excited and turned to look at Kaiba's side. Behind Kaiba, it was just a phantom at first, but the inside of the phantom was gradually filled up, revealing a posture that was indistinguishable from the [Blue Eyes White Dragon]?

No, it's impossible, that's [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!? Seth's eyes widened, almost as if he had just seen himself wearing the Seahorse Man seahorse.

You just said that your power comes from [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], right? I'm a little surprised why [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]'s power behaves exactly the same as [Haimaman]. Kaiba lowered his hand and looked at his face. Surprised, Seth raised the corner of his mouth, Although it sounds incredible, after excluding other answers, the only truth that remains.

That's [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. She seems to have always been by my side. It's just that I may have been a little too slow to react and didn't realize her existence until now.

Same type of elves... Hey, so what, even if you are the same [Blue Eyes], I don't think you can beat me! Seth said angrily, Anyone who hinders me will die!

You are the one who deserves to die, you evil monster!

Looking at each other tit for tat, Set and Kaiba shouted in unison: [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

Death's Burst Stream! X2

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