Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 146 Anubis is out of print!

I am a relatively steady person. Although I have great confidence in Seth, I have thought about what kind of compensatory measures and back-ups should be left in case the plan to help Seth become Pharaoh failed. Aknadi He didn't notice the strange expressions on the faces of the players in the game, and said to himself, For this reason, I, who is proficient in alchemy and the maker of the [Millennium Artifact], prepared the eighth [Millennium Artifact].

Just like there are five of the four heavenly kings and seven of the Pharaoh's six priests, no one was surprised when Akhnadi mentioned the eighth of the seven [Millennium Artifacts].

Compared to the other seven [Millennium Artifacts] that are directly powered by the evil god of darkness, Zuok Nerofa and have many strange abilities, the abilities of this eighth [Millennium Artifact] are relatively unremarkable, but It has a power that is absolutely superior to other [Millennium Artifacts] and can force their respective powers to be ineffective.

Maliku frowned upon hearing this: This ability sounds a bit like the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel]. Is it developed based on the [Thousand Years Wisdom Wheel] principle?

Aknadi nodded and continued: The [Millennium Eye] and [Millennium Key] will not be able to touch the user's heart, and the [Millennium Jewelry] and [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] will not be able to observe the user's existence. Scales] and [Thousand-Year Scepter] are also unable to measure and control the user, and I deliberately made them into the opposite shape to [Thousand-Year Cone].

However, compared to the [Millennium Artifact] that was exchanged for the souls of a villager in the Thief Village, I did not choose the resentful soul as the material when making this [Millennium Artifact], so it did not form a substantial gold material, but a A crystal clear substance, I call it the 'Pyramid of Light'.

Mana curled her lips: Even if you choose a name that sounds very upright, in the end, isn't it still a dark tool made with human life? You are just deceiving yourself and others.

What do you know? The 'Pyramid of Light' is not a [thousand-year artifact]. It is my way to ensure that if Set is defeated and reincarnated, someone will inherit my will and help him. Aknadi He glanced sideways at Mana and said contemptuously.

As the person who knows the most about alchemy here or in this entire era, he does have the qualification to be arrogant.

Only with enough purity can we achieve the intensity I expected, fully exert the power that suppresses the other [Millennium Artifact], and ensure that it will not affect the wearer due to use. To this end, I can say that I have put everything I have into I took out all the treasures, and in addition to the rare special materials, I also specially sealed my disciples as the souls of the 'Pyramid of Light'.

Mana, who really didn't know much about alchemy, was speechless, but she really couldn't refute Anakin in this regard, so she simply changed her mind: You said you want your disciples to inherit your will to assist Seth, who was reincarnated on the left, you killed people and yet you still willingly do things for others?

Oh, of course he doesn't want to, but I won't ask for his permission. Akhnadi smiled coldly, There are many restrictions in the 'Pyramid of Light', forcing him to help the reincarnated Set He has to defeat the reincarnation of the Pharaoh, and until then he can only help Seth but cannot interfere with Seth in the slightest.

Turning to look at the Yugi people on the other side, Aknadi continued: Although I don't know how far into the future you come from, but when the reincarnated Set gets the 'Pyramid of Light', the world will inevitably welcome Come and belong to his rule.”

Maliku smiled coldly: It's a good plan, but how can you be so sure that Seth's reincarnation can get the 'Pyramid of Light' you mentioned?

Hearing this, Akhnadi sighed and said calmly: Do you believe in gravity? Do you believe that there is gravity between people?

People will meet each other under the action of gravity. Even if they are reincarnated, Set and Pharaoh will probably still meet and become each other's opponents, and the 'Pyramid of Light' I created will inevitably fight under the action of gravity. They are around. In other words, this is fate.

After listening to Aknadi talking to himself until now, Jonouchi finally couldn't help but said: It sounds so nice, you guys have no idea how much trouble the 'Pyramid of Light' you made has caused us.

Yugi also sighed, looked at Akhnadi and said: Akhnadi, I want to confirm first whether your disciple, or 'Anubis', was a blond, muscular man when he was alive. A strong man?

My hair looks a bit permed, and my nose is quite big?

Aknadi was stunned: Is it possible that you have already seen Anubis in the future?

Haha, in that case you should have seen the power of the 'Pyramid of Light'. The reincarnation of Seth must have defeated the reincarnation of the Pharaoh with the help of Anubis and became the king who rules the world. Hahahahaha.

It's with the help of Anubis... maybe it doesn't matter. Jonouchi recalled the original situation. Kaiba indeed took the [Pyramid of Light] card to trick Yugi, and for a moment in the duel Gaining the upper hand, But the problem is that after Kaiba gained the advantage, Anubis jumped out immediately and almost killed Kaiba.

Several people briefly explained the original situation, leaving Anakin stunned.

And Maliku did not miss such a good opportunity, and took the opportunity to mock: The 'King of Light' and the 'King of Darkness', it is indeed the 'King of Light' that has the advantage, but the souls in the 'Pyramid of Light' He almost died in a sneak attack, so you didn’t do anything to help me, Akhnadi.”

Hey, shut up! Akhnadi frowned and said angrily, That bastard Anubis actually dares to defy me as his creator. He has decided to take away the 'Light' on this trip. Pyramid', I killed his soul by the way, I wonder how he will betray you in the future!

Anubis, out of print!

If there is no one to help the left, there will be no one to help the left. The reincarnation of Seth can conquer the world on his own!

When Kyoko heard Akhnadi's words, she felt that they sounded familiar. She recalled what happened on the sea fortress of Kaiba Gosaburo before the airship arrived at Alcatraz on the way to Duel City: Kaiba and Seth, they The destinies of the two are too similar, how come they both have a father who wants them to conquer the world.

Speaking of which, that guy Gosaburo also said that Kaiba would conquer the world. But no matter how you look at it, all that Kaiba can think about is playing cards, right? Jonouchi complained.

A few people smiled, but never thought that if Duel Monsters gradually became popular all over the world, gradually occupied an important position in all walks of life, and even played a vital role in some core fields, then the Kaiba Group as Duel Monster Cards It is one of the important enterprises for its existence and continuation. Has the seahorse that controls it also conquered the world from another perspective?

————Made in Heaven is accelerating————

On the other side, Isis, Kaiba, and Hayato, who was still in a coma, were escorted by the army and headed towards the royal city.

It's just that the journey is long, and they have already traveled long distances before, so the troops are not moving very fast. One day has passed, and they still have not arrived at the royal city. Seeing that one day was about to pass and they still hadn't arrived at the royal city, Isis, the supreme commander of the team, ordered them to camp where they were and rest for a night before continuing their journey.

However, not long after setting up camp, Isis learned from the soldiers who arranged to patrol that they had discovered a suspected deserter coming from the direction of the royal city.

Deserts? Kaiba, who was in front of the soldier and could not be seen by him, frowned in confusion and looked at Isis and said, Is your kingdom now at war with other countries? I didn't know anything about it before. Didn’t see it.”

It's normal to find no movement. We have no war with other countries. The previous pharaohs had pacified the surrounding countries more than ten years ago. Isis was also a little strange, However, there is no war, how could this happen? Someone suddenly became a deserter?

Maybe we'll find out if we go meet that 'deserter'. Kaiba crossed his arms across his chest and snorted, But most of the time it won't be a big deal. It can't be that something big happened in the royal city.

Under the leadership of the soldiers, Kaiba and Isis met the deserter who was temporarily guarded by the patrol team.

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Seeing the arrival of Isis, the soldier couldn't help showing a rather nervous expression. Isis felt that there was nothing unusual. After all, no matter what era, the treatment of the army may be different, but the treatment plan for deserters Usually the only result is beheading. If it is not harsh enough, everyone will become a deserter.

Although Isis is still very popular among the people because of her personality, after all, she is also a priest, a member of the power class, and has the power to execute deserters. It is normal for this deserter to be afraid of death. .

However, what surprised Kaiba was that the deserter was actually different from other ordinary people and could see his own existence.

And Kaiba also noticed that although the soldier seemed to be afraid that Isis would execute him, when he saw Isis walking in front, he just acted a little more nervous than before. It seems that he appeared after seeing himself?

Before Isis could ask questions, the deserter had already taken the initiative to speak. Being detained by the patrol, he could not kowtow to beg for mercy. He could only lower his head and beg in a sad voice: Please, please let me go. Come on, Lord Isis, Lord Set, please, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to be killed alive by monsters.”

Isis frowned, a little surprised by the soldier's words. It’s not surprising that the deserter would beg for mercy, but there’s something wrong with what he said about being “killed alive by a monster.” In comparison, the fact that he could see Seto Kaiba and mistook him for the betrayed Priest Set was much lighter.

Although relying on the gladiatorial disk and the slate that seals monsters, using monsters to fight is indeed the specialty of the priests, but as far as Isis knows, none of the six of them should have ever used monsters to punish prisoners. Even those on death row are mostly judged and sentenced according to normal laws.

No, calm down first, soldier. Isis decided that no matter how to deal with this deserter in the end, she still had to comfort him first, let him calm down, and tell him the information she wanted to know, No one said that I’ll execute you now, and you won’t die for the time being.”

The soldier who lowered his head to beg for mercy and whose whole body was trembling with fear paused and slowly raised his head. The frightened expression on his face did not go away. He looked at Isis who was comforting him and said, Really, really, Ais? Sith Priest, I won’t die for the time being?”

Yeah, so calm down first.

Although the deserter was indeed talking to Isis, Kaiba saw that his eyes were looking directly at him. Even if Isis promised again that he would not kill him now, the deserter was still looking at him. On your own side.

Frowning, Kaiba, who was also curious about what happened, said dissatisfiedly: Huh, since I said I won't kill him now, of course I won't regret it, but if you don't cooperate anymore, it may not be possible.

Yes, yes, Lord Set! The deserter nodded quickly and took a few deep breaths to calm down quickly. The patrol team controlling him also released his hand and let him go at Isis's signal.

Looking at your clothes, you should be a soldier in the city defense force stationed in the royal city. After looking at the marking stripes on the deserter's clothes, Isis said, Why do you want to be a deserter? What happened again in the royal city? What happened?

Isis is good at observation and analysis, and he can almost tell that the soldiers in front of him are more afraid of the seahorse behind him than himself, or maybe he is afraid because he mistook the seahorse for Set, but people like him Didn’t he return to the royal city to inform others of the news that Seth had betrayed him?

Hearing Isis' question, the deserter took a deep breath and replied: I am not a deserter, Lord Isis, I am, I am...

After saying I am two or three times, the deserter himself couldn't tell who he was. He said with some abandonment, I am a deserter who disobeyed orders and ran away.

Glancing at Kaiba again, the soldier thought of taking a gamble. He stood up and pointed at Set, and said to Isis: Priest Isis, Priest Set, he launched a rebellion in the royal city with the intention of usurping The place of Pharaoh!”

Not only did he imprison Priest Simon and Priest Shada, he also sent us soldiers, who are supposed to protect the people, to capture civilians for experiments in cultivating monsters. Please kill him immediately!

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