Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 147 I am doing something greedy

Just when Isis and Kaiba were stunned because the deserter from the royal city suddenly accused Set of his crimes, at the same time, in the royal city.

No, don't come near me!

Amidst the wails of a prisoner with shackled hands and feet, a beast-like monster in front of him stepped over the body of another monster on the ground and approached him. The monster on the ground seemed to have been summoned before.

Opposite the prisoner, there was another man dressed as a soldier. After hearing the prisoner's wailing, he couldn't help but show a hesitant expression on his face, and the beast monster also slowed down a bit.

As a soldier, he knew very well that the man standing opposite him was not a prisoner, but just an ordinary person who was arrested on unfounded charges. If you want to ask why he knows this, the reason is that he was the one who caught the other party in prison at that time.

Protecting civilians should be your duty as a soldier. Why is it like this? The soldier couldn't help but look at the figure sitting on the throne aside.

Priest Seth…

Set on the throne also noticed the soldier's gaze, because the other's movements were too slow, which made Set feel impatient and frowned. Behind the soldier, another soldier noticed that Set seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the soldier controlling the monster, and quickly poked the soldier in front of him in a subtle way.

What are you still dawdling about, hurry up and do it!

But, he is...

Then do you want to be arrested too?

Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, the soldier reminded again, Think of your family first!

Hearing these words, the soldier who controlled the monster froze for a moment, clenched his teeth, looked at the prisoner who fell to the ground in fright, and waved his hand.

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There was a clear but chilling sound of fractures, and the prisoner was killed by the monster without any resistance, causing Set to look away. After that, the soldier who commanded the monster lowered his arms slumpedly, as if his energy and energy had been completely drained.

Seeing Seth on the throne move his eyes and look at other places, the man who controlled the monster soldiers could not help but breathed a sigh of relief: Phew, I saved your life again, remember to treat me to a meal.

Captain, it's wrong for us to do this. He looked back at the captain who reminded him before looking behind him. The soldier's eyes were dull. Our duty is to protect the country and the people. We shouldn't...

Did you make something wrong, boy? The captain looked at the soldiers who were obviously confused and sighed, Our duty has always been to follow the instructions of the big shots and do anything. You are feeling guilty about being unimportant. Will anyone take action?

I shouldn't need to say more about the consequences of disobeying Lord Seth.

The captain said, pouting to the side.

Following the captain's gaze, the soldier saw dozens of living people being hung up and exposed to the sun. It is said to be a living person, but in fact it is no different from a corpse. The wounds made with swords all over the body have stopped bleeding after a day of exposure to the sun, but the vitality taken away is indeed real. At the same time, the dried blood also attracts Countless mosquito bites.

Just this morning, Priest Seth, who had left the royal city with the Pharaoh, returned to the royal city alone. Upon his return, before Priest Simon, who was concerned about the safety of the Pharaoh, could ask him about the situation of the Pharaoh, he suddenly preemptively attacked Priest Simon. , and imprisoned him.

The same thing happened to Priest Shada who was also staying in the royal city. Priest Seth was also attacked by him without setting up any defenses. He was subdued immediately and imprisoned with Priest Simon.

Faced with the restless soldiers in the palace, Priest Set declared that he was the same as the current pharaoh, had the same royal blood, and was equally qualified to become a pharaoh. Because the current Pharaoh's performance was too disappointing and his power was too weak, he decided that he would be the Pharaoh from today on.

To be honest, whether Seth can give a reason or not, it actually doesn't matter to the soldiers. Although the education they received since childhood is full of loyalty to the Pharaoh, their beliefs cannot be used as food. Eat, as long as Seth can give him the same treatment as before. Who should he serve as a soldier instead of a soldier?

Although some soldiers still couldn't accept that Seth, a guy of civilian origin, suddenly used unfounded reasons to usurp the throne, and was bewitched by some noble forces in the royal city to kill Seth who was disrespectful to the Pharaoh, but when they stood in Seth When I was facing him, I remembered something.

A monster like a demon descended on Seth's order, and it took almost only a few minutes to put down the rebellion that the nobles had planned for dozens of minutes. And unlike the previous two pharaohs that the nobles had experienced, Set Carrying out the resolute and unsparing style he had used as an army commander in the past, no one could survive that rebellion.

In this way, Seth became Pharaoh in less than a few hours. At least this royal city was completely under his control.

But after the new pharaoh took office, the first order Seth issued was to let the soldiers arrest people in the city to replenish the number of prisoners in the cells. And there was not even a reason. He just randomly designated a few areas and then Just let the soldiers arrest people indiscriminately.

While asking people to replenish the number of prisoners, Set used a magical method to let the soldiers he arranged to awaken the monsters in their hearts one by one, and let the soldiers fight with the prisoners who had also awakened monsters. .

Seth's behavior can be said to be getting better and better little by little. After he asked the soldiers to massacre the prisoners who were originally innocent civilians, he ushered in a second wave of backlash.

However, because of the lessons learned from previous noble rebellions, the method they chose this time was to assassinate Seth and take advantage of his carelessness to kill him and end this nightmare rule.

The first half of the assassination plan was successful. With the help of several court mages, the assassin who carried out the assassination plan immediately destroyed the duel disk in Set's hand that had the ability to summon the slate monster, making Set unable to immediately Summoning his powerful monster, several assassins swarmed him.

Then, [White Dragon] appeared next to Set and killed all the assassins. It seemed that he felt that his method of killing people before was powerful but not cruel enough. Set brought those who had provided help to the assassins All the people were hanged up as a warning to others.

That is, the bodies the soldiers saw at this moment.

The second set of exercises is completed, substitutions.

An officer greeted him, and after hearing this, the captain quickly pushed the soldier and asked him to return to the team. The mission of their group was completed for the time being, and it was time for the next group to move on. As the leader of the team, he naturally had to quickly arrange the rotation of the soldiers so as not to affect the mission issued by Set.

But what about exercise? The captain glanced at Seth on the throne, and a smile appeared on his lips, but he didn't know how much bitterness and contempt there was in this smile.

During his tenure as the commander-in-chief of the army, although Lord Seth was strict, he always made clear rewards and punishments, because his civilian background never had the problems of those noble men. Although he was not considered good among the common people because of his temperament and demeanor, But he is still quite popular among the army.

What on earth made you become like this, Lord Set...

Naturally, Seth would not know what one of the many soldiers in front of him was thinking, but even if he knew it, Seth would not take it to heart.

Akhnadi's method is to let power flow in the direction of the strong and victor through fighting between people, and to gather countless powers into one person to try to reach the realm of God. Sitting on the throne, Set looked at the fighting ahead with an expressionless expression, My naive idea before was to awaken the power of elves in as many people as possible and improve the overall power level.

However, these two ideas are too immature. Once the power gained in the end changes slightly in the former, it means that all the previous efforts have been in vain, and we cannot bear the accident; while the latter can be awakened because of the different talents of each person. The elves have different strengths and it is difficult to form a stable military force.

However, as long as these two powers are combined, more than one part of the powerful power can be obtained. Everyone can improve the power of the elves through 'exercise', and eventually everyone can have the power of a dragon. Everyone is like a dragon!”

This is what I want, to be able to protect this country!

Hmm, hehe, hehe, hehe, hehe!

Beside the throne, looking at Seth who gave a standard villain-like three-part smile, Keesara, who was sitting next to him because of the other party's arrangement, felt strange to Seth for a moment.

Sett, if you do that, you will sacrifice many people who don't deserve to die...

In Chisara's impression, Seth is a person who is cold-hearted but a bit arrogant and unkind, but actually quite friendly and wants to be a partner of justice. But now, what did she see? She saw Seth actually commanding soldiers to kill those they were supposed to protect.

After just one day of missing each other, what happened to Seth? Is he still the Seth he knew?

After hearing Qisara's words, Set turned around and looked at the tangled expression on Qisara's face, as if he could see the distress in the other party's heart. Then, for the first time, Set made an action that he would never have made before.

Suddenly he took hold of Chisara's catkin, lifted the other person's hand and put it against his cheek. Feeling Chisala's delicate, white and tender skin, Seth smiled gently: You are so beautiful. Keesara.”


Suddenly being held by Seth, and hearing Seth say such straightforward words, a blush crept onto Qisara's fair cheeks, and she felt a little at a loss for a moment, and even what she had just been thinking about was instantly forgotten. In the back of my mind.

Set him, what is he going to do when he suddenly says this to others! ?

Your hands, joints and skin are very soft, and your white fingers are also very cute. Rubbing them on my cheeks makes me feel quite calm. Seth looked at the blushing Qisha, and continued Said, Kisara, I know very well what irreversible things I am doing in order to gain power.

However, I also know very well what will happen if I don't have the power. This is a 'necessary evil' that must be done to protect this country. As long as I can protect this country, I will bear the burden of this evil. , My heart and my conduct are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous!

After saying this, Seth, who looked upright, looked at Qisara affectionately, and then said: This is to protect you.


Keesara felt like she was going to sink. To actually say that he wanted to protect me, Seth said it was too, too...but, he said that he wanted to protect me, it felt so good.

Looking at Qisara, who had almost been dealt with, Set smiled again, and then said: However, I am so greedy, can you lend me your power again, Qisara?

Chisara, who couldn't deal with Set at all, could hardly think too much. She nodded, stood up and took two steps forward. Under the gaze of the soldiers in the audience, Keshara opened her arms and exuded holy white light, transforming into the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] full of sacred aura.

Seth looked at the white spiritual dragon in front of him and showed a foolish smile, bathing in the sacred power transmitted from the white dragon.

Although the usurpation initiated by Seth seemed to be somewhat impromptu, his implementation was quite clear. In the first step after returning to the royal city, he relied on the differences in mutual cognition to combine the two. Priest Simon and Priest Shada, whom he regarded as his enemies, took control.

The priest who can summon the slate monster is a top-level combat force with huge influence. Although Seth is confident that even if the two of them join forces, they will not be his opponent who got power from the underworld slate, but it would be better to have less trouble. But that's it.

Without the priest, only being able to summon the slate monster gave him the absolute power in the royal city. However, this was still not enough. He needed the powerful power that he could exert even without the gladiatorial disk, which was what he had been eyeing for a long time. Keesara.

However, Set did not choose to kill Keshara to take away the power of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in her body. Instead, he chose to bring the other party with him and use words to make the other party actively give the power to him for use. .

Because Qisara is far away from the crowd and has little experience in the world, it is not easy for Seth to deal with it now. It was also the case before. Qisara stored part of the power of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in Set's body and succeeded in that assassination. It served its purpose, and it does so now.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon] changed back to Qisara's appearance, and fell back to Sett with a weak look on her face, being supported by him. And feeling the power filling his body again, the corners of Seth's mouth couldn't help but rise.

The slate monster, the underworld slate, and the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] throw tiles, I, Seth, am invincible in the world, who can kill me!

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