Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 145: Endless descendants

Yami Yumu and the others finally untied Aknadi. On the one hand, it was true as he said. If he was to lead the way, it would be inconvenient to tie him up. On the other hand, even though they saw an old man with good muscles being tied up by a tortoise shell at first sight, You will feel a bit happy when you tie it, but it will be too eye-catching if you look at it more.

However, this does not mean letting go of Aknadi completely. In addition to Mana using Aknadi as a teaching material under the guidance of the [Black Magician] and applying a spell to seal the magic power, shackles to restrict movement are also indispensable. , after all, no one would rest assured that Akhnadi, who had always been hostile, could move around freely.

It's better than nothing. At least I can scratch my own itch now. Akhnadi could see it. He still looked indifferent even though his hands were tied, But speaking of which, Seth took away the [Millennium Jewelry] ]How long has it been?

It's been about an hour, right? Although he didn't know why Anakin asked this, Honda looked up at the position of the sun in the sky, estimated the time and replied. This is a tip he learned in Hawaii to tell the time in the wilderness.

In that case, there's about an hour left. Akhnadi nodded and said, There may be some deviations, but because I have been linked to the underworld slate before, the estimated time should not be too far off. The Great Evil God of Darkness Zuo There should be about an hour left before we can get the [Millennium Jewelry] and open the seal to be resurrected.

A few minutes before the great evil god of darkness is resurrected, his dark power should overflow from the slabs of the underworld and dye the sky black, so we have to get the things I left behind before the sky turns black.

If we think of a way before the Dark Evil God is resurrected, there is still a chance that the problem can be solved, but if it is resurrected beyond this time, the hope becomes slim. So without further ado, let's hurry up lets go.

Hearing this, Maliku curled his lips at Aknadi and said, After talking for a long time, you still haven't told us what we are looking for, so what use can it have?

With the support of several attendants, Aknadi sat on the back of the camel where Maliku was. However, even with his hands cuffed, Aknadi's performance on the camel was better than Maliku's.

Don't be anxious, Maliku Yinshudar, I will tell you on the way. Now hurry up. Looking at Maliku sitting in front of him, Aknadi grinned.

Emperor Akna said so, and An Yuxi nodded to the others, and several people left the team on horseback.

The place they were going to next did not require an army, and Isis and Hayato were both in a state of inconvenience, so they were not suitable for adventures following Akhnadi's guidance.

After discussion, everyone finally decided that the four of them, Yugi, Jonouchi, Kyoko, and Honda, plus Yami Yugi, Mana, Mariku, and Akhnadi, a total of eight people collectively went to the location mentioned by Akhnadi. , and Isis led the troops to escort her and Hayato back to the royal city, and Kaiba was also accompanying them.

Kaiba was not interested in things that were mysterious and ghostly at all, nor did he think Aknadi, who was full of magic and alchemy, could really lead Yugi and the others to find the power to deal with the evil god of darkness. Compared to those things, Kaiba, who was accidentally taken away from the royal city by Hayato, was more concerned about the woman he had glimpsed before.

After the two teams separated and distanced themselves for a period of time, they looked back from the direction where the desert had blocked their view from behind. Aknadi turned his head and looked at the Egyptian who was riding a camel, who was more embarrassed than Malikul. A more skilled Honda: What's that child's name?

Huh? You mean, that guy from Kaiba? Honda was stunned, wondering why Aknadi suddenly asked about Kaiba. Seeing Anakina nod his head, Honda felt that there was nothing he couldn't say, and said, His full name is Seto Kaiba. He is our companion. Although he always looks unsociable, basically everyone Everyone knows that he is just a tsundere and usually expresses his emotions in the opposite way.”

Oh, by the way, the disdain for Jonouchi is not fake. He really doesn't get along with Jonouchi. Basically, whenever we meet, he always says to Jonouchi, 'You are a second-rate duelist with a third-rate deck.' Mortal, mediocre, three-legged cat and the like.”

There's no need for that final imitation session, Honda!

Jonouchi said angrily, If you say I'm a three-legged cat or something, how awesome is that Kaiba guy? At least the academic qualifications I can produce in the future are better than that guy's. That guy has been absent from school for a long time.

Yugi scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: Well, Jonouchi, you may not know that Kaiba has not come to school since a long time ago. In fact, it is because he graduated early and received the admission notice from Tokyo University. , it’s just that he wanted to take over the Kaiba Group, so he refused.”

Yeah, I'm not some stubborn idiot who still worries about test scores. Kyoko said, alluding to Jonouchi.

After hearing the words of a few people, the corners of Akhnadi's lips slightly raised: Seto Kaiba, Seto... Although he doesn't know much about graduation, that kid should be quite smart, right?

That's true. I remember Hayato said that although he talks a lot about science, Kaiba's mind is capable of achieving the level of manpower to realize magic. Even if one day builds a time machine or a tool to travel between the human world and the underworld, it will not be enough. strange.

Aknadi nodded again and asked again: But, is the child's surname called Haima? Why is it such a surname? Shouldn't it be Egyptian?

Egyptian? I don't know, because Kaiba was adopted. He and his younger brother Keipei were adopted by a man named Kaiba Gozaburo, so he got the surname Kaiba. But it is said that Seto was born in him. The name was not chosen later.”

Seeing Akhnadi nodding to himself, Honda was a little surprised: Why are you suddenly so interested in Kaiba? You probably couldn't have known him before.

Haha, of course I don't know him, but just hearing about his existence, I feel that our operation has a high success rate this time, and it will definitely correct Seth's twisted thinking. Aknadi smiled, He didn't continue talking.

In his opinion, the answer was obvious. Not to mention the coincidental names with exactly the same pronunciation. Just looking at Seth and Seto Kaiba's appearance and exactly the same personality, no matter how you look at it, as a starfish-headed brat, The future people of these people, Seto Kaiba, are definitely descendants of Set.

Since there are descendants of Seth left in the future, it means that his wish has been fulfilled. Although he doesn't know how bumpy the process will be, in the end he will definitely be able to correct Seth's current twisted thinking and let him leave descendants. Come.

As for why the names of Seth’s descendants don’t look like Egyptians at all? Didn't these little brats say that Seto Kaiba was adopted? Maybe he was separated from his parents due to a war with others when he was a child, or Seto Kaiba turned out to be an Egyptian.

It's as if this starfish-headed brat looks exactly like Aknam's son with a mutated hairstyle. Even though he calls him Aibo and another me so intimately, Maybe the two of them are also related to ancestors and descendants.

But speaking of it, that old guy Simon's hair seemed to be quite colorful when he was young and before he turned white. Could it be that the crybaby from Arknum was attracted by Simon... No, it should be just a coincidence.

Cursing his brother who died young in his heart, Akhnadi changed the subject: When I deciphered the secrets of the [Millennium Magic Book], because I knew that the manufacture of the [Millennium Artifact] required communication with the will of another world, in order to To be on the safe side, I actually left more than one copy behind.

In order to prevent others after me from interpreting the manufacturing method of the [Millennium Artifact] and communicating with the Dark Evil God again, I disassembled the [Millennium Magic Book] into several copies, each of which briefly recorded some interpretations, Separate them and hand them over to trustworthy people in various places for preservation. Regarding the truth about the [Millennium Artifact], I handed it over to the Yinxiudar clan.

Huh? Does that book actually contain such exciting content!? Maliku was stunned and turned around, Why didn't I think of reading it before? Damn, I missed out on the fun.

It's a pity that what I recorded on it is also encrypted. If you don't even have basic knowledge of alchemy, it's impossible to understand what's written on it. Aknadi glanced at Maliku with disgust. He said contemptuously, To put it bluntly, that thing requires brains. It's in vain if you look at it. Otherwise, how could I safely hand it over to others?

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Damn you!

Speaking in beautiful Egyptian dialect, Maliku wanted to turn around and punch Aknadi for actually looking down on him.

Unfortunately, it was as far as he could sit still on the camel. No matter how much he, Maliku, is also the patriarch of Yinxiudar, no way! I will definitely study that book when I go back! Even if you can't understand it alone, you will still have your son after your death, and your son will still have your grandchildren after your son dies, and your children and grandchildren will be endless!

Maliku Yu Yinshudar thought of this and became silly and happy, like a three-year-old child.

Oh, no wonder Mana and I have been to almost every place in the palace over the years, even under the prince's bed and on the roof. I have never seen the magic book. It turns out it has been hidden.

Mana said casually, seemingly revealing something terrible inadvertently. Kyoko, who was behind her, gave Mana, who was sitting in front, a death glare.

The game reminded them of the incomplete magic book that they saw in the Tomb Keeper clan under the leadership of the former leader Geb not long after they arrived in Egypt in the real world. It had records about the [Millennium Artifact]. 】A part of the truth created, but it is not complete.

Aknadi didn't pay attention and continued: Secondly, when communicating with other worlds and bringing the Dark Evil God to this world, normally in order to prevent the Dark Evil God who supplies energy for the [Millennium Artifact] from leaving, The passage to this world is completely blocked.

However, because I felt that the world where the Great Evil God of Darkness once lived seemed to be a higher world, I deliberately did not close the passage completely, but only narrowed it to the extent that Zuo Ke could not return but people could pass through. What if this world is played by humans one day? When it collapsed, I thought I could use that passage to upgrade to a higher world and escape. Similarly, I recorded this method in a part of the [Millennium Magic Book] and gave it to the Xin family for safekeeping.

The other tomb-guarding clan that Priest Shada belongs to, the Xin clan? An Yuxi thought about it and said, and if he remembered correctly, the Xia Di who appeared in front of them more than once in modern times seemed to have He introduced himself as Xia Di Xin. Just like Yin Xisi and Malik, Xia Di should be the inheritor of the Xin family.

However, Yami Yugi doesn't think the two methods mentioned by Akhnadi are very reliable. First of all, it is impossible for him to recreate the evil god of darkness Zok Nerofa in order to defeat the original body of Tapirang. Putting aside the merits of a [Millennium Artifact] strategy to drive away tigers and devour wolves, the mere fact of creating massacre makes this plan out of the scope of Yami Yugi's consideration.

The lousy choice of upgrading to a higher dimension is also passable. Although the performance of this ultimate dark game is compared to a tabletop RPG, the dark game actually feels more like the StarCraft released a few years ago. Although he has also played RTS (real-time strategy) games, unlike Hayato, he doesn't like the house-changing tactics of a player named F91.

In the eyes of An Yugi, the choice of upgrading to a higher dimension is a change of direction. It is not his style to just show off if he can't defeat Zuo Ke. How can a real duelist change his attack route to steal someone else's back door when the situation is not going well? Oh, except Hayato.

Although Akhnadi no longer has the [Millennium Eye] that can see through people's thoughts, the thoughts on An Yuxi's face are still easy to understand. He can also observe people's words and expressions, and then said: I know that Pharaoh, you are right. I’m not interested in these two options, so I chose to bring you here.”

Following Akhnadi's guidance, everyone came to a mediocre hill. Akhnadi, who was sitting on a camel, continued: After being immersed in my mind by the dark power, I felt that my brain was instantly opened up. Shao, now I think that as long as it can help me achieve my goal, it doesn't matter even if I give up the things that I once valued very much.

Among them are my former disciples.

In order to better pass on their respective [Millennium Artifact], each priest basically has his own disciple to pass on the mantle. Just like Simon who has passed on the [Millennium Key] to Shada, Mahad also had a pass on the mantle. Plan for Mana, and Akhnadi is naturally no exception.

Looking into the distance, Akhnadi said: He is buried in front now, together with the third method I left behind. His name has no meaning during his lifetime, but I gave him a name after death. …”

After a pause, the name Akhnadi said made everyone from modern times subconsciously widen their eyes, thinking of the Pyramid of Light incident that almost killed Hayato.


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