Aknadi had previously wanted to sacrifice Keshara in order to make Set a pharaoh and help him gain enough power. But at that time, Aknadi was very dissatisfied with Set's unwillingness to give up Chisara, and finally had to give up.

But his dissatisfaction at that time was just a little disappointed that Seth valued the love between his children too much. It's one thing to value feelings too much, but it's another thing to completely give up on feelings. According to what the starfish-headed brat of the same style as the Pharaoh said, that boy Seth shouldn't be thinking only about throwing tiles and not thinking about women at all. Bar! ?

You don't want that kind of thing, at least leave a descendant first. If this continues, that kid won't be extinct directly, right? In what direction did Tapirang change Seth's thinking?

Seth would have become Pharaoh by then. Wouldn't he not even marry a princess, but just adopt a kid as his heir? How could that kind of brat fulfill the position of pharaoh? The kingdom would definitely be defeated by that kind of person. Wouldn't that situation be worse than being defeated by Aknam's son!

Aknadi, whose expression suddenly changed, said righteously: I thought about it carefully, and a clean reputation is actually quite important.

Okay, Pharaoh, I'm willing to cooperate with you. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask. I will definitely tell you everything. In addition, as long as you can correct Seth's idea, even if you don't leave me innocent, It doesn’t matter what your reputation is.”

Yugi turned around and gave an OK gesture to everyone.

It's really yours, Yugi. Jonouchi gave a thumbs up and praised, looking at Aknadi, he asked, We have never been to that thief village called Ke or something, let alone seen the seal that is said to be On the stone tablet showing the true form of Tapir Liang, please first tell us what he is.

After the negotiation was completed, Aknadi was more cooperative than before, and immediately replied: I guess you should have understood the truth behind the creation of the [Millennium Artifact] from all aspects, right? Regarding what is under the stone slab, That evil will must start before I made the [Millennium Artifact].

A long time ago, long before I was born, there was a book passed down in the kingdom that no one could decipher, called the [Millennium Magic Book]. It was said that it was passed down from other worlds, and it contained magical powers. The knowledge, even when it cannot be deciphered, can derive powerful power, that is, the magic practiced by the court mages.

However, this situation continued until my appearance. I am not bragging. In terms of interpretation of the [Millennium Magic Book], I have completely surpassed everyone in the past, and even led the next 500 years.

Mana was also a little surprised when she heard this: Huh? Why is it called [Thousand-Year Magic Book]? Is that the origin of magic?

Mana-chan, when you were practicing magic, weren't you ever curious about who invented magic? Kyoko asked a little strangely.

Mana put her hands on her hips and said proudly: Not at all. Do you remember how many slices of bread you ate?

Thirteen pieces, I am a Japanese foodist.

Oh, Mana, I don't really like bread either. I prefer cakes.

Mana subconsciously communicated with Kyoko, but Yami Yugi still remembered the business, We'll talk about sweets later, the focus is on the book. Aknadi, keep talking.

I think you don't understand women's hearts at all, Pharaoh. Looking at Xingzi and Mana, Akhnadi showed an unclear smile and said contemptuously, In short, I have achieved a breakthrough of 0, for the first time. A technique called 'Dark Alchemy' was decoded from the [Millennium Magic Book].

It was a time of war and the kingdom was in crisis. In order to gain the power to protect the kingdom, I chose to give up my status as a royal family to create the [Millennium Artifact]. However, making the [Millennium Artifact] not only required me to create massacres and obtain resentful souls In addition, a powerful being is needed to provide power for the [Millennium Artifact].

That is the evil god from another world that I communicated with through alchemy. His name is Zuok Nerofa. It is said that his power comes from the darkness that exists in the world. As long as darkness exists, the power of the evil god will continue to be generated. It symbolizes endless darkness. Therefore, it is perfect as the source of power for the [Millennium Artifact].

Hearing this, Maliku interrupted Akhnadi impatiently: Yes, we do know what that evil will is now, but bragging is enough, we have not surrendered to the other party. It’s not necessary to know how powerful the other party is, so why can’t you just get right to the point and talk about how you can eliminate the other party?”

Aknadi shook his head: How to eliminate the opponent? That kind of thing does not exist. It is because I know this. Although that guy has been bewitching me since I created the [Millennium Artifact], I have never As he wished, he placed the [Millennium Artifact] on the stone slab that sealed it.

Even before, I stood on its side as the 'Great Priest of Darkness', and I have always resisted its control and never took off the [Millennium Eye]. After a pause, Emperor Akna once again used sarcasm Looking at Yami Yugi with an expression on his face, As a result, because you idiots came to the door on your own initiative, that guy now has six [Millennium Artifacts] on hand.

Oh, by the way, Seth also stole the [Millennium Jewelry]? Ha, Zuo Ke has already collected seven [Millennium Artifacts]. That's it. It's over. We can't win.

If he wasn't still tied up now, Akhnadi would have wanted to spread his hands and move.

Do you, this guy, just say some depressing words? Pharaoh, I suggest you drag this old guy out and kill him directly. Maliku took the opportunity to encourage An Yuxi.

An Yuxi shook his head and did not listen to Maliku's words. Instead, he looked at Aknadi who looked indifferent and said: I don't know if I can win. I only know that I must not give up until the last moment.

Yugi also said from the side: Although you want to show that you don't care, but Aknadi, you don't want Seth's future as Pharaoh to be destroyed, right? I guess you must know something that can give us strength. .”

Anakin frowned, glanced at the game, and curled his lips: Hey, what's the matter with you little brat? I always feel that I know a little too much about people's hearts. At first glance, you are good material for conspiracy and persecution.

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Okay, I do know a method that may be effective for the other party, if you can accept it. After a pause, Akhnadi looked down, But before I take you where, I can't give you Should I let go?

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