Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 131 Being too lazy to give a name is also a kind of title

Hayato was a little helpless that the card Datsu drew this round was actually the [Life-Destroying Treasure Card].

Even if it were replaced with any other cards, such as Feather Sweep, Lightning Strike and other cards, Hayato would be able to take them. After all, the two cover cards in his backfield were not just decorations. However, the one Dazi drew had the effect of checking the cards. The extremely shameless [Life-Destroying Treasure Card].

Draw cards from the deck until I have five cards in my hand. Dazi paused mid-sentence, and then Hayato reluctantly continued, Then you have to pay a huge price. Discard all the cards in your hand after one turn.

Don't use this stupid effect, Tatsu. Hayato waved his hand, When I go back, I will definitely let Kaiba and Becas cut this card. No one who uses this card will want it. Face.

Oh, Hayato also has this card, so that’s okay.

After taking a look at the five cards he had drawn, Dazi smiled and said to Hayato: I'm afraid I can't do what you want, Hayato, because in this duel, after I drew the current hand of cards, the winner has been obvious. .”

Being able to draw the [Life-Destroying Treasure Card] at such a critical moment, there is no doubt that the fate of this planet is also leaning towards me, wanting me to destroy the worm-like human race!

The wind of victory is blowing from behind me, Dazi!

Dazi said, pulling out a card and raising it above his head: Just in case, I will activate this card first, the magic card [Big Storm]!

Destroy all magic and trap cards on both sides of the field!

As Dazi activated [Big Storm] and inserted the card into the duel plate, the two of them were surrounded by a sudden rising hurricane. Although it was said to destroy all cards on both sides, the only one with magic and trap cards at this moment was Hayato. Hayato's [Future Fusion] and two cover cards on the back field began to tremble in the strong wind.

However, Hayato had already anticipated that such a situation would occur, and had already blocked a card that could deal with damage to the front or backcourt, and immediately pressed the button to activate the block.

Don't try to destroy the cover card in my backcourt, Datsu, I am the approaching storm! Hayato waved his hand, and the card next to him opened, revealing the card, See this throwing tiles, trap card [scapegoat] dark】!

This can only be activated when the opponent's magic, trap, or monster effect is activated to destroy a card on the field. That effect is invalid, and then I send a dark attribute monster with level 3☆ or lower from the deck to the graveyard!

This is what Hayato has prepared. Whether it is [Black Hole] or [Feather Sweeper], it is the ultimate trap. It is impossible to destroy Hayato's precious backcourt with just one [Big Storm], and even Hayato can also accurately stack a powerful monster card from the deck.

With this in mind, Hayato caught the level 1☆ powerful monster retrieved from the duel disk - [Eternal Fire Death Gunner] and sent it to the graveyard. In front of him, the phantom of the [Eternal Fire Death Gunner] appeared, pointed at the approaching storm, raised the revolver in his hand, and pulled the trigger.

The storm was instantly broken by a seemingly small bullet, and the figure of the Eternal Fire Death Gunner with all its strength also disappeared from Hayato's side.

Thank you, [Eternal Fire Death Gunner]. After thanking the card beside him, Hayato looked at Datsu and said, Did you see it, Datsu, this is proof of the mutual trust between me and the card I cherish. , don’t even think about shaking the bond between us.”

Dazi saw that although [Big Storm] revealed one of Hayato's backcourt cover cards, it did not achieve the maximum effect. He didn't care much at first and just thought that he had used [Tornado] to dismantle one of Hayato's traps, but He frowned when he heard that Hayato still believed in the power of elves.

Knowing that Hayato would be hard to convince, Datsu took a deep breath and said, Is it really like that, Hayato, that nothing can shake the bond between you? No, it's not like that. Elves are untrustworthy beings.

Drawing a card, Dazi chose to prove his point to Hayato with facts: I want to activate this equipment magic card, [Contract Fulfillment]! Pay 800 basic points to resurrect a ritual monster in my graveyard and equip it. This card.”

Continue to complete the unfinished contract and resurrect from my graveyard, [Naji Demon]!

A contract appeared on the field of Dazi. As a black energy surged from Dazi's body, his basic decomposition became the bloody font that slowly appeared on the contract. The paper was torn open by a pair of sharp claws. Before [Naji Demon], which was destroyed by [Yaoguang Dragon Girl], appeared again on the Dazi field.


【Naji Mo】(Contract Fulfillment)【atk0】

White teeth! There is no card in my back field that can counter the effect of [Sacrifice Demon] again. Hayato was filled with tension when he saw the [Najima] appearing on the field again.

Although he has put cards such as [Skill Extraction] in the deck that can negate monster effects, Hayato just chose to use [Diastrophic Dragon Girl] to negate the effect and destroy [Najima] instead of activating it. It can be seen from the cards that Hayato has not drawn those cards yet.

Of course, it’s actually no longer available.

Looking at the [Royal Palace's Order], [Skill Extraction], and the ace card in his deck, the invincible [Psychic Ectoplasm] that were sent to the graveyard by Xiao Lan's pile at the beginning of the round, Hayato said silently sigh. You actually sent my Pendulum card to the cemetery. That's unforgivable, Xiao Lan!

(Xiaolan: You said thank you to me last round!)

Although at the beginning of the main stage, Dazi had already activated [Naji Mo] once in order to deceive [Yaoguang Dragon Girl]'s health, which was an effect that could only be used once in that round, but as [Naji Mo] was sent After entering the graveyard and then resurrecting, its effect is reset and can be activated again.

Duel Monsters is amazing.

Activate the effect of [Nasa Demon], target one monster on the opponent's field once per turn, and equip that monster on it, so that [Nasa Demon] will gain the same attack and defense power as the equipped monster.

As Tatsu spoke, he pointed at Hayato's [Chimeric Overload Dragon] with the highest attack power on the field, The monster I chose is your [Chimeric Overload Dragon] that was changed to defense position by [Change Fate]. , instead of ushering in this ugly appearance at the end of a shattered destiny, why not become one of my nutrients for destroying the world!

Amidst the unwilling roar of [Chimeric Overload Dragon], [Naji Demon]'s widened one eye released a purple light that enveloped its entire body, causing the huge mechanical dragon to slowly sink into the ground, replaced by [ The unfolded flesh wings of Naji Demon revealed a bulge in the shape of Chimeric Overload Dragon, as if it was being sealed inside.

And Hayato could only watch his old friend leave, helplessly facing the [Najima] whose attack power began to soar.

[Naji Demon] (Contract fulfillment, Chimera Overload Dragon) [atk04000]

[Naji Demon], who had been languishing for a long time and had always been a mere fish on the field, after playing the role of grandson for nearly two rounds, finally rose up by absorbing the power of [Chimeric Overload Dragon] and became the leader of the field. The existence with the highest attack power.

Although Dazi's [Najima] is compared to Bekas's [Najima], not only can it absorb only one monster, but it also cannot obtain the effect of [Chimeric Overload Dragon] at the same time. Even the preserved monsters cannot be absorbed. The effect of reflected damage has also become shared damage, but a monster with an attack power of 4000 points is already powerful enough on its own.

Especially when Hayato has an attack power of 2800 points [Earth Spirit God-Gransol] on the field and a blue-eye attack power of [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper], both of which are in attack position.

However, based on Dazi's current layout on the field, although it will bring some trouble to Hayato, it is not fatal. At most, it will only knock his basic points into the wind.

In order to win, Hayato even began to shamelessly breastfeed himself.

But the problem is that after using [Naji Demon] to absorb [Chimeric Overload Dragon], Dazi had no idea of ​​entering the combat stage, but instead took out the card in his hand again and planned to continue the expansion.

Having seen your monster switch to the opponent's camp, Hayato, how do you feel now? I have said it before, the power of elves is unreliable, and you should not trust them, but completely dominate them. . Looking at Hayato, Dazi inserted a card into the magic trap area and said calmly, Elves are that kind of unreliable existence!

With this [Lightning Strike], I will destroy all those annoying card spirits around you, Hayato!

As Datsu's card was activated, four powerful beams of lightning fell out of thin air from above Hayato's field, crashing down on the four monsters.

I have to say that Datsu is really a thief. First, he pretended that he wanted to prevent the arrival of [Five Divine Dragons] so he wanted to use [Big Storm] to destroy [Future Fusion] and two unknown cover cards, forcing Hayato to have to lower the Loss activates [The Darkness of Scapecution].

So now, Hayato, who has another card in the backfield that is not a card like [Scapic Darkness] that can be effectively destroyed, can only watch the lightning strike.

[Earth Spirit God-Gransol], [Half-Dragon Maid·Laundry Lady], [Half-Dragon Maid·Nursing Dragon Lady], [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper], all destroyed!


The power of [Lightning Strike] destroyed all the monsters on Hayato's field in one go, and Tatsu's proud laughter also sounded.

Hahahahaha, finally, those annoying monsters have finally left your side, Hayato!

The laughing Tazi put on a pose. Malik looked at the silent and full-faced Yanyi who was in tears. He looked at Hayato and said, How pitiful, Hayato. Look, the elves have really left you one after another. ?”

You should know that only I am your friend, and only I need you!

Stop it, where did you come from? Dazi said something like I'm sorry, I love you for fear of getting high, and Hayato, who had goosebumps, quickly interrupted him.

Seeing Hayato's expression of resistance, Dazi didn't care, but waved and said: You still don't want to join me, Hayato, but it doesn't matter, because there is no doubt that this duel is over, and the fate of mankind is only One, that is, after you are defeated by me, you will usher in destruction and become fertile soil for the birth of a new world!

The next step is to enter my battle phase. The first thing is the direct attack of [God of Ten Thousand Hands]!

The Bronze Throne!

After receiving instructions from Da Zi, [The God of Ten Thousand Hands], who had been fishing since the beginning, finally had a chance to show himself. The countless palms behind him that made people feel terrified clenched into fists and shouted Ola Ou He rushed towards Hayato.

【God of Ten Thousand Hands】【atk1400】

It was clear that Hayato had a field full of monsters before, including powerful monsters such as [Chimeric Overload Dragon], [Earth Spirit God-Gransol], and [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler], but now he has no more monsters. A fish monster with less than 1500 attack power can attack Hayato.

In the backcourt, the future entrusted by [Future Fusion] has not yet arrived, and another cover card with unknown meaning has not been activated by Hayato. The fist of [Man-Hand God] hit Hayato's chest, deducting Hayato's only Those who don’t have much money will basically get more than half.

[Hayato: 2000600lp]

Hmm! Holding the spot where his chest was hit, Hayato couldn't help but bend down slightly because of the pain. Even in an ordinary duel, when the basic score is reduced to 600 points, it will put a certain burden on the body, not to mention that Hayato is still at the gathering place of Darkness of the Planet - Oliha Gang Shen is playing a dark game with Dazi in his body.

Looking at Hayato who couldn't help but feel uncomfortable after being attacked by [The Ten Thousand Hands God], Dazi also sighed helplessly: It shouldn't be like this, Hayato, we shouldn't be like this. to the point.”

He also put away the [Forbidden Holy Cloth] in his hand that he was planning to play. This was a card prepared to guard against [Explosive Armor] and [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -], but it seemed that Queen Hayato That card on the field doesn't seem to be a trap applicable when an attack is declared? Then, there is no need to use it.

This is the last one, the direct attack of [Najima], defeat Kobayashi Hayato here!

Dazi stretched out his hand and pointed at Hayato, Doomsday Impact Flame!

After this blow, your basic points like candles in the wind will be cleared, and I will also win! Looking at Hayato, Dazi's voice lowered, It's over, Hayato, my hero. ...

As Dazi gave the attack command, the flesh wings of [Naji Demon] revealed several mechanical dragon heads from the [Chimeric Overload Dragon] it had absorbed. It was obviously a mechanical creation, but Dazi was able to escape from the [Chimeric Overload Dragon]. Reluctance and resistance can be seen on the Overloaded Dragon.

However, with the blessing of Dazi and the power of Oliha Gang God, although [Najima] is not as good as Becas's state when used, it is not something that [Chimeric Overload Dragon] can resist. The six beams are full of energy. The laser beam with the aura of destruction was spit out from the mouth of the mechanical dragon head and struck at Hayato.

Hayato's figure was submerged in the smoke and dust caused by the attack.

Dazi felt a little regretful, and lowered his raised arm. He felt that the duel was over, and he was about to step forward to recover Hayato who had been defeated by him.

Although it was a dark game, Tatsuko never wanted to kill Hayato, so when he made the final blow, he took into account Hayato's physical condition and asked [Najima] to hold back his attack. The current Hayato was directly hit by the attack of [Najima] with an attack power of up to 4000 points. Although he did not die, he must have fallen into a coma.

Then the next step is to regain control of the Oliha Gang God that was disconnected before, and go back outside to take care of the nameless Pharaoh, Seth, and the Necron in the city.

With this thought in mind, Dazi was about to remove the duel disk constructed from the dark magic power of Oliha Gang God on his arm. However, what surprised him was that the duel disk was not lifted according to his own intention?

There seems to be something wrong with this. It's almost like, the duel is still going on?

The smoke dissipated slightly, and Dazi couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Hayato's figure still standing upright. Because he suddenly discovered that although [Chimeric Overload Dragon] was forced to attack under the control of [Naji Demon], all six laser beams were swept on the ground around Hayato, without even a single attack. Hayato? !

It seems that my battle is not over yet, Datsu, and my elf is not willing to take action against me. Looking at the surprised Datsu, Hayato said with a forced smile. And in Dazi's stunned eyes, he saw that the dark power filling the body of Oliha Gang God actually began to gather around Hayato, leaving a strange pattern under his feet?

The Trap Card [Honorable Sacrifice] can only be activated when my base points are below 3000 and I am declared to be directly attacked by the opponent. It will invalidate that attack, and then put two [Sacrifice Stone Tablets] on my field. Token] Special Summon.”

Also, I add a card with [Earthbound God] in the name from the deck to my hand.

Two stone statues slowly rose up from the mural in front of him and stood at his feet. Hayato glanced at the card spirit behind him that was absorbing dark power because he had been hungry for too long. He pulled out a card from the deck and looked at Dazi said: If you are dealing with a villain who wants to destroy the world, would it be better to use this card?

I will add [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] to my hand!



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