Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 132 One soul guides the light, one soul guides the darkness

[Earth-Bound God]! Dazi watched Hayato add [Earth-Bound God - Viracocha Lasca] to his hand, and the phantom behind him returned to the card with a ferocious expression.

When people live long enough, they will naturally know many things, such as the true name of the unknown pharaoh three thousand years ago, and the evil god who crawled out of the underworld five thousand years ago. Because he was afraid of something, although Dazi knew An Yugi's real name but could not tell him, he had no worries about the familiar monster in front of him.

In the Nazca wilderness of South America five thousand years ago, Dazi witnessed a war with his own eyes. A war between five flying dragons led by a giant red dragon and a huge evil god and the god of beasts he led. The powerful elves coerced humans into participating in the war, and even selected their own envoys to leave their own marks on them.

At the end of the war, both sides almost died together. No one achieved victory. The elves who were not injured fell into a deep sleep and turned into traces of stone slabs and murals in the world, while humans became the only victims.

Because of this, Dazi, who was already very dissatisfied with the elves, hated the elves even more, and he would not forget that the most active and powerful one among the beast gods commanded by the evil god was the one who had just appeared. The giant eagle behind Hayato.

Why are there new cards popping up next to Hayato? !

No, calm down, calm down, Rafilu had reported the existence of [Earthbound God] to him before in Duel City, so there is no need to be surprised.

Dazi took a deep breath to regain her composure, looked at Hayato and said: I recognize that monster, Hayato. It was an evil spirit that controlled mankind like a puppet five thousand years ago, manipulating war and souls. Are you going to use that monster? A monster coming to fight me?

Hayato was not surprised that Dazi knew [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca]. Looking at the card in his hand, he shrugged and smiled: Perhaps this card once stood on the same page as human beings. The enemy side, but it is not the power that determines whether it is good or evil, but me, the user. Even the most vicious power in the world can be used for protection if it is used by a kind person.

And it is known that there is no duelist with more kindness than me.

Hey, even if the person who said this is Hayato... Dazi frowned and pulled out all the cards from his hand and inserted them into the duel plate, Then, my combat phase is over, covering two cards, and my turn ends here. .”

[Dazi: 1200lp, 0 cards in hand]

【God of Ten Thousand Hands】【atk1400】

[Naji Demon] (Contract fulfillment, chimera overload dragon) [atk4000]

[Cover card] [Cover card]

‘Although I have two monsters on the field, the [Ten Thousand Hands God] and the [Sacrifice Demon] in attack position, I currently have very few base points left. ’

'However, if I remember correctly, the effect of Hayato's [Earth Spirit God-Gransol] recorded in the International Illusion Society's internal database is that the effect of [Earth Spirit God-Gransol] shown on the surface is 】When Hayato leaves the field, Hayato's next battle phase will be forcibly skipped. ’

'In other words, the [Five Divine Dragons] that are about to appear are nothing to worry about. If I can't fight, Hayato can't cause harm to me at all. And in my next turn, I only need to use [Najima] to attack [Five Divine Dragons] 】, you can use its effect to transfer combat damage to Hayato to win. ’

‘And among the two cards covered in my back field, [Forbidden Holy Clothes] can effectively give [Naji Demon] protection. 'Dazi turned the duel disk sideways and glanced at the name of the card exposed in the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk, 'When it comes to the last resort, there is still this card that can be used. ’

My turn, while Tatsu was thinking in his mind, Hayato put his finger on the duel plate and pulled out a card, Draw a card!

Then due to the effect of [Future Fusion], during the preparation phase, I fusion summoned this powerful monster!

The five rays of light merge into one. In the name of God, I command you to retreat! Come, the transcendent ultimate dragon!

Fusion Summon! [Five Divine Dragons]!

In the fusion vortex that had been launched for the future that finally arrived at this moment, a sharp claw stretched out and stepped on the ground, and then five ferocious dragon heads of different shapes were poked out one after another.




Seeing the huge evil dragon appearing on Hayato's field, Dazi was not afraid at all, and confidently said to Hayato, Although the attack power of [Five Divine Dragons] is higher than [Naji Demon], and as long as it attacks [Wanji Demon], If the Hand God] attacks, it will clear my base points, but I don’t think you can do that now, Hayato?”

Ah, because of the effect of [Earth Spirit God-Gransol], my combat phase this round has been skipped, so [Five Divine Dragons] cannot attack you for the time being. This kind of place is lying. Necessary, Hayato nodded and acknowledged Tatsu's statement.

Dazi smiled when he heard this: In that case, it looks like I have won, Hayato-kun. With just the two cards in your hand, there is no possibility of winning.

Do you want to rely on the [Earthbound God] that is just a miscellaneous fish without a field magic card? When Dazi mentioned Hayato's [Earthbound God], he had a look of contempt on his face, So I advised him You have done this many times, Hayato, there is no need for these card spirits to entrust your precious trust.

Huh, that's not necessarily true, Tatsu. The duel won't end until the last moment. Hayato pulled out a card from his hand and raised it above his head. In my main phase, I will put all the cards on the field. Two [sacrifice stone tokens] are presented as sacrifices, and the power that spans five thousand years can return to the earth!

As Hayato played the card, the two [Sacrifice Stone Derivatives] that were specially summoned by [Sacrifice of Honor] on his field turned into dust and drifted into the wind, rising into the air.

[Sacrifice Stone Derivatives] do not have any special power, and their attack power and defense power are also 0. At the same time, they also have the effect that they cannot be used as sacrifices summoned by other monsters other than [Earthbound God]. It can be said that this is Prepared for [Earthbound God].

Under the gaze of Dazi and Hayato, the dust rising into the air gradually gathered into a huge stone heart, and as it began to beat strangely, they saw that the circuits in the heart were already filled with purple energy!

Darkness? Resentment? Soul? If necessary, take them all, swallow everything to your heart's content, and then bring me victory, the strongest [Earthbound God]!

Looking at the heart in the air, Hayato shouted the monster's name, [Viracocha Lasca]!

As the words fell, the huge heart suddenly burst into light, and with a shrill cry of an eagle, the stone heart turned into a huge black-purple vulture, hanging high in the air!

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] [10☆/Dark]



Different from the state when it appeared in the past, the [Earth-bound God-Viracocha Lasca] at this moment does not have the tail feather-like lines connected with the earth to provide power, and is just flying high in the sky, but even so , the momentum is already terrifying.

For a moment, Hayato's [Five Divine Dragons] and [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] on Hayato's field formed a sharp contrast with the much smaller [Ten Thousand Hands God] and [Naji Demon] on Datsu's field. The contrast makes it difficult to tell which side is the villain.

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] When there is no field magic card face-up on the field, the additional effect is invalid and will be destroyed at the end of the turn. Therefore, I place all my destiny on this The last card is on top, Dazi.

Turning over the last card in his hand, Hayato showed it to Dazi. Dazi was also stunned when he saw the card in Hayato's hand: Destiny?

Since you have always believed that there is no hope for the fate of mankind, and only destruction can bring about a new future, then let's make a final competition between your fate and my fate. Hayato said, inserting the card When I got to the duel board, The card I activated is, [Card of Destiny]!

Roll the dice once, draw the number of cards from the deck, and remove the same number of cards at the top of the deck from the game. Along with Hayato's explanation, a dice appeared out of thin air under the gaze of the two. Above the field, Whose side does fate stand on? It is up to fate to choose the fate of mankind.

However, grandma once said that as long as I think about it, fate is destined to be on my side! With that, Hayato waved his hand, Dice, cast!

The dice that decided the final direction of this duel fell to the ground and began to roll. At this moment, both Hayato and Datsu looked at the dice seriously, waiting for fate to decide the final score.

Was it Hayato who defeated Datsu by casting a large number of points and drawing a large number of cards, or was Datsu's fate better and forced Hayato to draw fewer cards?

The rolling of the dice gradually stopped, revealing the final answer—point, 3!

Hmph, hahahahahaha, although the number of points is still a bit too high, but if there are only three, it is still 'small', right?

Seeing that the final score was only three, Dazi couldn't help but smile lightly, This means that fate is on my side, Hayato, and the world is also looking forward to me destroying mankind and creating a new civilization. new world.

3 o'clock, this number is really... Hayato lowered his head, put his fingers on the duel plate, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth, It couldn't be better!


With a loud shout, Hayato suddenly pulled out the three cards at the top of the deck, and the cards drew a golden trajectory in mid-air.

Human beings are bad, even I can't deny this, so from the beginning I didn't expect numbers like five or six to be rolled out this time.

However, it is actually a bit higher than the two points I expected. There is no doubt that humanity still has hope, Dazi!

After drawing the cards, he removed three cards from the top of the deck. Looking at the cards in his hand, Hayato already saw the hope of victory, I'll use the cards in my hand to prove it to you!

Activate the field magic card, [Chaos Field]!

With the activation of the magic card on the field, the surrounding darkness subsided, but the light did not come. Instead, it fell into chaos.

The boundary between light and darkness became blurred. In this environment, Hayato drew a card from the deck: Because of the activation of [Chaos Field], I was able to retrieve a [Chaos Warrior] ritual monster from the deck. Or add the [Dark Knight-Gaia] card to your hand.

However, this is just a tack.

Because of the existence of the field magic card, the power of [Earthbound God - Viracocha Raska] on my field has been liberated. Hayato pointed to the [Earthbound God - Veracocha· Laska] said, Once per round, by skipping the combat phase of my round, in exchange for this huge price, the opponent's basic points will be reduced to 1 point!

The combat stage that was originally skipped due to the effect of [Earth Spirit God-Gransol] was used twice by Hayato. He pointed at Datsu: Give your life back to God!

Polestar obeys!

Following Hayato's order, [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] suddenly opened its giant wings and released its soul energy with all its strength, almost forcibly pulling Datsu's decayed soul out of his body!


Uh-huh! Even Dazi was shaken by the power of [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca].

Raising his head and glancing at [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca], ​​Dazi's breathing became a little heavy, but he persisted and said, Hey, even so, my basic points are not yet Returning to zero is enough to last until the next round.”

There is no next round, Dazi, despair is your end. The second card in his hand was played by Hayato, as if it was a replica of the previous [Lightning Strike]. This time it was Dazi's turn, with lightning flashing above his head. , You should remember the pain of seizing other people's precious treasures and enjoy the fun of the journey to hell!

The magic card [Thunder Crush] will destroy all two monsters on my field, giving you base points of damage equal to the number of destroyed monsters x 300!

Looking at the [Earthbound God-Viraccha Raska] and [Five Divine Dragons] on his field, Hayato said without hesitation, Dedicate yourself to the cause of justice!

The thunder fell, drowning Dazi's figure, but just when Hayato thought that this blow could clear Dazi's base, he saw that the lightning that should have been directed at Dazi was deflected towards Dazi's backcourt and opened up. of a card.

The Trap Card [Energy Absorbing Plate] is just as I expected. Hayato, you really like to use effect damage cards. Although his basic score is only 1 point, Dazi is confident of winning. You have used cards like [Goblin Rogue], [Psychic Ectoplasm], and [Thunder Crush] too many times.

I prepared this card just because I thought that you might use an effect damage card to clear my basic points when you can't enter the combat phase! Dazi proudly explained, [Energy Absorbing Plate] , can only be activated when the effect that inflicts damage to me is activated by the opponent, and the same number of basic points will be restored as a replacement for the damage received.

That is to say, my current basic score is increasing instead of decreasing!


Nani!? Hayato's eyes widened and he looked in disbelief when he saw that Dazi had managed to survive his fatal blow.

Then, you really have nothing to do, Hayato. Seeing that his basic score was only 1 point higher than Hayato's, Dazi sighed, It's really a long duel, as if I crossed over in order to restart the world. Ten thousand years of time. However, it has finally come to an end.

If I read it correctly just now, the card you added to your hand is a ritual monster with a blue border. It is a ritual monster of [Chaos Warrior]. But it is a pity. Even if your other card is a ritual magic card, it cannot The sacrifice exists, and even if you summon a monster with high attack power, you can't attack it.

The dice just thrown, even if it is a little more, may give you a chance to win, but it is a pity that no matter how many shining points humans have, they cannot create a miracle and a hopeful future. Destiny favors Look at me, Da Zi!


As he spoke, Dazi laughed confidently.


I'm tired of Wadoka!

What Dazi didn't expect was that Hayato still didn't give up at this moment. Instead, he confidently raised the card in his hand: You said, I can't summon this monster? Then show it to me, Dazi, I The puzzle pieces for victory have already been put together in the cemetery!

Life is a process of accumulating pain and will eventually come to an end, but this does not mean that life is a story of death and ending.

All the monsters who sacrificed their lives in this duel are engraved in my mind. Their deaths are not meaningless. At this moment, the name of the legend is revealed!

The time for coronation has come!

As Hayato raised the card in his hand, the surrounding chaos began to converge towards the card. At the same time, in front of Hayato, an altar slowly rose from the ground!

[Super Warrior's Ritual] is a card that was previously sent to the graveyard by the effect of [Half-Dragon Maid and Washer Dragon Girl]. Its effect cannot be activated during the turn it was sent to the graveyard. Hayato took it out from the graveyard. The card of the altar itself says, Remove the [Super Warrior's Ritual] in the graveyard, and one light and dark attribute monster to activate. Ignore the summoning conditions for a [Chaos Warrior] ritual monster from my hand. Special summons!

Dark attribute, [Dark Knight of Gale - Gaia]!

The light attribute monster is, [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper]!

One soul guides the light, and one soul guides the darkness. My light is eternal, and my darkness is reality. I am an existence that illuminates all things and creates a path! Show up!

Mine, Tamashi!

[Legendary Sword Fighter-Chaos Warrior]!

Beyond the boundaries of light and darkness, [Gaia] absorbed the power from [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler]. The power of light and darkness was reconciled in its hands, turning into a sword of chaos that transcended everything. The armor also transformed and sublimated under the influence of this ultimate power!

[Legendary Sword Fighter-Chaos Warrior] [8☆/land]

[Warrior clan/ritual/effect]


The attack power is equivalent to [Blue Eyes White Dragon]! Dazi widened his eyes and looked at the [Chaos Warrior] that appeared on Hayato's field. Although Dazi knew that the [Chaos Warrior] ritual monster existed, it was definitely not like the monster on Hayato's field. That momentum seemed like a sharp sword that could separate light and darkness!

And whoever holds this sword is undoubtedly a being who can become a hero who saves the world and a devil who destroys it in a single thought!

Dazi couldn't help but look at Hayato, slightly lost in thought, wondering what he was thinking about. Immediately, he spoke: But, Hayato, you can't enter the combat stage. Besides, speaking of [Half-Dragon Maid, Washer Dragon Lady], I just saw her sending your [Psychic Ectoplasm] away. After entering the cemetery, what other attack methods can you use now?

Yeah, Xiaolan is proficient in blind stacking and sent my [Psychic Ectoplasm] into the cemetery. It's disgusting to think about it. I even want to take her out of my 'pure' dragon maid Deck. Because the summons of [Legendary Sword Fighter] excluded [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler], Hayato naturally felt that his purity had improved again, and inserted the card in his hand into the duel plate.

However, who has stipulated that I can only have one [Psychic Ectoplasm] in my deck?

Activate the continuous magic card [Psychic Ectoplasm], and both sides will release a monster on their field during their respective end phases, inflicting damage to the opponent's monster equal to half of its original attack power!

Then, my turn ends, and then [Psychic Ectoplasm] takes effect. This is a necessary sacrifice!

Hayato waved his hand and pointed at Datsu, Come on [Gaia], no, [Legendary Sword Fighter-Chaos Warrior]!

Create a new future!

He removed his finger from the start button on the duel plate, knowing that even using the [Forbidden Holy Cloth] could not stop Hayato's Tatsu as he watched the [Legendary Sword Fighter - Chaos Warrior] transform into a spirit body and pass through the [Sacrifice] The two monsters of light and darkness, the Demon] and the [Ten Thousand Hands God], rushed toward him, raised the Daojia in their hands, and closed their eyes helplessly.

Even if he failed, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he was Hayato.

However, the light and darkness were perfectly blended together, and it was truly an amazing scene. This memory can be used for the next time.

I have to admit that you are stronger now.

It's your victory, Hayato. No, humans——



As Dazi's basic score was completely reduced to zero by the blow of [Legendary Sword Fighter-Chaos Warrior], the field magic card [Chaos Field] fluctuated violently, and the light and darkness separated by a sword triggered After experiencing a violent impact, Hayato appeared in mid-air in an instant, and saw the giant snake Oliha Gangshin not far away, wailing and falling towards the sea.

In Hayato's ears, the system's settlement sound also sounded.

[Congratulations to the duelist for winning, Dazi 1/1 has been defeated]

[Rewards are being settled...]

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