Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 130: Xiao Lan helped you pile up the ashes, please say thank you Xiao Lan

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“When [Half-Dragon Maid?Nursing Dragon Girl] is summoned or Special Summoned, activate her effect and remove a [Half-Dragon Maid] monster other than [Half-Dragon Maid?Nursing Dragon Girl] from my graveyard. Special summons!

Hayato didn't notice the [Infant-nurturing Dragon Girl], that is, the little fan secretly despised him, and continued to operate, taking out Xiaolan, who had appeared once before, from the cemetery, that is, the invincible future Dragon Emperor-Laundry Dragon Girl.

As soon as she came back from the graveyard, Xiaolan hid behind [Baby Dragon Girl] Xiaofen, looking very scared. However, what is a little concerning is that Xiaolan is not hiding from the [Naji Demon] on the field, but Hayato, for fear that he will liberate her if he disagrees again.

Still with Xiaofen's gentle comfort, Xiaolan reluctantly walked out from behind him, but still held on to Xiaofen's skirt.

[Half-Dragon Maid? Infant-nurturing Dragon Girl] [2☆/land]



[Half-Dragon Maid? Laundry Dragon Lady] [def1600]

When [Half-Dragon Maid? Laundromat Lady] is specially summoned, I activate her effect again and send three cards from the top of my deck to the graveyard. Hayato said, touching the deck, Give me some strength, Xiaolan.

The first one, [Dark Knight of Gale - Gaia];

The second picture, [Half-Dragon Maid Changing Clothes];

The second one, [Super Warrior Ritual];


Looking at the cards that were sent to the cemetery, Hayato was a little excited, because this time the tomb pile was really great!

You actually managed to pile the Dragon Maid's cards into the graveyard. You did a great job, Xiao Lan, you did a great job!

Activate the effect of [Half-Dragon Maid's Changing Clothes] that was piled into the graveyard by Xiao Lan, return the [Half-Dragon Maid? Baby-nurturing Dragon Maid] on my field to my hand, and then recycle this card from the graveyard.

As he said that, Hayato recalled the little fans on the field. After all, the effect of the little fans can be used as a low-end version of the dead. It is not because Hayato wants to see Xiaolan standing alone without the little fans to rely on. A tearful look between the two behemoths.

Look at this little blue, he looks so cute, how could he be so embarrassed if he doesn't bully him? A punch would make her cry for a long time.

After recycling [Half-Dragon Maid's Changing] from the graveyard and adding it to his hand, Hayato looked at the monsters on his field. The recycling effect of [Half-Dragon Maid's Changing Clothes] is its second effect. Its first effect is just the same effect as the ordinary [Fusion]. It selects fusion materials from the hand card and the field, but it is limited to only fusion summoning dragons. fusion monster.

Now, Hayato has on the field a mechanical monster [Chimeric Overload Dragon] that cannot change its form, a beast warrior monster [Earth Spirit God-Gransol], and the poor, weak but cute little Blue.

On the surface, no monster can match anyone else, and no monster can be fused with any other, but the formula for victory has been assembled long ago. If you are careful, you may have noticed that Hayato also has [Zhenglong] in this pure Dragon Maid deck!

Exclude the two earth attribute monsters [Earth March Dragon - Trace Dragon] and [Hard Armored Dragon] from my graveyard, activate the effect of [Rock March Dragon - Rust Dragon] in my graveyard, and remove them from my graveyard. Special summon, so that all the necessary materials are gathered!

Hayato said, pulling out the card [Half-Dragon Maid's Dressing] from his hand and raising it above his head, Activate the magic card [Half-Dragon Maid's Dressing], and put [Half-Dragon Maid? Washer Dragon Lady] and Level 7 from my field. ☆’s dragon monster [Yanzhenglong-Rust Dragon] is sent to the graveyard as a fusion material!”

You perfect and elegant head maid who coordinates the five maids, I hereby order you to lift the seal and release your true form!

Advent! Wagata Mahi!

Fusion Summon! [Half-Dragon Maid? Shining Dragon Maid]!

yes, my lord.

As Hayato shouted, a black shadow emerged from behind him and rose into the air.

It was a soft and elegant black dragon, with light blooming above Hayato's head.

Seeing the [Glory Dragon Girl] make her debut, Xiaolan transformed into a little fan girl, her eyes turned into starry eyes: Oh oh oh! It's the housekeeper sister! And it's the housekeeper's sister's dragon form!

Not only can I summon other sisters, but the housekeeper sister can also neutralize the power of cockroaches and rabbits. It's so strong, so strong. The combined power of the housekeeper sister and I is invincible!

The dragon-form [Half-Dragon Maid? Yaoguang Dragon Girl] slowly fell to the ground under Xiaolan's admiring gaze. She looked at Xiaolan helplessly and said: Although I am very happy that Xiaolan likes me so much, please don't continue. You are causing trouble to the master by staying on the field.

Wow! My favorite is the housekeeper sister! You don't want to enter the cemetery or anything like that! Xiaolan rolled around like a child and said cutely to Hayato, Master, don't send me into the cold. Go to the graveyard, at least for one round.

But I refuse, just go into the cemetery for me. Unfortunately, as a card player, Hayato has no woman in his heart and the natural god of card drawing. With Xiaolan's pitiful eyes, Hayato did not hesitate to It was sent to the cemetery again.

Look at how self-conscious [Yan Zhenglong] is. He knew that he would be sent back to the cemetery immediately if he appeared on the stage, so he just poked his head out of the cemetery and went back.

Because Xiao Lan turned into a light body and was sent to the cemetery, the farce was over for the time being, and Dazi then turned his attention to the [Yaoguang Dragon Girl].

[Half Dragon Maid? Shining Dragon Maid] [10☆/Light]



The powerful fusion monster with level up to 10☆, its attack power alone has surpassed the 3000 attack power of the daily comparison object [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and Dazi is not deaf. He heard what the traitor Xiao Lan just said casually. The effect of [Diastrophic Dragon Girl].

It seems to have the ability to mobilize other [Half-Dragon Maid] monsters, and it seems to be able to negate certain effects? Because he didn't quite understand what cockroach and rabbit meant, Dazi made a guess in his mind.

However, compared to those, the status between the monster and Hayato seems a bit too close, right?

Looking at [Yaoguang Dragon Girl] who was affectionately cuddling with Hayato, Dazi frowned. I had already fallen in love with Hayato at the time of Duel Kingdom, and the monster had not yet appeared by Hayato's side at that time. It was obviously me who came first!

Hayato didn't know what Dazi was thinking. He stroked the dragon scales on [Yuangguang Dragon Girl]'s body that looked angular but felt great. While watching, Hayato drew a card from his hand and covered it on the backfield: Ambush two cards, my turn is over.

[Hayato: 2000lp, 1 card in hand]

【Chimeric Overload Dragon】【def4000】

[Earth Spirit God-Gransol][atk2800]

[Half Dragon Maid? Yaoguang Dragon Maid] [atk3500]

【Future Fusion】【Gaika】【Gaika】

If Hayato's current move was before entering the battle stage, it would be a sure win. After all, at that time, there was only one [Change Destiny] in the backcourt of Dazi, but [Glory Dragon Girl] But with a full health of magic, trap, and monster effects, the fatal five-hit combo of [Chimeric Overload Dragon] without being changed into defense position by invalid attacks will be a sure win.

It's a pity that it can't be exchanged. After all, Hayato was able to summon the Glory Dragon Girl thanks to the Half-Dragon Maid's Changing Clothes that Xiaolan piled into the graveyard. Without the Glory Dragon Girl, Hayato could only summon the Glory Dragon Girl at most. Leaving a few extra monsters on the field that cannot participate in the battle are just a shield, and they may even become a breakthrough for Dazi's counterattack.

Our little blue is so strong!

Hayato, who personally sent Xiaolan to the cemetery, thought shamelessly.

My turn, draw a card. With dissatisfaction with [Yaoguang Dragon Girl], Dazi started his turn, pulled out a card from the top of the deck, and raised his eyebrows, as if he had drawn a good card. , but on the surface he is calm.

While Datsu drew out the card, Hayato shouted: At this moment, the [Glory Dragon Girl] on my field has an effect and can be activated!

Activate during the preparation phase of both parties. Select a [Half-Dragon Maid] monster below 9☆ from my hand or graveyard to Special Summon. Hayato said, pulling out the card in his hand, I will Xiaofen [Half-Dragon Maid? Baby-nursing Dragon Girl] is specially summoned in defense position, and the effect when she is specially summoned is activated.

Specially summon the [Half-Dragon Maid? Laundry Dragon Lady] in the cemetery again, come out, Xiao Lan!


[Yuangguang Dragon Girl] spread her wings, swaying little stars and falling on the ground, calling out the two maids [Baby-nursing Dragon Girl] and [Laundry Dragon Girl], but as soon as Xiaolan appeared, she immediately pounced on her affectionately. Entering Xiaofen's arms, Wow! I love you so much, Sister Fan, you are indeed my favorite sister!

Didn't you just say that you like me the most, Xiaolan! Xiaolan changed her tone after only one round. [Yaoguang Dragon Girl] looked at Xiaolan with an angry look.

What can Xiaolan do?

Hey hey hey~

Xiaolan on the field used Cute Huddle on [Glory Dragon Girl], and Hayato also took out three cards from the deck and piled them into the graveyard.

Dazi glanced at the crowded monsters on Hayato's field and sighed: It's really amazing, Hayato. In the blink of an eye, he actually placed so many monsters on the field again. However, the power of elves is unreliable. , because no one knows when they will cause disaster.”

Hayato felt a little helpless when he heard what Tatsu said. Because of his personal experience, Dazi was full of prejudice against the power of elves. He felt that it was because of the close distance between elves and elves that the original Atlantis civilization declined under the influence of Oliha Gang. Entering the abyss, it is because the elves returned to humans in the era where Yami Yugi was alive three thousand years ago and the idea of ​​​​destroying humans has arisen again.

I don't agree with your idea, Tatsu. Looking at the monsters on his field, Hayato said seriously, I regard each of my elves as important companions. You can even say that they are all mine. My dearest relatives, friends, and brothers. They entrust their power to me for me to drive, and I will naturally place my trust in them and entrust my life to them.

Stop sowing discord over there!

Seeing Hayato's stubbornness, Dazi shook his head helplessly and said: I know you can't accept it, but Hayato, what I'm talking about is the true result of my personal experience over the past ten thousand years. Of course, the elves will do it because of human beings. Favoring human beings due to certain characteristics, but they can easily betray others due to other external forces.

Dazi clearly remembered that the civilization of Atlantis was established based on the power of the elves, but after the power of Oliha Gang came, the elves did not stop its power from integrating into Atlantis. The idea of ​​​​the Thys civilization even began to stay away from humans, as if they were escaping alone to protect themselves when they discovered that a disaster was coming.

Dazi can understand this behavior of self-preservation, which can be explained by the fact that the elves are afraid of the influence of the dark power of the planet that resides on Oliha Gang on them, but what Dazi can't tolerate is that he has clearly abandoned human beings. , but the elves intervened when Dazi realized that it was too late to save everything, and planned to destroy the Atlantean civilization and start everything again.

If you can't believe this, let me prove it to you, Hayato. Dazi said, waving his hand and giving an order, I activate the effect of [Najima] on the field!

Once per turn, Hayato, absorb a monster on your field as its equipment card, and obtain the attack power and defense power of that monster. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the [Half Dragon Maid? Shining Dragon Maid] on Hayato's field. Dazi declared, The monster I choose is the [Half-Dragon Maid? Shining Dragon Maid] on your field, Hayato!

Get away from Hayato, you mere card spirit!

If [Glory Dragon Girl] was just a duel monster, Dazi wouldn't care so much, but he had long noticed that many of Hayato's cards contained elves. How could he tolerate these elves staying in Hayato's house? around?

Want to play Minotaur? Don't even think about it! I am a pure lover, watch my Dragon Maid kill the Minotaur! Hayato frowned, chaining the activation of the [Nacrima Demon] effect, and declared, [Yao Guang] The effect of Dragon Lady can only be activated when the opponent activates the effect of magic, trap, or monster. Negate that activation and destroy it.

How dare you show off your little skills like a witherworm in front of me? I've always been the only one who's better than other people's monsters!

Following Hayato's double-standard declaration, [Yuangguang Dragon Girl]'s body once again radiated starlight, but this time the light she released was not the light that summoned the other dragon maids, but gathered in front of her and turned into a lightsaber, It suddenly pierced through [Naji Demon] who had not had time to open his eyes. uuread a book

It was lucky for [Naji Demon] to survive the attack of [Chimeric Overload Dragon] before. This time it failed to escape the fate of being destroyed again and was sent to Dazi's graveyard.

However, as a price for being ineffective and destroying [Naji Demon], the light emitted by [Yaoguang Dragon Girl] became a little dim. When it landed again, it could no longer maintain its dragon form and had to change back to its human form. Xiaolan on the side seemed to be trying to flatter him, holding a cup of hot water from somewhere and stepped forward to flatter him, but he accidentally tripped over his own tail and fell down, spilling water all over the floor.

[Half-Dragon Maid?Dragon Housekeeper] [atk3000]

After that, [Half-Dragon Maid? Shining Dragon Lady] returns to my fusion deck and special summons [Half-Dragon Maid? Dragon Lady Butler] on my field.

Hayato looked at the [Najima] on the field with a serious face, and explained while placing the card of [Dragon Maid Butler] on the duel plate.

Although [Yuangguang Dragon Girl]'s Kang is quite versatile, its flaw is that it can only be used once, and after that time it will transform back into human form. And Dazi's operation is extremely obvious. He clearly wants to use the power of [Naji Demon] to deceive the effect of [Glory Dragon Girl] to ensure that the card he drew this round can be activated stably.

As for Hayato, he had no choice but to use the effect of [Glory Dragon Girl] as he wanted.

But it doesn't matter, even if the suppression effect of the dragon form is lost, the attack of [Dragon Butler] is still as high as one green eye, and Dazi only has one card in his hand, so there is no need to be afraid at all. I'm good at playing cards -

Activate the magic card, [Life-Destroying Treasure Card]!

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