Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 24 Disrupting the Monster’s Combat Method

Heroes have a stage where heroes fight, and miscellaneous fish also have streets that miscellaneous fish are familiar with, venue magic, [the land of disturbance]!

The ever-expanding semicircular shield on the site turned into a burst of dazzling light and dissipated. Then, countless short spherical houses suddenly emerged from the flat ground. The shape of the houses was really weird and did not resemble a place where humans live. In fact, this is indeed the case.

From the windows of countless huts, we can see that there are many strange creatures hiding in them. Judging from the style of their appearance, it is obvious that they are the same as the [Disruption Yellow] on Hayato's field. They are all monsters from the [Disruption] series.

[Disruption·Huang] After the magic of the field was activated, he searched for it. He quickly ran into the house and dug out a lot of strange things - shovels, kite strings, balls, etc., and his movements were as skillful as It's like returning to your own home.

Hey~ I really miss Nirvana~ Without Ani's help, I thought I would never be able to go home again~ Dragging a baseball bat bigger than himself with both hands, [Disturbing Huang] walked out of the house, He sighed with a nostalgic tone.

Well, this is really its home.

There are actually rare field magic cards, even though I don't have one yet. Looking at Hayato playing [Disturbed Land], Yu Moth had a jealous expression on his face. It has only been a month since Becas released a new series of card packs. During this period, although Feather Moth heard that someone had released a new card type such as field magic, he had not yet had time to buy one suitable for insect decks. venue.

But so what, even if your monster is strengthened by the field, it is still just a trash fish. Although my [Sword-horned Beetle] has become weaker due to the loss of the field, that does not mean that you have become stronger. Got it!

Hayato ignored Yu Moth's taunt, but directly ordered: Okay, you bastard, the nostalgia time is over, kill that beetle on the opposite side! Home run attack!

Yes, Ani!

Putting the ball away, [Disturbing Huang] grabbed the baseball bat with both hands and spun his whole body. After accumulating strength for a few rounds, the ball was knocked out by the baseball and hit the ball directly on the feather field [ Sword-horned beetle].

Take a good look at your monster before you taunt me, insect bastard.

Seeing that Yumoth was about to say something again, Hayato interrupted him in advance and pointed at the [Sword-horned Beetle]. Feather Moth looked around and realized that at some point, all the [Disturbing] monsters in the houses in the [Disturbing Hometown] ran out and harassed the [Sword-horned Beetle] repeatedly - or scratched them. Itchy, or splashing red paint, or spreading lime.

In short, they are all rogue methods.

[Sword-horned Beetle] was harassed almost endlessly by the [Disruption] monsters, and countless rages raged in his heart. He simply ignored [Disruption·Yellow] who had just launched a so-called home run attack and was now turning around to face him. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the [Disruption] monsters fled in all directions and chased after him fiercely, with their backs turned to Hayato!

Huang, hit more accurately!

Just hit this guy's Ass!

Among the escaping [Disruption] monsters, Hayato also saw black and green figures. They were chased by the [Sword-Horned Beetle], but they didn't forget to encourage their brother Huang to beat them harder.


[Disturbing Yellow] couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes. He held a handkerchief that he didn't know where it came from to wipe his tears, and waved goodbye to Black and Green who had finally caught up. While the sharp horns of [Sword-horned Beetle] killed two birds with one stone, [Disruption·Black] and [Disruption·Green] were killed, and at the same time, the baseball that was knocked away by [Disruption·Yellow] also hit its back half.


It was obviously a ball, but it exploded at the moment of impact. The almost defenseless [Sword-horned Beetle] was blown to pieces in an instant, and Feather Moth's health was also damaged by the battle.

This is impossible. The attack power of my [Sword-Horned Beetle] is -

The effect of [Disturbed Land], when a [Disturbed] monster is present, the attack and defense values ​​of all monsters in the field will be interchanged. Hayabusa explained to Yumo who did not accept the fact, Although [Sword] The horned beetle's attack power is quite high, but the price is its defense power, which is too low.

【Sword-horned Beetle】【ATK2400→600】【DEF600→2400】


[Feather Moth: 4000LP→3600LP]

Main phase two, I'm going to cover three cards in the backfield, end of round.

Looking at Yu Mo, who had his head lowered and didn't know what he was thinking, Hayato ended his turn, As I said before, stretch out your dominant hand, Insect Yu Mo, I want you to try your best. I will defeat you!

[Hayato: Hand card 5→6→0]

【Disturbing Yellow】【ATK1000】

[cover card] [cover card] [cover card]

My turn, draw a card.

With a gloomy face, Yu Moth drew a card from the deck. Looking at the card he just drew in his hand, Feather Moth hesitated, but still played it: Activate the magic card, [Treasure Card from Heaven], and the card in my hand will be replenished back to 6 due to its effect. Zhang. He pulled out five more cards from the deck, and the original card in his hand that only had one left was replenished in one breath.

However, I can also enjoy the effect of [Heavenly Fall]. Hayato's hand had fewer cards than Feather Moth, which was 0. Because of [Heavenly Fallen Treasure Card], he drew out enough cards from the deck in one breath. That's six cards.

To be honest, Hayato was really pleased at this moment.

Damn guy, he actually got a free ride. Feather Moth was quite unhappy watching Hayato draw a card, but he had to activate the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky]. He used up most of the cards in his hand for the previous combo, and there were no more powerful cards in his hand. If you don't use [Sky Drop] to replenish your hand cards, you will be directly attacked by Hayato in the next round and your base points will be greatly reduced.

Kobayashi Hayato, that [Disturbed Land] on your field is really in the way. However, your monster will be strengthened by it, and so will my monster! Summon [Skull Face Ladybug] in attack position!

A ladybug covered in pitch black carapace appeared on Feather Moth's field, with a skull-like pattern on its back.

[Skull Ladybug] [4☆/land] [Insect/Effect] [500/1500]

Due to the effect of your [Disturbed Land], the attack power and defense power of my [Skull Face Ladybug] are exchanged, and then I want to activate this card, [Strange Clover]. I can do this by discarding the cards in my hand. A 4☆Plant monster allows a monster on my field to attack twice this turn.

Feather Moth discarded a plant monster in his hand into the graveyard. It was [Thorn Fairy], a rare plant monster that can cooperate with the insect family. Following the movement of Feather Moth, the figure of [Thorn Fairy] appeared on the field, but as soon as it appeared, it was knocked down by [Skull Face Ladybug] and started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

【Skull Ladybug】【ATK500→1500】【DEF1500→500】

A monster with 1,500 attack points can attack twice? That would be bad for Hayato! Wouldn't he have to take 2,000 points of damage? Among the onlookers, Jonouchi couldn't help but be surprised by the brand new combo played by Yumo. .

Yugi shook his head: That's not how it works, Jonouchi. If Feather Moth destroys Hayato's [Disruption Yellow], the attack power of his [Skull Face Ladybug] will be restored to 500 points, which is a total of 1,000 Point. That's what he said, but 1000 points of damage was not that small, and Yugi also cast a worried look at Hayato.

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