Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 25 This wave, this wave of feather moths is standing on the fourth floor

Take the move, Hayato Kobayashi! [Skull Face Ladybug] attacks that [Disturbing Yellow], death pounce!

After finishing eating [Thorn Fairy], [Skull-faced Ladybug] turned its head away under the fearful gaze of [Disturbing Yellow], opened the wings hidden in the carapace behind it and flew towards the nowhere to escape. 【Disturbing·Huang】 rushed over.

Help, Ani~

Hearing [Disturbing Yellow]'s call for help, Hayato responded: The moment you declare an attack on my [Disturbing Yellow], I will activate the cover card on my field, [Mysterious Chinese Pot]!

Haha, Ani will help me as expected. Now it's my turn to fight back! Seeing [Skull-faced Ladybug] stop attacking, [Disturbing Yellow] couldn't help shouting with some pride and turned to look. Hayato's Gaika appeared behind him, Hey? Why does this card look so familiar...Hey! [Mysterious Chinese Pot]!?

With a bang sound, [Disturbing Huang] discovered that a huge frying pan appeared not far away, and a fire was burning under the pot. There seemed to be endless suction in the pot, and [Disturbing Huang] was swallowed directly into it without even a last word. After stirring the wok several times, a strange-looking dish came out of the pan.

[Hayato: 4000LP→5000LP]

【Skull Ladybug】【ATK1500→500】【DEF500→1500】

Did you avoid my attack? What a boring move. Don't forget that my [Skull Ladybug] can attack twice. Take these 1,000 points -

Before that, I still have cards to activate. Hayato opened a cover card again, Trap card [Soul of Resurrection], I can resurrect a normal monster from the graveyard and summon it in defense position. Field. Come back from the darkness of the cemetery, [Death Stalker]!

The scorpion warrior crawled back to the field from the cemetery in confusion, because it remembered that it had been completely dead before, and had even written its last words. How could it be resurrected?

【Death Stalker】【DEF800】

Because [Disturbing Yellow] was sent to the graveyard, [Disturbing Hometown] no longer takes effect, and [Skull Face Ladybug]'s attack power is restored to 500 points. If he continued to attack Hayato, the target would only be [Death Stalker]. However, [Death Stalker]'s defense was 800 points higher than 500. Yumo reluctantly stamped a card in his hand.

Hey, I saved another life. Covered a card and my turn is over!

[Feather Moth: 3600LP, hand card 1→6→2]

【Skull Face Ladybug】【ATK500】

[cover card] [cover card] [cover card]

It's my turn, draw the card.

[Hayato: 5000LP, hand card 6→7]

Looking at the [Skull-Faced Ladybug] in the attack position on the field, Hayato made some mental calculations and summoned the monster he had just acquired. Usually summon [Elf Swordsman], and then [Death] in defense position. Rogue] changes to attack position.

The handsome [Elven Swordsman] gracefully appeared on the stage, swinging his sword in a cool way, while the [Death Stalker] squatting on the side also stood up and geared up, with the tail needle behind it swinging, and it could launch an attack at any time when it was ready.

‘Is he actually an [Elf Swordsman] with an attack power of 1400? whispering sound. ’ Feather Moth curled her lips in displeasure. Among his three cover cards, one of them is [Naraku's Hole], which can be activated when a monster with an attack power of 1500 or more is summoned, reverse summoned, or special summoned. Those monsters will be destroyed in one go and removed from the game.

When Feather Moth won the National Duel Monster Selection Tournament and received a full three million bonus, he spent more than half of the bonus to purchase various powerful cards to strengthen his deck. Among the powerful cards purchased, this [Naraku's Cave] is also the most powerful and expensive one.

Oh, it's actually a monster with an attack power of 1400 points. If this attack passes, my health will drop again. He said this pretentiously, but Yu Mo actually wished that Hayato would quickly attack the [Skeleton] on his field. Ladybug] launches an attack.

'I also have a [Desert Light] in my backfield, which can change the [Skull-faced Ladybug] on my field into a defensive position, and match it with another [Sharp Shield with Chains], [Skull-faced Ladybug]. The defense will soar to a full 2500 points! ‘

'Come on, Hayato Kobayashi, quickly attack the monsters on my field! ‘

Perhaps the prayer in Feather Moth's heart really started to work. In his extremely excited eyes, Hayato really gave the order to attack: A monster with only 500 attack power, [Death Stalker], against [Skeleton] Yan Ladybug] attacks!

Exactly! [Death Stalker] jumped up high. Because the scorpion is not an insect, it has no psychological burden that it is about to kill a ladybug.

However, Feather Moth suddenly started laughing: Hahaha, you were fooled, Hayato!

You use miscellaneous fish to defeat [Sword-Horned Beetle], which is the first level; I use [Disturbed Land] to summon [Skeleton-faced Ladybug], which is the second level; sacrifice the miscellaneous fish to restore health, and then summon defense Monsters with higher power, you are on the third level. He opened two cover cards on his field one after another, But, I will always be one step more calculating than you, because I am on the fourth level!

[Desert Light] is activated, and all the monsters on my field will be changed to face-up defense position. Then, [Desert Light] is activated immediately after [Desert Light] is activated, and it will be turned into an equipment card and equipped on it. On top of [Skull-Faced Ladybug]!”

A gust of wind suddenly set off on Feather Moth's field, rolling up countless sand and stones in [Disturbed Hometown], blocking out the sky and making it almost impossible to see anything, which suspended the attack of [Death Stalker]. And when the dust fell and the sun shone on Yu Mo's field again, it was seen that the [Skull-faced Ladybug] had changed into a defensive posture, and at the same time, it had an extra horn. Beast-like shield.

Not only does the shield look shiny and strong, but there is also a sharp horn extending from the top of the unicorn's head in the center. Behind the shield, there is a long chain wrapped around the [Skull-faced Ladybug], which makes Ben look at it. Insects that appear weak suddenly become difficult to deal with.

[Skull-faced Ladybug]'s attack power will increase by 500 points due to the effect of [Chained Sharp Shield], and then when [Skull-faced Ladybug] is attacked in defense position, its defense power will increase. The value of force. Yu Mo couldn't help but reveal a proud smile,

A temporary lead in basic points is nothing at all. Fight with 900 attack points and 2500 defense points, and take the damage of the 1600 points difference!

Kobayashi Hayato!

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