Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 23: Overturning the table is an art and a technique

Although it's just a miscellaneous fish monster with only 900 attack points, you want to use it as a sacrifice to summon a higher-level monster. Don't even think about succeeding! After activating Gaika, Feather Moth said proudly, [Sly Luo Luo] hole], although there is a cost of not being able to activate the trap when there is a trap in the graveyard, but I can destroy two monsters on the field in one go!

Send it to the graveyard with my Gaika!

The lightning on the scorpion warrior [Death Stalker] has not completely dissipated. The moment his foot stepped on its card, a huge hole suddenly appeared on the ground, covered by either [Death Stalker] or Feather Moth. The cards all fell into it. Feather Moth's monster also revealed its true appearance at this moment, it was a green locust.

【Fight Locusts】【4☆/Land】【Insect Tribe/Effect】【1000/1200】

It's not over yet. The card I sent to the graveyard is [Locust]. When it is sent to the graveyard from my field, I can special summon an insect-type monster directly from the card in my hand. Feather Moth revealed. With a proud smile, See my invincible combo, come out, [Sword-horned Beetle]!

The horns on its head flashed with sharp and dazzling lightning, and a huge beetle emerged from the place where [Locust Fighting] was swallowed up, staring at Hayato's empty venue with eager eyes.

【Sword-horned Beetle】【6☆/land】【Insect/Effect】【2400/600】

My army of insects is endless, just let my lovely insects eat you up bit by bit, Hayato! Feather Moth's face was full of ferocity, but it was limited by his age. Yan Yi's ancestor Ma Lik's score: 0 points, no deterrent to Hayato. He can only feel that he is even more disgusting.

The duelists who were watching were also amazed by the combo displayed by Feather Moth:

You actually used only one card to defeat the opponent's summoned monster, and also upgraded the monster on your field once. Is this the strength of a national champion?

I've seen that [Sword-horned Beetle]. Not only does it have an ultra-high attack power of 2,400 points, it also has the effect of penetrating defense. Even summoning a monster in defense mode cannot delay time.

Hayato didn't care what the audience thought. He watched Feather Moth blow up the cannon fodder ([Death Stalker]: Didn't I agree that I am Tamashi?) and even specially recruited a 6☆ monster, and raised his eyebrows. : How could you come up with this kind of combo by applying the new rules so quickly? Although he is a scumbag, he does have a few tricks up his sleeve.

But, my combo is better than yours! Activate the magic card [Last Word]!

As Hayato played a card from his hand, a small bag of earth rose up from under the land where [Death Stalker] had just been swallowed up by [Cunning Pit]. [Death Stalker]'s arm stretched out from the ground, and in his hand Still clutching a piece of paper with last words written on it.

This turn, it can only be activated when the monsters on my field are destroyed and sent to my graveyard. I special summon a monster from the deck again, but the attack power is limited to less than 1500.

Hahaha, wood is big, wood is big, what role can a monster with a mere 1500 points or less play? In front of my invincible [Sword-horned Beetle], it is useless no matter how many miscellaneous fish come. They are not even qualified to block the road!

Hayato smiled contemptuously: Not only that, I can also tell you that the attack power of the monster I want to summon actually does not even have 100, but has an attack power of 0.

However, this monster with 0 attack power will destroy your [Sword-horned Beetle]!

He dug out the card he wanted from the deck. After shuffling the deck, Hayato slapped the card on the duel table with the monster holding his palm on the card: The one with the most disgusting power in the world. Master of pranks, come out, [Disruption·Huang]!”

Hey! I'm going to nirvana~

The yellow monster appeared on Hayato's field with its butt twisted. It was in attack position even though its attack power was only 0.


Hey, hey, it turns out that when big brother encounters difficulties, the last thing he thinks of is me. I really can't help you~ [Disturbing Huang]'s eyes moved up and down as it nodded, and it seemed that he was the second one to appear. This is quite satisfactory.

But when it saw the [Sword-Horned Beetle] on the Yu Moth Field, it immediately revealed its true nature as a coward. It was so frightened that it sat on the ground and kept shrinking back. [Sword-Horned Beetle] kept staring at the retreating [Disturbing Yellow], as if it couldn't wait to pierce its huge and sharp horns like siege equipment into its body.

You actually summoned that kind of miscellaneous fish. Are you already too scared to move by my powerful [Sword-Horned Beetle]? Feather Moth laughed, What can that kind of miscellaneous fish do?

[Disturbing] monsters are indeed just trash, but trash is much stronger than a despicable villain like you. [Disturbing Yellow] is only 0, but guys like you are simply negative. After a pause, Hayato Pick a card from your hand and say, According to the special rules of Duel Kingdom, the monsters have their own venues.

The terrain [forest] on your field can strengthen the attack and defense of insects, beasts, plants, and beast-warrior monsters by 200 points.

【Sword-horned Beetle】【ATK2400→2600】

The environment on my field is [Grassland], and the bonus targets are monsters from the warrior and beast-warrior types.

Feather Moth had learned about the rules of the Duel Kingdom from Becas before, and was not surprised by the change in the attack power of the monsters on the field. He just felt uneasy: Your monster [Disruption Yellow] is an orc monster and will not be strengthened by terrain. What are you trying to do by emphasizing terrain rules now!

Terrain rules can increase or decrease the gap between monsters, but since the current terrain is not good for me, I will transform it! Activate the magic card, [Planet Transformation]! A hand card was played by Hayato , a semicircular shield appeared in the center of the field, and began to spread to the surrounding areas.

As the shield spread, the [Forest] and [Grassland] that originally occupied half of the field each turned into nothingness, and the attack power of the [Sword-horned Beetle] on the Yumo Field returned to its original 2,400 points.

The effect of [Planet Transformation] is to add a field magic from my deck to my hand, and I want to activate the field magic that was just added to my hand. Retrieving a card from the deck again, Hayato This field magic was directly applied to a new special area on the duel stage.

Heroes have a stage where heroes fight, and miscellaneous fish also have streets that miscellaneous fish are familiar with, venue magic, [the land of disturbance]!

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