Facing the [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon], Barong laughed so confidently, which made Jonouchi quite puzzled.

‘When [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] fights, Baron should not be able to activate the effects of magic, traps, or monsters until the end of the damage step. ’

‘This has long been disseminated along with the video of Duel City and the existence of the [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon]. It’s impossible for him not to know. ’

‘What else does he have to rely on? And where does this feeling that something is terribly wrong come from? ’

The devil-like black dragon raised its devil's claws covered in black flames and slapped the [Spiritual Helmet and Armor] on the head of Barong, which was much smaller in comparison. Naturally, Barong would not sit still and wait for death. Allowing himself to be attacked, he raised his right fist to face him!

It was only then that Jonouchi finally understood why Barong said that he was one step behind.

In order to win, I was just like a candidate who had not finished writing the answer to a question when the exam bell rang, desperately thinking about how to win, but in that panic, I completely forgot one thing——

Different from ordinary duel monsters, [Armor] monsters are all equipped on Barong. Because of this characteristic, only one of them can attack at a time. After all, although the human body is wonderful, it cannot punch with all its strength at the same time. and a full-force flying kick.

But at the same time, unlike other duel monsters that will inevitably be attacked and involved in the battle after being selected, the [Armor] monsters are all the armor on Barong, and he can choose which part of his body takes it. Attacking!

And as Jonouchi realized belatedly, [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] originally locked the [Spiritual Helmet Armor], which could cut off most of Baron's basic points in one go, but in the end it failed. It just hit the [Big Bang Fist Armor] that shattered and exploded easily!

When there are two or more [Armor] monsters, when any [Armor] monster becomes the target of an attack, I will choose the target to be attacked. This is a sustainable effect common to all [Armor] monsters. There is no need to activate it, even if It’s the power of [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] and it has no right to interfere!”

When [Big Bang Fist·Armor] is destroyed, all monsters on the field will be destroyed, and the total attack power will be used as the damage dealt to you, and I will be unscathed under the protection of [Active Protection·Armor]. hurt!

Now, it's time to detonate!

The demon dragon waved its claws condescendingly, and Barong on the ground responded with an iron fist without fear. It should have been a crushing result, but the ending turned out to be a stalemate between [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] and [Big Bang Fist Armor] Just a few seconds later, it was blown away and destroyed by the impact of the explosion!

Ugh!! The shock wave even hit Jonouchi's body directly, reducing his originally full basic points to the point of being like a candle in the wind!

[Within the city: 4000→800lp]

The smoke and dust caused by the explosion dissipated, revealing Barong who was still punching the sky. His right arm was vacant. The [Active Protection Armor] on his chest completely absorbed the impact and shattered into pieces, not to mention the helmet. , naturally it has been destroyed in the previous explosion.

The accumulated [Armor] monsters were all destroyed by this attack. In exchange, Barong successfully reversed the base point gap between him and Jonouchi.

It's such a pity. If you continue to put [Demon's Call] in defense position on the field, I won't be able to do anything against you, but you went on this road of defeat for the sake of victory.

After all the monsters on both sides of the field were destroyed, Barong looked at the castle that was directly knocked to the ground by up to 3200 points of damage, and said confidently, The ability of the [Armor] deck to damage vitality will not defeat your body in one breath. , but now I’m afraid you can only be like a donkey running forward with a carrot in front of you. No matter how hard you try, you can’t drive your body to move.”

Baron has used the [Armor] deck to defeat his opponent's body and will countless times in the past. The ability to damage vitality is simply like cheating, but Ryuzaki, whom he thought should be dead before he learned from Jonouchi, actually While he was still alive, Barong went all out to deal with the damage from [Big Bang Fist·Armor] this time.

Even if Jonouchi was not killed directly, at least he would not be able to move again. Baron thinks so.

And Jonouchi fell to the ground and didn't move for a long time, just as he thought.

Seeing this, Barong also forcibly ended Jonouchi's round, putting his finger on his deck: Although there are some twists and turns in the process, the only thing that matters in this world is the result, and only the result will be retained. Come down. And the result is, I will give you the final blow in my turn, Katsuya Jounouchi!

My turn, draw a card!

First of all, the ability of [Spiritual Helmet and Armor] is special summoning from the graveyard in attack position. Then due to the effect of [Survival Treasure Card], I drew three cards.

And activate this magic card [Armor Gravity] to special summon up to four [Armor] monsters from my deck!

[Transcendence Advance·Armor]! [Advanced Shield·Armor]! [Active Protection·Armor]! [Burning Fist·Armor]!

Then, gather around me!

Barong gathered a total of five [armor] monsters on his field in one go, and after a while of fusion, he put them all on his body, like a Saint who had wandered off to the wrong set.

The monster specially summoned by the power of [Armor Gravity] will be destroyed at the end of the round, but the result will be revealed before then. Although the original attack power of [Burning Fist·Armor] is 0, this number will increase on the field. The value of the [Armor] monster x200 points.

[Burning Fist·Armor] [atk0→1000]

Flames ignited on the gauntlet on his right hand. After the attack power of [Burning Fist·Armor] was increased, just one strike was enough to clear the remaining 800 basic points in the city.

Going into my combat phase, and then this is the final direct attack.

One bad move caused your king and chariot to diverge. You lose, Katsuya Jounouchi! The one who stood at the end and was stronger in this duel was me!

Shouting his declaration of victory to Jonouchi, Barong jumped directly to a height of several meters under the power of the leg armor [Transcendence Propulsion Armor], and waved his fist at Jonouchi who fell without any monster protection. !

This scene happened to be noticed by Peacock Mai, who followed Jonouchi and spent a long time to find him nearby due to the huge noise during the duel between Barong and Jonouchi.

[Burning Fist·Armor] [atk1000]

[Katsuya Castle: 800lp]

She shouted: Within the city!!!

————Next time, death within the castle————

I am...


Jonouchi remembered that he was hurt by the effect of [Big Bang Fist·Armor]. The damage of up to 3200 points was not unbearable before, but the damage caused by Barong made Jonouchi feel like he was hit by a car traveling at a speed of one hour. The fully loaded semi-trailer truck with a hundred kilometers of mileage was hit hard. The connection between the spirit and the body was severed at the moment of being hit, and he fell into a dilemma of being unable to move.

He had clearly declared to Barong confidently just now that he would win, but in the blink of an eye he was so embarrassed and deflated. It was so shameless and not handsome at all!

Therefore, it is impossible not to find this place.

Jonouchi tried to open his eyes, but all he could see was still darkness.

He could hear Baron's confident voice very clearly and feel his still strong heartbeat, but no matter how hard Jonouchi tried at this moment, he could never escape from this darkness.

Of course.

[Oliha Gang's Barrier] will use the darkness in the user's heart to breed powerful cards. In The Three Musketeers of Doma, Rafiru and Amaluda have already done this, but Hayato did it without knowing it. In the eyes of others, they have also achieved this. Only Balong, who has not achieved much, seems a bit unusual.

However, this does not mean that Baron does not have enough darkness in his heart to cultivate powerful monsters. In fact, the darkness in his heart is not comparable to that of the other two Doma Three Musketeers. On par.

But what if such a monster is cultivated? Baron's darkness was completely injected into the [Armor] deck, which is also the origin of the damage vitality ability.

In this dark blockade, Jonouchi struggled hard, but could not escape. Listening to Barong completing preparations for a decisive blow, there was nothing he could do in the city.

Within the city!!!

Is that the sound of dancing?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring about any change. Just when Jonouchi was about to give up, he heard the sound of peacock dancing. He turned around in the direction of the sound, only to see that there seemed to be some crack-like gaps in the darkness.

The sound of the peacock dance just now came from that.


Jonouchi wanted to shout out his voice in response, but still couldn't regain his body's movements.


He swung his fist and hit the crack heavily, but the crack did not change at all and was still the same size as before.


Another punch landed, but it was still useless, and the size of the crack did not change at all. However, shaking his fist at the crack in front of him was the only thing Jonouchi could do.


He tried desperately to shout, but it was of no use, so Jonouchi could only punch again.

He was not reconciled to losing to Barong in such an embarrassing manner!




He punched again and again, and at some point, a sound came from the crack and expanded slightly, but Jonouchi was completely unaware and just punched again and again.

I haven't beaten Kaiba yet to make that bastard look at me!

I haven't defeated Hayato yet and brought back the old Hayato!

I haven't beaten the game yet for him to see my growth!

I haven't become a powerful duelist yet, let Shizuka know how powerful her brother is!

I haven't become a powerful duelist yet, let that Honda guy know how powerful I am!

I haven't become a powerful duelist yet, let Wu...


Unknowingly, the rift had expanded to several times the size at the beginning. The obsession in his heart was burning. Jonouchi yelled and pumped his fist: I haven't given up yet!


The crack suddenly shattered, and the dazzling light dispersed the darkness, causing Jonouchi to close his eyes.

From the corner of his eye, he glimpsed that the shape of the darkness where he was before was like an eggshell.

Opening his eyes again, Jonouchi saw Baron's fist, stopping in front of him, but he couldn't get any closer.

You guys are actually awake! Balong was surprised by Jonouchi's sudden awakening, and even forgot to turn around to look at Peacock Dance who just shouted Jonouchi's name. But what surprised him even more was that his decisive blow was actually suspended?

A strong resistance came, pushing Barong back to his side of the field.

Watching Jonouchi stand up with difficulty, Baron noticed that Jonouchi actually pressed the button to activate the card block, activating a card in his back field.

Trap card [Fighting Armor] can only be activated when the opponent's monster attacks directly and our HP is below 2,000. Moving his finger away from the button, Jonouchi looked up at Barong who looked surprised, Invalidate that attack, and Special summon a [player token] on your field.

In front of Jonouchi, a bright red armor appeared. The shape was exactly the same as the [Armor] on Barong, and it was similarly dressed on Jonouchi's body while retreating!

For a moment, two people wearing armor were facing each other, more like a Saint O's set.

[Player Token] [4☆/Land]


【? /? 】

When [Player Token] is specially summoned successfully, our base points will be halved. In addition, [Player Token]'s attack power and defense will be the values ​​of our base points. Jonouchi stretched out his hand and pointed at Barong, Said It’s too early for the duel to be over, now we have to really start to decide the winner, Barong!”

[Within the city: 800→400lp]

【Player Derivatives】【atk400】

The decisive blow was ineffective. Barong looked at Jonouchi who was standing with difficulty but refused to fall: You guy!

He was obviously knocked down, so why did he just lie down obediently and prepare to accept the result? Why did he stand up again, this guy who refused to give up!

He just summoned a monster with an attack power of 400 points. What could he do with the basic points like a candle in the wind and an empty hand?

This useless struggle will change nothing, and I know that very well. In order to prevent the demolition of the church, Barong at that time chased away the gangsters who came to the door again and again, but only got the result that the church was burned down.

No matter how hard you try to change the process, the most important thing is still the result. This kind of process without result is simply useless!

What on earth is this guy Katsuya Jonouchi fighting for?

For the first time, Barong looked at Jonouchi not from the perspective of the person Peacock Wu likes and the enemy that Dazi asked him to get rid of, but as his opponent.

He suddenly had a hunch that there might be something very important about Jonouchi that he needed to know.

Inadvertently, Barong raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: Blessed...

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