Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 64 I didn’t think of a title and accidentally forgot to pick it up.

The fully armed Barong drew two cards from his hand: [Armor] monsters can only use one to attack at a time, even if it is invalidated, so you saved a life, Castle.

However, the result will still not change. Looking at Peacock Wu who was running from a distance, Barong said firmly, I will defeat you under Wu's witness.

Cover two cards, my turn ends. And at the end of the turn, the [Armor] monsters specially summoned due to [Armor Gravity] will be destroyed and sent to the graveyard.

As Baron's words fell, the [Armor] on his body disintegrated in an instant, leaving only a [Spiritual Helmet and Armor] wearing the attack symbol on Baron's head.

[Baron: 3600lp, 1 card in hand]

【Spiritual Helmet·Armor】【atk0】

[Treasure Card of Survival] [Card Cover] x3

A long time ago, after the end of Duel City, International Illusion Society and Kaiba Entertainment Group planned a banned card list. At that time, there were many cards nominated for banned cards, such as [Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End] , [Bataiwu] and so on.

Although the final result was that apart from wait, only two cards [Batai Wu] and [Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End] were locked up in the small black room, but at that time and now the restricted card [Heaven] The [Treasure Card of Survival], which was used by Malik in conjunction with [Regeneration Slime], was also almost imprisoned. The same was true for the [Treasure Card of Survival], which was almost unusable.

But now after a few rounds, Jonouchi can say that he has experienced firsthand how powerful the Survival Card that was almost banned is. Coupled with the constantly regenerating [Armor], Barong continuously obtained a large number of cards in his hand for squandering, and it can be said that the city has almost run out of ammunition and food.

There are no cards in hand or in the backfield. There is only a [player token] with only 400 attack points that is equivalent to his basic score. His efforts just now, let alone Barong, are probably not worth it in anyone's eyes. It's just a futile struggle.

However, Jonouchi doesn’t think that’s the case.

Are the results the only thing that matters? No, it's not like that. Raising his head, Jonouchi looked at Barong through the lenses of his helmet, met his eyes, and said firmly, Barong, in my opinion, my efforts are worth it. It’s not in vain.”

If you only pursue 'results' and ignore the 'process', people will easily take shortcuts. When people take shortcuts, they may lose the truth and even their enthusiasm for why they want to move forward. Lost together.”

Putting his fingers on the deck, Jonouchi made preparations to draw cards, Compared with the 'result', what is more important is the 'process', and the will to seek the true in the 'process'! As long as there is this kind of orientation The true will to move forward, no amount of failures can defeat me and I will eventually reach my goal, because I am always moving forward, this is unmistakable!”

In my turn, a true duelist can even create the future of drawing cards!


The drawn card was thrown into the duel plate by Jonouchi: I activate the magic card [Card of Destiny]! If you think that the result of 'you win' has been locked by fate, then I will surpass that fate now!

A spinning dice flew out from the opened [Treasure Card of Destiny] and rolled on the field. Jonouchi said: The effect of this card is to throw a dice, and I draw the number of points from the top of the deck. cards, then remove the same number of cards from the top of the deck!”

The dice stopped rolling and revealed the maximum number: six!

Yoshi! Then I can draw six cards, and then remove the six cards from the top of the deck and draw cards!

He drew out six cards to replenish his hand to the maximum value, and removed six cards from the top of the deck, which reduced the thickness of his deck a lot. Jonouchi lowered his head to confirm the cards in his hand and saw a familiar card. card.

Turning his head to look at Peacock Wu who had arrived not far away, Jonouchi showed a smile and pulled out the card and activated: Although this is a one-on-one duel, it seems that I am not fighting alone.

Activate the magic card [Harpy's Feather Sweep] to destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field! Lend me your power, Mai!


Seeing that Jonouchi actually pulled out a powerful card like [Harpy's Feather Sweep] under his divine attack, even Baron couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Feather Sweep whipped up strong winds and swept all four cards in Baron's backcourt, destroying them one by one. However, after the storm dissipated, Jonouchi saw Barong putting an armor on his body.

[Active protection·armor][def1500]

Jonouchi also understood what was going on. Wasn't it the previous [Magnetic Armor]? The chain [Harpy's Feather Sweep] was activated to special summon the [Active Protection Armor] in the cemetery, and he used it for the last time. The card is drawn based on the effect of [Survival Treasure Card], and then it is destroyed.

The card in the backcourt was obviously destroyed, but Barong, who was wearing [Active Protection Armor] at the moment, did not feel unhappy at all. He even couldn't help showing an expectant expression when he looked towards Jonouchi.

Not pursuing “results” but pursuing “process”;

I prefer the ever-changing progress to the quiet life without any disturbance;

No matter how you look at it, Jonouchi seems to be a different existence from Barong, but at this moment, Barong only feels that he is inexplicably similar to Jonouchi, and at the same time, a strange passion is coming from Barong's heart. be awakened.

He looked forward to what kind of cards Jonouchi would play next, and how Jonouchi would change his destiny with a basic score that was less than a fraction of his own.

In the dissipating storm, Jonouchi played a card from his hand: I'm going to do it, I activate the ritual magic card [Red Eyes Reincarnation]!

Tribute monsters from my hand and field until the total level reaches 8☆ or above, or remove the [Red-Eyes] monster from the graveyard as an alternative to Tribute!

Lifting the duel plate, he took out a [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] from the graveyard, and pointed his thumb at himself. Jonouchi said loudly, I will exclude the level 7 [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] in the graveyard, and myself, which is [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon]. Player token] Liberation!”

Ritual Summon this card from my hand!

The existence of [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] turned into flames and descended on Jonouchi's body. The fire shot up into the sky, and in this scorching fire, Jonouchi's firm voice came:

The aloof and absolute king who tears apart the pitch-black darkness and burns the heaven and the earth to pieces!! The arrogant and arrogant creature trembles under its fierce power!!

Ritual Summoning! [True Red King]!!

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