Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 62: It’s you who missed the mark by one move, Jonouchi

After hearing Baron's declaration that the battle was about to begin, [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] on the court inside the city snorted a stream of heat from his nose, looking very disdainful of it.

Although the operation of wearing a monster on one's body seems strange, no matter how you look at the opponent, they are just a group of fish monsters with 0 attack power. Isn't this a casual beating?

Only one [Armor] monster can attack during a combat phase. I chose to use the [Big Bang Fist·Armor] on my right hand to attack the [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon] on your field in the castle!

As he spoke, Barong raised his right arm in the disdainful eyes of [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon], clenched his fists and charged towards this side as if he had already won.

When Jonouchi heard Barong's attack declaration, he finally made up his mind to awaken and pressed the button to activate the cover card: Then chain your attack declaration, I activate the cover card on my back field, the trap card [Thunder Break] !”

Discard a card in your hand, target a card on the field to activate it, and destroy that card!

Seeing the cover card opened in Jonouchi's backcourt and him sending a card that looked like a monster card into the graveyard, Barong said proudly: Sure enough, you are really interested in my [Armor] deck. I have some understanding, Jonouchi!

An ordinary duelist might stop him out of caution and suspicion when he sees a suicidal attack declaration like mine, but there will definitely be a process of doubt and thinking, but you only hesitated for a moment before launching. Gaika!”

A pillar of lightning rose from the card of [Thunder Break] and fell into the sky. Although it had not fallen yet, Baron could not tell which card Jonouchi was targeting to activate [Thunder Break] on his field, but for him There should be no difference.

I'm curious as to where you know about my [Armor] deck, but it doesn't matter. It's so stupid, Jonouchi!

The gauntlet on the left was lifted up by Barong, and a layer of red light curtain was released from the [Trap Explosion Armor] on his left arm, wrapping the [Armor] all over his body.

The effect of [Trap Explosion·Armor] is the ability to prevent all armored monsters on my field from being affected by the opponent's trap card effects. If you use the card blindly without mastering the ability of my card, your ability is nothing more than that!

The confident Baron mocked Jonouchi for a few words, and then continued to rush in the direction of the [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon] he wanted to attack. If [Big Bang Fist·Armor] with 0 attack power attacks [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon] with 3500 attack power, the result will inevitably be the self-destruction of [Big Bang Fist·Armor], which can trigger its detonation field. All the monsters on.

And at the same time, [Active Protection Armor] will absorb all the damage for Barong himself, which means that with this punch, Jonouchi will receive a full 3500 points of effect damage in one breath, even if the basic points are not cleared in one breath. The [Armor] deck's ability to damage vitality will knock you to the ground and make it difficult to move. You can only survive with a mere 500 points, like a candle in the wind!

[Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] It was only then that I noticed the terrifying power on the glove of Barong's right arm. He turned back to look at Jonouchi in panic, as if to say: 'Jouchi, use your invincible Gaika to think. Find a way! ’

The lightning fell in Barong's indifferent eyes, but what made him strange was that the location where the [Thunderbolt] light beam finally fell seemed to be very close to him, but it was not at all based on any of the [Armor] monsters on his body, Or maybe the card on his backfield was the target, but instead it landed on the [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon] that he was attacking! ?

When did you get the illusion that my [Thunderbolt] targets the cards on your field, Barong?

Jonouchi's confident voice reached Barong's ears. As the lightning destroyed the confused [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon], Barong's [Big Bang Fist Armor] hit empty and failed to trigger the explosion. Effect.

After hearing the sound, Jonouchi showed a beautiful smile and said proudly, The name [Trap Explosion·Armor] simply has the resistance to trap cards written all over its face. Do you think everyone is the same as you? Are you stupid, Baron? I already knew that card would give your [Armor] monster resistance!

The ability of [Big Bang Fist Armor], Ryuzaki has told me a long time ago, is a powerful card that can trigger a self-destruction effect when destroyed by battle, so the destruction of the effect becomes a powerful method against it, but you are Before summoning [Big Bang Fist·Armor], I specially summoned [Trap Explosion·Armor] from the graveyard using [Magnetic Armor], do you think I wouldn’t notice this?!”

In addition to the effect destruction, as long as I can prevent you from actively detonating [Big Bang Fist·Armor], I can still interrupt your combo!

Barong's face froze: Damn, damn it! He was understood so thoroughly!

Wait, Ryuzaki? That 'dinosaur' Ryuzaki? Didn't that guy die in the duel with me? Well, the annoying things just keep coming one after another.

The failure to trigger the effect of [Big Bang Fist·Armor] made Baron very unhappy, but at the same time he deliberately provoked: But Jonouchi, in order to prevent my attack, you actually took the initiative to destroy your own monsters. , are you still considered a duelist like this?

Now that you know the effect of [Big Bang Fist·Armor], you should also know that even if I hit this blow, you will not lose the duel, right? You are just afraid of being hurt and you will destroy the monster on your own initiative. What a loser. ah.

Since there was no way to hurt Jonouchi in the duel for the time being, Baron didn't mind using words to ridicule and belittle Jonouchi. This is not a despicable act. You must know that Jonouchi is Baron's rival in love and can do anything on the emotional battlefield.

However, Jonouchi would not be easily angered by his few words. After listening to Baron's words, he said proudly: Baron, right? You said that I took the initiative to destroy my own monster. This is indeed true. However, this is not to avoid harm, on the contrary, it is a necessary sacrifice that I made for the next victory!

When [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] is sent from the monster zone to the graveyard, activate its effect on a normal monster in my graveyard to Special Summon that monster!

Hearing this, Barong was stunned: A normal monster in your graveyard? How is that possible! There should be no monster cards in your graveyard because of the previous [Pot of Greed]!

No, wait a minute! Don't tell me!

Yes, a real duelist, but he can even use the negative effects of cards freely. It is better to say that there are no useless effects, only useless duelists! Jonouchi pointed his hand in the air, The one I want to specially summon , this is the monster that was just discarded by the effect of [Thunder Break]!

Among the remains of the [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] that was annihilated by the lightning, the lightning that had not completely dispersed was beating and gathering again. Another bunch of blue thunder fell and was grabbed by a pale claw extending from it!

Let's meet the powerful monsters entrusted to me by the game, Thunder and Death, [Devil's Summons]!


【Demon's Call】【def1200】

A powerful demon-type monster with an attack power equivalent to that of Black Magician, Devil's Summons gifted to Jonouchi from the game due to the effect of Meteor Dragon and Meteor Black Dragon majestically appears on the Jonouchi field!

In addition, Jonouchi was a thief and special summoned him in defense position. At this moment, it was like a wall of sighs lying between Jonouchi and Barong, leaving Barong with only a pair of [Armor] monsters with 0 attack power on the field. All he could do was stare.

[Thunder Break] destroys [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon], and then [Demon's Call] is specially summoned to play. This round of chaining can trigger the rules of battle rollback, allowing Barong to use his [Armor] again. The monster attacks.

But who to attack? Even though the defense power of [Devil's Call] is only 1200 points, it is enough to stop Baron's [Armor] monsters with 0 attack power. If they hit them, the result will be that Baron will only receive damage from the defense power, and he will not be able to use it. [Big Bang Fist·Armor] is destroyed to trigger the effect.

Hey, I underestimated you a little bit, Katsuya Jonouchi. Baron stood back to his original position unhappily, obviously choosing not to continue the battle phase.

Draw two cards from his hand and send them to the graveyard. Barong activates a card, In my main phase two, I discard two cards in my hand and use the magic card [Ghost Thunder String Trap], using a trap card in my graveyard as the The subject activates its effect.

Cover [Magnetic Armor] on my back field again, then I cover another card from my hand, and the round ends.

And at the end of the round, the [Trap Explosion·Armor] specially summoned due to the effect of [Magnetic Armor] will be sent to the graveyard again.

After finishing speaking, Jonouchi saw the [Trap Explosion Armor] on Barong's left hand shattered together with the red light curtain that had been spread out earlier and seemed to have the ability to resist trap cards.

[Baron: 3600lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Spiritual Helmet·Armor】【atk0】

[Active protection·armor][def1500]

【Big Bang Fist·Armor】【atk0】

[Treasure Card of Survival] [Card Cover] x2

Ah la ah la, it's really hard to do. The powerful combo that I finally put together was interrupted by a guy like you with a strange yellow hair standing on end, no taste at all, and not worthy of dancing at all. It's really unpleasant. With his free hand, Barong pointed towards the city, hooked his fingers and said provocatively, So, do you dare to attack now?

Who has a weird hairstyle, and what qualifications do you, a hedgehog, have to criticize me! Jonouchi curled his lips and glanced at the situation on the field.

Although Jonouchi successfully defeated Barong in the last round and failed to do any damage, Barong's expansion was genuine. There were three [Armors] on the field - or on Barong's body - 】Even if the monster's attack power is only 0 points, it should not be underestimated.

But there are no solutions. Neither [Big Bang Fist·Armor] nor [Active Protection·Armor] are suitable for destruction in combat, but as long as we find a way to use [Psychic Helmet·Armor] to destroy It will be fine if you break through at a little bit.

Baron now has two cover cards on the backfield, one of which is the open card [Magnetic Armor]. He can once again special summon [Trap Explosion·Armor] from Baron's graveyard to other [Armor] monsters. Provides trap resistance, but the other one is unknown within Gaika City.

At present, Baron's basic score is 3600 points, which means that Jonouchi only needs to find a way to deal 3600 points of damage with [Spiritual Helmet and Armor] as the target under the interference of the mysterious cover card in Barong's backcourt.

It sounds a bit difficult, so let’s take a look at the cards currently available in Jonouchi.

There is a [Demon's Call] in defense position on the field with an attack power of 2500 points, and there is a [Fusion] in the hand, but there is not enough fusion material, and there is also a cover card with unknown meaning on the field.

Hmph, Mr. Jonouchi's Duel City Top Four is not just good-looking. It's just a [Armor] deck or something. Watch me beat it! Jonouchi confidently put his finger on the deck and pulled out a card. , My turn, draw a card!

The familiar touch was accompanied by a familiar card. With a flip of his palm, the card Jonouchi drew in this round was one of the cards involved in the hand-stuck accident in the first round - [True Red Eyes Black Dragon]!

The card itself has not changed at all, but the situation of the duel is already different from the beginning. Now Jonouchi needs the help of this card.

Watch Barong, I will work with Ryuzaki who was attacked by you before in the next card, the magic card [Fusion]!

Showing the [Fusion] card in his hand, Jonouchi shouted loudly, [Red-Eyed Black Dragon], [Devil's Summon], lend me your power, Fusion Summon!

[Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon]!

The two monsters on the field and in the hand were sent to the graveyard by Jonouchi. Following the previous Meteor Dragon, the Demon Dragon appeared on the field due to the power of [Fusion]!

[Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] [9☆/Dark]



Entering the battle phase, I will use [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] to attack the [Spiritual Helmet·Armor] on your field, Baron!

‘Then you will receive 3200 points of combat damage, and at the end of the combat phase where [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] has fought, you can cause additional effect damage. Victory is mine, Barong! ’

Jonouchi confidently imagined the next development and waved the order to attack.

Apparently, Jonouchi accidentally committed a major taboo in duels, which is to explain in his mind the method of winning.

Seeing Jonouchi summoning the powerful [Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon], Barong suddenly laughed under Jonouchi's confused eyes: Humph, hahaha, you were fooled by Jonouchi, you just said you were going to fight against [Spiritual Helmet· Armor] It’s right to launch an attack!”

After so many calculations, it looks like you are the one who is missing a move!

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