Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 54: The plan to eliminate the duelists was made by Da Zi

When Hayato used the napkin theory of the famous weight loss guru and politician Fani Valentine to frighten Rafiru and the three of them, a voice came to Yugi's ears lying on the hospital bed. .

Human boy, open your eyes, I am [Timaeus].


Following that call, Yugi suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that he was lying on a hospital bed somewhere.

Covering his head and recalling the last memory in his mind, Yugi remembered that his other self was hit by the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] attack, cleared his last base points, was injected with some kind of poison, fell down in pain, and was still alive. Was beaten back into the [Millennium Building Blocks].

And he also came out of the [Millennium Building Block], but happened to encounter the collapse of the floor, and then lost consciousness.

Castle! For the first time, Yugi didn't have time to think about how he survived in that situation. Instead, he thought of Castle that fell like him at that time.

Fortunately, as soon as he turned his head, Yugi saw Jonouchi sitting on the hospital bed next to him, and Jonouchi's eyes looking over there were a little confused and dazed. It could be seen that he had just woken up not long ago.

Ah, what am I?

It seemed that he also had no memory of what happened after being knocked down. Jonouchi scratched his head and muttered to himself. After seeing Yugi sitting on the bed next to him, he asked again, Yugi, how are you, are you okay? ?”

Well, everything feels normal. What about you, Jonouchi?

It's the same thing. It feels as normal as sleeping.

Although Jonouchi felt that he had no discomfort or discomfort, such normality was the most abnormal. You must know that they had lost in a duel with Hayato in a game that was even darker than Dark Game. Why? Now there is nothing going on? Even symptoms such as headache, swelling, weakness in hands and feet are much more normal.

Moreover, the feeling of falling was obviously real at that time, but now the two of them were lying on the hospital bed intact, it was really difficult to understand what happened at that time.

At that time, there should be only five people on the top floor of the International Illusion Club: Hayabusa Yugi and Jonouchi, Hayato and that Rafiru, and Becas who had his soul sealed. Could it be that Hayato saved the two of them?

Yugi didn't think clearly, but Jonouchi put on a handsome expression and said to Yugi with panic: Hey Yugi, are we actually dead now? Could it be that we had fallen to death at that time? Are you in heaven now?

Don't do that kind of thing. I haven't seen Shizuka get married yet. I should at least check on her boyfriend to prevent her from being cheated!

Even before Yugi complained that the setting Jonouchi said was impossible, Jonouchi himself believed the setting he said and felt that he and Yugi might really be dead, so he went to heaven.

As for why I didn’t see Becas? Probably because that guy went to hell. After all, he could answer Batman's parents without hesitation when Hayato told a joke about something covered in holes rolling around in a dark alley. people.

While Jonouchi was unwilling to give in, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a familiar face appeared in front of Yugi and Jonouchi: So I said, feel free to entrust Shizuka to me, Jonouchi.

Honda!? Jonouchi was a little surprised that he could actually see Honda appearing here, but he finally reacted, Yes, heaven shouldn't be like a hospital ward, and you Honda also appeared here. here.

So, we're not dead?

After discovering that he was not dead, Jonouchi felt a little happy again. At the same time, behind Honda, Mai and Kyoko also came in: Yiyu! Jounouchi!

Everyone is okay, that's great.

Although he was not worried about his death like Jonouchi, Yugi who woke up and found no one around him was lying if he said he was not worried about the safety of his other friends. After all, he didn't know the extent of the collapse of the floor at that time, and At that time, Peacock Dance and Kaiba were against people from the Doma Organization. Once they were defeated, their souls would be sealed.

However, seeing Peacock Dance appear here, Yugi knew that she must not have been defeated by the guy named Barong, and Kaiba also kept an expressionless attitude when Yugi thought of him, and together with Keipei He also walked into the ward.

There was a doctor's voice coming from outside the door: The patient has just woken up. If you bring too many people in, it will affect their rest.

Hmph, are you ordering me, Seto Kaiba? You idiot, the purpose of Kaiba Group's wholly-owned acquisition of this hospital is not for you to take care of me.

Without looking back, Kaiba walked into the ward and saw Jonouchi and Yugi sitting on the hospital bed. The corners of his mouth showed an inconspicuous arc, as if he wanted to smile but was suppressed, and he spoke arrogantly: It's really embarrassing. Did you become weak because you stayed with mediocrity for too long, Yugi.

At times like this, it's okay to show your sincerity a little, brother. Behind Kaiba, Keipei also poked his head out. Seeing that both Yugi and Jonouchi looked energetic, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, As long as you're okay, Yugi and Jonouchi, before you woke up, you didn't know how much your brother was outside -

It's okay not to say that kind of thing, Keppei! Kaiba directly interrupted Keppei's words and deliberately changed the subject, Compared to those unimportant things, I have more important things to ask you.

What happened up there on the roof?

After saying this, as if he had guessed the questions that Yugi and Jonouchi might ask, Kaiba added, That guy Becas was also one of the people attacked by Doma. Although he was lucky that he didn't fall to death because of you, he still can't. You are unconscious like the other victims, so you are the only two people who know what happened.

Because we didn't fall to death? Yugi didn't quite understand what Kaiba meant, but he still nodded and said, In terms of 'knowledge', we don't know much, because when Jonouchi and I reached the top At that time, it happened to be when Bekas was defeated, and we couldn't even say a word to each other.

Hey, now that I think about it, I'm afraid that it was for this reason that at the beginning there was an intention to prevent us from going upstairs, but later on the other two people from the Doma organization didn't stop us. Obviously It’s because we know that we can no longer prevent Becas’s soul from being sealed.” Jonouchi thought of the previous events and said a little unhappily.

Kaiba glanced at Jonouchi, then looked at Yugi and said, So, at that time, you and mediocrity just watched the people from the Doma organization leave? How did you fall into a coma later?

How could there be no obstruction? At that time, I was playing with another game, but I couldn't beat it at all. I was suppressed from beginning to end with almost no chance of victory. I finally had a glimmer of hope but was pinched again. Destroy. Jonouchi recalled the previous duel and clenched his fists.

In that duel, it can be said that Jonouchi did the best he could, with almost no misoperations or hand jams. It can be said that every card was used to the best extent, combining himself and the card. The power of the group was fully unleashed.

The same is true for games. Several powerful monsters appeared one after another in that duel, wanting to defeat the dark power, but even the [Super Demon] born from the bond between the two in the end Guiding Dragon Knight - True Red-Eyed Dragoon] was also swallowed by the power of [Super Fusion], giving birth to the last poisonous dragon.

Even Jounouchi, you and Yugi teamed up and couldn't defeat the opponent? How is that possible! When Honda and others heard what Jounouchi said, they were also surprised. After all, the people who joined forces were not just two third-rate duelists, but Yugi and Yugi. This golden pair in the city.

Even if the bond between the two of them is that they can understand the tactics the other is going to use and whether the cards under the cover can be used even if they just look at each other, one of them is the top four in Duel City, and the other is nothing except the Duel King. Defeat, but they actually lost the duel?

Could it be that the other side is asking more than ten people to duel with you without respecting martial ethics? Although he knew that this situation was unlikely, at this moment, Keipei could only think of this possibility.

But Jonouchi shook his head and said slightly bitterly: No, the one who defeated me and Yugi teamed up is just one person. Yugi and I are the ones with more people.

And even if I teamed up with Yugi and was defeated, it's not an accident. As Jonouchi said that name, everyone present, even Kaiba, couldn't help but show an expression of that's impossible , After all, the person standing opposite us is that guy Hayato.

Impossible, didn't Hayato die in the fight with Anubis? The first person to deny Jonouchi's statement was Kaiba. He changed his previous calm demeanor, as if he couldn't accept Jonouchi's remarks. , said excitedly, You second-rate duelist must have seen it wrong!

Although we also want Hayato to come back, Jonouchi, Kaiba is right, are you wrong? Honda also looked in disbelief when he heard that Jonouchi actually said that his opponent was Hayato.

Kyoko also said at the side: By the way, it's just like that time in Duel Kingdom. At that time, didn't Bekas send someone to pretend to be Kaiba and tell us that Kaiba was dead, but the cards used were not commonly used by Kaiba. The [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is here.”

Yi Yu, you must have encountered the same situation.

But when Kyoko asked Yugi for confirmation, she only received a firm shake of her head: No, there is no doubt that the person standing in front of us at that time was Hayato. Although a new deck was used, [Disruption·Yellow] There are several monsters that often accompany Hayato. That person is Hayato.

Indeed, it can only be Hayato himself. Recalling the various performances in that duel, Jonouchi was also very sure. After all, there are not many people who are good at liberating monsters to gain an advantage in duels, but the only one who can liberate monsters naturally is Hayato.

The others were a little embarrassed, but Hayato was not only happy but even laughing.

It's just that at that time Hayato said he was 'tired of playing the game of friendship' and joined the Doma organization 'for power'... Thinking of what Hayato had said before, Yugi's expression was a little downcast.

However, Jonouchi stood up from the hospital bed, patted Yugi and said, Have some confidence in Hayato, Yugi, he is not that kind of person. I have evidence that Hayato is being controlled.


Jonouchi's words surprised Yugi. Obviously they went to the top floor of the International Illusion Society together and there was a duel there. Did Jonouchi collect any clues?

Jonouchi raised his head proudly: As we all know, Hayato likes to shout 'Tamahi' randomly, as if every monster he has is his 'Tamahi', but everyone knows that Hayato's real trump card should be It’s the [Psychic Ectoplasm].”

Instead of using effect damage to harvest, you use direct attacks to clear your opponent's base points. It's not Hayato's style at all.

As he said that, Jonouchi said arrogantly: No one understands Hayato better than me. He opened and closed his hands repeatedly like an accordion.

'It would be strange if Hayato's dueling style is so easy to guess. ’ Although he knew that what Jonouchi said was not very credible and could only be treated as a joke, Yugi also smiled when he saw Jonouchi cheering for him.

Yes, I should trust Hayato. If he really wanted to take our lives and Jonouchi's, it would be easy for Hayato to launch a dark game or let [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] directly kill the two of us with Hayato's ability.

He stayed in Doma and pretended to throw himself into the darkness for power. There must be some unspeakable reason.

Looking at the interaction between Jonouchi and Yugi, Kaiba snorted coldly and said with a little regret: That means Hayato Kobayashi is on the opposite side of me now, right? That's the best, I can just kill him easily. He defeated and won the title of Duel King.

After knowing Kaiba for so long, Yugi and the others have learned how to translate Kaiba's arrogant speech, and know that what he actually means is that he is happy that Hayato is still alive.

However, I rushed to the International Illusion Society on purpose but failed to collect any clues in the end. My precious time was really wasted.

After hearing Kaiba's words, Yugi suddenly remembered something and said: It's tiring Wadokana.

Kaiba heard this and went away, but found that the two games had completed the exchange at some point. Yami Yugi had a confident smile on his face and said calmly: Because of the duel with Hayato, I didn't put too much thought on it. , now I suddenly remembered such a thing.

At that time, Hayato said, 'The plan to eliminate the duelists was made by Datsu.' I think the name 'Datsu' might be a breakthrough.

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