Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 55 Dark blue adds some points!

The Paradis Group?

Malik, who was leaning on a jeep, looked at the message sent on his mobile phone and frowned delicately. His appearance is actually quite handsome, so just his frowning movements have attracted the attention of many passing men (no doubt), thinking that this dark-skinned handsome guy is so handsome.

Only passers-by who have never seen Malik's top-notch appearance during a duel would think so.

After hearing Malik talking to himself, Isis, who was sitting in the jeep next to him, ran her fingers over the [Millennium Jewelry]. After habitually predicting the future for a short period of time, she said to Malik: That's it, nameless Did the Pharaohs and the others learn from the people of the Doma Organization that the president of the Paradis Group, Dazi, is also a member of the Doma Organization and holds a high position?

Well, at least let me finish reading the text message, sister. Malik's frown relaxed and he looked helplessly at Isis, who had just read the text message he had just received from the future before him. This feeling is just like receiving a New Year's gift and seeing what the gift is inside without even opening the package. There is no sense of expectation at all.

After making a casual remark, Malik looked away from Isis, who was pretending to be innocent, and looked down at the text message displayed on her phone again. Although the general news has been spoiled, Isis still has some details that have not been revealed, and Malick can only use these details to satisfy his expectations.

And soon, Malik noticed something:

The Pharaoh and that Jonouchi teamed up and failed to defeat a mysterious opponent of the Doma organization?

Hey, are you serious? Can a non-leader of a villain organization who just ran out of a villain do such a thing?

That guy from Honda, did he say something wrong when he was editing the text message?

The person who texted Malik was none other than Honda. He had Malik’s contact information before. After their trip to the International Illusion Society was in vain, he told Malik and his group that they were going to Paraty next. The Si Group continues to collect information on the Doma Organization.

However, in the text message, Honda, who had discussed it with Yugi and Jonouchi, did not tell Malik that the opponent in the duel was Hayato.

Although it sounds like good news that Hayato did not die but returned intact, what is puzzling now is that Hayato actually joined the Doma organization that killed other duellists and stood on the opposite side as an enemy.

This is so wrong. Before the situation is figured out, Yugi thinks it is better not to let Malik, especially Isis, who came to the United States with Malik, know this information for the time being. After all, slim hope will breed despair.

In the text message, they just said that the Doma Organization currently collects souls from four powerful duelists, and that the identities of Amaluda and Rafilu were somewhat discovered by the energy of the Kaiba Group. Baron He was an acquaintance who had dueled with Malik in the last KC Cup.

Hayato's information was not disclosed, only that he was a powerful duelist who could compete with the two of Jonouchi and Yugi, but this was what made Malik unbelievable. The combined efforts of Yugi and Jonouchi were defeated. What kind of Shilipo Sword God is this? Why have I never heard of such a fierce person in the world before?

In Malik's mind, the famous duelist Kaiba can barely compete with Yugi in terms of strength, and Yugi is 70%. The Peacock Dancer who just won the National Duel Monsters Convention is just famous, but in terms of strength, he is not as good as him. In the city, the same goes for one of my predecessors named Rebecca, but I heard that there is someone named Guardian who might be able to compete with the game 50-50.

Malik could only think of one person who could compete with Yugi and Jonouchi's joint tag team, and that was Hayato. However, in Malik's knowledge, Hayato was no longer in this world, so he naturally ruled out this speculation. It's really possible.

As everyone knows, Yugi and the others concealed the fact that Hayato had returned, and what Malik didn't even know was that Isis, who was sitting in the jeep, had once again activated the power of [Millennium Jewelry] to observe the future.

Three minutes later, Lishid will push the shopping cart out of the mall, and on the way back to the jeep, he will accidentally trip over the can that Malik had discarded casually before;

An hour later, the three people who were about to drive on the interstate to the Paradis Group would be stopped by two racially motivated white police officers and make things difficult for them. Then Malik would use the power of the [Millennium Scepter] to stop them. They thought they were dogs for three days;

You can drive to the area where the Paratis Group is located this evening. On the way, you will encounter gangsters who want to blackmail you. Although it will take a lot of time, you can still reach your destination smoothly, but it is not as good as Muto Yugi and his team. Slow down.

Within the Paradis Group, there will be—

Isis's observation of the future suddenly became blurry after reaching the time point in the Paradis Group. Although it did not cause headaches or vomiting blood, which are common phenomena in fantasy novels, Isis was also slightly dizzy. , but this is also a normal phenomenon when switching from the perspective of overlooking the future back to the first-person perspective.

However, even though the future became blurred and it was difficult to see the details, Isis still noticed the existence of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] hanging on the chest of the person standing opposite Seto Kaiba in that brief glimpse of the future.

[Millennium Jewelry] The glimpse of the future is absolute!

Although she already has the willpower to transcend fate, at this moment, Isis is extremely grateful that she inherited the [Millennium Artifact] from the Tomb Keeper clan. The best time-related one is the [Millennium Jewelry], and she is extremely hopeful about the future she has seen. will become a reality.

When Isis opened her eyes, she happened to see Lishid pushing a shopping mall cart towards the jeep.

It's too slow, Lishid, I'm almost dying from the sun. Malik urged, If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have chosen an off-road Jeep for Tushuai when I rented a car.

Sorry, Mr. Malik, today is Saturday and there is a discount in the mall. There are too many people rushing to buy. Lishid heard Malik's urging and couldn't help but quicken his pace. He almost slipped and fell when he stepped on a can thrown in the middle of the road. .

————Malik in training——————

On the other side, in the hospital where Yugi and Jonouchi are located, they are using Kaiba's ability to inquire about information about the Paradis Group.

The Paradis Group is known as the 'largest and most powerful' company not only in the United States but also in the world. It has influence in more than 200 countries around the world, and has more than 60 companies ranging from finance, arms to entertainment, scientific research, etc. All industries are involved.”

That 'Dazi' is the president of such a group. I just don't know what position Dazi has in the Doma organization.

Listening to the information reported by Keppei, Yugi said with some surprise: Even the Kaiba Group and the International Illusion Society, can't compete with the Paradis Group?

Although I feel reluctant to say this, it is true. Keppei spread his hands helplessly, The Paradis Group has a strong economic reserve that surpasses the United States. Even if the Kaiba Group is tied to the International Illusion Society, it will be difficult to compete with it. contend.

Jonouchi's face was downcast: Are we going to be enemies with such a behemoth next? It's hard to imagine what kind of existence the Doma Organization will be. Just part of the true face revealed is actually an existence like the Paradis Group. ”

Hmph, are you so scared that you are trembling, you mediocre person?

Kaiba said contemptuously, and just one sentence easily aroused Jonouchi's displeasure, causing Jonouchi to glare at Kaiba.

As Yugi looked at Kaiba and Jonouchi, he suddenly remembered something and said, Speaking of which, after Rebecca and Professor Hopkins came to the United States with us, they went to Florida to investigate records related to... [Oliha Gang’s Barrier] There are cultural relics with similar patterns, and I don’t know what happened to them there.”

Arthur Hopkins? Kaiba thought for a while and said, He is a well-known figure in the archaeological world, but even if something is discovered in archeology, it has nothing to do with us living now. Those things buried in the soil should be buried In the soil, it’s simply——”

Halfway through Kaiba's words, Jonouchi, who had been unhappy with Kaiba for a long time, suddenly changed the subject and said, Speaking of which, Yugi, your [Eye of Timaeus] was recorded in the Atlantic Ocean submarine ruins that were discovered not long ago. .”

His tone was too artificial, and it shouldn't be too obvious. Even a fool could tell what purpose he had for suddenly saying this.

Although it was more obvious, it was indeed effective. Kaiba changed his words almost instantly: ——It is basically a precious cultural relic. It must be excavated and researched carefully.

Although Kaiba himself doesn't like cultural relics or anything like that, those things are related to playing cards.

However, since Jonouchi mentioned the [Eye of Timaeus], ​​Kaiba naturally remembered something, and proudly pulled out a card from the duel plate he had always worn on his left hand, and showed off: But Yugi, Don’t think that you are the only one who has that strange card. Although I don’t know who stuffed it into my deck, I also got such an unknown card.”

[Crydia's Fang], this is the name I gave it.

The look on Kaiba's face at this moment was as if after a neighbor's child got a very popular toy, he bought a similar one to show off.

He had been a little concerned about the power of the [Eye of Timaeus] obtained in the game before. He had thought about whether he could learn how to restrain this power from Bekas, who might know something about the situation, but he did not expect that he had also obtained it. One piece.

Now that Kaiba has even made up his mind to deal with Doma, he uses the power of [Crydia Fang] to clash with Yugi's [Eye of Timaeus] to see who is stronger. . Of course, he didn't forget Hayato either.

Ah, speaking of this kind of card...

However, what Kaiba didn't expect was that after Jonouchi saw the [Fang of Critia] that Kaiba took out, he actually pulled out a card with a similar face from the deck he was carrying.

It also has no name, attributes, star rating and effect. The only difference is that Kaiba's [Critian Fang] is a black dragon with sharp fangs, while the card in Jonouchi's hand is Katuri. It is a red dragon with long sharp claws.

Huh? Jonouchi and Kaiba are both here too?

Yugi looked at the Legendary Dragon card that Jonouchi and Kaiba took out with some surprise. As the first swordsman to awaken the Legendary Dragon, Yugi naturally remembered that there were exactly three dragon statues he saw in the elven world at that time.

Unexpectedly, Jonouchi and Kaiba actually became the sword-drawers after him, awakening and gaining the power of the Legendary Dragon.

Hey, I originally thought it might be a good power, but it turns out that even mediocre people can get it? Kaiba glanced at Jonouchi with disdain, It looks like it's just a third-rate card used by second-rate duelists.

Even though he said this, Kaiba still included [Fang of Critia] into his deck.

Jonouchi, who was belittled by Kaiba, said unhappily: You're talking about a third-rate card, so why don't you take that card out of your deck, second-rate duelist Kaiba-sama?

Hmph. Kaiba just snorted and ignored Jonouchi.

The game reminded the two of them: There are also seahorses in the city. There is no doubt that the [Legendary Dragons] are powerful, but they are not ordinary duel monsters that write their effects directly on the cards. They cannot easily Master how to use them and the limits of their power.

The power of [Eye of Timaeus] is to stimulate the potential of monsters to become new monsters. I can feel that the power in your cards is some kind of similar but different ability.

“But if you add the card to your deck without understanding its power, then in our next battle to the Paradis Group, it will be like climbing a mountain without knowing the route or where the top of the mountain is. , then there is no doubt that you will be in trouble, just like there is no doubt that you will get hiccups after drinking soda.

Although the game only talked about possible risks and not the solutions, Kaiba already understood what the game meant.

Obviously, since it may be risky for two people to add unfamiliar cards to the deck, then as long as they are familiar with the cards, the best way to become familiar with the cards is to directly engage in duels and become familiar with the cards in battle. strength.

Jonouchi was a little moved, but Kaiba didn't appreciate it.

Huh, practice? I've never had that habit. All my achievements so far are based on my talent. Don't compare me with mediocre people who need practice to learn how to duel monsters, Yugi.

As he said that, Kaiba turned around and left, I'm going to prepare to go to the Paradis Group. If you want to practice, just practice with mediocrity.

However, despite saying that, as soon as Kaiba walked out of the ward and confirmed that no one was following him, he quickly contacted Isono and asked him to vacate the calculation center of the Kaiba Group's American branch. He wanted to do the calculation [Kerry Fang of Dia].

Well, Seto Kaiba never practices, after all, he just fights against machines directly.

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