Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 53 Pick up the napkin

Facing Hayato's [Hellfire Machine] monster, Yugi and Jonouchi relied on the bond between the two to create a miracle called [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragoon].

How can such a miracle be replaced by another opponent? Maybe Jonouchi and Yugi will win in the end, but in the face of [Super Fusion], [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragoon] is only on the field with Hayato. [Death Stalker] together became the evil predatory dragon——[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon], which is just the nourishment for growing deadly beautiful flowers.

[Super Magical Dragon Knight - True Red-Eyed Dragoon] should have abilities that won't be the target of the effect. Why was it fused by [Super Fusion]! Jonouchi said unwillingly, Damn it, if you have a card in your hand , maybe it can negate the effect of [Super Fusion].

Huh, stupid, Jonouchi, [Fusion] is essentially sending the object to its grave without taking away it. Merely not taking the object's resistance is like resisting the power of [Super Fusion], boxer briefs, boxer briefs! Fusion summoning is the most noble summoning. Way!

Hayato, who drove [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] to attack, laughed and said, Also, [Super Fusion] has the ability to activate the effects of magic, traps, and monsters that cannot correspond to its activation. [Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red Eyes] No matter how powerful the effect of Dragoon] is, it means nothing if it cannot be activated!

This is the final blow. There is still a game in the city. Let it become the fodder for my [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon]!

[Within the city: 2000lp, 0 cards in hand]

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] [8☆/Dark]



Without any cards to activate, the predatory dragon opened its mouth, revealing its venom-filled teeth, and pounced on Jonouchi and Yugi. And even Jonouchi, who reacted the fastest, had only time to push Yugi beside him when faced with this rapid attack, and then rolled on the spot to avoid being directly bitten by the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] as much as possible. .

And it has to be said that Jonouchi's reaction was indeed very fast. The sharp teeth of [Hungry Venom Fusion Dragon] bit the air and directly smashed through the wall behind Jonouchi and Yugi, causing the top floor of the International Illusion Society headquarters building to break. Break on top.

After absorbing the power of [Super Magical Dragoon - Red-Eyed Dragoon] with the ability of [Super Fusion], it was obviously the first time for Hayato to use [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon], but it was already a duel monster that materialized. Fortunately, Jonouchi reacted quickly, otherwise the two people who were directly bitten by this blow would not have died on the spot!

However, they only avoided the direct bite of [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon]. This was not an action duel. They avoided the attack. They just avoided it. They only saw the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] swung. Its vine-like green body and slender body collided with Yugi and Jonouchi, and the spikes on its body directly rubbed blood stains on their bodies. The battle damage still fell on the two of them.

Uh! Hiss!

[Game + Within the City: 2000lp→0]

The moment the poisonous sting scratched the body surface, Yugi felt that something had penetrated into the body through the wound. It was toxin. [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] This monster was literally violent And the poison of prey that is always hungry!

In just a moment, Yugi felt that the dark magic power released by the [Millennium Brick] to protect him from harm was swallowed up. The strong pain penetrated the defense of the nerves, and his personality was forcibly sealed and returned to darkness. Among the [Millennium Building Blocks], switch to a table game to control the body.

Compared to Yugi, the pain Jonouchi felt was even more intense. It was as if molten lava had been poured into all the delicate nerves in his body. The burning pain spread rapidly along the location of the wound.

This feeling is simply like a carnivorous plant injecting decomposition liquid into the prey that has stepped into a trap, and it is planning to turn the whole person into a puddle of liquid in order to facilitate digestion!

Even the strong-willed Jonouchi was helplessly paralyzed by this level of pain, unable to get up. The two of them lay on the ground side by side with Yugi, and could only gasp in pain.

Seeing the end of the duel, and looking at the painful expressions of Yugi and Jonouchi, Rafilu, who was approaching Hayato, was a little bit unacceptable for Hayato's unhesitating act of killing his former friend: That was just now. Did this monster inject some deadly poison into them? You are so cruel, Hayato Kobayashi.

Nonsense, I clearly just asked [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] to inject some adrenaline into Yugi and the others.

Because Hayato remembered that Rafiru was by his side from the beginning to the end, not only did he not forget to act during the duel, Hayato also let the [Hellfire Machine] and the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] that just attacked to act a bit. .

The [Hellfire Machines] could have attacked directly, but they just used flames. When they attacked, they were really powerful, tearing down buildings and causing the surrounding areas to collapse. But in fact, if Rafiru came to experience it himself, he would find out that those The temperature of the flame is actually too hot to melt butter at all, aside from being subconsciously uncomfortable.

There is also [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon]. When attacking, he waited for Jonouchi to push Yugi away and then hit the attack without affecting the two people. Not only was he deliberately slowed down, but he also deliberately closed his tail when flicking. The sharp blade with its tail just used its thorns to scratch out some scary-looking skin wounds.

In order to make the effect realistic, Hayato also asked [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] to replace the secreted toxin with adrenaline that can effectively stimulate the nerves, and there will indeed be severe pain afterwards, but the dose is completely controlled within the harmless level to the human body. Pass Lafayette.

Hayato retorted in his heart, but said with his mouth: Humph, I am quite satisfied with the power of [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] awakened through the duel with them. This is a powerful power worthy of me. With this If I have this level of power, there is no doubt that I will become the 'invincible' even stronger than the 'strongest'!

What an interesting duel, but there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. Even we, within the city, still have games. Hayato said as he slowly took out a card from the duel plate - Field Magic. Card [Oliha Gang's Barrier], There was no chance to use this card during the duel just now. After all, the opponents were the two of you.

Counting the time, in addition to the adrenaline used for acting, another power of [Hungry Venom Fusion Dragon], or to be precise, the power lodged in [Super Fusion] should also take effect.

But now you don't have the ability to get up from the ground to resist, right? Hum, just let me seal your soul like this.

Saying that, Hayato showed the card in his hand to Yugi and Jonouchi as if to delay time, and then put it into the duel plate. Rafilu didn't think there was anything strange about Hayato's behavior, but just looked at him and wanted to deal with it. Yugi and Jonouchi took action.

However, just when Hayato was about to put the card in his hand into the duel plate, a loud dragon roar suddenly came from under his feet, followed by the ground shaking violently!

Immediately, Hayato withdrew the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that he had not planned to activate, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned the [Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon] that had not dissipated and left, so he jumped into the air and jumped down the cliff behind him, and pulled Philu also hurriedly used the power of the Oliha Gang Fragment to give his card spirit [Guardian-Aitos] the power to materialize, and jumped out with Hayato.

He did not forget to look back at Yugi and Jonouchi, but found that beside them, there was actually a shadow of a giant dragon of different colors, which was in a materialized state, destroying them like tofu. The building led the two of them towards the location where the dragon roar came from below, as if they were going to meet something.

That's what happened, Lord Dazi. In Doma's base, Rafilu, who was standing at the foot of the steps, reported to Dazi Hui, who had his back turned to him. Although we will refer to the 'Father of Duel Monsters' Becas J. ·Crofedo’s soul was sealed, but when he wanted to seal the soul of the nameless Pharaoh, he was stopped by the dragon that appeared on him and Katsuya Jonouchi, and he had to leave.”

Is it the legendary dragon? Tsk, it's here to cause trouble again. Even ten thousand years of slumber is not enough for them to remember their lessons... From Rafilu's description, Dazi naturally recalled ten thousand years. The experience of cleansing the surface civilization for the first time before, but being interfered by the legendary dragon from the elven world, even if he was as calm as Dazi, he could not help but show an unhappy expression.

He remembered clearly that many Atlanteans at that time became veritable monsters from the inside out due to the corruption of their souls. In order to preserve the dignity of the Atlanteans and not spread this darkness, Dazi was determined to destroy them. When he was an Atlantean, the first person who didn't understand that he even wanted to inherit Atlantis and was struggling to his death was his father, Eyahart, the former emperor of Atlantis.

Due to the disagreement, Dazi did not kill him but just expelled him. However, he did not expect that when he continued to use the power of Oliha Gang God to carry out the elimination plan, Aiyahat actually ran away without knowing how. He went to the Elf World to bring in reinforcements and found the legendary dragon to stop him.

Dazi was very unhappy about this. In his opinion, whether humans survive or die is the human world's own business. It has nothing to do with your elven world. As the emperor of humans, even if he wants to stop it, he can only be stopped by human power. Your elven world's Can you die?

Then, Dazi started fucking the Legendary Dragon. As a result, the Oliha Gang God who had just woken up not long ago was directly fucked and fell asleep. Dazi was also affected, but the Legendary Dragon didn't get better either. , was also knocked unconscious and fell into a deep sleep for nearly ten thousand years.

Unexpectedly, in recent years, when I waited until the Oliha Gang God regained his will and could find a way to be awakened, the legendary dragon seemed to have also woken up, and even found the one he had observed three thousand years ago. The nameless pharaoh serves as the current user.

What's a little strange is that in Dazi's impression, there should be only one Legendary Dragon, and it's called [Timaeus]. But now, according to Rafilu and Yameruda, the nameless dragon The pharaoh used a strange card called [Eye of Timaeus], ​​and Seto Kaiba also had a card called [Fang of Critias] in his hand.

Why, the legendary dragon has not been idle for ten thousand years and has given birth to a new one?

Da Zi didn't quite understand what was going on, but he had no interest in finding out what was going on.

So what if the legendary dragon comes back? Just interrupt it once more.

I'll leave the nameless Pharaoh's current container to you, Rafilu. However, before hunting for his soul, we should prioritize getting rid of the card in his hand.

Turning around, Datsu looked at the three Rafiru people in front of the steps, Then Seto Kaiba, you, Amelda, will continue to be in charge. As for the unknown card in Katsuya Jonouchi's hand——

Let me handle that guy, Lord Dazi! Barong volunteered, How did that guy do it? Even during my duel, she kept chanting his name, and even talked to her about it. This kind of encouragement made me extremely unhappy, just like stepping on bricks but accidentally landing on black bricks when I wanted to step on white bricks!

If I don't defeat that guy and prove that I'm stronger than him, there's no way I can regain my peace of mind!

Dazi glanced at Barong and said nonchalantly: Since you said that, it's up to you to deal with Cheng Neike, Barong.

The other thing is...

He turned to look at Hayato who was sitting at the round table on the other side. He was so majestic when he faced the three Rafilu, and now when he looked at Hayato, his expression was so bright, How do you feel about Doma? Hayato?

Does it feel like it? It's probably like the water the princess playing the harp drinks in the Alps. It's super refreshing, and even makes my thirsty heart that yearns for tiles calm down like a hibernating catfish. Hayato groped in his hands. Looking at the deck of [Hellfire Machine], It's suitable, it's so suitable. Only a deck with such powerful power can satisfy me. My mood is so high right now, hahahahaha.

Did you use the power of 'Oliha Gang' to create a monster? It looks like you are a very powerful card. As expected of you, Hayato. Seeing Hayato's satisfaction, Dazi also smiled and said, Even if you use it a lot, Let Ma's power become stronger, Hayato, I will support you behind you, my hero~

Hayato glanced at Tatsu and did not continue to pay attention to him. Instead, he reached out and took out a bottle of soda from the drinks placed on the round table. He did not pull the tab above, but casually picked up a bottle on the side. He pierced the bottom of the side of the can with a pen, made a hole, and drank the soda that flowed out of the hole while holding the can.

Dazi's indifferent behavior did not make Dazi feel dissatisfied. He just smiled and took away a large stack of duelist souls collected during this period that Rafiru brought - including I got the card of Bekas——, and planned to sacrifice to the God Oriha Gang.

And watching Datsu leave, Rafilu couldn't help but cast his eyes on Hayato, who was as unceremonious as he was at home.

Kobayashi Hayato, can I ask you a question? Rafiru looked at Hayato who threw away the can after drinking the soda, and said, You have said more than once that you want more power, right? But you have only said from the beginning to the end that you need strength to keep yourself at the top forever.

What is your reason for pursuing power?

Barong and Amaluda originally planned to go back for a rest after Dazi left, giving themselves a short break from hunting duelist souls during this period, and also preparing for the Jonouchi and Kaiba that they would have to deal with in the future. . But after hearing Rafilu's words, they stopped just as they were about to leave, obviously also very interested in what kind of answer Hayato would give to Rafilu's question.

Seeking power is indeed the reason why Hayato said before that he is willing to stay in Doma. Americaruda and Baron have also heard this before, and Rafiru at the time also said that people who stand at the top cannot The willingness to step down from the top is understandable.

However, Hayato's quest for strength to stand at the top is ultimately just a goal. What is the driving force that drives him to achieve this goal? This is something they are very interested in.

Just like Barong wants to enjoy a peaceful life, so he is willing to accept the power of Doma, Yameruda needs the power to achieve revenge on the Kaiba Group, and Rafiru also accepts it in order to realize the new world that Dazi said. strength.

They also need power, but power is only a tool to achieve their respective goals, not the ultimate goal.

Hayato, with a little soda on his lips, glanced at Rafilu: Huh? A reason to seek power...

Instead of saying something you don't quite understand, why don't I answer your question with a question. As he spoke, Hayato pointed to the round table in front of him, When you sit in front of a round table, You find that there are napkins on the left and right sides in front of you. Which side of the napkin will you pick up? Is it facing your 'left'? Or your 'right'?

Huh? You suddenly said something incomprehensible? Baron heard Hayato talk about the napkin as if to change the subject, and frowned dissatisfied, Generally speaking, it is more convenient to pick up the napkin on the 'right' Bar.

However, Yameruda had a different opinion: No, although most people do have their right hand as their dominant hand, if they are at the dinner table, their right hand is used to hold knives and spoons. Relatively speaking, they only need to hold a fork. The left hand has more free space, so it's better to take the napkin on the 'left'.

Rafiru frowned. He had the same idea as Baron, feeling that Hayato's question was too strange and had nothing to do with the question he had asked before. However, Hayato still looked at Rafilu, waiting for his answer.

Would you pick up the napkin on the 'left' or the napkin on the 'right'?

I would pick up the napkin on the 'left'.

Hearing Rafilu's answer, Hayato nodded and said, Well, that can be considered the correct answer.

However, this is not the case in this 'society', even if it is replaced by the word 'universe', there is nothing wrong with it.


The correct answer is 'the first person to pick up the napkin'. Seeing Rafilu's puzzled expression, Hayato announced the correct answer. Rafilu was also stunned when he heard this, and then remembered that it seemed to be true. Hayato said that although the direction of picking up the napkin at the dinner table is not fixed, it does seem that the person who picks up the napkin first determines the direction of picking up the napkin.

Suppose someone picks up the napkin on the 'right' first, then others will have to pick up the napkin on the 'right'; and if someone picks up the napkin on the 'left', then others will also pick up the napkin on the 'left' ’, I have to do this.”

This is what is called 'society'.

With that said, Hayato stood up from the dining table and walked around the round table to the opposite side under the gaze of the three people.

Who determines the value of land? Before that, someone determined the value of money. Who was that person?

What about the dimensions of train tracks and the specifications of appliances? Ordinances and laws? Who first defined these things?

“Is it because we pursue democracy and let everyone in the world decide together, or is it based on free competition?”


“The answer is still, ‘the first person to pick up the napkin’ decides!”

As he walked and talked, Hayato's fingers crossed the top of the round table, disturbing the plates, knives and forks that were originally arranged in an orderly manner.

The rules of the world are 'either left or right'! As soon as the equilibrium state like this round table changes, everyone has to take action! In any era, the trends in this world will only be like these napkins !”

The first person to pick up the napkin must be someone who is 'respected' by others, such as the 'host of the party' or the 'elderly'. Everyone will pick up the napkin after them because of their 'respect'.

And this 'respect' is comparative, just like the pope is a big man who is 'respected', but if Christ is sitting at the table, the pope has to follow Christ and pick up the napkin out of 'respect'.

Rafilu's eyes widened slightly when he heard this. Although it was a little vague, he seemed to understand what Hayato was trying to say.

But Amaluda behind Rafiru frowned: Is Christ or something related to the problem? What exactly do you mean?

It doesn't mean anything. This is just an 'example'. What I mean is that I want to get something that can make thousands of people express 'respect' to me, and express 'respect' that cannot be shaken by anything. It's like drinking It’s as unquestionable ‘respect’ as burping after drinking soda.”

Hayato stood still and looked at the three of them, That's the 'real power'!

Under the 'real power', everyone will only become my 'companion'. I can be the first to pick up the napkin. I, Hayato Kobayashi, am destined to sit at the master's seat of this 'dining table'!

As he spoke, Hayato stretched out his hand to a napkin on the table.

This is the 'napkin on the round table'. Everyone in the world after me must abide by this rule!

I am Hayato Kobayashi!

I've already picked up the original napkin!

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