Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 52 Red maggots? Just feed

In the more than two decades since Yu-Gi-Oh!, countless cards have been created.

Some of the cards are so weak that their meaning is unclear, and some are incredibly powerful, but the abilities of most cards are directly proportional to the difficulty of their summoning.

Until the 20th anniversary of Yu-Gi-Oh! came, the despicable card printing company K released a commemorative card pack. Among them was a card full of sentiments, which was the ace monster of Muto Yugi, the protagonist of the first-generation Yu-Gi-Oh! The form of the fusion of the Magic Guide] and the male No. 3 Jonouchi Katsuya's ace [Red-Eyes Black Dragon].

It’s not like there weren’t such sentimental cards before, but most of them were just used to make jokes or restore original scenes, but this fusion monster is different. He has an extremely excellent panel, powerful effects, and the difficulty of appearing is ridiculously low.

So much so that even players who are not players of the [Black Magician] deck and [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] deck will deliberately put two ordinary monsters in the deck that can easily cause card accidents. The extent to which you bring this Fusion Monster into your Extra Deck.

The standard male second male Tamashi's offensive and defensive panel, the resistance to effect destruction and the ability to not take targets, the ability to actively destroy monsters and remove the blood, the full health of the second speed, and the surge attack effect have been rampant for nearly three years. Only then was it finally listed as a banned card.

Its name————

Fusion Summon! [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red Eyes Dragoon]!

The flying dragon [True Red Eye] that breathed indestructible black flames turned into armor and was draped on the body of [Black Magician]. One hand is a scarlet magic sphere that was advanced after the fusion of the two powers, and the other hand is a long-handled slashing knife transformed from the sharp claws of the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon], with a dragon tail decorated with magic gems. On top of him, the fusion monster on which Jonouchi and Yugi placed their last hope spread the dragon wings on its back and slowly descended from the sky.

[Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] [8☆/Dark]



Fusion: [Black Magician] + [Red-Eyed Black Dragon] or dragon-type effect monster

1: This card will not be the target of the effect and will not be destroyed by the effect.

2: Your main phase can be activated. Select a monster on your opponent's field and destroy it, inflicting damage equal to its original attack power to your opponent. This effect can be used a maximum number of times in one turn equal to the number of normal monsters used as the fusion material for this card.

3: Once per turn, when a magic, trap or monster effect is activated, you can discard a card in your hand to activate. Negate its activation and destroy it, and this card's attack power increases by 1000 points.

Summoned by the two of them together, it was this monster that was once named Red Dad, but was later renamed Red Maggot because it was too cancerous.

For the pure [Hellfire Machine] used by Hayato, it is not an easy task to solve the problem of Red Father. The 3,000 points decided that there are only [Hellfire Machine·Nawa] and [Hellfire Machine· Tiera] can still collide with it, but once he uses the three effects to increase his attack power, no [Hellfire Machine] can continue to compete.

Although the monsters in [Hellfire Machine] also have the ability to destroy monsters or bounce cards back into the hand, Red Daddy does not take the effect of the target, and even the destruction of the target cannot take effect on it. Really disgusting.

What's even more outrageous is that because Yugi and Jonouchi summoned him using the fusion material of two normal monsters, the current red dad can even take the initiative to explode the monsters twice during the main stage and then cut Hayato's blood.

Is this the monster that was fused by the bond between Jonouchi and I? Yugi looked at the [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red Eyes Dragoon] that descended on the field with a shocked expression, In that case, Can win!”

It's a really good effect. I just gave it a try, but I didn't expect to actually create a powerful monster.

Jonouchi, who was actually very unsure about activating [True Red Eye Fusion], but now confirmed that he was right, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, because he habitually touched his nose with pride and said: The same thing, I'll give it back to you. , Hayato.

Bite your teeth and get ready, accept the damage and get back to your senses!

Yugi and Jonouchi said in unison: In our main phase, activate the second effect of [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragon Knight]!

Hayato, directly destroy the [Hellfire Machine·Nava] on your field, and give you [Hellfire Machine·Nawa] damage equal to its original attack power!

[Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red Eyes Dragoon] raised his left hand and raised the magic sphere above his head. The sphere began to expand continuously as he instilled power. It was just a breath of time. Originally, it looked like The small magic sphere was already as big as one person, and then it hit the [Hellfire Machine Nava] like a meteorite!

[Hellfire Machine·Nava] Reluctantly spit out green flames like detonating a falling ball in advance, but he did not expect that his attack could not interfere with this extremely dense meteor, and the flames were pushed away, [Hellfire Machine· Nava's body was instantly wiped out the moment he was hit, leaving behind only the magic power that exploded like a bomb.


[Hayato: 8600→5600lp]

The shock wave when [Hellfire Machine Nava] was destroyed caused Hayato to take a step back, and his base score suddenly dropped by a full 3,000 points. At the same time, the last monster on his field was also eliminated.

Holding the last card in his hand, Jonouchi waved his hand confidently: Now, entering the battle stage, the direct attack of [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragoon]!

Shiranui type·Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!

The red magic power guided the black dragon's demonic flames to hover over the chopping knife, turning the chopping knife into the shape of a long sword. The [Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red Eyes Dragoon] opened its dragon wings and raised its weapon high, flying into the air, as if He looked down at Hayato on the ground like a god. With his strength accumulated to the extreme, he threw the weapon in his hand.

It doesn't matter what the cover card is in Hayato's backcourt. The third effect of [Super Magical Dragoon - Red-Eyed Dragoon] can negate any magic, trap, or monster effect, whether it is [Explosion Armor] or [Absorption Shield] ] Nothing is effective against it, and even [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragoon] can become even more powerful!

And Hayato did not open the cover in the backcourt, allowing [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragoon] to penetrate his body.

Booga! This time, Hayato couldn't stand at all and was sent flying several meters away. He was only a few meters away from the cliff created by [Hellfire Machine Tiera] behind him before he stopped his retreat. The basic points fell sharply again.

[Hayato: 5600→2600lp]

This basic score is already quite dangerous. Although it is 600 points higher than the 2000 points of Yugi and Jonouchi, it is not considered at all for the super powerful monster [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red Eye Dragoon]. If Hayato can't solve it in the next round, whether it's 600 more points or 1,000 more points, it will only be a matter of one blow.

Especially when Jonouchi finished his attack and announced that his turn was going to end, he suddenly said proudly: If I remember correctly, Hayato, at this time, the field magic card on your field will be forced to activate its effect, right?

[Super Magical Dragon Knight - True Red-Eyed Dragoon] has strong resistance, but it does not have the extremely rare liberation resistance of [Five Array Magician], so if you let your field magic card stay on the field, If you do, I'm afraid you will only be released as a sacrifice by the [Hellfire Machine] monster that was resurrected in your graveyard next round.

In that case, I will chain the forced activation of [Dark World - Shadow Dystopia] and activate the third effect of [Super Magical Dragon Knight - Red Eyes Dragoon]!

Jonouchi said, and sent the card in his hand to the graveyard, allowing Hayato to see clearly that the card in Jonouchi's hand was actually the [ad changer] that had been shuffled back into the deck.

Due to the self-repression of [Red Eye Fusion], Jonouchi cannot summon any more monsters this round. At most, he can only summon [ad changer] in defense position like in the first round, but that is simply unnecessary.

There is only one [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] on the field now, which is just right. If there is another monster, wouldn't it be another sacrifice for the appearance of [Lava Demon God]? And they have only seen a few of the [Hellfire Machine] monsters so far. Wouldn't it be bad if there happened to be one [Hellfire Machine] with a defense-penetrating effect that targeted the [ad changer] and attacked?

Moreover, [Dark World - Shadow Dytopia] is indeed necessary to destroy it. The ability to use the dark attribute monsters on the opponent's field as a substitute for liberation is too powerful. Such an effect does not even take the target [Super Magic] Dragon Guide Knight - Red-Eyed Dragoon] cannot resist, unless it is a monster that is not affected by the magic card effect or a monster that cannot be released.

Because Hayato used the effect of [Hellfire Machine Nava] in this round to liberate a [Shadow Token] on his field, which invalidated the [Pot of Desire] Jonouchi used to defraud, [Dark World-Shadow] Dystopia] is ready to move, and is about to drop a ball of flames on the field within the city.

However, with the power provided by [Ad Changer], the dragon claw blade in the hand of [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red Eye Dragoon] flashed with light and drew an arc in mid-air. In just the blink of an eye, The field magic card [Dark World-Shadow Dystopia] was suddenly destroyed, and the surrounding area returned to its original environment, leaving only faint scorch marks on the ground.

And the power of this destroyed space was not wasted. [Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] thrust his left hand forward, grabbing a large ball of magic power and holding it under his control. The aura on his body increased dramatically!

[Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] [atk3000→4000]

Yoshi, in this way, the attack power will be increased to a level comparable to [Obelisk's Titan Soldier]!

Jonouchi said confidently, The next round will be our victory. We will definitely defeat you who are now controlled by darkness, Hayato!

[Within the city: 2000lp, 0 cards in hand]

[Super Magical Dragon Knight-True Red-Eyed Dragon Knight] [atk4000]

Hayato, who was controlled by darkness, snorted coldly when he heard this: It is indeed a very powerful throwing tile, but it is not enough. It is still far from defeating me.

Although it seems that I don't have any chance now, even if I continue to summon [Hellfire Machine] from the graveyard, I can't resist [Super Magical Dragon Knight], but I place my destiny on this card draw!

As he spoke, Hayato put his finger on the deck and shouted: My turn!

Draw cards!

A golden light flashed across the card that was drawn out. Feeling the powerful power that was waiting to be unleashed on the card, Hayato couldn't help but curl up his lips: Yada☆thief! This duel is my victory!

Activate the cover card in my back field, [Careless Greed], draw two cards from my deck, and then skip my next two card drawing stages. Holding the sure-win card in his hand, Hayato directly pressed Press the card-blocking button and draw two cards, But it doesn't matter, because this duel will end this round!

I activate the magic card [Rough Prediction], and if there are no monsters on my field, I will special summon a normal monster with a level of 4☆ or lower from the deck.

Hayato said, retrieving a card that shocked both Jonouchi and Yugi: The monster I want to special summon is this one. Come out, Wagga Tamashi!

[Death Stalker]!

【Death Stalker】【3☆/Dark】



It's actually [Death Stalker]! Jonouchi said in surprise, You call this a 'pure [Hellfire Machine] deck'?

Why do you want to summon [Death Stalker]? Yugi also frowned, A normal monster with no effect, even if its attack power is doubled or tripled, it should not be a match for [Super Magical Dragon Knight]. .”

Hmph, how does it feel to see a familiar monster appear on my field, Yugi, Jonouchi? Hayato said while activating a card in his hand, But unfortunately, the purpose of this, It’s just to prove something to you.”

I need to throw tiles, throw more tiles. For this, it doesn't matter even if I give up my old friends. Even the bond between you on the field [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red Eye Dragoon] will be the one that wakes me up. The ultimate and most powerful fodder in the deck!”

Discard a card in your hand and activate this ultimate power!

[Super Fusion]!

Nani? It's actually this card! Jonouchi was shocked. He looked away from [Death Stalker] and suddenly looked at the monster on his field, [Super Magical Dragon Knight]!

Under the ultimate power of [Super Fusion] that can even fuse time and space, even as powerful as [Super Magical Dragon Knight-Red Eyes Dragoon], it is still defenseless and becomes one with [Death Stalker].

The thing born from the darkness in the heart has now come at the cost of the soul, swallowing up the bonds, and giving birth to a new threat from the deep hell!

Hayato looked ferocious as he slapped a card on the duel disk, Fusion Summon! Wagga Tamashi!

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon]!

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