Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 51 The gathered bonds! (9K)

Hayato looked at the [Hellfire Machine Baal] on his field, feeling quite helpless.

Although the monsters of [Hellfire Machine] are very good at repeated horizontal jumps, the prerequisite is that Hayato's field is not blocked by levels. Now, although the attack power of [Hellfire Machine·Baal] has been increased to that of [Blue Eyes White], Dragon] is still 100 points higher, but the level is 8☆ which is neither more nor less, which is a bit embarrassing.

To say that there is no solution at all, that's not the case. [Hellfire Machine]'s general ability of liberating monsters and banishing opponent's cards can still be used. Hayato can just liberate [Hellfire Machine Baal] directly. Easily remove the blockade on the summons, and then resurrect from the graveyard.

Anyway, the [Hellfire Machine] doesn’t feel pain. Even if there is, it's none of Hayato's business.

Although a lot of the [Hellfire Machine] originally accumulated in the graveyard were consumed by the game's [Soul Liberation] just now, Hayato still has four [Hellfire Machine] monsters in his hand, which is barely enough, and even It's enough for Hayato to first special summon [Hellfire Machine - Beelzebub], which can bounce [Dragon Knight - Dark Magician Girl] back to the game hand, and then special summon [Hellfire Machine - Baal], the resources are quite sufficient.

But Hayato is more concerned about the unknown cover card in the backfield of the game. If possible, Hayato would also like to summon the [Hellfire Machine Astaroth] in his hand, which has the same ability as [Whirlwind] and can be unable to attack. At the cost, destroy one magic or trap card on the field once per turn.

Gee, that’s really hard to do.

Hayato temporarily put aside his worries and said: At the end of your turn in the game, the third effect of the field magic card [Dark World - Shadow Dystopia] is activated.

Yugi frowned: Third effect?

There are too many effects on one card. If this continues, can the effects of the card really be printed on one card? Jonouchi complained.

As Hayato snapped his fingers, two dark green flames fell on the field, but they were not on Hayato's field, but next to [Dragon Knight-Dark Magician Girl]?

At the end of both sides' turns, special summon as many [Shadow Creatures] as possible in defense position on the player's field during this turn, as many as the number of monsters released during this turn.

【Shadow Derivatives】【3☆/Dark】



During my turn, I released two monsters: [Super Mage - Black Mage Disciple] and the face-down monster in the castle, so I placed two tokens?

Seeing that there are two more monsters on the field, it is difficult not to think about the monster that Hayato likes to use - [Lava Demon].

Noticing the look in Yugi's eyes, Hayato spread his hands helplessly: Don't look at me like that. This effect is forcibly activated by the magic card on the field. I don't want to put two more obstacles on your field.

Then, it's my turn, let's draw a card! Hayato shouted with great force. He pulled out a card from the deck and showed a slightly surprised expression, It's really on time.

“I have to say, although you used the [Eye of Timaeus] to summon the powerful [Dragon Knight-Dark Magician Girl] from the fusion deck in the game, your efforts have already been doomed by fate. Instead, they will surround me and reach a higher realm.”

Insert the cards in your hand into the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate. Even though you were indoors, rising airflow appeared around Hayato, causing his originally hanging black hair to blow upwards against gravity. My deck responded. I feel that I am in the right position at this moment, [Hellfire Machine] likes me, Hayato Kobayashi!

Activate the continuous magic card [Purgatory's Dream]. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all [Hellfire Machine] monsters on my field whose original level is 2☆ or above will have their combat damage dealt reduced to half. The price will change their star rating to 1☆!

The lightning on the demon god in charge of the storm jumped violently, bursting the light tubes everywhere on the body that originally housed the source of his power and was also the limiter of power. Dark green flames spread throughout his body, and that wave of The momentum of the World-Destroying Demon God became stronger and stronger.

【Hellfire Machine·Baal】【8☆/Dark → 2☆/Dark】

Not good! Jounouchi witnessed and exclaimed, It is actually the most powerful card with the star-reducing ability for the [Hellfire Machine] deck!

Obviously Yugi had a hard time raising the level of [Hellfire Machine Baal] to 8☆ to complete the blockade, but Hayato just used the power of a card to break through it! The monster with such terrifying power is now completely freed!

Reaching out to his forehead, Hayato touched his hair that was messed up by the wind. His hair stood up as if it was covered with hairspray: I will become the approaching storm!

This is the tile throwing! As he said this, Hayato pointed his hand in the air, This level is not the limit of the [Hellfire Machine]. I need a more powerful tile throwing!

Cover a card in my hand, I activate the second effect of [Purgatory's Dream], send this card to the graveyard, and then select the fusion material of the fusion monster of [Hellfire Machine] from my hand and field and send it to From the graveyard, summon that fusion monster from the fusion deck!”


The game was also shocked. He originally thought that the monsters of [Hellfire Machine] were already so powerful individually, and they should just focus on special summoned monsters, but now Hayato said that he wanted to summon the fusion monster of [Hellfire Machine] ?

It’s hard to imagine what kind of fusion form the already powerful [Hellfire Machine] monster can take!

The fusion materials I chose are [Hellfire Machine·Baal] on my field, and [Hellfire Machine·Satan], [Hellfire Machine·Beelzebub], [Hellfire Machine·· Lucifuge] and [Hellfire Machine Astaroth] are four monsters.”

But, in addition, if the monsters specially summoned from the fusion deck only exist on the opponent's field, I can also select six more monsters from the deck as materials for the fusion!

So add [Hellfire Machine·Decadal Tube], [Hellfire Machine·Asmodeus], ​​[Hellfire Machine·Belphinger], [Hellfire Machine·Admiral], [Hellfire Machine·Admiral], There are six monsters [Fire Machine Lilith] and [Hellfire Machine Nava], and I want to send all eleven of the above monsters to the graveyard as fusion materials!”

A terrifying number of [Hellfire Machines] were sent into the cemetery in one breath by Hayato. Behind him, the phantoms of the demons appeared one after another, and then suddenly shattered, leaving only various colors on their bodies. The lights rose into the sky and were arranged into a reverse Kabbalah diagram.

God is angry at what humans have done, and intends to send down a wave of fire that will destroy the earth. The rebellious Kabbalah gathers together, and the power of creation is now in my hands!

Here comes the vanguard of God! Come out, my Tamashi!

Fusion Summon, [Hellfire Machine Tiera]!

Ten-colored flames poured into the body of the core [Hellfire Machine·Decade Tube]. The power of this flame cannot even be eroded and changed by the field magic card [Dark World-Shadow Dystopia], and gradually evolved from energy. For huge entities!

The ominous black and purple right body, the sacred pure white left body, four pairs of symmetrical diamond-shaped light wings of different colors, the long golden hair hanging behind the head like an angel, and a pair of scarlet horns rising into the sky like a demon.

All kinds of contradictory appearances converge on this monster.

Its tall body even completely transcended the constraints of the duel monster system, and it directly broke through the top floor of the International Illusion Society and came outside the building. The completely unfettered fusion monster grew wantonly, with its feet clearly on the ground floor, and its terrifying However, its size can be extended to the top floor where Hayato, Yugi and Jonouchi are dueling, and only its majestic upper body can be seen overlooking Jonouchi and Yugi!

[Hellfire Machine Tiera] [11☆/Fire → 11☆/Dark]



The huge movement even shocked Kaiba, Yameruda, Baal, Peacock and others who were dueling on the floors below. Seeing the huge monster that appeared outside the window, they could not see the whole thing even if they raised their heads. They all fell into it. silence.

What's even more stressful is Jonouchi and Yugi facing the giant beast in front of him.

This size is too terrifying. Can the darkness in Hayato's heart actually awaken a monster of this level?! After swallowing his saliva, Jonouchi's voice couldn't help but trembling. However, remembering that they were going to defeat Hayato in this duel to awaken him from the past, Jonouchi used his own courage to suppress his fear.

Yugi also looked serious, looking at the [Dragon Knight-Dark Magician Girl] on his field: What can confuse the mind of a true duelist like Hayato is probably the dark power of the monster in front of him. Although it is difficult, But hold on, [Timaeus], ​​[Dark Magician Girl]!”

([Dark Magician Girl]: How about you come up yourself?)

([Timaeus]: This is acting, right? I feel like it’s real)

The same pressure was on Rafiru who was standing on the top floor. Just when the [Hellfire Machine Tiera] came and burst the top floor, he was pushed down with the wall and fell to death. Now he is standing on the top floor. On the edge of the cliff, he couldn't help but walk closer to avoid accidentally falling.

Is Tierra a variant of Earth Terra? Looking at the huge [Hellfire Machine Tierra], Rafilu diverted his attention with thinking, Is it possible that this guy Kobayashi Hayato is so successful? The darkness in your heart is why Master Dazi cares so much? This kind of momentum almost makes me feel like this guy is some kind of villain who wants to destroy the world.

Rafiru's intuition is quite accurate. In fact, the [Hellfire Machine Tiera] summoned by Hayato at this moment is indeed a world-destroying demon king in the official DT World story of Yu-Gi-Oh! His true form is [Creation Star God - Tiela], and from his name, you can tell that he is a creator-level boss. The [Hellfire Machine Tiela] in front of him is not even his complete body.

But even so, using [Hellfire Machine Tiera] still gave Hayato a long-lost sense of weight on his body, a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time.

[Hellfire Machine Tiera] is the ultimate [Hellfire Machine], a spearhead of God that uses the power of God to destroy the world, and I, who wield this monster, will undoubtedly become one of the gods. King. Hayato said, pointing to the game, Depending on the type of materials used in the fusion summons, [Hellfire Machine Tiera] activates multiple effects when the fusion summons is successful!

In more than three situations, both sides select three cards from their own fusion decks and send them to the graveyard. The monsters I chose are these three.

As he spoke, Hayato sent three fusion monster cards into the graveyard.

Yugi clearly saw the cards Hayato sent to the graveyard, which were [Disruption King], [Disruption Knight] and [Dragon Knight-Gaia]. Such fusion monsters looked out of place in the [Hellfire Machine] deck, which made Yugi can't help but Some people wonder whether these cards are just to make up the numbers, or whether Hayato's so-called pure [Hellfire Machine] deck is purity according to his personal standards.

The game also selected three fusion monsters, namely [Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera], [Celestial Knight] and [Super Magic Swordsman-Dark Paladin].

Although they were sent from the fusion deck to the graveyard, this does not mean that Yugi and Jonouchi can specially summon these monsters with cards such as [Resurrection of the Dead], because fusion monsters actually have Resuscitation Restriction exists. If it has not officially appeared once, it cannot be specially summoned even if it is sent to the graveyard.

The game sent the card to the graveyard, but this was not over yet, the effect of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] continued to activate.

If there are more than five kinds of fusion materials, the second effect of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] will send three cards from the top of both sides' decks to the graveyard, and then the third effect is that if there are more than eight kinds of fusion materials, both sides will Each player can choose up to three of their own cards that have been excluded and return them to the graveyard.

And the last effect is when there are more than ten types, both parties will send all the cards in their hands to the graveyard!

Hearing Hayato's words, Yugi's expression changed: Not good!

The first two effects are pretty good. Stacking three cards in the graveyard is not a big loss for the game's relatively thick deck, and the recycled cards are only Hayato's, which can be excluded by [Soul Liberation]. [Hellfire Machine·Lilith] and other monsters were recovered only three copies.

However, the card in his hand at the moment is the invincible Kuribori [Kuribo Ball], which has a powerful effect that can reduce combat damage to zero, and can also be used as the cost of [Dragon Knight-Dark Magician Girl]'s effect.

After losing this only card in his hand, he has no cards that can be used to block the Hayato monster's attack, and the cards in his backfield are completely powerless against such an effect!

The game can be regarded as understanding why Hayato had to cover a card in his hand before activating the effect of [Purgatory's Dream]. Covering his hand before the battle phase started seemed like a mistake, but because of [Hellfire Machine] ·Tiera], but Hayato kept one card because of it.


Looking at Hayato's eagerness to try while holding the only card in his hand, Yugi suddenly had a strange premonition, especially since Hayato had specifically emphasized the sentence Tower when summoning [Hellfire Machine Tiera] before. Mahi”.

No, maybe Hayato wants even a monster of the level of [Hellfire Machine Tiera]——

To chain the effect of [Hellfire Machine Tiera], I activate this quick-attack magic card in my hand, [Mysterious Chinese Pot]. In Yugi's eyes, It's not surprising at all, Hayato He activated his real Tamashi in his hand, Although it has a high attack power, unfortunately, [Hellfire Machine Tiera] is most useful to me only for its effect.

But her effect will only be activated when the special summon is successful, which means that for me now she has only the value of frying and eating. If I don't squeeze out the value of every monster, it will be huge. What a waste!”

Ignoring the surprise on the face of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] and the tearful expression of cuteness on the face of [Hellfire Machine Tiera] behind him, Hayato even shouted excitedly, Free [Hellfire Machine Tiera], and then I will restore her defense Basic points with a strength value of 3600 points!

[Game: 8000lp, hand card 1→0]

[Hayato: 8000→11600lp, 0 cards in hand]

The huge [Hellfire Machine Tiera] disappeared from behind Hayato with a look of reluctance and nostalgia. When the game discarded the cards in his hand, Hayato's basic points also increased to a full 11,600 points, and he could already receive the game. The standard duel monster attack power unit [Blue Eyes White Dragon] has three and a half attacks.

As a price, Hayato only had two cover cards left in his backfield, and his hand and the monsters in his frontfield were all empty.

But Yugi and Jonouchi know that the more this situation is, the more dangerous it is, because Hayato's graveyard at the moment has a large number of cards piled up due to the fusion of [Hellfire Machine Tiera], and the extremely abundant cemetery is [Hellfire Machine] Lighter] The source of power for monsters.

There are no monsters on the field and the total level is 0. At this moment, Hayato is free to squander the cards in his graveyard to summon the monsters of [Hellfire Machine] at will, and he does exactly that.

I have already summoned a high-level [Hellfire Machine] before, so the next one is another high-level [Hellfire Machine]. Get ready to face the most evil one among demons. exist!

Hayato said, taking out three [Hellfire Machine] monsters from the graveyard, I will exclude the three [Hellfire Machine] monsters in the graveyard——

onuncu, which means 10, is called the Whisperer,

O evil demon, as the enemy of the 'Kingdom', come with the flames of destruction!

[Hellfire Machine Nava]!

The green lights flashed, and behind Hayato it turned into a red sea snake flying in the air. Although it was not as huge as the [Hellfire Machine Tiera] that Hayato had just liberated as usual, when it opened its body Its six pairs of wings can cover the sky and the sun.

[Hellfire Machine·Nawa] [10☆/Fire → 10☆/Dark]

[Demon/Special Summon/Effect]


Hufufu, don't blink, Yugi, within the city, this monster will be the last monster you see. Hayato said proudly, As the tenth Sephiroth of the reverse Kabala, [Hellfire Machine· Nava] has the same destructive power as [Hellfire Machine Lilith]!

Activated when [Hellfire Machine Nava] is specially summoned successfully, destroy all monsters on the field except this card!

Since it's Nava, then this move should be called 'Flame Torch Melting Linsha'!

Hayato casually named a move that infringed on other people's copyrights. [Hellfire Machine Nava] spit out a large amount of green flames from its mouth, and in just a blink of an eye, the already scorched earth [Dark World-Shadow Enemy Trust] Bang] turned into a sea of ​​hell-like fire.

In the light of the fire, the two [Shadow Tokens] and [Dragon Knight-Dark Magician Girl] on the game field could not hold on for even a second, and even the power of [Dark World-Shadow Dystopia] could not hold on. Erosion covered in emerald green flames.

Before disappearing, [Dragon Knight-Dark Magician Girl] left Yugi with an apologetic look, unwilling to be able to continue to protect Yugi in the future.

[Dark Magician Girl]!

Yugi shouted, but he only got an empty venue and the [Hellfire Machine Nava] that was eyeing him.

Hmph, hey, it's finally time, Yugi. Now the obstacles in your way are completely cleared. Are you ready for this blow? Relax, it will hurt at first, but then It will hurt even more!”

Hayato showed a ferocious smile that would have given Malik a perfect score, and declared mercilessly: When we enter the battle stage, I will use [Hellfire Machine Nava] to directly attack the opponent's duelist!

Thunder Sky Sunlight·Disaster Sound Star Falling Fire Flowing Hammer!

As Hayato shouted, [Hellfire Machine Nava] opened its huge mouth again, and spit out the green purgatory fire towards Yugi and Jonouchi!

The attack power of 3000 points is the same level as [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. It's so strong, so strong.

It's a pity that I'm not ready to accept that level of attack, Hayato! At the critical moment, Yugi still smiled confidently and pressed the button to activate the card on the duel plate, [Dragon Knight-Black Demon The backup method when Guiding Girl] is destroyed is the [Chestnut Ball] in my hand, but a fully prepared duelist will always have a backup method of backup!

Activate the trap card, [Magic Cylinder]! Invalidate the attack of [Hellfire Machine Nava], and then eat your own monster's attack, Hayato!


Jonouchi thought he was going to take a heavy blow next, but he didn't expect Gaika in the backfield of the game to come in handy at this time. In his surprised expression, two cylinders appeared in front of them, one of which He accurately caught the attack spitted out by [Hellfire Machine Nava], and then spit out the same green flame from another cylinder, directly attacking Hayato!


[Hayato: 11600→8600lp]

Damn it, it's actually [Magic Canister]. I didn't expect you to cover such a card——

Hayato, who was hit by the flames, had a painful expression on his face. Halfway through his words, he suddenly paused.

——Do you think I would say this? Let me help you remember it again, Yugi! Hayato said, pressing the button to activate the cover, and opened the cover in his backcourt in the previous round. , a quick-attack magic card that can be activated at this moment, If you want to deal with me, don't use 'invalid attack' cards like [Absorption Shield] and [Magic Canister]!

The quick attack magic card [Double Chance] is activated!

Jonouchi and Yugi didn't expect to see Hayato use this card that he often used in Duel Kingdom again after such a long time.

But even after so much time, the two of them still remembered the effect of that card.

When a monster's attack is negated, target that monster. That monster can only attack once during this battle phase...

This effect doubles the attack power of that monster during the damage step of that monster's attack!

Humph, that's right, that's it. To me, a mere 3,000 points of damage is nothing. It's not even as much as the storm I absorbed from [Hellfire Machine Tiera] before.

But Yugi, Jonouchi, what you have to face next is——

【Hellfire Machine·Nava】【atk3000→6000】

——A direct attack that strikes again and soars to 6,000 points!

The flames came down much faster than before, and the emerald green color should have given people a sense of vitality, but at this moment, it was only vicious flames that were wrapped around Yugi and Jonouchi.

Uh-huh! Ahem!

【Game: 8000→2000lp】

A full 6,000 points of battle damage. If it weren't for the fact that this was a two-person duel, Yugi and Jonouchi would be instantly killed by this blow. And even now, with the last 2,000 basic points left, he was very powerful when attacked. The force of the impact sent them flying and hit the wall behind them, making it difficult for them to move for a while.

Hufufu, feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain, this is the power of the [Hellfire Machine] I have obtained, no one can defy it! Hum hum, ha ha, ha ha ha ha!

arrogantly letting out a three-stage laugh, the empty-handed Hayato directly declared: My turn is over. Next, it will be Jonouchi's turn, right?

However, after enduring up to 6,000 points of combat damage caused by [Hellfire Machine Nava], Jonouchi, who holds this basic point with Yugi, has no power protection like [Millennium Artifact]. Can you stand up and continue the duel?

[Hayato: 8600lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Hellfire Machine·Nava】【atk6000→3000】


Venue: [Dark World-Shadow Dystopia]

When Hayato declared the end of his turn, because he had liberated [Hellfire Machine Tiera] during this turn, dark green flames formed a [Shadow Token] on his field.

However, Yugi had no intention of paying attention to the [Shadow Derivatives] that appeared on Hayato's field. He stood up with difficulty, looked at Jonouchi who fell not far away from him, and shouted: Jounouchi!

He was very worried that Jonouchi would really fall down like Hayato said.

At this moment, within the city, as Hayato said, he felt the pain that reached deep into his soul caused by the attack from the [Hellfire Machine]. However, it was slightly different from what he thought at the beginning. He thought it would be severe pain, but now he felt more like being shocked when he took off his sweater and touched the iron door in winter. It was not at all It's not very painful.

([Nava]: It’s just the master’s mission)

The reason why the game feels so serious is because Hayato knew that he was protected by dark power, so he used a little more force. The impact on Jonouchi should have been very slight and he should have woken up immediately. The reason why Hayato said that was entirely because of this. At this moment, he felt a familiar aura from Jonouchi's body.

It was an aura that was very close to the power of the [Eye of Timaeus] possessed by Yugi.

Coincidentally, a similar aura appeared on the body of Kaiba who was dueling with Amaluda downstairs at this moment.

This kind of breath came and went quickly. Kaiba, who was in the duel with Ameruda, woke up after just a moment of confusion. He was a little confused that he seemed to be hallucinating just now. Jonouchi also woke up from the ground suddenly and found that he Back to the previous duel.

Strange, that was that just now? Jonouchi didn't notice that a card quietly entered the bottom of his deck, but stood up in Yugi's pleased eyes.

Jounouchi, are you okay?

Uh, are you okay? Jonouchi said confused when he heard Yugi's question, but when he turned to look at Yugi, he was suddenly startled, Hey Yugi, what is that thing on your shoulder!

Ugh, why are there people from Hayato and the Doma Organization around him, and the number around Hayato is probably too much!

Jonouchi's words stunned Rafiru: Jounouchi Katsuya, has he actually awakened the ability to see the existence of card spirits?!

Hoho, that's interesting. This way the duel will become more interesting. Hayato was not expecting Jonouchi to awaken the power of seeing the card spirit, but he felt it was reasonable. He was also a little curious as to which monster would be the first card spirit to awaken in the city.

Is it the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] that symbolizes his unyielding perseverance, or the [Time Magician] that symbolizes his heroic gambling luck?

Hey, it turns out to be a card spirit? With a few words from the game, Jonouchi easily accepted the setting of the card spirit's existence. After all, he was also a person who had experienced many storms. Although I still don't understand it a little bit, but then... It means that Mr. Jonouchi has become stronger, right?”

Feeling that he was full of strength, Jonouchi raised his head high-spirited and glanced at the [Hellfire Machine Nava] on Hayato's field: The devil standing between us and Hayato, let Master Jonouchi become stronger. Come and defeat you incarnations of darkness!

No, awakening card spirits and the like can't make people stronger at all.

Yugi wanted to correct Jonouchi's chuunii idea at this moment, but considering that it might affect Jonouchi's fighting spirit, he still held back and did not speak out.

My turn, draw a card. Looking at the card he drew, Jonouchi found that it was the magic card [Pot of Desire] and activated it immediately.

Activate the magic card [Pot of Desire], from——

At this moment, I activate the effect of [Hellfire Machine Nava]. Hayato interrupted Jonouchi, Once in a turn, when a magic or trap effect is activated, release a monster on my field and use it to That activation is invalid and excluded.

Free [Shadow Derivative], invalidate [Pot of Desire] and remove it!

The Pot of Chronos suddenly shattered before he could show his smile. Seeing this, Jonouchi said unhappily: I guess so. The effect of [Hellfire Machine Lilith] is to destroy all magic trap cards and invalid monster effects. , the effect of [Hellfire Machine Nava] is indeed the effect of destroying all monsters and invalidating magic and trap cards.

But you were fooled, Hayato. The card I drew in the first round is my offensive line!

As he spoke, Jonouchi proudly activated the card in his hand: The magic card [Pot of Greed], activate it against the five monsters in my graveyard, return those five monsters to the deck, shuffle them, and then I will shuffle them from the card Draw two cards from the group.”

Didn't it activate in the first round because there weren't enough monsters in the graveyard? Hayato sneered, But so what, no matter how many monsters you recycle into the deck, it's just a matter of two cards in your hand. Is it possible that I can summon a monster stronger than my invincible [Hellfire Machine Nava]?

I don't know about that kind of thing, but I know one thing, that is, even if there is no immediate hope, a true duelist can even create the future of drawing cards by himself!

Jonouchi said, returning the five cards from the graveyard to his deck. Because he didn't have enough monsters, he only had one [AD Changer] and [Red-Eyes Black Dragon], and he even shuffled [Dark Magician], which was sent to the graveyard before the game, into his deck. middle.

After shuffling and cutting, Jonouchi was about to take out the cards, but when Jonouchi put his fingers on the deck, both the game and Jonouchi heard a dragon roar coming from the other party, as if something was resonating.

Before he could react, Jonouchi subconsciously pulled out the card and took a look.

One of the cards he drew was another card in his deck [True Red Eye Fusion].

Thinking of the [Black Magician] that had just been shuffled into the deck and the wonderful resonance, Jonouchi and Yugi looked at each other and resolutely activated the cards in their hands: My deck, answer my expectations, Create a miracle here!”

Activate the [Red-Eye Fusion] that failed before again, and select the fusion material of the fusion monster from my deck.

Jonouchi said, catching the two normal monster cards retrieved from the duel plate, The ones I chose are the ace monsters of me and Yugi, [Red-Eyed Black Dragon] and [Black Magician]!

Upon hearing the material chosen by Jonouchi, Hayato's pupils shrank, and he thought of a picture of a monster he had envied countless times in the store.


O unknown monster born from this bond, I entrust you with my hope for the future. Let us win the conquest and open up the road ahead!

Yugi caught the [Black Magician] card handed over by Jonouchi, and made the same symmetrical movement as Jonouchi holding up the [Red-Eyes Black Dragon]: Merge our monsters!

[Dark Magician]!

[True Red-Eyed Black Dragon]!

Oubale! x2

The black dragon and the master of black magic, two monsters that entrust all the expectations and pride of the user, leap into the air and merge into one under the power of [True Red Eye Fusion]!

A mighty monster reveals itself!

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