Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 39 A manly fight! (two)

Monster, turned into armor!? Ryuzaki exclaimed.

Baron raised his hands covered by arm armor, lightly tapped the armor on his chest, and said proudly: Yes, this is the characteristic of my [armor] monster. After summoning the monster with others, It’s different from the kind of battle where you command monsters to attack, I prefer to take action myself.”

Whether it means that I don't trust others and I have to do it myself, or that I advocate violence, this is my Baron's dueling style.

As he spoke, Barong looked at the [Jurassic Egg Derivative] on his field, and said with some regret, It's a pity that a monster area on my field was occupied by you with that egg, which made me Now I have only equipped myself with four [Armor] monsters, which are not complete.

Because of the [Jurassic Egg Derivatives], Ryuzaki accidentally occupied the field of the fifth [Armor] monster in the helmet position that Baron originally planned to collect in one turn, so that Barong now only It is a monster equipped with [Armor] on its torso, legs, and left and right hands.

However, for Baron, it was just a pity that he could not show his complete form. Even in his current incomplete state, he was still confident that he could defeat Ryuzaki.

Powerful cards often come with huge risks. The [Armor] monsters specially summoned by [Armor Gravity] will be destroyed at the end of my turn. Baron raised the [Big Bang Fist Armor] equipped on his right hand. Said, Not only that, because the [Armor] monsters are equipped on me, only one [Armor] monster can attack in a round.

But on the other hand, when [Armor] monsters are selected as attack targets, I can also choose them freely, and [Armor] monsters also have other linking effects.

Ryuzaki frowned: Even if you say that...

[Big Bang Punch·Armor][ATK0]

[Transcendence Advance·Armor][ATK0]

[Active Defense·Armor][ATK0]

[Trap Explosion·Armor][ATK0]

What? These are not all monsters with 0 attack power, and they are all in attack position.

Ryuzaki suddenly felt that he was completely self-indulgent just now. The guy in front of him didn't look like he could play cards no matter how he looked. Not only did he summon a bunch of monsters with 0 attack power, but they were all in attack mode, let alone the end of this round. It will be destroyed, even if it is not destroyed and left on the field, it will be nothing more than a pile of trash fish.

Even if this does not include the weakening effect of [Lost World] on non-dinosaur monsters, after all, for monsters with 0 attack power, they have no room for decline.

Fortunately, I was so nervous just now, but now that I think about it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Obviously, Ryuzaki didn't know what it meant when a monster's attack power and defense power were both 0 points.

In that case, don't be amazed by my power.

An excited smile appeared on Baron's face without a helmet, and he declared: Enter my battle phase, and then I will attack the [Giant Spinosaurus] on your field!

As he spoke, Barong actually started running, actively stood on his own court, and rushed towards the [Giant Spinosaurus] on Ryuzaki's court, holding up the [Big Bang Fist] equipped on his right arm. ·armor】!

What, you actually took the initiative to use a monster with 0 attack power to attack my [Giant Spinosaurus] with an attack power of 2000 points on the field!? Ryuzaki couldn't understand what kind of tactics Barong based on to make such an attack. The instruction was almost like committing suicide.

Normally, Ryuzaki would probably sit back and watch Baron's suicide attack continue, but suddenly, he had a very bad premonition in his heart, as if he would be dead if he didn't do something!

Ryuzaki thought for a while and then decisively followed his thoughts: Then chain your attack declaration, and I will activate the trap card on my backfield——

That's great! I told you 'Dinosaur' Ryuzaki, [armor] monsters also have the effect of linking each other! Barong did not take Ryuzaki's declaration of activating Gaika to heart, especially The type of card activated by Ryuzaki was even explained by him as a trap card.

The effect of [Trap Explosion Armor] equipped on my left hand can make all [Armor] monsters on my field immune to the effects of the opponent's trap cards, whether it is [Explosion Armor], [Absorption Shield] or other No effect type trap card can stop my attack!

But what Barong didn't expect was that standing behind the [Giant Spinosaurus] and looking directly at Barong, Ryuzaki smiled proudly: I never said that I would use a trap on your [Armor] monster. Card, Baron. The trap card I want to use is this one, [Survival Realm]!

The effect of this card is to destroy all normal monsters on the field!

Destroy all the normal monsters on the field? Barong's fist that was about to swing was suspended due to the activation of the trap card. He looked at Ryuzaki and his own field strangely, You actually took the initiative to destroy your own monsters?

Aren't the only normal monsters on the field the only ones being Ryuzaki's [Megaphage

As the giant beast standing on the top of the mountain in the [Survival Realm] card bloomed with light that cut through the darkness, the endless cold winter instantly enveloped every corner of the field on both sides. [Zhe X] and the [Jurassic Egg Derivatives] on the Barong field were immediately frozen into two ice sculptures and shattered into pieces.

Then, based on the number of normal monsters destroyed by [Survival Realm], I can special summon dinosaur monsters below 4☆ from the deck. There were two destroyed monsters, so I added two dinosaurs from the deck. The monster is specially summoned. Ryuzaki took out two cards from the deck and slapped them on the duel plate, Come out, the future overlord full of possibilities! My Tamashi!

[Little Ceratops]!!!

Amid Ryuzaki's proud laughter and Barong's confused look, the two people specially summoned from Ryuzaki's deck due to the effect of [Survival Realm] were two carrying broken eggshells as clothing. The cute little triceratops baby is all light green! ?





That monster is actually your Tamashi?!

Hearing Barong's complaints, Ryuzaki seemed very unhappy: What are you doing, do you care what my Tamashi is? I just like the little horned dragon. What's wrong? How cute!

In addition, according to the effect of [Lost World], another [Jurassic Egg Token] is specially summoned on your field.

The vacant position on the field was occupied again. Looking at Ryuzaki, whose expression on his face didn't look like he was pretending, Barong tutted and said, Hey, I don't know if you are pretending to be stupid or just lucky. So what's your point? After the [Survival Realm] effect is processed, my attack continues.

Although because the number of monsters on your field has changed, I can trigger the battle rollback and re-select the attack target, but there is no need. I will continue to use [Big Bang Fist·Armor] to attack the [Giant Spinosaurus] on your field!

And in front of [Big Bang Fist·Armor], no matter what enemy it is, it will be crushed!


With a loud shout, Barong swung out his clenched fist with his right hand, and hit the open bloody mouth of [Giant Spinosaurus] that was pressing down from above!

With 0 attack power versus 2000 attack power points, the result should have been undisputed, but the spot where Baron's glove hit the sharp teeth of [Giant Spinosaurus] suddenly burst out with a golden light!


Ryuzaki looked at the rapidly expanding golden light. He was shocked but also a little lucky. He had just followed his inner intuition and made some response. The opponent's confident attack really had some hidden means!

The special effect of [Big Bang Fist·Armor] is activated!

Following Barong's voice, the golden light that shrouded the three monsters on Ryuzaki's field, the [Jurassic Egg Derivatives] behind Barong, and Barong himself suddenly shrank, and then exploded with flames shooting into the sky!



[Ryuzaki: 4000→1000LP]

Ryuzaki was completely caught off guard by this sudden impact. He was knocked over by the shock wave that came almost directly to his face. He sat on the ground, and his base score suddenly dropped by a full 3,000 points!

Ryuzaki's head buzzed as if someone had hit him with a sledgehammer. The 3,000 points of damage he felt was more intense than any damage he had received before. It was not a normal level of damage at all.

But compared to those, he was more concerned about the effect of [Big Bang Fist Armor], and what would happen if he suffered such heavy damage and faced the explosion of Barong at almost zero distance.

But when Ryuzaki endured the dizziness and nausea after being injured, he raised his head and looked at Baron's discovery, only to find that Barong had returned to his original position, with several mouths opened on the [Active Defense Armor] on his body. , sucking in the smoke and dust like an exhaust fan, while Baron looked intact. The only difference was that the [Big Bang Fist Armor] he originally wore on his right arm had disappeared.

【Baron: 4000LP】

The special effect of [Active Defense·Armor] is to absorb damage. It can cause 0 damage to my basic points in the round it is destroyed. Barong flicked his free right hand casually, thinking proudly to Ryuzaki Explaining the situation just now, When [Big Bang Fist Armor] is destroyed by battle, all monsters on the field except it can be destroyed, and then both duelists will share the damage equal to the total attack power of the destroyed monsters.

Ryuzaki was also shocked when he heard this: In other words--!

Ah, that's why I said you're so lucky, 'Dinosaur' Ryuzaki. The [Armor] on Barong's body dissipated piece by piece, revealing his original appearance, After seeing you summon two of them in one breath, When it comes to monsters with 2,000 attack points, I thought it would be really easy and I could kill you in one turn.

But because of that [Survival Realm], the [Macrophager

Hearing this, Ryuzaki was frightened for a while. If he had not activated [Survival Realm] just now, he would have received a full 4,000 points of damage in one breath and his base points would have been cleared instantly.

Traps are invalid, damage is invalid, and all monsters on the field are destroyed when destroyed. This is only the effect of three monsters. The legs that have not activated their effects and the helmet that does not appear must also have some excessive effects. .

This [Armor] deck is too scary. What kind of deck is this? Can normal people play it?

Although there were a lot of depressing thoughts in his heart, Ryuzaki did not feel despair. If you want to ask why————

I see, but you're still far away from defeating me, Barong.

As Ryuzaki spoke, he pointed at Barong's field, Didn't you notice one thing from the beginning?

The [Jurassic Egg Token] on your field has not been destroyed at all!

Nani?! Barong was stunned. He turned his head and looked in the direction Ryuzaki's hand pointed. Sure enough, he discovered that the previous [Jurassic Egg Derivative] still existed on his field?

The fourth effect of [Lost World] is that when the normal monsters on the field are destroyed, I can use the same number of dinosaur-type monsters in my deck to replace that number of destruction, protecting [Jurassic Egg Derivatives] from being destroyed. What your [Big Bang Fist Armor] destroyed was the third [Little Ceratops] in my deck!

...So, is your Tamashi used as a shield?

Wulu Sai! Barong's complaint made Ryuzaki blush slightly, I will remember [Little Ceratops]'s efforts, probably...

This is normal. The front foot just calls a certain monster his own Tamashi and the back foot sacrifices it. Not everyone can be as shameless as a certain duel king.

But when [Little Ceratops] is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, its effect can also be activated. I can special summon a dinosaur-type monster below level 4 from the deck, and this effect does not occur once per turn. limit.

This time, the surprised person became Barong, because he suddenly remembered that the two [Little Ceratops] summoned by Ryuzaki before were also within the range of being destroyed by [Big Bang Fist Armor]: Masaka! ?”

This is my struggle for victory! Ryuzaki shouted, retrieving three cards from the deck in one breath, O evil dragon, feed on my Tamashi and devour the light of the future!

Come out, all three [Soul-Eating Ovron] in my deck!

The eggshells left by [Little Horned Dragon] scattered on Ryuzaki Field were picked up by several scarlet claws. The soul body of [Little Horned Dragon] was peeled off from the eggshell and revealed, but it was greedily eaten by a bloody mouth. Sucking and swallowing it into his belly, the blue soul fire swayed above the heads of these evil and awe-inspiring beasts.

【Soul-eating Ovron】【4☆/Dark】



It looks like a monster that shouldn't be underestimated. Looking at the three dinosaurs appearing on Ryuzaki Field, Barong showed a serious expression, but it didn't last long. He couldn't help complaining, But this kind of 'again' The feeling of being robbed of a line is really weird.”

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