Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 40 A manly fight! (three)

【Soul-eating Ovron】【ATK1800】

【Soul-eating Ovron】【ATK1800】

【Soul-eating Ovron】【ATK1800】

When [Soul-Eating Oviraptor] is summoned or specially summoned, the effect is activated. Select a dinosaur-type monster from my deck and add it to my hand or send it to the graveyard. I can activate this effect three times.

Ryuzaki had an expression of sadness on his face because [Little Horned Dragon] was destroyed, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly. He retrieved three cards from the deck, added two of them to his hand, and added another Zhang was sent to the cemetery by him.

His wave of attacks failed to kill Ryuzaki instantly, but instead allowed him to summon more dinosaurs on the field while adding cards in his hand to build up the graveyard. However, Barong did not feel regretful. Instead, he couldn't help showing an excited expression: Oh, I thought it was just a boring cleaning job, but now this duel suddenly becomes interesting.

Cover three cards from my hand in my backfield, and then the turn ends.

[Barong: 4000LP, 2 cards in hand]

【Jurassic Egg Derivatives】【DEF0】

【Gate Card】X3

Ryuzaki made a good start in the opponent's turn, but Barong was not a reckless man. While launching a sharp attack, he did not forget to set up defense in his backcourt. The presence of three cover cards was difficult to ignore.

But in fact, some time ago, specifically around Duel City, Barong at that time was as good at launching powerful attacks as he is now, but he had a rather subtle habit of not liking defense.

According to his self-proclaimed statement, I have nothing to protect in my life, all I need is to attack.

If it were the duel between Barong and Ryuzaki at that time, after activating [Armor Gravity] and destroying all the [Armor] monsters on his field, he would have made a super move without summoning monsters to defend or blocking cards. Operated with courage.

Although Rafiru and Yameruda, who are both the Three Musketeers of Doma, feel that Baron's strange habits will kill them sooner or later, but Baron is very powerful as a duelist. Very few people could withstand his first round of attacks or kill him before his second round. He kept this habit until the end of Duel City broadcast live to the world, and Kobayashi Hayato became Duel King.

The fact that Hayato became the King of Duels should have nothing to do with Baron, but because of their yearning for the strong, many duelists began to imitate the deck construction announced by Hayato in an attempt to understand his dueling style.

So inexplicably, overnight there were many duelists around the world who liked to play cards such as [Ejection Turtle] and [Psychic Ectoplasm], and even duelists with a certain level of strength began to refer to Hayato's The deck has strange red-framed cards stuffed into their originally mostly yellow-framed decks.

As a result, Baron almost overturned during an operation to hunt duelist souls. He was killed by a kid who started with five blocks in the backfield. He didn't even have a chance to activate [Oliha Gang's Barrier]. A [Riptide Burial] easily wiped out the specially summoned [Armor] monsters in one wave.

Then in the second round, a full 3,000 basic points were knocked off by an [E·hero Mud Ball Man] who used [a sword in his left hand and a shield in his right hand] to flip the attack and defense power, and then the kid returned The [Destruction Wheel] was activated to cause the useless [E·hero Mud Ball Man] to self-destruct directly after the attack.

After the duel, the brat didn't even know that Balong wanted to seal his soul just now, and said, It was really an interesting duel. The ridicule from the front almost made Balong faint from the anger of the tricked dog. .

That kind of duel wouldn't make anyone happy, it would only be interesting to the bastard himself!

After experiencing the humiliating defeat, Baron learned the hard way and decisively chose to join if he couldn't beat him. He also followed the deck list published by Hayato and stuffed a lot of it into his originally extremely pure [Armor] deck. The cards I knew how to use were later added and deleted based on my own understanding of the duel.

The Barong who is now dueling with Ryuzaki is no longer the Barong who only knew how to attack.

My turn! Ryuzaki, as a professional player, also understands how terrifying the heavy pit popular in the duel monster world is now. Naturally, he will not be like a reckless man who is good at throwing dice and never looks at others. Cover card in the backcourt, Draw a card!

The card he drew was the magic card [Discover of Miracles], which can only be activated when there are more than five monsters removed. Currently, Ryuzaki has not been able to meet the conditions for activation.

However, it only takes a few steps. Because of the operation in Barong's round, Ryuzaki now has two superior dinosaurs in his hand that he can't wait to play.

Free the two [Soul-eating Oviraptors] on my field as sacrifices, and summon [Super-Conducting Terror Beast] from the upper level!

The two [Soul-eating Egg-stealing Dragons] holding the broken eggshells and refusing to let go turned into light and dissipated, converging and sublimating into a tall tyrannosaurus. It is the second-to-last star-rated [Super Conductive Terrorist] in Ryuzaki's deck. beast】!

【Superconducting Terror Beast】【ATK3300】

A powerful monster with an attack power that surpassed the Blue Eyes White Dragon stood on the field with Ryuzaki. The Lost World under their feet once again gave birth to a Jurassic Egg Derivative due to the emergence of new dinosaurs, which fell on Ba On the haystack in front of the dragon.

However, the starlight that rose after the two dinosaur monsters entered the cemetery did not dissipate due to the appearance of the [Super Conductive Monster]. Instead, it rose higher and higher, setting out a star-like trajectory in front of Ryuzaki.

Behind Ryuzaki, blue soul fire rises, but it is not the dark soul of the [Soul-eating Egg-thief Dragon] that gives people a cold feeling, but the soul power of the ultimate terrifying beast that transcends the constraints of the body!

Exclude two dinosaur-type monsters from my graveyard, and special summon this card from my hand!

Ryuzaki raised a card above his head and shouted, The ancient overlord, the supernova of destruction, come to dominate the world again, and use the power to crush all things to guide destiny to the correct trajectory!

Carve my glory and remember my soul!

Meet the ultimate dinosaur, meet my Tamashi!

[Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast]!

The most ferocious, evil, tallest and strongest existence among the dinosaurs opened his eyes! !


The purple gems lit up in an instant along with the roar of the giant beast. The blue flame behind Ryuzaki instantly evolved into a more advanced purple. The giant beast stepped out and stepped on the ground, causing the entire body to explode in one move. 【Lost World】all trembles!

[Ultimate Transmission Terror Beast] [ATK3500]

Oh, it's appeared. This is the monster worthy of the name 'Ace'.

Baron recognized the [Ultimate Conductive Beast]. After all, it was Ryuzaki's debut battle that made him famous. The duel between him and Jonouchi in the first game of the KC Cup could be said to be the most impressive.

'A super-high-level monster that can launch an attack against all monsters on the opponent's field, and when it attacks a monster in defense position, it can inflict 1,000 points of damage to me and send it directly to the graveyard...'

Baron glanced at the two [Jurassic Egg Derivatives] in defensive position on his field, This is really a bit bad.

Entering my combat phase, I use [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast] to attack the [Jurassic Egg Token] on your field!

Ryuzaki decisively ordered the attack, When the [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast] attacks a monster in defense position, it can only be activated at the beginning of the damage step, inflicting 1000 points of effect damage to the opponent's duelist, and deriving [Jurassic Egg] [things] sent directly to the cemetery!”

The precious jade on the tall terror beast shrank its light, concentrating all the energy into the body of the [Ultimate Conductive Fear Beast], and purple breath was about to spurt out from its mouth!


Before that, I will chain your [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast]'s attack declaration and activate the Gaika in my backcourt!

Barong's voice knocked down the name of the attack that Ryuzaki had not yet shouted out. As Barong's backcourt opened, countless python-like black shadows suddenly popped up from under the ground and followed the [Ultimate Conductive Beast] and [ The feet of the superconducting horror beasts stepped on the ground and climbed up their bodies, wrapping themselves around their necks in just an instant!

In this ancient era, the two-bodied terrifying beasts that were like giant gods were naturally unwilling to sit still and wait for death. However, the black shadows on their bodies were extremely stubborn and could not be struggled by them. They could only compress the range of their movements little by little, and finally could not move at all!

It was only then that Ryuzaki saw clearly that the monster that was entangled in him was a grid of countless green lines intertwined! ?

The Continuous Trap Card [Super Gravity Net], as long as this card exists face-up on the field, monsters with level 4 or higher on the field cannot attack.

Looking along Barong's voice, Ryuzaki saw that the countless green grids extended from the cover card opened in Barong's backcourt.

Think about it. Last round, Ryuzaki used the effect of [Soul-Eating Oviraptor] to retrieve three dinosaur-type decks. Ryuzaki had three more monsters on the field that could be used as sacrifices. Think about it. Knowing what kind of operation he will make this round, it is too targeted for Baron to set this kind of trap.

Well, although due to the effect of [Lost World], I can't target monsters other than derivatives, but cards that don't take targets like [Super Gravity Network] will not be restricted. Baron chuckled. He said, Speaking of which, I realized belatedly that this card is really suitable for the [Armor] deck I am using.

Higher-level powerful monsters will be unable to move under the restrictions of this card, and lower-level monsters are almost impossible to resist the power of the [Armor] deck. My [Armor] deck is almost entirely composed of lower-level monsters. There are no restrictions in this [Super Gravity Network], and I feel so happy that I want to sing a song.

It really makes me so high!

It's so vicious to actually use a card where only I can enjoy the benefits. I have absolutely nothing to do with such a card!

Ryuzaki pointed at Barong. He still had an angry expression when he first spoke, but as he spoke, he showed a confident smile.

——Do you think I would say that?


Idiot, the power of dinosaurs is number one in the world. Don't think that that level of damage can easily affect my invincible [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast]!

I activate the quick-attack magic card [Big Tornado] from my hand. It can only be activated when there are three or more cards in the opponent's magic and trap area. Select one card in the opponent's magic and trap area to destroy it! Ryuzaki's hand was firmly in his hand. Pointing to the location of the [Super Gravity Network], Crush it, [Super Gravity Network]!

A huge whirlwind appeared on Ryuzaki's field as he played the cards from his hand. Once the [Super Gravity Net] is shattered by this card, the two level 4 or above monsters on Ryuzaki's field will instantly escape and regain their ability to attack, and because they are still attacking with the [ultimate conduction monster] until now Because of the chain of declarations, Barong is about to experience the powerful effect of the [Ultimate Conductive Beast].

But it's a pity that Baron has already blocked three cards in the backcourt, so how could he not block a card with a defensive destruction effect?

Although it was put into the deck to guard against Miss Mai's [Harpy's Feather Sweep], it's not a waste to use it on you. I activate the counterattack trap [Demon Palace's Bribery]!

Barong pressed the button on the duel plate to activate Gaika. Under the gaze of the two of them, a hand actually stretched out from the [Big Tornado] moving towards the [Super Gravity Network] and caught it from the [Super Gravity Network]. The bribe was given in The Bribery of the Demon Palace, and he even weighed it slightly to look quite satisfied.

[The Bribery of the Demon Palace], the effect is to invalidate and destroy the magic and trap cards activated by the opponent, and then the opponent draws a card. Baron did not take the scene just to heart and said, Invalidate your If [Big Tornado] is used, [Super Gravity Net] will continue to exist on my field to restrain all monsters on the field, depriving you of the attack capabilities of the two superior monsters on your field.

The tornado dissipated, and the green grid still covered the entire field. Ryuzaki wanted to play some more cards to fight back, but he really didn't have any cards to use, so he could only draw a card from the deck and stop there. Received the attack of [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast].

However, the monsters on his field are not just the two monsters [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast] and [Super Conductive Terror Beast].

In that case, I will use [Soul-eating Oviraptor] to attack [Jurassic Egg Derivative], Soul-Eating Claw!

Compared with the decisive blow of [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast] just now, the attack launched by [Soul-Eating Ovron] is more like Ryuzaki venting his anger, and because [Jurassic Egg Derivative] is in defense position, for For Baron, this level of damage could only have the effect of a fan, and it couldn't shake even a single bit of basic points.

However, after the battle phase ended, it did not mean that Ryuzaki had stopped his offensive.

[Hypergravity Net] only limits the attacks of my monsters, and has no restrictions on the activation of its effects. Therefore, in my main phase two, I want to activate the effect of [Super Conductive Dread Beast] on my field! Dragon As Saki spoke, he suddenly turned his head to avoid looking at the [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast] who suddenly turned around as he sensed something bad, Free a monster on my field and inflict 1,000 points of damage to the opponent!

Come on, [Ultimate Conductive Terror Beast]. Well, this is a necessary sacrifice, huh!

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