Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 38 A manly fight! (one)

Ryuzaki curled up, feeling that his hands and feet were cold, and the fear of death occupied all the space in his heart, making him unable to think about anything.

It wasn't until Hayato and the others left that he reluctantly resumed his thinking. He was upset about why he just let the Maze brothers be killed out of fear, while he just watched from the sidelines.

No, now is not the time to be upset. Maybe being killed is just his illusion. After the Maze Brothers were defeated by Hayato, what flew out of them might just be the image of the virtual projection system.

Having comforted himself in this way, Ryuzaki walked out of his hiding place and hurried forward to confirm the condition of the fallen Maze Brother.

Even though Ryuzaki is still a minor, he actually knows a lot of common sense about physiology. At least he knows that blood is red. But when he leaned down to confirm the condition of the Maze brothers based on his knowledge, he found that they had The situation is really unusual.

The heartbeat and pulse were all normal, the pupils showed obvious changes, the breathing was normal, the body temperature was normal, and even the knee jerk reflex could be completed, all of which proved that the Maze Brothers were still alive. However, no matter how Ryuzaki called or shook the two of them, nothing happened. I still didn't get a reply, but the current situation didn't look like I had passed out and lost consciousness.

The Maze Brothers acted as if their souls were sealed?

Ryuzaki himself was a little surprised when he came to such a conclusion.

Although it is a bit unbelievable, Ryuzaki is also a person who has experienced many supernatural events. It sounds reasonable that his soul was sealed because he lost the duel.

First, he called an ambulance for the fallen Maze Brothers. With their income as professional duelists, Maze Brothers did not have to worry about the high fees in the medical industry. Ryuzaki put down the phone and looked at Hayato and three other unknown guys. Let go of what you just left.

Gritting his teeth, Ryuzaki followed resolutely.

If he had read correctly, there seemed to be a card in Hayato's hand with the faces of the Maze Brothers printed on it. No matter how you thought about it, it couldn't be just a coincidence.

Although I'm not sure, if I get that card, I might be able to wake up the Maze Brothers!

Holding on to this idea, Ryuzaki was afraid that if he continued to delay, he might not be able to find Hayato and the others. Ryuzaki hurriedly ran to catch up to the direction where Hayato and the four left before, but as he ran there, Ryuzaki heard the sound of hard-soled boots. The heavy sound of stepping on the ground.

I felt like I was being watched from the beginning. Although I was told by Amalda that I was being suspicious, I couldn't sleep like a baby if I couldn't feel at ease, so I came back to take a look.

Barong stood in front of Ryuzaki with his hands in his trouser pockets, What, my intuition is quite accurate.

You're one of the people who was with Hayato just now! Ryuzaki's eyes widened, and he looked nervously at the man wearing a strange armor in front of him, recalling the conversation they had just had, among which Yami Ruda seemed to have mentioned the other party's name, It's called Barong, you guy!

Ho? It seems like you're not just a passerby, you also heard some things you shouldn't know, kid.

Now that you know my name, I have reason to suspect that you saw more things, such as the duel just now!

Barong's eyes sharpened instantly, and he took a step forward in the direction of Ryuzaki!


With a gunshot, a bullet hole appeared on the ground at Barong's feet. Ryuzaki was seen holding a pistol in his hand, breathing heavily and saying nervously: You are not allowed to move! If you dare to move, I will shoot. The gun is attacking you!

As an Asian, Ryuzaki is naturally aware of the deep discrimination spirit hidden under the surface of America, a country where capitalization is still limited - and sometimes it is not even hidden at all. Capital discrimination, skin color discrimination, etc. Because of these reasons, Ryuzaki naturally learned that he must protect himself when he goes out alone, especially since he is still a boy.

Even the two Maze brothers, although they are apparently good at boxing and kicking, they also understand the principle of seven steps away, the gun is fast; within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast, and they are also equipped with them. With a gun, you can perform a set of traditional American martial arts at any time - American Iai.

As for how a minor foreigner in Ryuzaki got a pistol? As a professional duelist, he has some capital behind him.

But it’s one thing to be equipped with a gun, it’s one thing to hold a gun to protect yourself, and it’s another thing to shoot a gun.

You guys, you make me feel so weird and scary, don't come close to me again! Holding the gun in both hands warily, Ryuzaki looked at Barong and said, You have an inexplicable dirty feeling on your body, don't move! Stand! Don’t move there!”

The shot just now was a shot used by Ryuzaki to warn Barong in a hurry. Because he knew that he could not hit anyone with this shot, Ryuzaki did not have much psychological burden to pull the trigger. But after that shot, he moved the muzzle of the gun to point at Barong. When the other party didn't move, Ryuzaki really didn't have the courage to shoot and kill, so he could only warn Barong like this.

My name is Barong. I am 24 years old. I am a member of the 'Three Musketeers of Doma' in the Doma organization. I am unmarried.

It's my job to harvest the souls of losers in duels, but even so, I usually work overtime until eight o'clock in the evening and then want to go home.

I don't smoke, and I only drink lightly. I go to bed before 11 p.m. and get a full eight hours of sleep. Staying up late these days really puts me in a terrible mood.

Before going to bed, I will drink a cup of hot milk, and then do 20 minutes of soft exercises to relax my body before going to bed. I will sleep like a baby until dawn and not leave fatigue until the next day.

The doctor also said I'm normal.

Barong started talking to himself out of nowhere, leaving Ryuzaki confused: What on earth are you talking about? Who asked you this?

I am explaining to you that I am a person who likes to live a peaceful life with peace of mind, 'Dinosaur' Ryuzaki. Barong pointed at himself, Perhaps because of past experiences, I will not insist on winning. But other people will not take the initiative to cause trouble. All that will make it difficult for me to maintain a normal mind and sleepless nights. This is my attitude towards life, and it is also my own happiness.

However, even if I have to fight, I have the confidence that I will not lose.

As Barong spoke, under Ryuzaki's gaze, he actually took a step forward again and crossed the bullet hole!

Subconsciously, Ryuzaki pulled the trigger, but what he didn't expect was that a card appeared on Barong's hand the next second, and a ring he put on his finger emitted green light. A large area of ​​armor actually appeared on his body, blocking bullets!


The impact of the bullet caused Barong to pause for a moment, but only for a moment. He took another step: Ryuuzaki is known as 'Dinosaur' because he uses a deck based on dinosaurs. You are in Professional Duelist. You have a certain reputation in the circle, if you spread the existence of 'Doma', I will never be able to feel at ease again.

In other words, Ryuzaki, you are a trouble that prevents me from sleeping, and you are my enemy!

This, this is——!

Ryuzaki was so stunned by the armor that appeared on Barong's body that he almost forgot to breathe.

The situation in front of me is the materialization of the Duel Monster. This strange guy actually has such supernatural abilities!

Because of his previous experience in the KC Cup, the experienced Ryuzaki looked solemnly, decisively put down the useless pistol in his hand, and unfolded the duel disk he had been wearing.

A certain archmage once said that only magic can deal with magic, and only duel monsters can deal with duel monsters.

You're trying to resist instead of escaping? You really saved me a lot of trouble, Ryuzaki. Seeing this, Barong also raised his left arm, and the Doma limited edition duel disc worn on his left wrist unfolded, Come on Let’s engage in a dark duel at the risk of your soul, and I will get rid of you before you tell others what you saw.”


【Lyuzaki: 4000LP】

【Baron: 4000LP】

I don't want to be killed, draw a card! Ryuzaki nervously drew a card and seized the opportunity to attack first.

This surprised Ryuzaki, because his movements when drawing the cards were a bit unsmooth due to nervousness. He thought he would not be able to take the initiative, but Barong's movements were actually slower than his...

No, it's not slower than myself. Entering the duel, Ryuzaki gradually calmed down and entered the state. He looked at Barong who drew five cards from his hand and began to think.

Is this guy deliberately giving himself the first attack and taking the second move?

Instead of the first attacker who can set up the field, did he choose the second player who can initiate the attack? Could it be that this guy wants to kill me in one turn? !

Really, I've been underestimated. Ryuzaki felt unhappy about being underestimated. He looked down at his hand and drew one of the cards, First, I have to collect a suitable field for my monsters and activate the magic. card [Planet Transformation], add the field magic card [Lost World] from my deck to my hand, and then I activate [Lost World]!

As Ryuzaki activated the field magic card, the earth trembled. The environment around him and Barong was replaced from the city to an open wilderness wetland. Towering mountains rose in the distance, and the nearby forests could be seen. The dinosaur-like figure passed by, looking like a scene from the primitive world.

[The Lost World] is a world where dinosaurs from ancient times live. In this world, there is only space for these ancient creatures. The monsters of the future will be completely unable to adapt to the environment. Ryuzaki introduced the field magic card [The Lost World] 】The effect of Other monsters on the field except Dinosaurs will have their attack power and defense power reduced by 500 points under the influence of [Lost World].

Then when there are no monsters on my field, I activate the magic card [Rough Man's Prediction] to special summon a normal monster below level 4 from my deck.

Special Summon [Macrophager X] in attack position!

[Lost World] In the middle of [Lost World], water surged from a lake not far from the two of them. The water column rose into the air and fell towards Ryuzaki's front court. A creature that looked like a dinosaur appeared with metal armor on its side and stripes that shimmered. At Ryuzaki Field.

The current also washed a strange egg onto Barong's field.

【Macrophago X】【4☆/Water】



【Jurassic Egg Token】【1☆/Land】



Once per turn, when a dinosaur-type monster is summoned or special summoned, the effect of [Lost World] will be activated, and a [Jurassic Egg Token] will be special summoned in defense position on the opponent's field. Ryuzaki pointed at the place that appeared. The egg on the field of Baron explained.

However, this egg was not given to Barong in vain.

As long as there are tokens on the opponent's field, due to the effect of [Lost World], the opponent cannot target monsters on the field other than tokens.

Then, I summon [Giant Spinosaurus] in attack position, then cover two cards on the back field, and the round ends.

Another huge terrifying beast appeared next to [Macrophager The giant beasts stood side by side and stared at Barong, who had only one egg on the field.

[Ryuzaki: 4000LP, 1 card in hand]

【Macrophago X】【ATK2000】

【Tiger Spinosaurus】【ATK2000】

【Gate Card】X2

Venue: [Lost World]

As a starter in the first round, Ryuzaki performed quite well. Although the monster with an attack power of 2,000 points was not absolutely suppressed, it could not be solved by just any monster, let alone two of them.

The existence of [Lost World] gives the two dinosaurs resistance to the effect target. Even if the opponent's card has a destruction effect, it cannot target Ryuzaki's monster.

My turn, draw a card. However, Barong did not feel the pressure at all, and instead easily drew a card, I activate the magic card, [Armor Gravity]! The effect of this card comes from my Special summon up to four [Armor] monsters with level 4☆ or lower in the deck!

[Armor Gravity]? [Armor] Monster? And it was also specially summoned from the deck?! Ryuzaki was confused when he heard the name of the card Baron activated.

Leaving aside the [Armor] monster that I have never heard of, is it so common to have this effect of special summoning from the deck? [Rough Man's Expectation] Although monsters below level 4 can also be specially summoned from the deck, they are limited to normal monsters that can be activated without effects.

When you come up, there are four [Armor] monsters, even if all the [Armor] monsters are normal monsters, but four, four!

What bastard printed the cards randomly!

Amidst Ryuzaki's endless complaints, four monsters appeared in front of Barong.

[Active defense·Armor] [4☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


[Transcendence Advance·Armor][4☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


[Trap Explosion·Armor] [3☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


[Big Bang Fist·Armor] [4☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


Then under Ryuzaki's surprised gaze, the four monsters suddenly backed up and hit Barong behind them, turning into genuine armor worn on every part of his body! ?

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